Modern Bird Studios Guest Giveaway

July 7, 2010

I really love this idea! It looks so modern and a million times more interesting than a collage of photos.

Modern Bird Studios is a modern art company that takes photographs and creates paintings from them! That's right, REAL paintings. Not printed reproductions.

One absolutely lucky Grosgrain reader will receive a 12"x12" piece for you to hang in their home valued at $215. Wouldn't this make a great anniversary or mother's day/ father's day gift? 
Gregg Deal, Creative Director of Modern Bird Studios, has always struggled with the idea of the “starving artist” syndrome. How would he ever support a family living a lifestyle like that? Is it even possible? He has wrestled with the idea that there must be some way to make a living and take care of his family off of his God-given talents. Otherwise, why would he have these talents to begin with?
He felt the answer was in creating something new, something original, and something cool. At an early age, Gregg, immersed himself in art and found a particular appreciation for urban art. In college, he studied classic drawing and painting, but realizing that this type of living probably wouldn’t support a family, he expanded his abilities to include graphic design also.

The concept behind Modern Bird Studios was born about three years ago as an experiment he had bouncing around in his head. Gregg has always liked to push the boundaries within his art, whether playing with space or combining traditional and non-traditional mediums. He decided to create a piece that utilized technology and painting. Gregg combines his original urban-style with photography, graphic design and traditional painting to create handmade, original art pieces.
Gregg and his wife Megan know that most modern art available is enormously expensive or mass produced and impersonal. Consequently, they have decided to expand this new style of art to those who have the same appreciation for hip, modern style and who desire to have something more personal to them to enrich their homes. 

Modern Bird Studios doesn’t believe in the saying, ‘it’s nothing personal, it’s just business.’ Modern Bird Studios isn’t ‘just’ business, and Modern Bird Studios is something extremely personal to Gregg and to his family.
Check out their FAQ for more info on the process.

Follow Modern Bird Studios on Twitter and to 'like' them on Facebook.

Also if you'd like to make a purchase from them, Modern Bird Studios is offering a 15% discount to Grosgrain readers. Just type -- GROSGRAIN -- This promotions will expire one week after the giveaway ends.

Giveaways can be entered in three ways:
1) By linking (to your blog, facebook, myspace, or any other site)
2) By leaving a comment without a link or
3) By linking and leaving a comment (this will be worth 2 entries which will better your chances of winning). Find more info under the FAQ page.
If you are leaving a link just use the 'create a link' at the bottom of this post or simply creating a post on your blog and including this link.If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.

281 {comments}:

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maschmidt121 said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great gift idea!!

Lindsay said... Best Blogger Tips

What amazing artwork. I love the idea.

Mindy said... Best Blogger Tips

Love these pictures. Would love to win!

Katie said... Best Blogger Tips

What beautiful paintings! When they were younger, my parents silk-screened t-shirts of each other's portraits with a similar effect. I wish I could find those old t-shirts. . .

Bethwoo said... Best Blogger Tips

those are just so lovely, I would love them.

marcy harriell | oonaballoona said... Best Blogger Tips

i tried something like this a few years ago as christmas prizes (nowhere near as beautiful as Gregg's). i am envisioning where i would hang it to increase my luck!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I love thier stuff!
- Danielle
other-option AT hotmail DOT com

Abby said... Best Blogger Tips

This is so neat! Thank you for the opportunity to win!

Katie R said... Best Blogger Tips

super cute!

Jo said... Best Blogger Tips

Even though I generally prefer traditional decor, I really like these paintings.

Kaleidoscope Eyes 8 said... Best Blogger Tips

I posted this to my blog ( and am leaving a comment!

Leisel said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! Love those. . .

Brown Paper packages

leah said... Best Blogger Tips

sooooo beautiful!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Linked to my blog.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I. Love. This. Oh how I want one of these paintings!

HappyascanB said... Best Blogger Tips

What a cool idea! Love the paintings!

Jen Price said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, my! I would LOVE to have one of those in my home!

