There's something I've been working on for some time now. With everything on my plate it's taken a little longer than I anticipated but it's really turned into a labor of love. So say if I were starting an etsy shop, which ones would you choose first?
OhhooOOHhh.. pretty much any of your women's dresses. I'm on a "sew for me since I don't play in the mud and ruin all the hard work" kick. :D
Wow! I just found your blog and I love it! My favorite patterns would be the Paper Cranes Dress and the Peppermint Stick Dress. Those aren't their names, but those are the photography props in the picture.
How can I choose just one! They are all so beautiful. If I had a little girl I would definitely choose one of those, but I don't. So I would have to choose the State fair frock.
OH I WOULD SELL OUR HOUSE FOR YOUR PATTERNS!!! I love the marie victorian one and the Alice/Red Queen set,really any of the costume ones for little girls!! I love the 50's looking dresses for women too they are beautiful!!! thank you so much for making patterns!!!
Love your blog! I just started sewing earlier this year (something I've wanted to learn for a very long time) and REALLY enjoy it. My hope is to one day make my own patterns.
Oh, exciting! I would definitely buy one of your patterns! One of my favorites was the 'Vintage refashioned wedding frock'. I also really like the 'Picnic Frock' and the 'Paper Crane Frock'
I would LOVE to have the pattern for any of these: Lunch date blouse State Fair frock Cherry Pop frock Social Darling frock Lawn Frock Limoncello Frock Picnic
Looking forward to the eight o'clock frock, limoncello dress, and the state fair frock, pretty much in that order. Can't wait! Congrats on this big venture--your stuff is great!
I really like the Anthropology inpired top you title Busty Bust and the Limoncello Frock for me. And I LOVE all the costumes you made the girls, especially the Marie Antionette one, but I have boys, so really, I don't think that I would buy them.
I am a wanna be seamstress... I love what you make. I drool over them all and wish they were available... .looks like a wish is coming true! I love OH DEAR. Adorable. I love your "green" dress also... you have a wonderful style!!!
I love them all. I mean, love. If you were to do patterns, I would certainly buy.
I personally love the little girl dresses. I find that the patterns in the big box stores are often the same pattern with a little trim here and there. Your items are unique. You definitely have a market.
Yeah! So excited! Milk and Honey maternity frock, cherry pop frock, limoncello frock, social darling frock, hop, skip, and a jump maternity frock, dinner party frock, fancy field frock- just to name a few!
oh my goodness! This is so exciting! Please do the Ice Cream Social Frock. I have three girls and am dying to sew that for all three of them in different colors. I thought about doing it on my own but I just don't know how to proceed without a pattern. Also, there is another dress I'd love to do. I know you are always looking for ideas. The Denim Dream Dress at Chasing Fireflies: It is $98. Who can afford that? It doesn't look too hard, but again, without a pattern, I don't even know where to start.
My vote is for the picnic frock you posted quite a while back. I can't find the link for it right now, but it is so cute and I haven't seen similar patterns elsewhere.
Without a doubt I would LOVE to recreate CHERRY POP!!!
Also you once did a cardigain/cover up that had 3 tiers of ruffles and your pictures seemed to be in a bar. I don't see it in the pictures but I have always admired that piece!
I am not sure that I could pick just one. I really like all of your dresses. I would like to see the downtown jacket and pants and the stolen from your sisters closet dress.
I think I'd choose the State Fair Frock first. I've had my eye on it for a while now!... But there is so so many beuatiful things here, it's quite hard to choose! lovely! Barbara
Oh, the State Fair Frock. I just adore it. Congratulations on the opportunity to share your lovely patterns with the masses. I just discovered your blog and I am so happy that I did!
I love your style - especially for little girls. I have 3 little girly girls and you wouldn't think it would be this hard to find sweet classic girls dresses and patterns - but it is. My favorite girl dresses are: Garden Party Frock Fancy Field Frock Boardwalk Blue Stripe Frock Recital Frock I also love the Limoncello Frock. Who wouldn't?
It occurred to me (in the middle of the night after feeding my baby-ha) that you might look into big cartel instead of etsy. They don't charge any fees (though paypal still charges fees) like etsy (.20 cent listing fee, plus a transaction fee for each item sold). You can also keep track of your inventory (ie 10 patterns in stock) without paying for each item listed (etsy charges per item). I'm not anti etsy (I'm on etsy myself). I'm so excited you're doing this!
