Blushing Buttercream Pettiskirt GIVEAWAY!!!! CLOSED.

February 23, 2009

opera houseThe giveaway is for the pink skirt only. It is made from six yards of nylon chiffon. So fluffy and soft, like butter cream icing on a cupcake. Molly loved to gather the fluff in her hands and run around the room laughing madly. Lily enjoyed twirling. When your little ones are twirling in a nylon chiffon pettiskirt your camera can do no wrong. Seriously. Just point and shoot. The skirt does like 90% of the work.

Last year I fell in love with these skirts. I had wanted to buy one for Lily and one for Molly to wear for their first and fourth birthday party. However, in the end, the price gave me pause. If any of you have seen these before, they are chiffon pettiskirts made famous by the Kaiya Eve line. If you buy them from her or her any of her competitors, they retail for $80-$100 a piece. Although, recently I've seen some on etsy for only $60. Still, sadly out of my price range. Especially seeing as I would be buying dos.

So imagine my surprise when I found a Martha Stewart interview with Kaiya Eve desinger Kandi Lightner who demonstrated how exactly to recreate her gorgeous skirts.

opera house
In case you don't win or don't have enough money to buy one online, here are the online instructions to try one yourself.

Here is the video of Kandi and Martha. Although I have to warn you, it's tedious. And the
instructions don't tell you everything you need to know.

opera houseI'll let you in on some of the little secrets I had to learn the hard way. First, you CAN'T use polyester chiffon. It frays like you'd never believe. AND you can't find nylon chiffon anywhere but online! Here is where I bought mine. Good news, it's only $2.25 a yard, bad news shipping is like $10. UPDATED CHIFFON INFO AT BOTTOM OF POST.

Second you should build it from the bottom up rather than the top down. That way you just sew in a straight line rather than a gathered circle.

Third, you have to know how to 'shirr'. I didn't, and Martha and Kandi didn't let me in on it either. Apparently you need elastic thread which you wind on the bobbin by hand so that it is not stretched tight. Set your stitch to the longest setting and then sew down the middle. This should gather the fabric.

I used that method with the first skirt I attempted- the polyester chiffon mess. With my second attempt I thought I'd outwit Martha and use a 'Gathering Foot'. When I first used it I thought it was the bees knees! That is until I stitched for longer than five minutes.

opera houseMaybe I wasn't using it correctly but it kept unscrewing all the screws on the needle and gathered the fabric underneath as well as the fabric on top. In the end I spent all day on something I eventually had to rip apart to start over again. Lesson learned....never undermine Martha. She always knows best.

Lastly, you need to purchase about five yards of fabric to make one skirt. The directions tell you how many pieces and how long and wide but not how much to buy. If you are making a contrasting fluff you should buy equal parts of each color- 2.5 and 2.5.

When I was trying to come up with a name for the skirt I considered something to do with jellyfish. Since the bottom fluff reminded me of the ruffles on their tentacles. In the end, I didn't think taking pictures at an aquarium would yield positive results. The strange thing was that when I asked Lily what she thought the skirts reminded her of she answered....jellyfish. I swear I hadn't said a word about them to her.

We've been meaning to get down to the Baltimore aquarium. I think we just have fish on the brain.

opera houseNEW. Fellow blogger Allison, let me in on another site selling nylon chiffon for less money. Here.

I'll be posting frequently this week. So please come back soon to see all Grosgrain's new goodies.

Last day for posts is Friday 3/06/09. Winner will be announced Sunday!

opera houseAs usual, if you would like a chance to win this pettiskirt just link back to this post. If you have any questions see the "questions and answers" link to the right. If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.

Create a Link

461 {comments}:

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icicle said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow -- now that's some froufrou! Great work!

Cassie said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, I too have been admiring these skirts, wondering HOW OH HOW to make one (since yes, they are well outside of my price range for buying two, especially.) Thanks for the link! And for the giveaway! This one is gorgeous.

Tara said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, I gotta have this for my baby girl. It is absolutely adorable, I love the frill!

Pick me!

Triplet Mami said... Best Blogger Tips

I yearn to have your creative mind! My mother sewed my dresses when I was younger and now I have triplets 2 of which are girls and I have been begging her to pull it out of the closet. Your pieces are definetly one of a kind that would make one hell of a closet!

Absolutely beautiful!

Melissa said... Best Blogger Tips

oh my goodness, I have to own this!! it was made for my daughter!! :-)

Jinii said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these skirts! My little girl needs one!

Cynthia said... Best Blogger Tips

This is just fun fun fun! I would love this for my girls and for my Photography!

Lila said... Best Blogger Tips

Too Cute! Thanks for sharing!
Pick me please...

Kyla Armstrong said... Best Blogger Tips

That is gorgeous! I love the fluff!

