New Nursery

January 9, 2012

We're thinking of maybe moving Eloise's room and the new baby's room into one space. We won't have to decide this until the new baby is 6 months old as he will be sleeping beside our bed until then but it has me thinking about ways to decorate the new room including how to make matching cribs that are gender neutral. (Better yet, I'd love to move into a bigger house but that's another story;)

We have one of those Jenny Lind style cribs for Eloise. I love the idea of buying another used Jenny Lind style crib (this one is only $35) and painting both to match, then making my own beautiful bedding like this one on the left from Positively Splendid. I don't know how much longer Eloise is going to need a crib anyway. She'll be two in less than two weeks. When did your baby start to sleep in a bed?

29 {comments}:

Lise said... Best Blogger Tips

We did a crib mattress on the floor at 18 months and a twin bed when she said the mattress was "not comfortable" at about 2. I'd have the big bed be part of the big-sister-now transition; something exciting about a difficult time.

Bethany said... Best Blogger Tips

I put my Mary in a toddler bed at 18 months. She will be 2 in March. She wasn't trying to climb out of her crib like most toddlers do, she was trying to climb in when it was nap or bed time. We figured she likes putting herself to bed, she is old enough for one. She transitioned very well overnight. I only have one child so I don't know any different. I hope whatever you decide to do, it goes well and I am so excited for you and your family to be welcoming a new baby. - Bethany

Marianne Elixir said... Best Blogger Tips

With my eldest, we did a twin mattress on the floor when he was 12 months with a pillow next to it in case he rolled out. By age two the mattress was on it's box springs and he never fell out.

My second we kept in his crib a little longer to protect his big brother from trying to sleep with him, but he was on a mattress on the floor by 18 months and a real bed by 2.

My third stayed in her crib until 2, but that was more of a space issue because we were in a tiny house. Since she was more accustomed to a crib, when we did move her into a real bed we rolled up towels under the sheets to mark the edge of the bed until she got used to it.

Baby four was just born! My guess is she'll be in our bed for at least 6 months, and then the crib for another year before we transform it into a toddler bed.

Laura said... Best Blogger Tips

We have a Jenny Lind style crib, too, but it's the kind that transitions into a toddler bed, which we did for Evie at around two. We got a (free) secondhand Princess toddler bed when she was two-and-a-half, and we put her in that because baby number two was on the way!

pcb said... Best Blogger Tips

I moved both of mine to a regular bed at eighteen months and it worked fine. If I were you, I wouldn't buy a new crib but would do coordinating fabrics for a twin size bed and the crib. Would be so cute and I love the inspiration photo!

Emily said... Best Blogger Tips

That is darling bedding! We were going to switch Ansley over to a bed when she was 20 months b/c she wouldn't sleep in her crib. Then we bought a bigger bed (for us) and she suddenly started liking her crib. She's still in it and she's 33 months old.

cathgrace said... Best Blogger Tips

what about maybe keeping your eye out for a Jenny Lind style twin headboard and then paint the crib and the headboard so they match, do matching bedding, etc. and then when Eloise is ready to move from the crib, she can move into a twin (with temporary safety rails) rather then a toddler bed and save the money on an extra crib mattress that she will outgrow soon enough anyway, and you will then need a twin - sort of cut out the middle man and skip a toddler bed (you could do a stool so she can get up more easily, and with the safety rails she won't fall out!)

Melinda said... Best Blogger Tips

We have a Jenny Lind crib too, and I painted it turquoise, LOVE IT! We never did toddler beds, just straight from cribs to twin size (more like straight from our bed to twin size! haha), my youngest actually sleeps in his crib, but the others all slept with us (we have four). I'm thinking about two to two and a half they really transitioned to sleeping in their own bed.

Julie said... Best Blogger Tips

I'd find a Jenny Lind twin headboard and paint to match. You probably have the ugly bed rails on for a while but maybe there's a way to make those cute too? Congratulations!

Shay said... Best Blogger Tips

In case you want something similar but not Jenny Lind you should check out the cribs at Ikea..very cute..similar, and affordable.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

all of our 5 were in twin beds by the age of 2 - no need for an expensive 2nd bed

Suzanne said... Best Blogger Tips

We moved our daughter out of her crib at 18 months because she was an adventurous climber and started trying to get out of it. A twin futon on the floor seemed better than dealing with a head injury in the middle of the night. We didn't do a toddler bed because we didn't want to spend money on another temporary piece of furniture.

Wendy said... Best Blogger Tips

We started by taking one side off of the crib when my son was about two; after he was comfortable with that (and getting uncomfortable with the size of the crib) we moved him to a twin bed where he's been ever since!