I LOVE all of your designs, but a few really stand out for the rest for me: The Hop, Skip and a Jump Maternity Frock, The State Fair Frock, Picnic Frock, and Sunday Laundry Shirt Dress. Looking forward to the new dress patterns that *may* become available!!
So hard to pick just a few - they're all sooo beautiful... I love the Summer of 69 dress, the Peppermint Stick Holiday Dress and the State Fair Dress...
Well, the list goes on... the cherry pop, the state fair, the sunday laundry dress, the lemoncello, and the oh dear. I'm sure I'll come up with a few more I can't live without. I can hardly wait for the patterns!!
I would definitally buy ANY of your adult patterns (when I have kids it would change to any of them) My favorite (it was VERY difficult to choose) was the Picnic Dress...only because I don't have many summer cloths.
wow, i would buy so many of these. in order: 1) state fair frock 2) limoncello 3) hop, skip, and jump (would a non-maternity version be possible?) 4) social darling frock
The idea of you doing patterns TOTALLY MAKES MY DAY! I would keel over dead out of happiness if you had a pattern for the Social Darling dress...but whatever you choose I will be delighted.
OH My LAWS!! I think this is my absolute favorite thing I have ever read!! EVER! I've been hoping you'd sell your patterns for a long time! I think I need the Indian Summer one immediately! It's perfect for work and I desperately need new work clothes! Also my all time favorite dresses are the Social Darling and the Hop, Skip and a Jump (too bad I'm not pregnant!) Thank you soo much!!
I would LOVE to get all of them so much your dresses are my favorite they are all so beautiful i want the pattern to every single thing that you sew but starting with.... oh dear limoncello social darling lunch date top PLEASE list the patterns on etsy or even the dresses themselves :)
I would absolutely love if some of the ones available were yoiur laundry shirt dress, the picnic frock, garden party dress for little girls, as well as the hop skip jump dress. I swoon everytime I look at these. You are truely an inspriation!
If you're going to open an etsy-store, I would like to buy first the "state-fair-frock-grosgrain-giveaway". I like the blue denim with the red lines. I'm looking forward to buy this pattern on etsy!!
Oh I just love love love your dresses. The ones I would choose first are:
the oh dear frock the sunday laundry shirt dress the cherry pop frock the social darling frock and I was going to say the... wait I'm not going to say it's name, you might count it (it's yellow though :))... but I'm a total beginner and I think it would be too hard for me, I'd probably choose not to make the dress if you made the pattern for a harder dress first.
Your clothes are lovely! I'd love to have the Conservatory Overcoat available as a pattern. I saw it a while ago and loved it, and I still love it today. I also like the Social Darling Frock and Oh Dear Frock very much and can see myself wearing those.
110 {comments}:
OhhooOOHhh.. pretty much any of your women's dresses. I'm on a "sew for me since I don't play in the mud and ruin all the hard work" kick. :D
I love this dress and the color! :)
Just found your blog a week or so ago, and love it. So, EVERY. SINGLE. ONE!
Wow! I just found your blog and I love it! My favorite patterns would be the Paper Cranes Dress and the Peppermint Stick Dress. Those aren't their names, but those are the photography props in the picture.
The social darling frock for sure
How can I choose just one! They are all so beautiful. If I had a little girl I would definitely choose one of those, but I don't. So I would have to choose the State fair frock.
oh dear
social darling
those are my top 3. i love your childrens designs but it is so hard to find great designs for myself!
hopscotch cami, the state fair frock, it's my party skirt, and stolen from your sister's closet frock. I could go on but I'd just up listing them all!
cherry pop, and the hop skip jump maternity frock, without the maternity...:)
I would love social darling frock or blueberry pie!
peppermint stick and cherry pop dresses. those are my faves, though all of your dresses are incredible!
Do we have to choose? what about all of them?? :)
But, Oh, so specially... the Social Darling Frock, pleeeease!
The Lawn Frock and The Picnic Frock!