Victoria said... Best Blogger Tips

More than happy to link to this post. Just the offer is sweet enough.

Charmaine said... Best Blogger Tips

O.MI.GOSH. I love this and so totally plan on making one for myself.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous simply gorgeous!

Kim said... Best Blogger Tips

My girls would love this! I have 3 so it would get a lot of use.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Linked up! This is so cute! I don't know if I'm daring enough to try to sew something like this, so I'm crossing my fingers and hoping to win! ;-)

Melanie said... Best Blogger Tips

adorable. looks like a lotta fun with those two!

dana said... Best Blogger Tips

thank you for such great insider info on the making the skirt. Oddly enough, I watched that same Martha months ago and saved the episode on our tivo. I came across it again two nights ago and thought, "I should make that." Now I feel more confident with the tips you shared. And yes, I wasn't sure what they meant by "shirring". Your description is perfect.

Monique said... Best Blogger Tips

Now this is super adorable, what a gorgeous colour and so pretty, I bet it was a lot of work. I would love to have one of these for my hopefully soon to be daughter!

Toni said... Best Blogger Tips

Too cute!!! Thanks for the link!

melissa said... Best Blogger Tips

They are beautiful, put my name in the drawing!

Ashley Gaskell said... Best Blogger Tips

sooooo cute!!!! my daughters would LOVE this skirt! it is amazing! i am going to keep my fingers, eyes and toes crossed. i hope i win!!!

Chrisy said... Best Blogger Tips

Please count me in...gorgeous models!

Yasmine said... Best Blogger Tips

i linked! The photos are too adorable, you have the cutest models!!

Nicole Cave said... Best Blogger Tips

I have three girls...Love these skirts!!

Nicole Cave said... Best Blogger Tips

My e-mail is

Connie said... Best Blogger Tips

these tutus are so yummy!...and I love the instructions!

Cass said... Best Blogger Tips


Georgie said said... Best Blogger Tips

That is simply adorable!

Leah said... Best Blogger Tips


Tracy ~Seeking Refinement~ said... Best Blogger Tips

You inspired me to blog about this on my site! My daughter is growing out of her $80 skirt, and I know she'd LOVE another one! (shoot, I want one!) I can't wait to get started on this project! THANK YOU!

zime said... Best Blogger Tips

gorgeous!!! my baby will be like a little princess!!!

Sarah C said... Best Blogger Tips

Now this is seriously FUN! I can see the jellyfish. Thank you for the time to link the pattern details and extra help. I am not sre my skills are up to Nylon Chiffon - I hope I win yours :) if I do not i may be forced to learn

Dr. McNabb said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for posting the instruction link too! I can't wait to check it out.

Rebecca Ramsey said... Best Blogger Tips

Your girls are getting so big! What great photos!

Jen said... Best Blogger Tips

Very Cute! The twirling potential is staggering, especially if you are 4 years old. :) Thanks for the information. I have linked!

♥ meninheira ♥ said... Best Blogger Tips

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! It's beautiful!!
I bloged here:

Eres una artista de la costura, me encanta todo lo que haces.


T said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh I love it!! LOVE IT!!! And boy wouldn't my little one look adorable in that for her birthday!! Just so cute!!!

Gilly said... Best Blogger Tips

Big fan of your work, and I love this skirt.
I made a link - hopefully did it right
xx Gilly

Courtney Ann said... Best Blogger Tips

this is fabulous! i have been wanting one for my little lady, and for my photography's hopeing!

i'm linking to ya too!

Julie said... Best Blogger Tips

OH MY WORD! I have a 3 year old princess who would L-O-V-E this skirt. Seriously! PICK ME, PICK ME!!

tami said... Best Blogger Tips

I only wish i could craft like you. For now I will just have to hope to be a winner one of these days. My daughter would absolutely love this skirt!

Ariane Mardis said... Best Blogger Tips

I love It!!!

Tassi Smith said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these skirts. Thanks for the tips on making our own. I have created a link to my blog.

Bri said... Best Blogger Tips

Even if I don't win (which would make my life considerably easier) - I'm going to figure out how to make this..this is a MUST HAVE! :P

Danyele Easterhaus said... Best Blogger Tips

i am in love with these pretties!!! i have been making tutu's for my girlies, but these are tooo fab!!!!!

i'm linking up...bc my followers will want in on this!!!

Danyele Easterhaus said... Best Blogger Tips

these are too stinking much!!! i'm making tutu's but these are toooooo fab! here's my link:

The Dixon Family! said... Best Blogger Tips

I am in LOVE with these skirts. Thanks for the how-to and the giveaway! Now I'm going to go cross my fingers :)

HandbagsbyJen said... Best Blogger Tips

I have been looking at these skirts for a long time. They are waaaaaay out of my price range. So, I am keeping my fingers crossed and will resort to making my own if I don't win.
Thanks so much for your kind giveaways!

