Hide'N'Seek Woodland Frock GIVEAWAY!!!! CLOSED.

August 4, 2009

It's been a fruitful summer thus far, but I want to save our summer discoveries for another post. Soon. For now, I want to share something that I'd been working on all last week. After so much time away it's hard to get the ball rolling again. But I have to admit it was nice to take things slow.

I was inspired to sew this little dress while taking my kids to the playground early one morning. It had rained the night before so the ground and bark was dark and saturated with water. The droplets on the grass sparkled in the morning light. It was truly magical.

I imagined a moss green velveteen dress. At first it was an early century look. Something with a Peter Pan collar and lightly puffed sleeves but after some thought I decided a sleeveless, modern style combined with the antique look of green velveteen would be more appropriate for this time of year.

The dress is made of green velveteen. When I went to the fabric store I originally had them cut two yards of real velvet thinking it was $12.99. When I looked down at the ticket they gave me, it instead said $27.99....times two....which totalled over $50!

I had a 40% off coupon but even so, that was a bit too rich for my blood. So I sadly took it back and had them cut a $8 piece of green velveteen which still looked fine but just wasn't as heavenly soft. So sorry about that:(

Aside from accidentally sewing the collar upside down the first time, the dress was pretty easy to assemble. It came together so well. And I'm not too humble to admit I'm really proud of the craftsmanship of this dress.

So often my work comes out stringy and loose. With my new serger I went over every rough edge and even went so far as to add invisible hems which takes a little extra work but when you're taking things slow anything is possible.

I knew I wanted some kind of woodland theme associated with the dress seeing as the context of the photos were so mossy and green. But when taking photos of Lily in the woods she had a playfulness to her mood.

I imagined a curious child wearing this dress skipping through the forest playing random schoolyard games with a friend. Sort of like in 'Snow Falling on Cedars', when Ishmael and Hatsue are playing in the mossy forests of the Washington Puget Sound.

Wasn't that the most beautiful movie? Sometimes in college I would put it on in the background while I was doing some mundane chore just because the scenery and soundtrack was entertaining in itself.

This fourth photo looks so sad but I had to include it because I thought she looked darling. At the moment it was taken the moss on the tree was grossing her out and she didn't like to stand near it.

I know it's a little strange but my favorite photos of Lily are the ones where she's slightly smiling, looking lost or angry. I guess it's the Vogue Magazine reader in me.

I would say this little dress I would fit a 4-6T.

Please check back tomorrow for new winners. I've given that duty to Brian as I tend to procrastinate about them so he will be choosing them tonight and I'll be posting them by tomorrow.

As usual, if you would like a chance to win this dress just link back to this post. If you have any questions see the "questions and answers" link to the right. If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.

53 {comments}:

Bobbi said... Best Blogger Tips

this is very cute and simple, I love the inspirations!!!!

Bobbi said... Best Blogger Tips

this is very cute and simple, I love the inspirations!!!!

Jessica Peck said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful! I've missed you :) I hope you and your family had a wonderful summer. Thanks for all your hard work!

maleahbliss said... Best Blogger Tips

This is beautiful!! I love your that your inspriation was moss and bark and trees after a rain. I miss those things!

Valeria said... Best Blogger Tips

Very cute!!!!

Valeria said... Best Blogger Tips

Very cute!!!!

Valeria said... Best Blogger Tips

Very cute!!!! Love it!!!

Barbara Brown said... Best Blogger Tips

so very cute. i hear you about the velvet. beautiful but pricey. the dress looks amazing anyway. i've linked you.

Gosfam said... Best Blogger Tips

Such a cute dress.

TZel said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is just beautiful- I love the color and style.

M said... Best Blogger Tips

Inspiring :)
Your blog is inspiring.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Just gorgeous!

Janet said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful color and someone's daughter would love very lovely wearing it. :)


Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

So glad you took some time to have a slow summer :) Excited you are back though! Love the dress

S.L.P said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this sweet little dress. It would be great for winter paired with a sweater. If I don't win it I might just have to make one:o)

Cindy said... Best Blogger Tips

Oooh, I love it! Would make a fantastic fall/winter flower girl dress~!

Amanda said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is so beautiful - I love the color and the fabric!

Katherine said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm so glad you're back! I kept checking for a new post everyday and was sad to see you gone for so long. The inspiration really helps me keep the ball rolling on my own projects!

Lana Lulu Handmade said... Best Blogger Tips

This is so cute! I love it. Your daughter is such a cute model!

christine said... Best Blogger Tips

What an adorable dress (and model, too!)

Melissa said... Best Blogger Tips

such a beautiful dress!

I blogged about it here: http://lilahbean.blogspot.com/

Macy Dawn said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh so cute. I also like the photo of Lily being scared of the mossy tree. Adorable and it shows some true emotions. :)

Julie Church said... Best Blogger Tips

does my link on the side of my blog count as a link? I hope I win!!

Courtney Ann said... Best Blogger Tips

unbelievably beautiful! you have such talent that I can only dream about.
linked here: http://fourfisks.blogspot.com

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

You know, your pieces are beautiful but your photos truly MAKE them! You bring your pieces to life and just add the beauty and meaning to them!

monica said... Best Blogger Tips

Very cute!

Staci at Craftify It ! said... Best Blogger Tips

I officially linked! And the dress is beautiful & DOES remind me of moss! Love it!

Kelly Casanova said... Best Blogger Tips

Thankyou for such a lovely giveaway, it would look great on one of my girls!

throuthehaze said... Best Blogger Tips

I love it! I linked

Leia said... Best Blogger Tips

so beautiful

Nicole said... Best Blogger Tips

Linked and loving it!

Sam said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous! Don't you hate when the price isn't what you thought. Good self control on taking it back.

Julie said... Best Blogger Tips

My (almost) four year old would look gorgeous in this dress!!!

Glad you've been having a busy (and presumably FUN)summer!!

zime said... Best Blogger Tips

My daughter love this dress!!! Pick me!! :)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Another beautiful creation,

Meghan, Carson and the Kiddos said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is beautiful!

Kara said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE this dress! I especially love the fabric - this dress is the kind of thing that gets the wheels in my head turning and inspires me to sew!

marie said... Best Blogger Tips

It's a beautiful dress, before I even read your words I was thinking of green moss...you captured it perfectly.
I linked to your giveaway on my blog.
Thank you for a wonderful giveaway chance!

Michelle said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful dress... I love it! It would look adorable on my 4 year old!! I have created a link on my blog...

Hannah & Holly said... Best Blogger Tips

Linked! But my blog is set to private... Cute dress! It would look so cute on my little sis!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

So beautiful! It's so important to feel inspiration to create such beautiful pieces. Lovely and it would look beautiful on my two year old girl Eleni. :) I blogged about you in my journal.

Jinii said... Best Blogger Tips


Sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, I love it! You are so talented!

Crazy Cat Lady said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow that reminds me of my childhood!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

The setting of the pics is perfect for showing off the dress. Well done!

nanann said... Best Blogger Tips

Love it! Definitely put a link to it on my blog b/c I just know that color would also look great on my daughters.

Marsel said... Best Blogger Tips

Here's hoping...because I would love to dress my daughter in it! :)

As always, your pictures and your daughter are lovely...

Myshell said... Best Blogger Tips

love the green! You are linked up...

Jess said... Best Blogger Tips

Adorable! Love the color.

Clements Family said... Best Blogger Tips

So beautiful!

katherine said... Best Blogger Tips

oh, i love it! it would look so pretty on my fair skinned, strawberry blond daughter! darling!

Grace Wong said... Best Blogger Tips

this would be perfect for my aunt's baby!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips


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