Boy do I have a big surprise for you today! In addition to all the fabulousness of Free Pattern Month, today Grosgrain is having a SILHOUETTE GIVEAWAY!!!!!!!
Are you as psyched as I am?! In case you are new to Silhouette let me tell you a little bit about this AH-MAZE-ING machine.
The Silhouette is a digital cutting tool for personal use. It connects to your computer just like a printer, but instead of printing designs it cuts them with a small blade.

Use it for:
Custom apparel
Vinyl décor
Etched glass
Sketch designs
Temporary tattoos
Paper crafts
Scrapbook pages

Use it for:
Custom apparel
Vinyl décor
Etched glass
Sketch designs
Temporary tattoos
Paper crafts
Scrapbook pages
My most favorite thing to tell people about the Silhouette is that you DON'T have to buy expensive cartridges to use the machine.
With the machine connected to your computer, you'll get access to all of the fonts on your PC plus the thousands of cuttable designs found on the Silhouette Online Store for as low as 14¢ a download with a monthly subscription. Without a subscription downloads are still ONLY .99¢ each.
The cost of a cartridge you have to use with other cutters is around $50 for around 20 patterns and you don't get to choose each pattern individually. That's quite climb in price.
Is there any question which to choose?
But even better is that you can make your OWN designs with the Silhouette Machine using their provided software. Make silhouettes of your children's faces. Save money using the fonts from your OWN computer. Customize the size to your own imagination.
If you would like to purchase one NOW. Silhouette is also offering Grosgrain readers an amazing deal!
Be sure to use Promo Code: GGF to receive discount!!!!!!!
This promo will last until May 25th but no later so don't wait!
This promo will last until May 25th but no later so don't wait!
For those of you who already have a Silhouette, you can also is offering 25% off of all heat transfer material.
This giveaway can be entered by any ONE of four ways
1) By linking about this giveaway (to your blog, facebook, or any other site) "Create A Link" button for blogger users is below.
2) By FOLLOWING Grosgrain using this link or THE LINK IN MY RIGHT SIDEBAR.
1) By linking about this giveaway (to your blog, facebook, or any other site) "Create A Link" button for blogger users is below.
2) By FOLLOWING Grosgrain using this link or THE LINK IN MY RIGHT SIDEBAR.
Just remember to please leave me a comment telling me what you did so that I can go back and look for your entry. Either give me the link that you posted for the giveaway to or tell me that you began to FOLLOW ME.
Create a Link
To wet your digital cutting palette take a look at some of the other projects in the blogosphere from people who have used their Silhouette Machine for some pretty amazing DIY projects!
Via Craftaholics Anonymous
Via I Am Momma Hear Me Roar
Via Beneath My Heart
Via DBDoodle
Via Crafting Creatures
Via Simple Sweet Yarns
To wet your digital cutting palette take a look at some of the other projects in the blogosphere from people who have used their Silhouette Machine for some pretty amazing DIY projects!
Via Craftaholics Anonymous
Via I Am Momma Hear Me Roar
Via Beneath My Heart
Via DBDoodle
Via Crafting Creatures
Via Simple Sweet Yarns
1629 {comments}:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1629 Newer› Newest»I follow you on twitter! I'm @TheTrainToCrazy
I am following your blog!
dancingindresses (at)
I'm following your blog - thanks for hosting this giveaway!
I'm a follower!
Just the vinyls would be amazing - of course, I would definitely play with the Silhouette machine more than that!
I'm a follower
I follow you on twitter now (@childhooddreamr)! I love all the inspiration on your blog and I'd love to win a Silhouette machine.
i follow your blog
I'd love to have a Silhouette machine to do all sorts of paper crafts. I've been helping friends out with decorations for their children's birthday parties and it would make my life SO much easier!
I am a follower and I would totally have so much fun doing some vinyl and fabric printing!
I follow you here and on twitter (greenbean314). What a fun machine. I am borrowing my mom's cricut and the whole cartridge thing is kind of annoying. I guess I need to do some research on this machine.
I follow you on twitter too @cookie_louise
ooohhh.... I'd looove thiisss!! *crossed fingers*
following your blog!!! :)
I'm a follower and love what you have done with the Silhouette.
sewlovely at hotmail dot com
I follow your blog.
I'm a follower! Cool giveaway, this would come in handy for doing fancy invitations and nice cards.
I checked out the Silhouette site. I would love to do some glass etching and cut vinyl to pretty up my home. Thanks for the giveaway!