Teri said... Best Blogger Tips

What unique and beautiful art. I'd love to have a "Modern Bird" piece in my home!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Jack said... Best Blogger Tips

One of the most unique ideas I've seen in a while -- love it!

The Yam said... Best Blogger Tips

Entering the contest :)


Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips

These are lovely! How would I ever pick which photo to use?

Jelea said... Best Blogger Tips

This is awesome! My dad turns 50 this year...such a unique and great idea!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

How fun! What a nice giveaway!

Marianne Elixir said... Best Blogger Tips

What an amazing giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity!

Audie said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are so cool!

Monica said... Best Blogger Tips

How beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Linked and commenting now! I'm absolutely in love with this idea. We are such an artsy family and have NO artwork on our walls. It's kind of insane, but this would be so perfect! I'd love to commemorate my daughter's first year with one of these amazing paintings!

Thanks so much!
<3 kp

Leandre said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow. Those are stunning. I LOVE this concept, and enjoyed reading about the artist. Crossing fingers for a win!

Kim @The Little Things said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! We just moved into a new home and the bare walls are driving me nuts, yet I don't want to just throw impersonal art up there. These are amazing, both artistic and personal.

Emily said... Best Blogger Tips

Super pretty and inspirational - I love how modern and timeless they are! Great work Gregg for following his dreams.

Monica said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win.

Lina Thomlinson said... Best Blogger Tips

Love this! I really hope I win.

I also blogged about it:

angie said... Best Blogger Tips

so beautiful! i would love to win this!

stinksopurdy at gmail dot com

Liz said... Best Blogger Tips

These paintings are beautiful - I would love to hang one in my apartment!

cheekymonkey said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my goodness, I love the concept of the whole thing!! So much more personal and lovely! I hope I win!

MrsHeeltoe said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great giveaway and beautiful art work. I might just have to buy a piece whether or not I win.

Andria said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great giveaway!

Gillian said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh this is such a lovely idea! I'd love to be entered in this giveaway!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

ive seen this artwork before. its beautiful!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

These are fantastic, I'd love to have one in my home.

Elizabeth said... Best Blogger Tips

As an artist myself...I know what it is like to have the need to express yourself....and to be able to make a living off your work would be wonderful! I wish Modern Bird Studios the best in their business! I love all the works of art they have created!

Natalie said... Best Blogger Tips

Need one of these. Now!

meremade said... Best Blogger Tips

These are just gorgeous! And I love the sibling photos! (I have two kids, but I'm so behind in my photos that the poor 15 month old has no photographic representation in our house!)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are just gorgeous!

Courtney said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, these are amazing! It's almost like looking at an old film negative. I know exactly which picture i would choose.

GuysGirlKnits said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are amazing! I love them and covet one of my own!

Vira said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great idea! I would love to have a painting like that!

Ronda O. said... Best Blogger Tips

These are amazing! I am bookmarking their site. Hope I win! :)

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! These are gorgeous! What a great giveaway!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! These are gorgeous! What a great giveaway!

Laurel said... Best Blogger Tips

oh i'm in love. seriously in love.

Shay said... Best Blogger Tips

WOW! What amazing artwork! Would SO love to win!

Au Coeur said... Best Blogger Tips

So neat! And already trying to envision the perfect picture...

Cynthia said... Best Blogger Tips

wow! these paintings are awesome!

Sam said... Best Blogger Tips

These are AMAZING! My house is covered in photos of my kids, so this would be an awesome alternative! Thank you!!

Elizabeth said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful work! What a fantastic gift idea.

Katydid said... Best Blogger Tips

I know what I'm asking the hubby to get me for Christmas! Of course two (winning one!) would be great!

carolinakatydid at gmail dot com

Ruby Rose said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these, what a great idea.

Wendy said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a fan modern bird studios. My husband is a poet and the art world is rough, I'm so happy you found a way to make it. I love, love your work.

Serena said... Best Blogger Tips

How beautiful! Love the style!

