The English Pea Guest Giveaway

September 6, 2010

Happy Labor Day! To celebrate The English Pea is offering personalized folded note cards for two lucky Grosgrain winners!

All of their designs are original and made in vibrant, fun colors. 
AND FOR ANYONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO ORDER NOW, the English Pea is having her bi annual Stock Up and Save Event. For that 15 day period any customer can order a set of notecards and receive 6 of the same notecards for free!
If you would like to win one of these charming sets of personalized cards please see below:

Giveaways can be entered by any one of three ways

1) By linking about this giveaway (to your blog, facebook, or any other site) button is below.
2) By leaving a comment

3) By FOLLOWING Grosgrain

Just remember to please leave me a comment telling me what you did so that I can go back and look for your entry. Either give me the link that you posted for the giveaway to or tell me that you began to follow me.

If you are leaving a link just use the 'create a link' at the bottom of this post or simply creating a post on your blog and including this link.If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would.

128 {comments}:

ann said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the English Pea's designs - SO adorable :) :)

Tales From My Empty Nest said... Best Blogger Tips

I am already a follower. Thanks for hosting an awesome giveaway. Love & blessings from NC!

Tales From My Empty Nest said... Best Blogger Tips

I love your notecards. They are so adorable. Please count me in on the giveaway. Love & blessings from NC!

Shannon said... Best Blogger Tips

Very cute! I would love to enter! :)
Have a great day and God bless,

I am having a MEGA GIVEAWAY on my blog right now! So far, there are 5 chances to win; plus, there are two more giveaways to come! Here is the link to check it out:

Hope you can join in!

Blog: { }

Leigh Anne said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a follower & I'd love to win!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

What a fabulous stationary company.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you.

Adventures in our army life said... Best Blogger Tips

The English Pea has wonderful notecards and stationary. I highly recommend their products!!

Jenny said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my, I would love some of that stationary! chadjriddle at hotmail dot com

Julia said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to win these! I love cards!

Julia said... Best Blogger Tips

And I am,of course, a follower! :)

charity said... Best Blogger Tips

These are so cute! Thanks!

Teri said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the note cards!

Thank you for the giveaway.

Teri said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a follower on bloglovin'.

barefootandpoignant said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh so cute. I'd love to win. Thank you!

The Middleton's said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm following you!! I LOVE English Pea stuff :)

Katie said... Best Blogger Tips

The peas and carrots note cards are so cute! Thanks for the opportunity.

Kicken Bejos said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful! The perfect gift for my letter writing friend who brings delight to my mail box at least once a month!

Katie said... Best Blogger Tips

Cute! Hope I win! :)

Valerie said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow! I follow!

Valerie said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow! I follow!

Jennifer said... Best Blogger Tips

hahaha I have been following you for ages. But I really would love some personalized note cards. I'm a teacher so I'm sure I could find a million and one uses for them: notes to parents, principals, other teachers...ect. btw I love your 'frock by friday' posts, I have yet to sew my own friday frock but you have inspired me to attempt to sew a Burda pattern!!!

Lindsay said... Best Blogger Tips

How adorable!


Lindsay said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you!


Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips

Sooo awesome!

Jessica D. said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, those are so much fun with the bright colors!

Susanne said... Best Blogger Tips

Very cute! Thanks for the chance to win!

Caroline K said... Best Blogger Tips

those note cards are just darling!!

savvy stitch said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for the chance to win!

Stephanie said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm following you!

Katie J. said... Best Blogger Tips

These are lovely! I'd really enjoy having a set.

Katie J. said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, and I'm a follower!

lorena said... Best Blogger Tips

These are fantastic! Thanks for the giveaway. ;)

lorepuckett at verizon dot net

lorena said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow your through bloglines. ;)

lorepuckett at verizon dot net

Crysta said... Best Blogger Tips

I've had you on my Google reader for a while, but now I'm officially following you on Blogger. Love your blog and those sweet notecards! :)
- Crysta

Tanya-Yanata said... Best Blogger Tips

I've linked on your blog at
And I'm a follower.
Cards are so cute!:)

Elizabeth said... Best Blogger Tips

wow, number one, really?? i'm leaving a! :)

April and Mark said... Best Blogger Tips

Very crisp and clean designs, I love them!

April and Mark said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm also a follower. :)

Jennifer Rzasa said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are fantastic!

Jennifer Rzasa said... Best Blogger Tips

and I follow you :)

staceykt22 said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a happy follower =)

Savannah O'Gwynn said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow and RSS feed:) THANKS for the chance to win! Love visiting this blog--great stuff!

Savannah O'Gwynn said... Best Blogger Tips

Just tweeted:::

Hope that counts:) Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh wow, I love their stuff!

missjulierae said... Best Blogger Tips

Love personalized stationary. AND I'm a follower!

Nina said... Best Blogger Tips

What adorable stationery! Keeping my fingers crossed that I win! :)

Kim T said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the apple card. I have a friend who is a teacher and these would be amazing for her as a Christmas gift! I tried to "follow" you and it said unable to do so at this time? I will try again later! Thank you for this giveaway!
Kim T (

Erin said... Best Blogger Tips

Cute card sets! They look very versatile!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

giveaway!!! follow me.. in my blog.. and play!

Becky said... Best Blogger Tips

These are so cute!

squirrelgonutz [at] yahoo [dot] com

Becky said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm also a blog follower!

squirrelgonutz [at] yahoo [dot] com

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I'd love to win this! How fun...I love the 'Mrs. Smith' one. I love the apple!