I just discovered this site and started following you - which I would have even without the contest because the free patterns are awesome. Thanks!
I've been following you for awhile but I just started following you on your sidebar! I can't believe how great this give-away is!
Now following you on twitter! @juliastaite
I'm a follower and visited the silhouette site.
Would love to make some fun little onesies for my baby boy due in September!
I follow you on twitter
Awesome giveaway, thanks!
I follow you on Twitter. (@melissity)
I am so excited :) I am a new follower of your blog!
I am following you on Twitter @ScrappinDaisies.
Woohoo for a Giveaway!!!!!
I checked teh silhouette website and it is amazing what you can create with the machine! I don't even know what to start with, I would go crazy with it!
lmingee (at) gmail (dot) com
I am a follower and link created.
I also follow you on twitter :)
I follow your blog.
I really want a silhouette to create wall vinyl, stencils, and iron ons!
I checked out the website (as I have many times before)! I would love to win this machine because I sold my Cricut on eBay to buy it! I ended up not getting paid for it (After being shipped) so no I am without both! I love the capabilities of this machine. I can't wait to own one!
I follow!
I would like a Silhouette to do some glass etching.
I created a link!
After visiting the site I think I would be most excited to use it to make designs on pillows on other house items! I am moving into a new apartment and am really excited to start decorating :)
following the blog!
I'm a follower!
Thank you(!) for providing so much inspiration on your site. I read it daily! I'm following now :) lorrainepratt(at)ymail(dot)com.
I follow on twitter! @skidmore101
i follow your site
wow! it even does temporary tattoos! That'd be a lot of fun for matching theming with kids parties- along with every other thing it does under the sun!!
Wow, this is sooo exciting! I am a follower of your blog, and I have been dying to have one of these machines forever. Fingers crossed.
I went to their site. I would love a Silhouette to applique cute things onto my daughter's shirts, and funny sayings for my boy's shirts.
I would love this machine to create my own wall decals and for cutting flower pieces to create headbands and to embellish clothing
I really like how silhouette can pretty up my attempts at organization and creativity.
I am following you on Google and twitter (trezziki)
I went to the Silhouette website, and I am most excited about the ability to create stencils and the pen tool with glitter/plotting, especially since you can create your own designs, not just use specific dies. I would use it to make etched glass, stencils for dyeing fabric and special images I would plot would be made into resin charms.
I'm a twitter follower (@iota1617) and I'd love using the Silhouette machine for tons of projects.
Wow, this is really great!
I would really love to get this great machine, because it can cut out my logo and everything I want to cut.
Best wishes
PS: I'm following your blog with my feedreader.
Oh my gracious I would love one of those. I've seen them in the store for a while but can't justify the cost. And I am psyched to see, from the website, that they are Mac compatible!!
I love all your posts, you are so awesome! I would love to win this machine I could use it for so many things. Like making cute labels, using it for putting designs on clothing and walls, and so much more... ktbabygurl502(at)aol(d0t)com
I follow your blog!
I'm a follower!
I should have also mentioned that I already follow you via RSS.
I'd love to make cute cards.
OMG I would love a silhouette because of all the options it offers! I've wanted a cricut for a while, but this looks SO MUCH BETTER! I love that you can use it for fabric and this heat transfer stuff!
I follow you on Twitter!
I'm just salivating at the thought of all the fun things my crafty best friend and I could create with this machine!
I also follow your rss feed.
I don't know why I wasn't already following your blog. I love it! Thanks for the chance to win such an AWESOME machine!
I follow your blog! I've been wanting a Silhouette for months, I would make cute appliqued clothes for my kids!
I also posted the giveaway on my Facebook page!
I follow your blog...and love it!!
I'm a follower!
Also following you on Twitter
I would love the machine to help in my sewing! Love the little birdies on the quilt!
I follow your blog via Google Reader, but I'd love to use this gizmo to create crafts with my kidlet & embellish clothes for him.
I'm moving away from my mom and her Silhouette this summer and would LOVE one of my own!
I follow your blog!
I follow you now! trav_and_mel@yahoo(dot)com
I'm a follower!
You are in my google reader!
I follow your blog!
anna(at) h2hint(dot)org
My mind is overflowing with ideas!
I follow you on twitter with @Ash_Creations :)
posted link on fb!
would love to try the vinyl on to do glass etching, and also make cool tees!
I follow Grosgrain! Love it-thanks!!
Would love to use this on material for embroidary. Also, would love to make perfect letters for various art projects.
