The Oregon Rail Frock Grosgrain Giveaway

August 16, 2010

I made this frock from Burdastyle's Wenlen Blouse and altered it to be a dress. Buy the pattern and see my ENTIRE tutorial for this frock on Burdastyle! It is the featured project of the week.

With the collar, neck ties and skinny pencil skirt, I thought the end look was a little 1940s.

When I was 12 years old I took my first long distance trip beginning at this exact train station. Before that, I had never been further than New Jersey. The trip went from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania to Portland, coach class. I spent four days on a train without a bed, without an ipod, without a friend, without much of anything at all. For a 12 year-old it was misery.
Funny thing is sometimes I think it would be cool to do it over again....not by coach of course. Even though I was twelve and bored to death I have to admit there were some really cool sites. The train had a special car made entirely of windows. It was like riding in a bubble. I remember traveling through the Cascade Mountains, over the famous Gassman Coulee Trestle bridge, along the Mississippi, across endless North Dakota wheat plains and through Montana Canyons. I ate spare ribs in a moving restaurant and sipped soda in a downstairs bar and roamed freely from car to car....I also watched Back to the Future II for the first time ever. So it wasn't all bad.

So in tribute to that experience I'm calling this the Oregon Rail Frock. 
Giveaways can be entered in three ways:
1) By linking (to your blog, facebook, myspace, or any other site)
2) By leaving a comment without a link or
3) By linking and leaving a comment (this will be worth 2 entries which will better your chances of winning). Find more info under the FAQ page.
If you are leaving a link just use the 'create a link' at the bottom of this post or simply creating a post on your blog and including this link.If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.

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And if you liked this frock please Stumble Me below:

146 {comments}:

Hele said... Best Blogger Tips

so lovely!!!!!!!!

I need it!!!

(I guess your trip was horrible, poor girl)



AnaJan said... Best Blogger Tips

Super cute dress, as usual! Love the contrasting bib.

Laurwyn said... Best Blogger Tips

The dress is really cute! I really love the mustard accessories! For me, they bring such a plus!

And, you know what? I would actually love to make one of those trips! With a good book, my iPod, a notebook plus a pen to write spooky stories and sewing magazines!

Long train journeys and old books libraries are my two favorite things!Ever!

Katrina said... Best Blogger Tips

I like it! Put me in for the giveaway :)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the dress, love the photo shoot. Great job!

b @ Sweet Limes said... Best Blogger Tips

Too bad you were in coach, that trip would have been awesome otherwise.

bethany said... Best Blogger Tips

I really love this dress!

Lauren said... Best Blogger Tips

How adorable! Thanks for the change to win!

Lina Thomlinson said... Best Blogger Tips

Lovely dress! Hope I win it!

Amy said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the little yellow flower...just the right amount of color to a beautiful frock!

Kaylee said... Best Blogger Tips

Such a cute dress!

Jen Price said... Best Blogger Tips

That is lovely! Love the pics!

Katie said... Best Blogger Tips

I love it. And are you saying I will be able to make it (if I don't win)? I'm so excited.

Camila F. said... Best Blogger Tips

This is one of the best shoots I've seen here. Lovely dress!

Emily said... Best Blogger Tips

Lovely! Looking forward to your feature on Burda.

Ginny said... Best Blogger Tips

Your creativity amazes me!

Ashley said... Best Blogger Tips

Such a beautiful dress, *crosses fingers*

Wisy said... Best Blogger Tips

Loving it, I am really into navy right now. :)

Casey said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm loving the navy, white, and yellow color combination!

Angela said... Best Blogger Tips

Love it!!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Such a sweet story! The idea of a long train trip sort of appeals to me. I feel like I'm always going, going, going when I'm at home. Being on a train with just some knitting, a book, and some music sounds like a vacation! :)

Meagan said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to win! :) ::Crossing fingers::

Mandy said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, this is stunning! I love the navy, white, and yellow. Great idea. Would love to win this!


Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

totally awesome dress! i will SO THRILLED to get it. i check your blog everyday :) though i live pretty far away in a lovely little red dot called Singapore :)

ps: my email address

Lizzi Beduya said... Best Blogger Tips

so pretty! ::fingers crossed::

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

How cute! I wish I had the time to sew like you do.

