August 24, 2010

Okay, the day is here. Drumroll please......


I know my readers are crafty folk and that they will appreciate this giveaway as much as I did when I was asked to review it. I think I was on cloud nine for days.

The winner of this giveaway will receive one silhouette machine with cuttings mediums as well as a $10 gift card to the Silhouette Online Store.

I definitely recommend visiting the site and especially the blog which has a ton of great ideas and mediums including magnet paper, tattoo paper and metallic sketch pens!

First off I want to differentiate this from the Cricut which IMHO has nothing on the Silhouette. The major difference being you DON'T have to buy EXPENSIVE cartridges which (to me) makes the Cricut cost prohibitive. You have the freedom to create whatever you want. Whatever font you have installed on your computer, you can cut out with the Silhouette machine and your computer.

You can cut images that are 39" long! That's long enough for a life sized birch tree vinyl cutout. Speaking of cutouts you can make your own images! Want to make a silhouette of your family's profiles to frame over the mantlepiece? YOU CAN with the Silhouette (I'm SOOO gonna try that).

And here's another great part. If you want to purchase something from the Silhouette library (which has some GREAT boxes BTW) you can purchase them individually online for only 75 cents a piece. Compare that to Cricut which charges you $60 per cartridge with about 50 images you may or may not want and one font AND you'd have to drive out to the store to buy it.

Silhouette also has monthly design plans. For $19.99 a month you can download up to 200 designs of your OWN choosing. That's crazy.

Here were a few things I made with my machine. OOOooo you know what would be neat? Paper dolls!

See how I did it here, here, here and here. I'll have a full tutorial later in the week with another silhouette project that you can do. Making the candy boxes were beyond easy. All I had to do was print, punch out and fold. If you had some pretty heavy weight scrapbooking paper this little project would take less than five minutes.

And here are a few things other people have made with their machines from flickr's: Silhouette Machine: theCREATIVEplace.
If you would like to win this AMAZING machine there are a couple ways to enter.

Grosgrain Giveaways can be entered by one of three ways

1) By linking about this giveaway (to your blog, facebook, or any other site) button is below.
2) By going to Silhouette's site and leave a comment
on Grosgrain about why you like Silhouette
3) By FOLLOWING Grosgrain and leaving a comment on the silhouette secret posts

Just remember to please leave me a comment telling me what you did so that I can go back and look for your entry. Either give me the link that you posted for the giveaway to or tell me that you began to follow me.


If you'd like to get ahead of the game and purchase a silhouette for yourself (which I highly recommend) use

Use the code and buy a machine between August 23rd through September 1st at midnight and receive the following:

-fuzzy white vinyl (Valued at $7.99)
-light blue smooth heat transfer (Valued at 14.99)
yellow flocked heat transfer (Valued at $14.99)
- Home Décor CD (Valued at $50)
- $10 Gift Card to the Silhouette Download Store (Comes in the box)
- Cutting Blade (Comes in the box)
- 2 Cutting Mats (Comes in the box)

All for $249.99
A Savings of $137.97
Just think of how much you’ll save on gift giving this year! 
  Use the code and buy a machine between September 2nd through September 4th at midnight and receive the following:

$50 off (receive for $249.99)
2 rolls of Heat transfer ($29.89 value)
$10 Gift Card to the Silhouette Download Store(Comes in the Box)
Cutting Blade (Comes in the Box)
2 Cutting Mats(Comes in the Box)

All for $249.99
A savings of $79.98

If you are leaving a link just use the 'create a link' at the bottom of this post or simply creating a post on your blog and including this link.If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would.

1958 {comments}:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 1958   Newer›   Newest»
Camila F. said... Best Blogger Tips

How cool is this machine? I love that you can make temporary tattoos with Silhouette, I would have so much fun doing that!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

What an incredibly awesome giveaway!!! These things are AmaZing! I don't know if my life has been complete with out one ; )

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

please pick me! I posted on my blog about it:

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

oooooo, and I absolutely love their site (i've ooogled over it numerous times...) the ideas are endless!

Sarah Jane said... Best Blogger Tips

I need to do more crafts and this would be the perfect start....I linked it to my blog...

Renanda said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked up on my blog!

Renanda said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow u~thanks for the giveaway!

Renanda said... Best Blogger Tips

I want a silhouette so bad! I love that you don't have to buy cartriges and that it can help with glass etching!!! If I don't win, I will first cry, then beg and plead for one till my husband gives in.