I follow you on twitter! @mpsmama
I follow you blog!
I want a one so that I can label everything with awesome labels. step7283 (at) gmail (dot) com
I want a machine because I really need another form of crafting to drive my hubby insane. :)
Okay and they're like really really cool.
I'm a follower and subscribe to your feed! What a great giveaway!
I have been looking at these machines for months! I love the labeling capablities and the doors that would open for organization... And I would love to be able to create appliques for my kids clothes that look great. Covering stains is a big issue around here! I follow you on twitter and am a subscriber on google reader. Thanks for the contest!
I now follow you on Twitter too
I visited the silouhette site and I'd love to have one to make a banner and wax paper iron on projects...Finger crossed! Thanks :)
I follow your blog!
I am a follower but have created a link.
I can only wonder what the customs charge would be to import to the UK. It looks like to be a great investment, thats one lucky winner!
I follow your blog! What a great and amazing give away!!
I would love this machine because I'm moving into a new home this summer that will need LOTS of embellishments and home decor touches to bring it to life. :)
I follow you on twitter! @rebeccaodn
I follow you on twitter (@solantak)!
I really, really want this machine, and I can't possibly afford buying one right now, so winning it would be amazing :)
I went to the website and added this comment. I have a font addiction and would love this machine!
I think I'd use my Silhouette for everything!
Oh, how I'd love to win this! There's so much it can do... fonts, shapes, it cuts fabric, etc. The first thing I'd do - the kids' Christmas stockings could actually have their NAMES on them this year!
Thanks for the opportunity to win.
I visited the site... I'd really like to try the flocked heat-transfer stuff... I hate the quality of the stuff at Joanns, so the idea of getting better quality, and personalized, heat transfer is WAY appealing....
Love it! I'm a follower.
I went to the silhouette site and I would use it for the heat transfer option I have so many projects I could use that feature for. Following your blog! :)
Seems like a great machine! Endless possibilities for creativity. Also looks like it could be fun for some great kids crafts.
I am follower of your blog. Thanks for the giveaway! :)
I'm a follower!
I'd love to win. I keep looking through the website, but can't justify the cost at the moment. I'd love to use it to organise my kitchen and for clothes, cards, art... the list goes on and on! Thanks for the chance to win!
This is so great! I want to make tshirts and that flower up above is so amazing.
I followed you on Twitter and on GFC :)
This machine would be amazing, and of course I'd have to share it with my bestie, too. :)
i'm now following you on twitter. @milesandmems
fantastic giveaway---hope i win, because i've been drooling over the silhouette machine for over a year now.....
I have been following the Silhouette blog for awhile now, just drooling over all the cool stuff I could make. I think I want to be able to make vinyls out of all MY fonts the most!
I'm a follower of Grosgrain!
Also following you on twitter @askmystudents
I've enjoyed following this blog for a while. And I've been hearing so much about the Silhouettes and REALLY want one! *fingers crossed!!*
I am a crosgrain follower! This is awesome! i hope I win I hope I win!
superh2ogirl (at) yahoo (dot) com
Checked out their website and my
head is swirling with ideas. Love the idea of custom clothing, and all different vinyl and paper crafts.
I tweeted about the contest and tagged you.
lissa_ash2004 at yahoo dot com
I would love to win the silhouette because I have a wedding I'm planning and it would save me a whole lot of time and money if I could utilize a silhouette.
superh2ogirl (at) yahoo (dot) com
Following your blog and loving it :)
I'm a follower!
I want One so bad. It's on the expensive wish list along with a serger. I see cut outs everywhere throughout my house. Sigh.
I follow your blog! So fun!
I linked to you on FB :) I'd love love to have one of these they're amazing, the quilts I'd make would be ridiculously intricate!
I follow you on twitter.
lissa_ash2004 at yahoo dot com
I totally follow your blog, and love it tons. This is a fantastic giveaway!
I subscribe to your blog and check it every day! I would love to have a Silhouette machine to make my own vinyl stencils.
Have been wanting a silhouette for some time now but way out of my price range!!!
I would LOVE to have a silhouette for all my organizing projects. Also, I would go vinyl crazy on my walls! :) Can't have enough of that!, right?!
lissa_ash2004 at yahoo dot com
I'm a follower!
I follow the blog!
Follow you on Twitter too :)
I follow your blog! Thanks for the giveaway!
"Like" Silhouette on FB
lanova dot jo at gmail dot com
How have I not heard of this before?! Oh, the possibilities! I love making cards for family and friends, and etched glasses would make such fab gifts!
