Cinnamon Sticks GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!! CLOSED.

March 6, 2009

I'm tickled to tell you that one of my newest sponsors, Cinnamon Sticks, has agreed to offer a guest giveaway for Grosgrain!

Canela sells handmade jewelry with a handstamped message, poem, word or letter or your choice, in a variety of four different fonts.

The above piece can accomodate 135 characters.

This would be GREAT for an upcoming birthday OR an everyday keepsake.

I liked the one to the right. You can add the first letter of each of your children's names to wear around your neck.

Or the three initals of your name.

Last day for posts is Wednesday 3/18/09. Winner will be announced Sunday!

As usual, if you would like a chance to win this gift certificate just link back to this post. If you have any questions see the "questions and answers" link to the right. If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.

115 {comments}:

shelia said... Best Blogger Tips

i want to win! this work is wonderful!!! love love love

shelia said... Best Blogger Tips

create a link not working ;(

Mindy said... Best Blogger Tips

I created a link on my blog! I love these necklaces!

~Michelle~ said... Best Blogger Tips

To make sure you capture it, blogged here:

Kyla Armstrong said... Best Blogger Tips

I can't get the "create a link" to work today, but the jewelry is gorgeous!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful giveaway!! I so badly want to win this!! it's sooooo me ;o)
Created a link!

Amber said... Best Blogger Tips

Her work is beautiful.

Lydia said... Best Blogger Tips

Linked! I love this type of jewelry!

jennifersusan said... Best Blogger Tips

I love hand stamped jewelry! It's just so unique!

sakmb said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are great I hope I win! the work is beautiful!

Nuts To You! said... Best Blogger Tips

Create a link is not working for me either!

Kate said... Best Blogger Tips

That necklace is just gorgeous!!

BrendaLea, the Prpldy said... Best Blogger Tips

Her jewelry is gorgeous!

I'm posting a link on my blog.

Kitty and June said... Best Blogger Tips

lovin her jewelry...put me in the drawing!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I have been eyeing one of her bracelets for some time- Put me in the drawing :)

Jodi said... Best Blogger Tips

I couldn't get the "Create A Link" to work this time either, but I still posted about the giveaway on my blog. Love the shop! Lots of cute things!

Michelle Kuo said... Best Blogger Tips

Those necklaces are amazing! I would love to enter, so I posted up a blog for this myself, since your Create A Link button isn't working :(

Liz Wilcken said... Best Blogger Tips

Pick me!!!! So cute! Creating a link.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the idea of my children's initials. I have twins + 1 and have a twin pendant, but nothing with all 3 kids symbolized...

Link posted!

Bunny B said... Best Blogger Tips

bunnybx at gmail . com

Jewels of My Heart said... Best Blogger Tips

I want to play too. I love her designs... I can't get the create a link to work either... hopefully can before the end of the drawing.

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said... Best Blogger Tips

i love her shop, she has so many beautiful items.

Melissa said... Best Blogger Tips

love her stuff and would love to own some ;)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Very cool! Count me in - I linked :)

Charmaine said... Best Blogger Tips

I love silver jewelry like this! I linked to you on my sidebar!

Monique said... Best Blogger Tips

The create a link isn't working for me but I want to enter, I really like this.

cyndi said... Best Blogger Tips

I couldn't get it to work either, but I LOVE her jewelry, Love it!

Jules said... Best Blogger Tips

Such a sweet ideas! The jewlery is awesome. Very beautiful. Can't wait to see who wins!

Take care, & your link is posted!

ChrisandLogue said... Best Blogger Tips

It's have the best giveaways! I love this jewelry and would love to win! posted a link to our blog at:

could not get the link button to work this time, so hope that was ok!)


Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

love this stuff. would love to win. create a link wasn't working.

Sena said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to win! I have linked!


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I wanna win!!!!
But I can`t link!!!

Grosgrain said... Best Blogger Tips

I see that the link isn't working. I'm at a friend's house this moment. I will be home later today to fix the problem. Please try again later today.