Cheryl said... Best Blogger Tips

I posted this on my blog

comtesse said... Best Blogger Tips

This Silhouette is fantastic, il will make a link
Thanks !

ButterPeanut said... Best Blogger Tips

wow, what a cool thing! I've never seen anything like this before.

MoveYourAsana said... Best Blogger Tips

wow the first commenter!! this looks like so much fun, i drool over these machines at Michael's but just can't justify the $$ .....yet. what fun I would have with this one! PS LOVE your blog!

Who am I... said... Best Blogger Tips

Posted and linked to you! What an amazing giveaway!:)

Who am I... said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a follower....what an odd statement! Ha!

Lynda said... Best Blogger Tips

You have such a great blog! I always enjoy seeing what's new. This would be a great thing to win. I like Silhouette because it gives you a chance to make such unique craft items! Thank you so much!

lmr3683 at hotmail dot com

jimena said... Best Blogger Tips

well! It seems to me I am the very first one to leave a comment. I hope it's here where I should leave it because I love this little machine and I can imagine the things i can make with it not only for the house but for my classes (I teach Spanish), so please include in your giveaway. I am a follower of yours as well. Thanks a lot<

jimena said... Best Blogger Tips

well! It seems to me I am the very first one to leave a comment. I hope it's here where I should leave it because I love this little machine and I can imagine the things i can make with it not only for the house but for my classes (I teach Spanish), so please include in your giveaway. I am a follower of yours as well. Thanks a lot<

jimena said... Best Blogger Tips

well! It seems to me I am the very first one to leave a comment. I hope it's here where I should leave it because I love this little machine and I can imagine the things i can make with it not only for the house but for my classes (I teach Spanish), so please include in your giveaway. I am a follower of yours as well. Thanks a lot<

jimena said... Best Blogger Tips

having problems trying to let the comments. I also had problems with the BurdaStyle webpage and I am very angry I could not vote on that one as well,
Well, Hope this works one day

Kameron said... Best Blogger Tips

I love that the machine is so versitile! I would try out the vinyl cutouts for the kid's rooms and I applique so i would love to try my hand and makeing some new desins for clothes!

Kameron said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow!

Georgine said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a follower and I linked. Am I supposed to leave a comment here why I like the Silhouette or on the Silhouette site? Why wouldn't I like one? What cant it do? Maybe I could label everything, even the dog! I think The first thing I would do is the combo mermaid-lizard birthday invites I need to make for my daughters birthday. Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance.

Hele said... Best Blogger Tips

I am your folower and I commented on the post about Lili´s studing corner

I t is enought to participate, isn´t it?

jimena said... Best Blogger Tips

please I'd like to participate in this giveaway. thanks

angelaphotos said... Best Blogger Tips

awesome! I hope I win this :) I can use it with the Frock By Friday posts that I love :)

I posted a comment on their blog, a link on mine, and I've been following you for months! thanks for the great blog


CaveGurl said... Best Blogger Tips

I did #3, commented on the secret Sunday clue. I love these machines and hope to win!!

rubysnpurls {at} yahoo {dot} com

Lisa said... Best Blogger Tips

there are about a million things on the site i like. i would love to make tshirts (especially for our upcoming family vacation to disney world) and all the vinyl things i could cut - and then i would scrapbook like crazy. i have never seen so many options!! i would love to win!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I already follow you, so hey! And does tweeting the giveaway count as a link? Because I did, here


Kameron said... Best Blogger Tips

I also tweeted about the giveaway. @aWrinkleInTime (not sure how to link to the exact tweet)

Oré said... Best Blogger Tips

What a wonderful gift! I'd love to create all these shapes from paper!
I love to create from recycled materials: my recycled paper would be beautifully used with this machine.
Thank you for this generous contest.
Oré, A reader from Belgium.

GeekySweetheart said... Best Blogger Tips


Tracie said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm following you now!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I just started officially following you although I have been reading you for some time. Check out our blog at for our upcoming post about your awesome giveaway!!!!

Rose C. said... Best Blogger Tips

So many possibilities! And with eight creative people in my house, this tool would be used to the limits of its potential. We would love to win!

tali said... Best Blogger Tips

I love, love love this machine. The possibilities are endless!