OH I WOULD SELL OUR HOUSE FOR YOUR PATTERNS!!! I love the marie victorian one and the Alice/Red Queen set,really any of the costume ones for little girls!! I love the 50's looking dresses for women too they are beautiful!!! thank you so much for making patterns!!!
That yellow dress. is. absolutely. incredible. wow. just. wow.
I would have to say I'd love to see a pattern for the The Romance Novel Blouse. Please please please!!! :D
love the Oh Dear Frock and the Peppermint stick.
Love your blog! I just started sewing earlier this year (something I've wanted to learn for a very long time) and REALLY enjoy it. My hope is to one day make my own patterns.
Oh, exciting! I would definitely buy one of your patterns!
One of my favorites was the 'Vintage refashioned wedding frock'.
I also really like the 'Picnic Frock' and the 'Paper Crane Frock'
I would LOVE to have the pattern for any of these:
Lunch date blouse
State Fair frock
Cherry Pop frock
Social Darling frock
Lawn Frock
Limoncello Frock
i would love any of your patterns!
all your dresses are wonderful!
The hop, skip, and a jump maternity dress. Really any of your maternity stuff because I can never seem to find flattering, modern maternity patterns.
The Social Darling Frock!
I vote for the picnic frock-- both the dress and the slip underneath.
I'd probably go with the indian summer skirt first.
Any of your dresses, adult or child. Right now I could use a maternity dress but I love the dress you made for shabby apple.
I would love to buy a pattern for your Romance Novel Blouse!
I also would snatch up patterns for these gorgeous pieces:
Limoncello Frock
Paper Crane Frock (my favorite)
The conservatory overcoat
Thanks :)
Looking forward to the eight o'clock frock, limoncello dress, and the state fair frock, pretty much in that order. Can't wait! Congrats on this big venture--your stuff is great!
The Ice Cream Social dress!!!!!
Oh! I must add the Downtown Holiday Jacket and the gorgeous Fancy Field Frock! I can't wait!
That's quite hard to decide, they are all soooo beautiful, maybe the Limoncello Frock and the State Fair Frock would make a nice start??
think I would pick the conservatory over coat or the picnic frock first. I also really enjoy the "stolen from your sister's closet" dress.
Social Darling!!!
Social darling frock! :)
Also limoncello
I absolutely LOVE:
Conservatory Overcoat
Downtown Holiday Jacket (kids)
Social Darling Frock
8 O'clock Frock
Estate Sale Blue Blouse (kids)
I really like the Anthropology inpired top you title Busty Bust and the Limoncello Frock for me. And I LOVE all the costumes you made the girls, especially the Marie
Antionette one, but I have boys, so really, I don't think that I would buy them.
I am a wanna be seamstress... I love what you make. I drool over them all and wish they were available... .looks like a wish is coming true! I love OH DEAR. Adorable. I love your "green" dress also... you have a wonderful style!!!
State Fair, Stolen from My Sister's Closet, and Cherry Pop. Amazing!
Absolutely the Sunday laundry shirt dress. It is beautiful. Actually, any of your women's dresses. They are darling.
I love them all. I mean, love. If you were to do patterns, I would certainly buy.
I personally love the little girl dresses. I find that the patterns in the big box stores are often the same pattern with a little trim here and there. Your items are unique. You definitely have a market.
Oh, and the Conservatory Overcoat and Laundry Dress. Amazing.
Yeah! So excited! Milk and Honey maternity frock, cherry pop frock, limoncello frock, social darling frock, hop, skip, and a jump maternity frock, dinner party frock, fancy field frock- just to name a few!
1. Social Darling.
2. Picnic Frock Shirt dress
3. Sunday Laundry
In reality I love them all.
Any chance that you might make and sell the actual dress too????? please oh please.
I would buy the social darling frock in a second! I LOVE it and was so sad that I missed that giveaway. I would definitely buy that pattern!!
oh my goodness! This is so exciting! Please do the Ice Cream Social Frock. I have three girls and am dying to sew that for all three of them in different colors. I thought about doing it on my own but I just don't know how to proceed without a pattern. Also, there is another dress I'd love to do. I know you are always looking for ideas. The Denim Dream Dress at Chasing Fireflies: It is $98. Who can afford that? It doesn't look too hard, but again, without a pattern, I don't even know where to start.
all of them but maybe these first: social darling, hop skip and jump maternity and Limoncello
My vote is for the picnic frock you posted quite a while back. I can't find the link for it right now, but it is so cute and I haven't seen similar patterns elsewhere.