Birds of a Feather said... Best Blogger Tips

oh my, so very generous! i'd treasure it {if i won ~ hope i do!)

xo heidi

♥ meninheira ♥ said... Best Blogger Tips

I blogged!

meninheira (at) gmail (dot) com

Grosgrain said... Best Blogger Tips


Lindsay Riggs said... Best Blogger Tips

Yes, please!! I posted the link on my blog.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my goodness, this would be perfect for a graduation gift for my son! Thanks for the wonderful give-away ; )

Anne Sans Tete said... Best Blogger Tips

What a gorgeous piece of work!

Amy B said... Best Blogger Tips

I so wanna win...such a great giveaway...I linked it.

April said... Best Blogger Tips

I put a link at the bottom of my post...I would love to win!!! Keeping my fingers crossed!

janil said... Best Blogger Tips

Wonderful jewellry!!!! I love it!

Jenn said... Best Blogger Tips

Created a link, posted a comment, now DESPARATELY hoping!!

Sada said... Best Blogger Tips

My first time to use the create a link! Love the necklace!

GraphicsToys said... Best Blogger Tips

amazing!!! i hope to win this beautiful piece :) i link this on my blog :)

Jewels of My Heart said... Best Blogger Tips

Hooray! I got the link to work. Count me in... I love her designs.

Lauren said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are simple and beautiful!
Hope I win one!!

Krishna said... Best Blogger Tips

Ohhh, i love this site. Congrats on getting such a great sponsor!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love love love to win! These are great. I posted a link here:

Bebian's said... Best Blogger Tips

Aaaaaaaaaww i want it!! :D

Mrs.G said... Best Blogger Tips

These pieces are BEAUTIFUL!

noreen said... Best Blogger Tips

so sweet

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

These are utterly lovely. I have posted on my blog! (not without a certain struggle to get the html right... lol!)

Yasmine said... Best Blogger Tips

i really love the Double copper initial necklace. i just love the color of copper! I would love the twins initials on them! thanks for the giveaway

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to win this. Linked to my blog. Her shop and blog are fabulous!!

Rae Nolt said... Best Blogger Tips

Count me in! Love the stuff!

Ellia C. Naturals said... Best Blogger Tips

I've created a link on my blog :)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Me I want to win too, I love your jewelry.. :) I created a link.. my blog...


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I want to win, but it won't allow me to post and I created a link...

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Ohhhh! Pretty items! I'd love to win this. I linked over at my tumblr. :)

kkondek at

Gingham Skies said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh I'm so excited to have been introduced to this shop - beautiful gift ideas!
I created a link from my blog Gingham Skies, thanks for the chance to enter.

Carl@ said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful giveaway!!
I link in my blog
Thank you
Sorry my english

Jessica! said... Best Blogger Tips

I abolutely adore her work! I want one to put my 3 girls names on, hopefully I win! If not I'll have to try to sell enough vinyl to buy one custom from her! Thanks for introducing us to her beautiful work.
As usual, I love checkin in on your blog at your new creations and giveaways! Thanks!

SMITH KABOBS said... Best Blogger Tips

I also linked cant wait to see who wins hope its me wooohooo

Brynn said... Best Blogger Tips

I would LOVE to win this, I'm thinking seriously about ordering from her, now I'll wait to see if I'm the lucky winner. Off to blog about it & add your link.

Ginny said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great giveaway!

Jinii said... Best Blogger Tips

I am linked!

Jinii said... Best Blogger Tips

I am linked!

Kiy said... Best Blogger Tips

I am linked too, I love these! :)


Maren said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are amazing. i love clever girls. I'd love the necklace.

MDtripmom said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for the opportunity at a great giveaway!

Tracy said... Best Blogger Tips

My link is here:
along with a general shout out to your incredible stuff.

Penny said... Best Blogger Tips

Linked it up on my blog.
I love these!
I want the one with seperate charms with each kiddos initial. I have to have one of these!! :o)

Kyla Armstrong said... Best Blogger Tips

I got it to work!