Starry said... Best Blogger Tips

I knew this was a sillhouette giveaway. I love my silhouette and I've only had it 2 weeks! It's great for all kinds of stuff. Just wish they delivered all those accessories to the UK.

PS. I'm having a bit of a give away on my own blog if anyone is interested!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

WOW WOW WOW ! I am in love with those ideas!
I'm a follower for sure!

Drew said... Best Blogger Tips

How exciting! I would love to try the vinyl cut outs with the silhouette :)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

and of course i created a link! This baby's going on my Christmas list right now!

Jamie said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this machine-- been dying to have one. I'm really wanting to use it to do some wall art for my little guy's big boy room. It will also be so handy for decorating baby gifts and holiday packages! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

Happy Homemaker said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this! I have wanted a Silhouette for a while now. It's just so versatile. The thing I want to do most is use it for the scrapbook pages and to make boxes/cutouts for baked goods. With a 3yr old and a 2mo old, there isn't a lot of time to scrapbook and this machine would make it so much easier!

mama*thayer said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked to your post, and follow you. :)

Jamie said... Best Blogger Tips
This comment has been removed by the author.
colleen said... Best Blogger Tips

I've had my eye on one of these - would love to try the glass etching!

Mrs. Patrick said... Best Blogger Tips

LOVE the giveaway! Became a follower!! dbpatrick.81(at)

Geneva Johnson said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to make some heat transfer clothes for my boys. This machine is awesome!

Geneva Johnson said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you!

Mrs. Patrick said... Best Blogger Tips

I absolutely love their site my brain is overflowing with the possibilities glass etching vinyl wall letters for the nursery! I MUST HAVE ONE haha! dbpatrick.81(at)

Jamie said... Best Blogger Tips

Forgot to say that I'd left a comment on the cupcake secret post! (So I deleted that comment.) I also subscribe via google feed reader. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

Emma said... Best Blogger Tips

I have been lusting after one of these for ages!! Love it. Thanks for such a great giveaway!

Natalie said... Best Blogger Tips

Great giveaway! I am dying to get one of these. I commented on Silhouette's blog post today (Magnet cutouts). I also tweeted about it!

barefootandpoignant said... Best Blogger Tips

My favorite uses would be for the vinyl wall art and for making labels for my glass jars and ceramic containers. Thank you!

Elise said... Best Blogger Tips

I just started following you yesterday :) I would love to explore the endless possibilities with this machine. Thanks for the chance!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I've been wanting one of these for a long time...BADLY! I LOVE how many different things you can do with it and not have to buy the expensive cartridges. I explained it to my husband as being like my embroidery machine for things besides sewing!

tali said... Best Blogger Tips

I created a link here -

And also follow your blog!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

What a cool machine!

Betty Crocker wannabe said... Best Blogger Tips

I could do so many cool things with this machine! I follow you and linked to your post ( and I would love to win!! Thanks for the oppurtunity!

monibug said... Best Blogger Tips

I have been checking out your blog for awile you have some awsome give aways...I really love this one. I would love this machine so many things you can do with it

happyfamily said... Best Blogger Tips

Interesting... I've never heard about these until you presented them. They seem so much cooler than the cricut. I think that my favorite is the cupcake wrapper- so cute!

thebestsarahinthewholewideworld at hotmail dot com

Amanda said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh how I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to win a Silhouette! Oh the many, many things to do with it! Squee! Can you tell I am a little excited?!

Jen said... Best Blogger Tips

I think I need that! ;) I have been following you forever~ I also posted a link on my little blog...Love it!

Amanda said... Best Blogger Tips

I am now a follower too!

Anna G said... Best Blogger Tips

Would love to win this!

Marlene S. said... Best Blogger Tips

I've been looking at the Cricut and thinking the cartridges are SSOOOO expensive. This is a great alternative.... actually so much better.!!

I'm leaving a comment on the Silouette blog :)


Marlene S. said... Best Blogger Tips

I've been looking at the Cricut and thinking the cartridges are SSOOOO expensive. This is a great alternative.... actually so much better.!!

I'm leaving a comment on the Silouette blog :)


Missy Shay said... Best Blogger Tips

I've been following all week trying to guess, I had a feeling it was a silhouette! I could use this machine for my Sunday School class and all the showers and parties I help plan at church. Thank you for the giveaway!