Lauren said... Best Blogger Tips

Both my girls were in twin beds at 20 months with a pillow or attachable guardrail to prevent falling out of bed. I'd say just move Eloise into a big bed and use your current crib for the new guy. But that's not really why I'm writing! I, too, am having a boy soon (3 more months) after 2 girls, and I'm DYING to know how you plan to "style" your little man! What is his bedding going to look like? Are you making a carseat cover? I've been so focused on girly things for years that I'm a bit intimidated at the thought of BOY stuff. Help! Please post more stuff about your little man!!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

MissE is 2 in march and sleeps with a bed guard on her cot bed. She can get in and out when she chooses but prefers to remain in bed and yells for us to get her out. We have a toddler bed in another room which were preparing her for as her sister will need the cotbed soon when she's outgrown her crib. She's seven weeks tomorrow. I'm just going with the flow and not forcing anything. I think the whole point of big girl beds is so they can be potty trained at night and you need to be able to trust they'll stay in there and are safe when you're not around. Plus, MissE is quite territorial over her bed (aren't we all?) and I don't want to move her out too soon and get upset and blame the baby. It's all quite chilled and workin ATM though so I don't want to disturb it. They'll have to share at some point I think. Definitely if we have another baby.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

(we have a toddler bed as its the only size that physically fits in that particular bedroom btw- I would certainly consider putting her straight into a single bed if we had the room. When they're both old enough to share we can put them both in a bigger room where they can have bigger beds.)

Grosgrain said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for all your suggestions! I think I will try and look for a Jenny Lind Style bed instead for Eloise. She'll be 2 1/2 by the time the baby needs to be in a crib instead of a bassinet and it seems silly to buy another crib for only a couple months.

I like something like this:
Jenny Lind White Bed

but not as expensive or big;) I wonder if I could make my own headboard and footboard out of a Jenny Lind crib?

Here's one for only $111 on Amazon.

emilyg007 said... Best Blogger Tips

We moved my daughter to a twin bed with the side rail (to keep her from falling out) at 18 months. The transition was much easier than I expected!

LGreenWriter said... Best Blogger Tips

Congratulations to you all on the new addition to your family. : ) It will be so fun to see what you come up with, boy-wise (and to hear if the big sisters have any ideas!)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Ours slept with us until about 2, when they moved into a toddler bed next to our bed (and now the two oldest are 6 and 3, they share a room with one twin and a toddler bed as a trundle).

We had the first in a crib in our room at about 6 months, but the plaintive looks and the silliness of the idea of making a baby sleep by herself when I don't even like sleeping by *myself* led us to cosleep (she slept on a toddler mattress next to our mattress, both of which were flat on the floor). Much more sleep for all.

Sara said... Best Blogger Tips

My "baby" brother (now 18 xD) slept in his crib until he was about 3, but we removed one of the side panels, so he could get in and out by himself as if it was a regular bed. Since the crib was wide there was little danger of him falling off, and also it was pretty close to the floor, so if he did he wouldn't get hurt. Then he just moved to a twin bed.

Whitney said... Best Blogger Tips

As soon as they could climb out, we moved them to a toddler bed. They all figured out how to climb out at different times, but they have all been in a toddler bed by 2 years.

My nephew, on the other hand, will be 3 in March and JUST figured out how to climb out of his crib. My sister is moving him to a twin the end of this month.

Amelia said... Best Blogger Tips

That crib set is GORGEOUS, minus the extra blankets and "bumper pads". That much extra soft fabric has been linked to SIDS.

Kristen said... Best Blogger Tips

We always switch them early. I think the oldest to go into a bed was 17 months. Youngest was 14 months.

Sarah B. said... Best Blogger Tips

We painted our Jenny Lind crib yellow and it looks great. BUT, wow, was it hard to paint. All those grooves were really hard to cover and keep big drips from forming. It looks great now, and just as with the birth of the baby using the crib, I've forgotten all the pain involved and just love the product!

Stacy said... Best Blogger Tips

If you don't mind me asking,where did u find this adorable bedding? I think it has got to be the most adorable bedding I have seen in awhile!!

Stacy said... Best Blogger Tips

If you don't mind me asking, where did you find this adorable baby bedding? I love it!! So cute!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

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Rona said... Best Blogger Tips

We moved our oldest into a twin bed at 16 or 17 months, due to the 2nd child arriving at 20 months, it made the big brother/ new baby introduction go smooth and he was good with his big boy bed long before the baby arrived. We did not however by a box spring with the twin mattress, we purchased a bunkie board(which is used on bunk beds) so it supports the mattress but is only about 1 1/2 inches thick. We put the bed in the corner so one side was against the wall and used a removal bed rail for the other. Worked great for us and didn't have any issues. Good luck!

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