The Schaab Family said... Best Blogger Tips

amazing, would love to win

Adri said... Best Blogger Tips

Linked and posted about your giveaway on my lovey-crafty blog...

and my personal one too!

Brandy said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to win this, I have 6 kids. Four of them are quads who will be one, on April 2. I would love to use this towards a purchase.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Here linking to ya again!! Love these!!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

BTW Another Lancaster PA person I am!! Out with the cows!!

Jimena said... Best Blogger Tips

Wonderful gift!
I made a link to your blog.


Berta said... Best Blogger Tips

Count me in - love the jewelry!
I created a link to your blog!

Maryissewfast said... Best Blogger Tips

Very cool...I love your blog!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

super cute. would love to win one.

Carrie said... Best Blogger Tips

very cute and could be so personal.

Kelly said... Best Blogger Tips

These necklaces are amazing. I would love to have one!

Linked @

cindy said... Best Blogger Tips

neeed to get busy--You have such an eye for wonderful things!

Keeping Up with the Benson's said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful! I love them all!!

noelle said... Best Blogger Tips

because my sister does not have a blog (but reads everyone and their brother's wife's sister's blogs), she asked me to create a link for her on my blog to win this awesome giveaway.

i say have a heart and let the little blog-less girl win - especially because she convinced me and dragged me on board. here's to free publicity! ;) love your stuff.

Lois said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to win!
I have created a link and I know have my fingers, toes and other body parts crossed.
You can reach me at
Thanks for the chance to win!

stacey said... Best Blogger Tips

I love those. I just created a post on my blog.

Aik said... Best Blogger Tips

I created a link!

The Lyon Family said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this, I have been eyeing one of her necklaces.

Candace, Darrell and Jaycee said... Best Blogger Tips

I posted! Love the necklace!

Julie & Derek said... Best Blogger Tips

I am linked up!! These necklaces are GREAT!

Froggy said... Best Blogger Tips

wow..i learned something new today on how to create a link! awesome! I would love to win this...


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these necklaces, I want to get these for my son's grandmothers for mother's day!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I love her designs, I am not blogging any more so no post. But great new sponsor.

Estela said... Best Blogger Tips

Linked up! Crossing fingers now!!

Nina Castaldi Fickett said... Best Blogger Tips

Linked you up. What beautiful work. I'm glad to have this opportunity.

María Elena said... Best Blogger Tips

I want to win!
I love this type of personalized jewellery.
I´m writing from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I hope to be lucky this time because the prize is gorgeous.
Love, María Elena.-

Heather said... Best Blogger Tips

Here's the link to my blog that links to your blog!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

How special it would be to win Canela's jewelry! I appreciate the offer and I have my fingers crossed! Now off to create a link. :) Thanks!!!

Yvonne Nicole said... Best Blogger Tips

these are perfect! i WANT i NEeD to win!! :)

West Coast Mama said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous...I would love to win. Posted it to my blog.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Not sure if the create a link worked...still trying to figure out blogger. =)

Anywho...I hope the luck of the Irish is with me....I would love to win!!!


Leslie said... Best Blogger Tips

Just created a link - wish I would have known about this sooner ;-) Thanks for hosting such a generous giveway!

Christy@pipandsqueak said... Best Blogger Tips

Beatiful. I would love to win. I posted at ""

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I blogged about this wonderful giveaway!

Melissa said... Best Blogger Tips

Aww, am I too late?

Better luck next time ...

Nicole said... Best Blogger Tips

Sooooo cute, pick me PLEASE!

Stacey Anderson said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh I can't wait to find out who wins. These are so awesome. Thanks!

Lunas Violetas said... Best Blogger Tips

I created a link!

MOLI said... Best Blogger Tips

I created a link on my blog! Congratulations!

Ramblings by Brandi said... Best Blogger Tips

I want to win this I posted a link on my blog

Andrea said... Best Blogger Tips

I created a link on my blog! I love these necklaces!

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