Laura said... Best Blogger Tips

I'd love to have this machine! I think its best feature is that you can make your own shapes. P.S.: I follow you blog. ;)

Stephanie said... Best Blogger Tips

How fun! The glass etching and vinyl lettering look like great projects!! I follow you.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I became a follower! That's an awesome giveaway! Those machines are sooo incredible!

Gloria M. said... Best Blogger Tips

This machine looks really nice! I'm pretty new at scrap booking,but this machine would make this year's Christmas cards look really nice! I like this machine because you really get to express your creativity,but you don't have to be held back by expensive materials.I'm trying to follow you but my computer won't let me,I have been reading your blog for a while now.I hope I win this machine for my B-day!

Brittany said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a follower of your blog and love it! Thismachine looks like so much fun with endless possibilities!

Lindsay said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow!!! I am a follower and I would really really like to win!! Money is a little tight so winning this would be awesome! I hand paint everything right now so this would save me tons of time!!! woo hoo! xo

Ag said... Best Blogger Tips

i love the versatility of it. everything can be done!!!
i'm going to temporary tatoo a silhouette machine silhouette on my chest. how cool is that!

Ag said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a follower!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the custom apparel on the Silhouette website. It would be so much fun to make something for my daughter.

Heather said... Best Blogger Tips

I do this the secret post, or do you mean the teaser posts you did leading up to this?

Emma's Mom said... Best Blogger Tips

would love love love to win one of these!!!!

Emma's Mom said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a follower now dbow81 at gmail dot com

Amy said... Best Blogger Tips

Such a fun giveaway! I have tweeted about the giveway at amyleewit and subscribed to your blog.

Emma's Mom said... Best Blogger Tips

The cupcake holder are so precious and the possibilities with cards! LOVE everything about it!

Gloria D. said... Best Blogger Tips

I re-wrote my comment,because I didn't log into my Google account sorry about that.This machine looks really nice! I'm pretty new at scrap booking,but this machine would make this year's Christmas cards look really nice! I like this machine because you really get to express your creativity,but you don't have to be held back by expensive materials.I also follow you.I have been reading your blog for a while now.I hope I win this machine for my B-day!

Heather said... Best Blogger Tips

just facebooked it!

Sandy said... Best Blogger Tips

I must not have had enough coffee yet this morning, because I'm unsure how to win this thing! Have no idea where the secret posts are at. I'm hoping that by telling you I'm one of your followers in this comment I am entered. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

jillian said... Best Blogger Tips

I posted about this on facebook, but I don't know how to link it. Jillian McGregor

jillian said... Best Blogger Tips

I also posted on my blog :)!

Nancy said... Best Blogger Tips

I would LOVE to win this!!!! I would use this for a lot of things. T-shirt transfers, cupcake wrappers, vinyl wall art, freezer paper stencils, and I could go on and on.

Nancy said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a follower via GFC.

Jo said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great machine! I don't have either a Cricut or a Sizzix/Big Shot. I didn't like how you couldn't use your own designs with those ones. This machine seems perfect!

I'm a follower, and I linked:

Amy said... Best Blogger Tips


Amy said... Best Blogger Tips

And I am a follower
Would love to do so much with this!!

erin said... Best Blogger Tips

unbelievable! i can't believe i didn't even know this existed. i've already got potential projects spooling up in my head! thanks, amazing giveaway!

lindsey said... Best Blogger Tips

My sisters all use the Cricut and I have been searching for a better alternative and here it is! Thank you so much for all of the great things you post on your blog. I am now a follower of your blog!

shoutingforha said... Best Blogger Tips

I've been wanting to try one of these machines. Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

chelsea said... Best Blogger Tips

i'm a follower and i cannot even begin to think of all of the fun little projects i would use this for!! so so fun!!

acandiedapple said... Best Blogger Tips

I would totally make a baking set with cupcake liners and little matching gift tags. Oooh wouldn't a homemade jam lid label be cute with a matching card. I'm a follower.

Sarah M said... Best Blogger Tips

WOW!! SO stinkin' neat!! I can't believe all the cool things this machine can do!!
Sarah M

Mindy said... Best Blogger Tips

I soooo want a Silhouette!!! I posted a link at

Thanks for the giveaway! It would be amazing to win this!!

J J & j said... Best Blogger Tips

It has my name on it! I linked to the giveaway from my blog!

Kim @The Little Things said... Best Blogger Tips

How did I not know about this machine? I was going to ask for a cricut for my b-day, but if I don't win this Silhouette it will be on the top of my birthday list! Oh, and I am a follower.