Linda said... Best Blogger Tips

I am certain my little boy would look so good in of those paintings...

Kristina Churchill said... Best Blogger Tips

I just wanna say Fun,Funky and Fabulous!!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Love them! And I know the perfect room for a piece like this!

JuneBug said... Best Blogger Tips

These paintings are beautiful, tasteful, and touching

JuneBug said... Best Blogger Tips

These paintings are beautiful, tasteful, and touching.

JuneBug said... Best Blogger Tips

Posted to my facebook, too!

Jen said... Best Blogger Tips

those are fantastic!

shea said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh wow! These are fantastic! I would love to have one done of my two daughters.

Jennifer said... Best Blogger Tips

That is so cool! Why didn't I think of that? I might have to do that myself.

Sheryl and Ben said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, this is a really cool idea! I so want one!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are such great paintings! Thanks for the giveaway!

Hunter Cox Family said... Best Blogger Tips

That is an awesome take on painting a photo. Love the work!

Kim said... Best Blogger Tips

AMAZING! I love it!

Estee said... Best Blogger Tips

amazing pictures!

Mindy said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this idea! So personal and artsy!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are quite stunning. I love the idea of turning a personal thing like a photograph into a graphic statement. Cool looking, *and* personal!

Shiriously said... Best Blogger Tips

So original and fun!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

These are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing about this.

Mellissa said... Best Blogger Tips

These are stunning! I would love to hang one of these in my home.

kms handmade said... Best Blogger Tips

WOW! These are seriously cool! Blogged about them here:

Fernanda Lucila said... Best Blogger Tips

A couple of friends did these for their Art History class .. I didn't even though I had the same teacher :(
But they do look very pretty! The three of them live together so they hung up the three portraits in the living room.

1060xo, Fernanda Lucila

brittany said... Best Blogger Tips

so cool!! these are gorgeous!

Leah Franqui said... Best Blogger Tips

So amazing!

Kate Williams said... Best Blogger Tips

Love this! I have never seen anything like this before!


Amber said... Best Blogger Tips

oh wow - those are so gorgeous - what a brilliant idea!

Wanda McHenry said... Best Blogger Tips

This would be great to win!

jeana said... Best Blogger Tips

Would love to win to update my living room since we just updated the kitchen the living room needs some love - badly

Geneva said... Best Blogger Tips

What a beautiful gift idea. I love them.

Julia said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for another great giveaway.


Shannon @ What's Up Whimsy said... Best Blogger Tips

I really love their stuff! So unique!

Tres Chic Shoppers said... Best Blogger Tips

I'd love to win! these are amazing!

JJ said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful! I've never seen anything quite like it!

Maria said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a HUGE modern bird fan!! Love this giveaway!!

lolamichele said... Best Blogger Tips

these are so beautiful! I would love to be entered. :)

boswife @ gmail . com

Elz said... Best Blogger Tips

I Love Modern Bird pieces. Maybe this is the Modern Bird and Grosgrain contest I will finally win?

Mie Flavie said... Best Blogger Tips


Rosanne said... Best Blogger Tips

This artwork is amazing and so cool! Sign me up and thanks for the opportunity!

Elz said... Best Blogger Tips

Does tweeting count? because I tweeted it @txelz 2 of my faves Grosgrain and @modern_bird together!

THE BROWN BOYS said... Best Blogger Tips

love what Modern Bird is doing!

chchoo said... Best Blogger Tips


Nicci said... Best Blogger Tips

I ADORE modern bird work! I would love to own one!

(changingtheuniverse at gmail dot com)

Tauna said... Best Blogger Tips

These are incredible. I can just picture one of my two little one's hanging in their room. I've never won anything before but there is always a first, right?

just me and z said... Best Blogger Tips

I <3 MBS! I have followed them for awhile and have just been in awe of their creativity. I love every piece they have made. I would be honored to win one of their pieces of art!

just me and z said... Best Blogger Tips

I added the giveaway to my blog: (on the right side under giveaways).