Nancy said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are all so cute!!!

Nancy said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a follower

lacycox said... Best Blogger Tips

Those cards are adorable! I'm pretty sure I need some :)

lacycox said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a follower of Grosgrain! WaHoO!!!

lacycox said... Best Blogger Tips

Those cards are adorable! I'm pretty sure I need some :) (hopefully this comment works, they're not showing up)

Camila F. said... Best Blogger Tips

Lovely designs! I'm a sucker for cute cards!

lacycox said... Best Blogger Tips

Haha scratch that....I'm a little blind obviously and didn't see the "comments will be posted after blogger approval" Please forgive my stupidity :)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi there! I follow Grosgrain on Google Reader!

Katharine Cook

Emily said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my, these are cute! I love that they come personalized. Please enter me in the giveaway!

Brittany said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a follower of yours! The cards look so cute, I've been looking for some new cards for when I need to send little thank you notes or just a little hello to someone.


jessankney said... Best Blogger Tips

OH MY GOSH..I absolutely love these! I love to keep a stash of blank cards around for family and friends. How great to have personalized ones this cute!

Lynda said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are so cute! Thanks for the great giveaway!

lmr3683 at hotmail dot com

Fiona said... Best Blogger Tips

the prints and colours on the cards are awesome.

i've been a follower of grosgrain.
thanks for the chance!

Brooke said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow your blog!

Marla said... Best Blogger Tips

Very cute designs .. .

Caramel Cutie said... Best Blogger Tips

These are so cute. I would love to give one to my family members.

Laura said... Best Blogger Tips

So sweet. Thanks for the giveaway!

Laura said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you. And not just for the second chance at a giveaway.

jc said... Best Blogger Tips

The English Pea has so many cheerful and adorable stationery in the shop! I follow via google reader, thanks for the sweet and lovely giveaway.

Cory said... Best Blogger Tips

i'm a follower!!
mychancetowin at gmail dot com

Shalyn said... Best Blogger Tips

How lovely! I particularly like the monogram.

Mad About Pink said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these letter sets. So cute! I'll keep my fingers crossed!

Mad About Pink said... Best Blogger Tips

and I'm a follower!

Melissa said... Best Blogger Tips

so wonderfully cute.

Melissa said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a follower too!

jhelene said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love these little cards! They are so creative!

Jennyroo said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these fabulous notecards! Would love to win, thanks!

shoutingforha said... Best Blogger Tips

I love English Pea! Thanks for the giveaway!

megan said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this giveaway! I'm a newleywed and this would be great for our new cards as a fam!

megan said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow too!

Hannah said... Best Blogger Tips

I have been oogling over the English Pea's designs for a while now. Love them!

Rebekah B. said... Best Blogger Tips

SO cute!

flynn said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the colors! The little chartreuse elephant is perfection. Also, I'm a follower :)

Shay said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh how adorable!! I'm already a follower! Crossing my fingers! Those are just too cute!

Sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to win!

Amy said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are so cute and simple.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

What adorable cards!

Bird R. said... Best Blogger Tips

adorable - perfect for thank you notes

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for the great giveaway! They are so cute!


Emma @ emmanemhandmade said... Best Blogger Tips

So pretty - I love her designs! And stationary!

Brittany said... Best Blogger Tips


Brittany said... Best Blogger Tips


lastdogz said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute! Thanks for offering the giveaway.

GuysGirlKnits said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are so cute and a girl can always use some personalized stationary.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

These are adorable! I love them all!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a follower as well!

Pattij said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, I love these designs!!!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

i follow gg!

Elena said... Best Blogger Tips

Super cute! I'd write more notes just so I could use these cards. Thanks! :)

Elena said... Best Blogger Tips

Following on Reader. :)

Janel said... Best Blogger Tips

I am constantly writing notes to relatives; if I won these would be put to good use!

Janel said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you!

Abigail said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh So very very Cute!!! I love notecards!

The Green MomSter said... Best Blogger Tips

These are so cute! Hope I win!

elkmeese at yahoo dot com

Abigail said... Best Blogger Tips

I super love notecards. So cute!!

JBalloon said... Best Blogger Tips


tara said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm fond of cards! I take a chance!!! many many thanks!!!!!!!!!

Ms Muffin said... Best Blogger Tips

So adorable! Would love to win!
ulli-xox [@]web[dot]de

Ms Muffin said... Best Blogger Tips

And I am following Grosgrain!


Diana said... Best Blogger Tips

This are so adorable and I'd love to win!

Diana said... Best Blogger Tips

And I'm a follower!

charity said... Best Blogger Tips

and I'm a follower :)

Soggy Cereal Mom said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the For the Birds and Under the Sea notecard packs.

Soggy Cereal Mom said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a follower

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Fantastic pls enter my name thanks so much !!!

Kathy :)

Tricia said... Best Blogger Tips

many likes!!

Taronger said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a follower of yours from Barcelona!
I love these cards!!

Monica said... Best Blogger Tips

love these designs.
I am a blogger & twitter follower!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I love how cute these are! Thanks for sharing!

Wehaf said... Best Blogger Tips

Those giraffes are too adorable for words!

urchiken at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

so cute and adorable !

Mrs Chronic-Shock said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a follower!

Mrs Chronic-Shock said... Best Blogger Tips

I absolutely LOVE personalized things :)

jessankney said... Best Blogger Tips

i'm a follower, and love these great cards. Thanks for sharing.

Emory said... Best Blogger Tips

Wonderful cards! Would love to have some!

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