Madeline said... Best Blogger Tips

My blog is linked and my fingers are crossed.

Love this!

Mindy said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a follower. I love your blog, you've been on my blog roll for sometime now, and your creativity is constantly inspiring! Great giveaway!

*Kelly* said... Best Blogger Tips

I just love how many different things you can do with this machine. My favorite is the shirt screens!

*Kelly* said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked you to my blog!!!

Erin said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! That is a pretty amazing tool/toy!

jenn said... Best Blogger Tips

What a cool giveaway! Thanks for sharing about an amazing product that I didn't even know existed. This is definitely going on Christmas list if I don't win. I left a link on my blog :

Beth said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow your blog & I will leave a comment on the silhouette site! This looks so amazing!

Erin said... Best Blogger Tips

And I just checked out and commented on their blog, what fun ideas!

Erin said... Best Blogger Tips

i love following you through bloglines as well! And will post about this giveaway too!

Brittany said... Best Blogger Tips

I am SO excited about this. I have wanted a silhouette ever since I heard about them. I am a big time scrapbooker, so I would put it to good use. I linked to my blog. Here's hoping.

Samina said... Best Blogger Tips

This is an amazing tool! Thanks for telling us about it.

linda said... Best Blogger Tips

What fun this would be!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked to it on my blog. Such an amazing giveaway!

Kaleidoscope Eyes 8 said... Best Blogger Tips

Eee! I was hoping that was the giveaway!

I posted this post on my blog:

Estee said... Best Blogger Tips

Every time I see the siluouette somewhere my heart jumps. I wish I had the money to buy it *sigh*

My favorite is the etching, I have so many things in my house I'd love to etch, it looks so cool!
Next to that the vinyl for clothes is great!

Sandra said... Best Blogger Tips

Excellent machine - Ive linked this post at my blog.
I work in the scrapbook and papercraft industry, so I can attest to the high praise about this machine.

Estee said... Best Blogger Tips

I've commented on the Smelloise post.

Tracy said... Best Blogger Tips

Tracy from Philly just loves this machine:)

Kaleidoscope Eyes 8 said... Best Blogger Tips

I don't know if we are allowed to enter more than once, but...

I can't say what I like about the Silhouette, because I don't like it... I LOVE IT!

I would do so many things with it that if I think about it for too long, my mind will explode with all of the creative potential and my unquenchable desire to own one.

I would make wall decorations posters, blankets and clothes... My dream of etching my own dining room dish set would come true... *le sigh*

Melissa Ann said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you and left a comment in the Splenda or Sugar post :) This is a really neat giveaway. I've never heard of anything like it, but I've been working on redecorating a table and this would make the stenciling I was going to do on the top unnecessary and the finished project removable for my hubby's sake. It would be neat to win!

Kaleidoscope Eyes 8 said... Best Blogger Tips

Lastly, I do follow you in my Google Reader, but when I try to follow that link, it tells me it can't complete my request right now.

And yes, I would make temporary tattoos as well. I think that would be mandatory!

Oh, and stickers for my car.

J J & j said... Best Blogger Tips

The possibilities on their webpage overwhelm me! SO many great options!

James said... Best Blogger Tips

My wife is a big time scrapbooker. She would love this. I hope I can win it for her.

J J & j said... Best Blogger Tips

I have always followed your blog blog with google reader, but now I am an official blogger follower as well! Crossing my fingers and toes that this Silhouette comes to live with me!

Amy said... Best Blogger Tips

These are awsome machines. I love how versitile they can make almost anything with them!! Thanks for the giveaway!!
amyt681 at hotmail dot com

Sandy said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a follower! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a follower!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I am totally drooling over this machine. The possibilites are endless. I would probably start putting cute vinyl on anything and everything that sat still long enough!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

What a cool machine for crafters. I'd love it. I'm now a follower.


Marianne Elixir said... Best Blogger Tips

This is an amazing machine! The possibilities seem endless. I love that it allows you to work with such varied mediums. I think I would primarily make cards and custom wall art.

I am leaving a comment on their blog as well. Thanks for all the fun hints and anticipation!

charity said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked on my blog, but didn't see it on the links so:

Carrie said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the the heat transfer! I would be doing that all day if I one one!