I like Silhouette on Facebook!! Love this giveaway!!!
I follow your blog!
I follow you...and this is great!
i follow grosgrain!
Now a follower. Have been loving the Thrift Store Thursday series.
I follow you on twitter!
I'm a Grosgrain follower
I also follow your blog :)
I follow your blog
jacquelinelockhart10 (at) gmail (dot) com
I like silhouette on facebook!
dvdenter (at) gci (dot) net
I am dying for one of these machines! I have a sticker cutter - but it sucks for plain paper!
Oh my gosh...I would love to put clever & cute designs on my boys shirts to match their longies. This would be awesome!
fsmls221 (at) yahoo (dot) com
i'm a follower!
That´s so cool! What I can do with it - endless possibilities!
I'm following!! This machine is the holy grail of crafting for my Mom and me. Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love to win this for so many reasons: vinyl wall decorations, fabric appliques for baby clothes and like I saw on the website really unique gift bags! Thanks for the opportunity.
I am a follower. And a follower on twitter too! great giveaway!
I was already following so I liked Silhouette on Facebook! Thank you for hosting the giveaway!
I follow your blog and am a fan of Silhouette on FB.
me too! i am following you guys for a while now! you probably notices it because of my comments!
I follow your lovely blog, thanks so much for the chance to win! C:
I also follow you on Twitter! YA!
I created a link! This is the coolest machine ever! I have aspirations to start an Etsy shop and this could make my clothes SO unique!
I'm a follower, and I created a link on my blog.
I am a follower =)
I blogged it:
I followed you on Twitter.
I follow your blog.
I like Silhouette on facebook!
I follow your blog! ♥
i follow your blog :)
So, so cool! This would absolutely make my year.
I'm following the blog! :)
I'm FOLLOWING your blog!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I have been storing stuff for a top secret project involving glass for a few months to save up the money to buy this machine. The chance to win awesome. I have been following you for a while, I liked them on Facebook, and I have shared this on my blog here
Awesome give away!
I blogged it:
I follow your blog, and I like Silhouette on FB. Oh how I would love to win this... thanks for the opportunity! :)
I liked silhouette on facebook!
I follow you! Would love to win this!
Please oh Please oh Please!!!!
I would LOVE to win this machine. . . I first learned about it last year - but funding issues do not allow me to buy one.
I would use it for gifts, for amazing labels, for making signs that I could use to decorate my office or even signs that I could use when I become a music teacher this year. . .I could use it for a TON of projects!
THANK YOU for hosting this!
cowgirl_creations (at) hotmail (dot) com
I follow your blog already. . . and LOVE it!
cowgirl_creations (at) hotmail (dot) com
I follow you on Twitter too!
cowgirl_creations (at) hotmail (dot) com
I follow your blog
I like silhouette on facebook
I'm a follower! I would put this machine to great use starting with a vinyl quote near the ceiling of a room.
I follow your blog! This looks fabuloussssss!
I Like Silhouette on fb!
Im a follower of you on twitter!!
I'm following your blog.
I liked Silhouette on FB
I follow Grosgrain!
Oh this is amazing! I'm a follower of your blog :) Fingers crossed!!
I liked Silhoutte on FB AND I follow you on my googlereader. Thanks!!
I follow you on google reader which I think is the link on the right side bar!
I follow this blog (love).
Don't know if it's an option, but I follow Silhouette's blog, too!!
I "liked" Silhouette on Facebook!
I'm following you via your blog! This would be a fantastic birthday present to me!
I follow you with GFC
Steph @ Tart Deco
tartdeco at gmail dot com
I'm a new grosgrain follower!
I follow your blog! Thanks for free pattern month BTW. :)
athenley (at) gmail (dot) com
I'm following your blog! I have serious Silhouette cravings...
im following your blog - why havent i signed up to follow it earlier?? :)
I am a follower! What great ideas to use!
Already follow you, so I liked Silhoutte on Facebook!
I now "FOLLOW" you on TWITTER!!!/AmAzOmBiElOpEz
I posted a link! That is so cool that you can create a link right here! I never knew. Thanks for the heads up!
I liked Grosgrain on Facebook!
Thanks so much for doing this giveaway -- what an absolutely marvelous product! :-)
following your blog now! gkgarry at gmail d0t com
I follow your blog!
I follow your blog through blogger/Google! :)
I am a follower!
That's so cool! I am now a follower. :) Thanks for the opportunity! I love giveaways. :)
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