Kristin said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked on Facebook

Kristin said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely amazing work.

Samina said... Best Blogger Tips

What a neat idea! I'm off to check them out.

Sam Nicole said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my goodness this is fabulous! How wonderful! My mom would love to have one of these!

Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow what a great artist to feature. The hardest part would be picking out a picture!

Jess said... Best Blogger Tips

Very neat! I love this!

Denise Matthews said... Best Blogger Tips

I HEART Modern Bird Studios. Every piece they do is A M A Z I N G!! 'nuff said

linden hansen said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great idea. I love it!

Annie said... Best Blogger Tips

LOVE!! I need to put up some pictures of my baby girl and this would be perfect.

Grace said... Best Blogger Tips

Goodness, my mom and I were just talking about wall art for the house we just moved into. It's much more modern than our other house, and so the artwork we have now is rather outdated. She would love one of these.

Elliott said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a massive fan of MB - and their twitter feed keeps me in stitches all day!

Kelly said... Best Blogger Tips

What an awesome idea, and an inspiring story. It's always awesome when someone gets to make a living doing something they love and have a talent for.

keri29 said... Best Blogger Tips

Love Modern Bird! Hope to win so I can get one of our first family photos done. :)

kajohnson29 @

Carrie said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! I'd love to win one to give a gift to my parents!

Linnea said... Best Blogger Tips

Awesome. I'd absolutely love to give a gift like this to my mother!

Caitlin said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are amazing!!!! I would love to win this! The trick would be decided which picture to use. . . ha

Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this!! Hope I win!!

Andrea said... Best Blogger Tips

Fabulous paintings!

Heather said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE Modern Bird Studios! Gorgeous.

Laura Stewart said... Best Blogger Tips

great giveaway!!

Katie J. said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to have a picture from there. I hope I win! :-)

Laura said... Best Blogger Tips

What a beautiful idea.

rebecca said... Best Blogger Tips

what a great idea!!
rwvanvoorhis at gmail dot com

jenv said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these! It would be amazing to own one!

seemommyknit said... Best Blogger Tips

Love love love Modern Bird! Fingers crossed!!

Wurtz Gang said... Best Blogger Tips

To say I was crushing on this art work would be an understatement. These are absolutely fabulous and I can't wait to order some to hang in my house!

Sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

This is great and affordable! I would love to have one of these.

Anne said... Best Blogger Tips

I totally created a link. Love MB!

Erin Julihn said... Best Blogger Tips

These are amazing- I would love to have one of these hanging in my home!

preston + melanie dees said... Best Blogger Tips

these are awesomely beautiful!! i would love them!!!

Ana said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm in love with this artwork!

Angie Vinez said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! This is absolutely breathtaking. I'd love to see one of these hanging on my wall.

Thanks for such a great giveaway!

angievinez {@} gmail {dot} com

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

wonderful idea

KristenO said... Best Blogger Tips

Love, love, love this idea! Fingers & toes crossed...

Brooke said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely beautiful! I would love to hang one of those in my living room.

Emily said... Best Blogger Tips

Such a great idea! I would love this with my baby's picture on it. I have just the spot for it.

Cindy said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, these are beautiful! I wish I were half as creative and talented as Gregg.

Maggie said... Best Blogger Tips

That's so awesome!

muchdeepmeaning @ gmail . com

Erin said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are beautiful!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Totally Cool!~Love it!~Laurie

Madame Awesomepants said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are so beautiful!

JBalloon said... Best Blogger Tips


moomi said... Best Blogger Tips

wow! these are gorgeous! it's time we updated our kids' photos too ;)
thanks for a great give-away!

Lyndee said... Best Blogger Tips

those are really cool paintings :)

Bridget said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this, his work is lovely.

bttn said... Best Blogger Tips

wow, that is so cool!

joanna said... Best Blogger Tips

Love, Love, Love these. My three sweeties would make a perfect piece of art!

Zegi said... Best Blogger Tips

They are awesome! Sign me up.