Hop, skip and a jump, and Cherry pop are lovely.
Without a doubt I would LOVE to recreate CHERRY POP!!!
Also you once did a cardigain/cover up that had 3 tiers of ruffles and your pictures seemed to be in a bar. I don't see it in the pictures but I have always admired that piece!
I am not sure that I could pick just one. I really like all of your dresses. I would like to see the downtown jacket and pants and the stolen from your sisters closet dress.
oooooh fun!!!
State Fair, Cherry Pop, Paper Cranes, & Lawn Frock all all amazing and I would totally make them just for me to wear. :)
The Summer of '69 dress!
So hard to choose!!! I really like the marie antionette or the fancy field frock!
I love the pinstripe maternity dress. I'm not pregnant, but I just can't help myself...I'd buy it anyway!
I think I'd choose the State Fair Frock first. I've had my eye on it for a while now!... But there is so so many beuatiful things here, it's quite hard to choose! lovely!
Hi Kathleen - all your creations are super wonderful, but i love the State Fair Frock :D
I would buy Peppermint stick and cherry pop in a second. Really I'd buy almost any of them!
um, one of each please? :)
to start with:
Blueberry Pie
Twinkle Little Star
State Fair
the yellow floral vintage looking dress! gorgeous. but i can't are really opening an etsy shop!!
Oh, the State Fair Frock. I just adore it. Congratulations on the opportunity to share your lovely patterns with the masses. I just discovered your blog and I am so happy that I did!
You have made so many gorgeous things!
My votes would be for:
Sunday laundry dress
Downtown holiday jacket and pants
But any of them would be great!
I love your style - especially for little girls. I have 3 little girly girls and you wouldn't think it would be this hard to find sweet classic girls dresses and patterns - but it is. My favorite girl dresses are:
Garden Party Frock
Fancy Field Frock
Boardwalk Blue Stripe Frock
Recital Frock
I also love the Limoncello Frock. Who wouldn't?
The Lunch Date blouse and the Conservatory Overcoat get my vote!
social darling
I love the social darling dress or it's my party! skirt for adults!!
It occurred to me (in the middle of the night after feeding my baby-ha) that you might look into big cartel instead of etsy. They don't charge any fees (though paypal still charges fees) like etsy (.20 cent listing fee, plus a transaction fee for each item sold). You can also keep track of your inventory (ie 10 patterns in stock) without paying for each item listed (etsy charges per item). I'm not anti etsy (I'm on etsy myself). I'm so excited you're doing this!
State Fair Frock- in a heartbeat!
I have to say my all time favorites are the hopscotch camis and the make believe frock. I would love to make either one for my daughter!
I LOVE all of your designs, but a few really stand out for the rest for me: The Hop, Skip and a Jump Maternity Frock, The State Fair Frock, Picnic Frock, and Sunday Laundry Shirt Dress. Looking forward to the new dress patterns that *may* become available!!
Couldn't go wrong with any of them, but my personal favorites are the 8'oclock frock, the cherry pop refashion, and the summer of 69 dress!
all of them! ;-) oh dear and both of the shabby apple dresses are on the top of my list, though.
the green "lawn frock" you did for shabby apple!
summer 69 is darling. Of course I don't know if it's the pattern of the dress or the pattern of the fabric.
So hard to pick just a few - they're all sooo beautiful... I love the Summer of 69 dress, the Peppermint Stick Holiday Dress and the State Fair Dress...
How about some "novice" patterns for those of us who are starting out? And petites PLEASE--I am RTW 00P. Yes, there are a few people that petite!
Oh, they are all so lovely, but my favorites are:
1. Social Darling Frock
2. Limoncello Frock
3. Hop, Skip, and Jump Maternity Frock
Oh, they are all so lovely, but my favorites are:
1. Social Darling Frock
2. Limoncello Frock
3. Hop, Skip, and Jump Maternity Frock
the yellow one with pintucks on top...or the blue one with red bias binding...LOVE!