TMJ-Seamstress/Designer said... Best Blogger Tips

This machine looks so amazing and useful! One of my very favorite wedding gifts was made with a machine like this and I've been wanting to make something like it ever since! I'm still trying to get my own blog off the ground, but I linked it to my facebook page instead, and I feel like it's the first time in my life I've entered a giveaway that I care so much about! On a side note, I found your blog a little under a week ago and have been just devouring the old posts! Your scarf tutorial list last year is one of my favorites, and the dresses you make inspire me so much!

Variety said... Best Blogger Tips

I blogged about the giveaway here:

And posted on facebook here:

I do follow your blog, but I didn't comment on any of the hidden posts, and they're too far back in my follow feed to get to, now.

But I did love those projects, especially the glass etching. Would you show how you did that? Oh, I want this so much!

Callie said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow!

Misty said... Best Blogger Tips

I left a link on twitter!

Misty said... Best Blogger Tips

I love how much you can do with the machine.. the possibilities are endless!

Angie said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love a machine like this...I've been eying the Cricut, but this one seems much more practical. I already do a lot of sewing (just starting to sell my items) and this would be another way to embellish my work! I can't remember exactly how I found this blog, but I often do searches for tutorials and crafty things. Can't wait to see if I win this!!

Heather said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the glass etched fish bowl!! I've been waiting for a machine that will let you make your own designs.

I posted a link on my blog:

kendall said... Best Blogger Tips

I want one of these! I would love to make heat transfer onesies for all the wee ones being born into my family soon.

bethany said... Best Blogger Tips

I would so love to win this.

bethany said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a follower too!

Shana Putnam said... Best Blogger Tips

I need this so badly!!!!! I shared on Facebook.!/Mommy2Blaze?v=wall&story_fbid=120112238038874

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

been following you forever!

Krista said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a new follower! I really want a Silhouette machine! Fingers crossed. (Toes, too!)

Shana Putnam said... Best Blogger Tips

I love it because of the uses for making shirts and vinyl decos for the walls and everything else you can do with it on the Silohuette site!!

mommy2blaze at gmail dot com

charisse said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked on my facebook. These are such cool machines! Definitely would have been better than the x-acto knife I used to cut out some freezer paper!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

not sure how you'll check on this, but I posted to my FB. here's a copy paste from the entry:

here's another one!! (I really really want one of these...)

How cool is this machine? I love that you can make temporary tattoos with Silhouette, I would have so much fun doing that!
10 seconds ago · Comment · Like · Share

Monica said... Best Blogger Tips

I've been dying for a Silhouette. I love that you can create anything you want and aren't limited by which cartridges you have or can purchase. It's genius!

mmhemsley AT gmail DOT com

Shana Putnam said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you and posted on the secret posts!!

erica said... Best Blogger Tips

I am now a follower. I love it!!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

what do I like??? What's not to like??? :) I super love that you don't have to buy cartridges for it. i also really like that you can design your own stuff for it. One of the things I really want to try is the heat transfer. I want to make shirts for the kiddos - but I also think a really fun graphic print would be great on a tote. I'd also really like to put vinyl up around the house! (I've got a spot in the family room all ready...)

what an awesome product, huh?

Katrina said... Best Blogger Tips


John Mazanis said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this machine! There is so much that I want to do & could finally make with this machine! I have linked to my blog: and I became a Grosgrain follower!!!

erica said... Best Blogger Tips

I commented on the silhouette website. There are so many awesome things you can do withthis machine!!

Krista said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a new follower! I've been really wishing for a Silhouette machine! Fingers crossed. (Toes, too!)

Greta said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the rhinestone templates!! Love, Love that there are no cartridges to buy!!!

Jessica Sorensen said... Best Blogger Tips

I love that you can design your own stuff on your computer.

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said... Best Blogger Tips

Posted a link on my blog

I just got a cricut for my birthday but would happily pass that along if I won this amazing machine!!!

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow and I left a guess on one of your guess posts (the one with the mustache cups I think)

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said... Best Blogger Tips

With a new baby girl on the way - I would love to use the silhouette to make decorations for the wall above her crib - she will be in our room for a long time so I want to make her space as special as possible!

Shirley said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this! I was sold when you said Silhouette! I hope hope hope I can win! I would love to make a tree cut out :)

Joe, Christina, & Rocky said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you! I love the silhouette too!

ABK said... Best Blogger Tips

This machine is incredible. I LOVE the glass etching possibilities. Too cool!

