But instead I found a mid-century table and 6-piece chair set just like this one. Now compared to the living room, the dining room looks cluttered and just not feeling very pretty right now. The price tag on the set said $200 but there were signs all over the store for 50% off all furniture on Leap Day. So I thought I'd get there when the doors opened and get it for $100 (an AMAZING deal).
Next day, I'm there standing in the rain. Doors open. Two people dash to the back of the store (which I couldn't bring myself to do). They were the only two ahead of me and wouldn't you know one of them grabbed the ticket off my dining set. I was irritated for the rest of the day.
If I HAD gotten my Heywood Wakefield dining set I would have also bought this new pendant at Lowes which is only $159 pictured below. Wouldn't it have looked divine together? The pendant looks even better in person! Perhaps it's for the best. It's money I'm not spending. Although we now have six people in our family and only four dining chairs. Once Eloise doesn't fit in a high chair one of us will be eating in the baby swing.
I've been thinking about pendant chandeliers lately.
Source: duitang.com via Maho on Pinterest
13 {comments}:
I do love pandora. and also regina spektor.
@cdfraley85Oh my goodness. Me too! I've been listening to her live album constantly. Thinking about buying it on LP.
I was totally going to say something about Regina Spektor too! haha I have that album and its wonderful, I just adore her!
Too bad about the dining set, I hate when stuff like that happens. It recently happened to us at an estate sale, some guy beat us to a nice MCM cookware set. The guy who got it said his wife made him drive to the sale in the snow at 5am and sit in the car for 4 hours waiting for the sale so that he could be the first on this list. I like cool old stuff as much as the next gal, but I'm not a psycho about it. lol You win some and you lose some...
Oh and p.s. Sorry about your dinning set getting away, I HATE it when that happens! Boo.
Check Craigslist daily. Trust me, one of these days an amazing find will come up. I found a Danish Modern Teak table and four chairs just like that one back in October. We had to drive an hour to the Delaware border in the pouring rain, but it was worth it. It cost us $100 dollars and it is my prize and joy. Keep the search up!! : )
@helen ethel studioI love Craigslist too. I have gotten some really amazing deals, especially on IKEA stuff. But I wish they had some kind of email notification like eBay because I have to look on like, six-ish different cities. I guess if I were more like eBay you might not get as many good deals.
Oh what a sad thrifting story! I always seem to find the cutest furniture when I don't have a car, funny how that works...
I've been dieing for a light like that.
Rather than searching individual CLs, I use something called "Crazedlist." You can not only search multiple cities at once, but if you're in a "4-state"-type area like I am, you can just click the states and search all 4 (or however many) states at once. I don't think it works with IE but I use it with Firefox all the time.
I'm super ticked on your behalf. That would've been an insane deal even at $200. :(
Awe, that's a sad story about the dinette set, particularly the part about getting there early and waiting in the rain. It was a very nice one (but I'm sure you don't need me to rub that in!). And the lamp would have been excellent with it too. I know exactly what you mean about it annoying you all day.
Hey Kathleen!
Where did you get the vintage photo from? I'd love to use it on Houzz, but I have to get the original source to upload it. Any clue where it is from?
PS - That was me who ran in front of you for the table...he no not really, but I just might have - it is beautiful!
Cheers darling!
@allenaim photography and designHey! I did a google image search and a whole bunch of sources came up so it's probably impossible to say who the original source was. BUT this is where I got the image: http://www.flickr.com/photos/americanvintagehome/3082959318/in/set-72157612495199334
It says that the photo is from The American Home, 1954. Maybe that's enough for credit purposes?
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