Vicki said... Best Blogger Tips

So pretty! And I love the little flower. =)

Tamina listening said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh what a beautiful dress! Well done!

eewingo(at)gmail(dot) com

Andrea said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is fabulous... you never cease to amaze me.

MeeshOne.Love said... Best Blogger Tips

one of these days i am going to win one of your amazing dresses...i know it! ;)

Mruna Mistry said... Best Blogger Tips

Can your clothes get anymore gorgeous! I love everything you make seriously!
mrunamistry at gmail dot com

p.s. how do you let people know if they have won?
p.p.s. you are really inspiring me to learn how to use a sewing machine! Thanks a lot!

Amanda said... Best Blogger Tips

Adorable! At first I thought is said "Oregon Trail," which was my favorite video game ever. This is great as it though.

Crystal said... Best Blogger Tips

I love your umbrella! The dress is cute too.

Popbabe7 said... Best Blogger Tips

I really, really, really like this dress. You are so talented!!

blythe said... Best Blogger Tips

so cute!! I love it. !!

Erin said... Best Blogger Tips

I absolutely love this! That little pop of yllow and the buttons a my favorite.

Marla said... Best Blogger Tips

Cute dress. I love the color choices.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute! One of my favorite color combinations, too! Love it!

Chastity Beene said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is too cute!

Leeya Engel said... Best Blogger Tips

you never cease to amaze me. fabulous dress and fabulous photos!!

Heather said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous dress! Love it!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

super cute dress. Love the yellow flower!

Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips

Such a cute dress!! I love the story to go with it. I would also love to wear it to something really special to create another fantastic story!


AmyKelleyBell said... Best Blogger Tips

Love this dress!

chelsea said... Best Blogger Tips

LOVE the 40's vibe of this dress...just seeing it make me want to take a train trip!

chelsea said... Best Blogger Tips

and i just tweeted about this as well!

chelsea said... Best Blogger Tips

*forgot to leave the link:

anahdara said... Best Blogger Tips

i love the dress, and the photoshoot as well!

Quinn has a Tail said... Best Blogger Tips

That is wonderful! I love it

Nicole said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful dress, I love it! The colors are quite nice together.

Cindy said... Best Blogger Tips

I love that dress... and your story! Thank you for giving us the chance to win another one of your gorgeous creations. :)


Katie said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh man this dress is adorable. I especially love the neckline detailing. So cute!

Cindy said... Best Blogger Tips


liza jane said... Best Blogger Tips

Lovely. I have been eyeing that blouse pattern on Burda since it came out. I love that you made it a dress.

And I've always wanted to take a train somewhere! There's one that leaves from my town and ends up in New Orleans. I may have to take it someday...

Betty said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the navy and yellow together. Great dress!

Miss Pelicano said... Best Blogger Tips

Oooooooh! Maybe maybe this time I get one of your amazing dresses!

Kelsey said... Best Blogger Tips

I need this dress. Reasons why:
1. I like Oregon, and you named it after that lovely place.
2. I love love love the style.
3. It fits my vintage, librarian style to a tee.
4. I'd rock it like no other, and when given compliments, I'd say, "Grosgrain made it," and hand them a card with your blogs website on it.
5. I adore everything you make. :D

Sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

What a fun dress and story. I've never taken a train ride longer than a few short minutes but now I'm inspired to take a train trip! With that beautiful dress of course...

Au Coeur said... Best Blogger Tips

Yes, I do love EVERYTHING you make. I really need to find more time for sewing...even though mine wouldn't be half as good.

brittany said... Best Blogger Tips

this dress is gorgeous!

Mrs. Alston said... Best Blogger Tips

its beautiful! well done!

Jess said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! That's so pretty!

Kimberly Fasone said... Best Blogger Tips

GREAT dress!

kfasone (at) gmail (dot) com

Claudia said... Best Blogger Tips

This is GORGEOUS!! What a great the way, the photoshoot is also very cool! I love the way you gave this top a whole new spin...MUST win this ;-)


Rachael said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this! So sweet and modern!

Talor Lopez said... Best Blogger Tips

beautiful dress and amazing talent!