Camila F. said... Best Blogger Tips

Perfect giveaway! I love all those amazing paintings!

Lydia said... Best Blogger Tips

Really interesting idea. I love the silhouettes that are created!

Rachael said... Best Blogger Tips


Toni said... Best Blogger Tips

Love Modern Bird!

LidiDi said... Best Blogger Tips

Wonderful! :-D

lastdogz said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my gosh, these are amazing! I'd love to have one of my son.

becky said... Best Blogger Tips

wow! this is so great!
boon1211 at gmail dot ocm

My name is Becka said... Best Blogger Tips

wow, they are so beautiful. How unique!

dogwood said... Best Blogger Tips

These are so amazing! Oh, and I have just the perfect place for one!

Lyd said... Best Blogger Tips

OH!I Like these very, very much!! please enter me!

Sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

I just love this! keeping my fingers crossed

sarahannerw at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these images.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these and would love to hang one in my home. I may have to just buy one

Marsel said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love this...

Elise said... Best Blogger Tips

I'd love to give one of these to my parents!

m said... Best Blogger Tips

They are simply stunning. I'm off to check them out on FB & Twitter :o) m x

Birdie said... Best Blogger Tips

These are absolutely amazing. I just bookmarked their site for when I'm feeling richer, because I could just see these pretty much all over my house, and I'm already thinking of a thousand different pictures I have. Yes, I'm carried away!
Also, just linked on my FB page. Thanks!

Alyssa said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this artwork.
I would love to win one!


April and Mark said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are stunning! I would love one!

SkyWaitress said... Best Blogger Tips

I love their work sooo much. I know exactly which photo I'd use.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! Beautiful work!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

These are so beautiful! I may be visiting the site after I get married in December for some home artwork! I also linked to my blog.

Justine said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to get my hands on one of these. LOVE!

Devan @ Accustomed Chaos said... Best Blogger Tips

Such amazing work!

Cortney @ said... Best Blogger Tips

I wanna win!!!! I love Modern Bird!!

Kendra said... Best Blogger Tips

I would absolutely LOVE to win a Modern Bird piece!

Karla S said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to win this! Beautiful art!!

Allyson said... Best Blogger Tips

WOW! Those are beautiful, and so amazing! In just a few weeks i'm moving to my new place and that would look so perfect in the living room with the colors and ideas i have in mind! I would LOVE to win! :)

Mamma D said... Best Blogger Tips

I've linked, followed, and liked :) Beautiful work as usual!

Jolie said... Best Blogger Tips

My boyfriend's birthday is coming up and I have the perfect picture for this to give to him!

Oh I hope I win..

jschou99 at gmail dot com

Marla said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are beautiful.

Becky said... Best Blogger Tips

So cool! I want to win!

Amy Tromans said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful! I would LOVE to have one of these photos!

burlap+blue said... Best Blogger Tips


burlap+blue said... Best Blogger Tips

lovely giveaway...would love to win !!!

Emily said... Best Blogger Tips

Cool stuff!

Katie said... Best Blogger Tips

These paintings just captivate me. I love them. I am du any day with our first baby, and would love to have one of him. Amazing!

The Shumate Family said... Best Blogger Tips

LOVE it! I have been looking for some artwork for my walls. PERFECT! daciahu(at)gmail(dot)com

Christina Hendrick said... Best Blogger Tips


Christina Hendrick said... Best Blogger Tips

BEAUTIFUL work...I would adore one of these of my precious little guy!!!

Christina Hendrick said... Best Blogger Tips

linked :)!/pages/Oceanside-CA/Christina-Hendrick-Photography/362620753959?ref=search

janek said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the artwork! So creative...

Angela said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow. I absolutely love these. Beautiful

BabyScrap'nSew said... Best Blogger Tips


and i love the first painting, its so striking!

BabyScrap'nSew said... Best Blogger Tips


and I love the very first red painting, its so striking!

Hannah said... Best Blogger Tips

A very nice gift idea! I'd like to give my self one!

tappens said... Best Blogger Tips



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