Olya said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, I love it! It's tough to find cute clothes for boys sometimes; the heat transfer appliques with Silhouette would be sooo perfect!! And I already follow you - love this blog. :)

Joe, Christina, & Rocky said... Best Blogger Tips

I used to think I wanted a silhouette for all the cool vinyl stuff (and still do) - but now that you've pointed out that you can make boxes, and cupcake wrappers (!!) - I need one for that too!

Rachel said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the projects you made with the machine- I blogged about this great giveaway here!

Tennjenny said... Best Blogger Tips

I want to make everything. Thanks for the chance to win this machine!

sb said... Best Blogger Tips

I've seen this being given away elsewhere and have been desperately crossing my fingers and toes every time. I need the ability to vinyl my walls and make easy t-shirt transfers!

Becky said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a follower!! What a great giveaway! Enjoy your silhouette!

Kaylee said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you + I checked out the website...AMAZING! I would love one of these awesome machines!! What a great giveaway!

Becky said... Best Blogger Tips

I have been following their blog for a while and am always checking out their website. The heat transfers are to die for...That is my favorite feature of the Silhouette

Amber Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a follower. :)

Darren and Diana said... Best Blogger Tips

I NEED one of these things! I sure my friend is sick of me always coming over to her house and asking to borrow hers!

Amber Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips

I blogged the giveaway here:

Amber Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips

AND here:

Tara said... Best Blogger Tips

That looks so fun! Very inspiring to keep the creativity flowing. I'm a follower!

Katie said... Best Blogger Tips

The Silhouette machine seems so versatile, and I think that is what makes it so nice. Although I haven't used one, I hear a lot of great comments about it, and I would love to have the opportunity to try it for myself!

kellie: thelemondime said... Best Blogger Tips

WHOOOOPEEEE! posted the link on my blog:


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the versatility of the Silhouette. Having one machine to do so many things would help de-clutter my craft room. Thanks!

Brenda said... Best Blogger Tips

I love that it can sketch too!


Mummy said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a follower!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a follower!

Brenda said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a follower now too!


Beth Lemon said... Best Blogger Tips

I posted about this on my Facebook page:

I think this machine would be amazing.

Kate the Great said... Best Blogger Tips

I think the reason I've not purchased any of these type machines in the past is because you had to always buy the patterns.

I love that I can just hook this up to my computer and do anything my mind can imagine basically.

And the price is so afforadable, if you think about what you will be saving in gift giving and home decor/fashion costs.


Janel said... Best Blogger Tips

I was so excited about this machine and the heat transfers that you can do - BUT - I had NO idea that you could do temporary tattoos with it!!! That is THE COOLEST thing EVER!!!

Janel said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a Grosgrain follower!!

Kate the Great said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh and I posted on my blog about it too...

Shalee said... Best Blogger Tips

Recently heard of this little beauty! Can't wait to get my little hands on it! Follower to you:)

Bird R. said... Best Blogger Tips

Shared on my facebook page!/profile.php?id=605119278

jbr said... Best Blogger Tips

I love love love that you don't have to buy a cartridge!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I would SO make some custom tees like the one you made for your baby! I'm a follower. :D

Bird R. said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you - love your no nonsense sewing :)

Megan said... Best Blogger Tips

My brain just exploded. Tattoo paper? Giant birch tree on my bathroom door? WHAT? This is amazing! I followed you. I can't figure out where to post a comment on the Silhouette site, though.

Tracy said... Best Blogger Tips

I just discovered your blog and look forward to all the creative inspiration to come. I'm following you so I don't miss a thing! Thanks for the opportunity to participate in such and awesome giveaway!

Bird R. said... Best Blogger Tips

I have entered to win one of these machines over a dozen times. They look so awesome but just not in the budget right now. I'm getting married next summer and could really use this for all my DIY projects (invites, bunting, paper corsages...)

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I am nearly desperate to win one of these!! I posted about it on Facebook

Eliza Rae said... Best Blogger Tips

I like the silhouette because you don't have to go to the store and find stencils, the right kind of paint, and then paint onto whatever you wanted that stencil on.

This weekend I was wanting to make my niece a cowgirl lamp shade for her birthday. I couldn't find cowgirl anything. I bet with the silhouette that would never be an issue.

ragamuffinbeauties said... Best Blogger Tips

Grosgrain follower! Would love to win this...I would go on a vinyl rampage!

Zegi said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked to you at

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