JJS360 said... Best Blogger Tips

Love it! I'm digging on the use of bold, primary colors in such a sweet way. Excellent.

Heather said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress has me longing for the anticipation of a good scenic ride. I admired the Twinkle by Wenlen pattern but this is love at first sight!

Elefteria said... Best Blogger Tips

Actually this is sexyyy!! I WANT IT!!!

blissmama said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous! Lovely transformation from the beautiful Burda blouse! (That I have yet to make!)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

LOVE your story!!! and the dress too!
being as that my boyfriend is from PA and we now live in OR I feel somewhat attach to your Muse...

Elizabeth said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm in the process of moving my whole family to Portland Oregon and I love how this dress imbibes the whole 'DIY' / Old-West independent style that is so Portland. She looks like she could take on the world while still being feminine. She might need water-proof shoes tho! Very cool - I think I'll try it in some retro 'wild-west' colors; browns, oranges, maybe I’ll even get brave and try some calico – eek! -molly

Elizabeth said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm in the process of moving my whole family to Portland Oregon and I love how this dress imbibes the whole 'DIY' / Old-West independent style that is so Portland. She looks like she could take on the world while still being feminine. She might need water-proof shoes tho! Very cool - I think I'll try it in some retro 'wild-west' colors; browns, oranges, maybe I’ll even get brave and try some calico – eek! -molly

PhoenixRising said... Best Blogger Tips

Incredible POP of color!

Stephanie said... Best Blogger Tips

That is the most adorable dress. I look forward to the how-to on Burda.

And I'd also love it be in the giveaway.

Thanks! Steph

Emily Frandsen said... Best Blogger Tips

i love love love navy and yellow together! it's super cute!
-Emily F

sommerkind said... Best Blogger Tips

so beautiful!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Love it! so cute and it would look adorable on my daughter.

MissClaireM said... Best Blogger Tips

adorable dress... fun story, too.

Kylie said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful! What will you come up with next?

morgandkim said... Best Blogger Tips

excited to find you blog through burda.
keen to try out making this dress

Thanks. its so cute.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

What a wonderfull design! I did a history cross fashion class project on the 1920-1960s fashion not long ago and you really have captured the beauty and simplicity of those beautifull eras. :)
I hope i win it too. *giggles*

Hannah & Holly said... Best Blogger Tips

This is adorable!!!

enter me please :)

hands2hearts said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! Such an inspiring re-creation. If only we were all so creative...would love to have that dress! Thanks for the chance!

Z said... Best Blogger Tips

That's gorgeous! That does sound like a bad train trip though.

Ireson's mommie said... Best Blogger Tips

Super cute. Love it.

Rachael said... Best Blogger Tips

Adorable dress. I love anything vintage inspired, and this is very lovely!

I love your creations, and you have inspired me to improve my sewing skills and branch out with my creativity. Thank you so much!


Minnado said... Best Blogger Tips

What a beautiful dress and an amzing giveaway! The pictures make me think of The Railway Children book. I love railway journeys though I guess here in the Uk our journeys may be very short compared to the US.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips


the dress reminds me of sister, who continuously travels due to her job. She always seems to end up in the places with no internet and the radio doesn't work aswell, reminding of your inspiration for the dress.

lovely dress by the way.
ohh, before i forget i also posted the link on my facebook page!/profile.php?id=1605880919

keep up the good work

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I like your pictures. Seem very professional. And this lipstick looks great on you !

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

hey sorry to post again,
but i just realized i posted under my google account bekism

but i don't get to check it that often so if i do win by any chance can you please email me at
or just facebook me.

P.S keeping my fingers crossed

lalcantar said... Best Blogger Tips

Par normal, tres chic!

Frikadel said... Best Blogger Tips

really cute
perfect for me
love this style

Melissa said... Best Blogger Tips

so cute. I love all that you create!

Melissa said... Best Blogger Tips

I just linked from my blog!

HeidiGrace said... Best Blogger Tips

I love it!!

Katie said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful! I love the color combo of the navy and bright yellow and white--one of my favorite color combinations!

Jennifer Rzasa said... Best Blogger Tips

This is so cute, and I love your photos! Thanks for the giveaway!

Author said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous dress! I love the navy and yellow.