The 8 0'clock frock.
The Lawn Frock!
ALL OF THEM! PLEEEAASE!! You will have a dedicated customer in me!
They are all beautiful. But if I had to pick one, I'd take the yellow one in jersey (?) with rolled collar.
Definitely the Limoncello frock ! Oh, and the Oh Dear frock as well :)
ohh, euh, Limoncello. Definitely. Or the lawn frock. And.. and.. and...
Can't you make patterns for all your dresses? They are all so gorgeous!
Well, the list goes on... the cherry pop, the state fair, the sunday laundry dress, the lemoncello, and the oh dear. I'm sure I'll come up with a few more I can't live without. I can hardly wait for the patterns!!
I would buy any and all of these:
Oh Dear
State Fair
8 O'Clock
Hopefully in a large range of sizes, so plus size seamstresses can make these gorgeous dresses also!
The yellow one with pintucks!
This one:
The Lunch Date Blouse and the Paper Crane Dress, please!
So tough to pick!! 8 o'clock and limoncello are the first two that come to mind, though limoncello looks pretty tricky for me.
I would definitally buy ANY of your adult patterns (when I have kids it would change to any of them) My favorite (it was VERY difficult to choose) was the Picnic Dress...only because I don't have many summer cloths.
wow, i would buy so many of these. in order:
1) state fair frock
2) limoncello
3) hop, skip, and jump (would a non-maternity version be possible?)
4) social darling frock
The idea of you doing patterns TOTALLY MAKES MY DAY! I would keel over dead out of happiness if you had a pattern for the Social Darling dress...but whatever you choose I will be delighted.
OH My LAWS!! I think this is my absolute favorite thing I have ever read!! EVER! I've been hoping you'd sell your patterns for a long time! I think I need the Indian Summer one immediately! It's perfect for work and I desperately need new work clothes! Also my all time favorite dresses are the Social Darling and the Hop, Skip and a Jump (too bad I'm not pregnant!) Thank you soo much!!
Social Darling
Summer of 69
Cherry Pop
The picnic frock! It's gorgeous.
the "oh dear" frock gets my vote. hands down. although ALL your dresses are FABULOUS!
I'd immediately buy the Patterns for the Limoncello Frock and the Picnic Frock. I absolutely love them!!
Social Darling frock! Please. I still get teary-eyed over the fact that I didn't win that one.
State Fair. State Fair. State Fair.
I would LOVE to get all of them so much your dresses are my favorite they are all so beautiful i want the pattern to every single thing that you sew but starting with....
oh dear
social darling
lunch date top
PLEASE list the patterns on etsy or even the dresses themselves :)
Oooh, the limoncello, state fair, social darling, oh dear and the picnic are the best!
No contest- the social darling frock is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen! I wish I could purchase the pattern today.
State Fair! State Fair! State Fair! (Does that count as three votes??!?!)
I would absolutely love if some of the ones available were yoiur laundry shirt dress, the picnic frock, garden party dress for little girls, as well as the hop skip jump dress. I swoon everytime I look at these. You are truely an inspriation!
If you're going to open an etsy-store, I would like to buy first the "state-fair-frock-grosgrain-giveaway". I like the blue denim with the red lines. I'm looking forward to buy this pattern on etsy!!
SUNDAY LAUNDRY! I fell in love with it on Burda Style, that's actually how I found your blog in the first place.
Oh I just love love love your dresses. The ones I would choose first are:
the oh dear frock
the sunday laundry shirt dress
the cherry pop frock
the social darling frock
and I was going to say the... wait I'm not going to say it's name, you might count it (it's yellow though :))... but I'm a total beginner and I think it would be too hard for me, I'd probably choose not to make the dress if you made the pattern for a harder dress first.
All Of your dresses are lovely! I think the State Fair Frock was my favorite....
Your clothes are lovely! I'd love to have the Conservatory Overcoat available as a pattern. I saw it a while ago and loved it, and I still love it today. I also like the Social Darling Frock and Oh Dear Frock very much and can see myself wearing those.
State Fair and 8 O clock Frock...but they are all great!
The reporter frock and the picnic frock are two of my favs, but really all your designs are quite charming. Can't wait to have access to the patterns!
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