If I don't win it, I will attempt to make it with my budding sewing skillz - though I can already guarantee my version won't be as adorable as this one!

::HARUNA:: said... Best Blogger Tips


Ali said... Best Blogger Tips

How pretty!

missjulierae said... Best Blogger Tips

love it! want it!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Love this dress!!! You are a great inspiration to me in New Zealand :)

Aynna banahna said... Best Blogger Tips

This is basically amazing. I totally love the retro feel of the dress. So count me in. I also linked you to my blog


Alex :) said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh Fantastic dress!! And terrific photos as well.

Anna said... Best Blogger Tips

Love this dress! The necktie piece is my favorite detail.

Becky said... Best Blogger Tips

The colors are so perfect, I couldn't think of a better combo.

gwenstella said... Best Blogger Tips

oh my god i love this dress!

Lucia said... Best Blogger Tips

I looooove this dress!!

I added a link on my blog...come and see, if you want...

Erin said... Best Blogger Tips

Love it! As usual, a gorgeous creation!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Super cute dress!! Would love to wear for engagement pictures!!

Becky said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute!

squirrelgonutz [at] yahoo [dot] com

Danni said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, so totally adorable! This would be perfet for just about everything!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

This is darling! I would love it...especially because A) I live in OREGON! B) school starts next week...and would be the perfect dress for the new school year!!!

Caitlin Weaver said... Best Blogger Tips

This is so cute!

Caitlin Weaver said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked on my facebook!

Mama Zharfan said... Best Blogger Tips

I wanna win this cute dress!!

Bunbury said... Best Blogger Tips

The yellow is perfect. Gotta love schoolbus yellow

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I adore this dress, totally and utterly adore this dress. I even tried to make it and it turned out quite well. Unfortunately it doesn't suit me at all! But I'm linking to your giveaway all over my blog so that other people who it will suit can hopefully try to win it.

Ashley said... Best Blogger Tips

This is such a cute dress!
I love your style and imagination.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute!!

Emma said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE vintage things, and this is so nouveau-vintage!

I want it sooo bad!

Emma said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked...

Emily Cummins said... Best Blogger Tips

That dress is beautiful! It makes me want to stand in train station as well. Sorry your childhood train memories are not very pleasant. Again, lovely dress!
~Emily C.

Mandy said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is gorgeous!

Giorgia Rossini said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked on my blog. this dress is so gorgeous. saluti dall' Italia

punkettina85 said... Best Blogger Tips

wowwowow i love it

Paola Bolognese said... Best Blogger Tips

wonderful dress
and wonderful writer

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm so in love with your use of color. I think the gold accents and the white offset just really make this dress. Thank you for being inspiring!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I just have to say I love your blog. I constantly go to it for inspiration. This dress is beautiful, like all your other garments.


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is adorable! I am loving all of your projects and have been inspired to start some of my own.

Freeda said... Best Blogger Tips
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

You are an artist! I'm glad I found your blog. xxx

ihartkhart said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely fabulous!


jackiewd said... Best Blogger Tips

Blue and yellow are always so cheerful together. Lovely dress you have made :-) Following you now via google reader.

Sarah D. said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh for the rail to be our only means of hearkens back to such a simpler time...Lovethedress. Linked it below and would love it now!


Chelsey said... Best Blogger Tips

So Cute.

I love it.

Amber said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is so cute! The photos definitely make me want to ride a train next time I travel...

Amber said... Best Blogger Tips

Such a great dress... and your photos have me longing to travel by train!!

Schritt für Schritt lerne ich zu nähen said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this dress! You are so creative! I just started learning how to sew and you are inspiring.

Clara said... Best Blogger Tips

So pretty! I love the 1940's look...

Marta DB said... Best Blogger Tips

And if it's not too cheeky: I want this one as well! (so I'm justified buying a pair of yellow shoes!)

I wish I was good enough to sew it myself!

Wiebke said... Best Blogger Tips

amazing interpretation of the burda pattern!
love it and hope the giveaway is still open =)

Jenny Rodriguez said... Best Blogger Tips

love it,love it!

Chelsea Van Tol said... Best Blogger Tips

thanks for the chance

Old Fashioned Dottie said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for the Giveaway.

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