Marsel said... Best Blogger Tips

My 4 year old daughter just saw this post and exclaimed as any 4 year old girl would...we're both impressed!So pretty!

thetoddlerwhisperer said... Best Blogger Tips

I always think I can make it through life without learning to sew or owning a sewing machine...but then it's people like you who make me see my need!! These skirts are precious!! You are so sweet to do a giveaway!

S.L.P said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm amazed that you made one of these. I have wanted one for my little girl, but agree that the price is steep. Thanks for the tutorial, though I think my chances would be better at winning than attempting one myself.

shelia said... Best Blogger Tips

simply divine girlyishness! :)

Janicu said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, I know a little girl who would love that skirt.

Mark and Niki said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my heck..that is just so adorable I can't even stand it!! I am in the same boat a student salary makes it hard to buy cute stuff like this for my little princess..oh and she would love it. And how nice of you to post how to make them too!!

jennie said... Best Blogger Tips

I have really concidered buying two of these for my girls. I just could never justify it. But we always oogle them when flipping through Chasing Fireflies. But even with you helpful instructions, I could never manage to pull one together! Well done, Its gorgous.
You are linked:)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I am so in love with the pettiskirts!!!! Thank you so much for sharing directions.... kind of intimidating to a pretty new sewer! lol But if I don't win, I might get ballsy and give it a try! I am with you, buying for 2 girls is very expensive with all of the incredible stuff that is out there!!!! ** Your girls are just way too cute!!!**

**fingers crossed that I win!!**

Kinzie Sue said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, I've wanted one for my daughter forever. They are so fun and beautiful, but as you said they cost an arm and a leg. Thanks for this chance to win and as always, beautiful work!

Amy said... Best Blogger Tips

That is absolutely beautiful! My daughter is a princess so she would love that!

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said... Best Blogger Tips

OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!! I love, love, love pettiskirts!!! Never before have I wanted to win on your site more than now!!!!!!!!! I hope I'm lucky, my daughter would FREAK!! Okay, maybe *I* would freak more, haha!!!! :)

Rachelle said... Best Blogger Tips

Those skirts are beautiful!!! I have been dreaming of buying one forever!

Michelle Arnett said... Best Blogger Tips

OH MYYY. I have a little girl, I am a photographer, I have been dreaming of these in my sleep for the last year and ewwwww. . . I would LOVE to have one. I LOVE THESE! GOOD job for being such a fab seamstress!

Mandy said... Best Blogger Tips

This is the cutest thing I have ever seen!! I would love to win this, my daughter would look so cute!!

Megan said... Best Blogger Tips

My girls would love this. Way cute!!

Liz said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow!! I wish that would fit me, but then again my little girl would fight me for it!

Natalie said... Best Blogger Tips

would LOVE to win!

Erica said... Best Blogger Tips


Christi said... Best Blogger Tips

SOOO cute! I have 2 little girls who would LOVE that skirt.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

My girls and little girls across the country are swooning!

These are lovely. Thanks for sharing the links to the tutorial, also!

Linked at

None said... Best Blogger Tips

GAH!! You have NO IDEA how much I too wanted one of these skirts but wasn't willing to pay the heafty price tag!!!! I ALMOST bought one for my daughters 3rd birthday but opted not to! I then looked into making one but that seemed like way too much work! So I am REALLY hoping I win this....hint hint... :D Beautiful work as always!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh man, How my daughter would love this skirt! So cute!

heather said... Best Blogger Tips

little girl heaven

gina said... Best Blogger Tips

Soooo cute; I have 4 girls; I definitly need to learn how to make those.

Tiffany said... Best Blogger Tips

Ditto!!! This skirt is WONDERFUL!!!!! I am a photographer and this would be so great to use for that and for my daughter!!! Yahoo!!! Thanks for doing this!

Jessie said... Best Blogger Tips

All linked up and on pins and needles until the 6th when you choose your winner :) Thank you for being such a generous mama with your giveaways!

Naomi said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely darling! My daughter would flip if she were to ever get one of these. Ok, maybe not but she would twirl and twirl and twirl until she fell down. Sooooooo beautiful. Hope I win.

info at mammysmercantile dot com

Naomi said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely darling! My daughter would flip if she were to ever get one of these. Ok, maybe not but she would twirl and twirl and twirl until she fell down. Sooooooo beautiful. Hope I win.

info at mammysmercantile dot com

Lauren said... Best Blogger Tips

My little girl, who has a twin brother, needs some frill in her life after all the trucks and balls he makes her play with. Please pick her!

Jenn said... Best Blogger Tips

My daughter just came up & squealed 'oooh a fancy dress!' So please count us in. You do such good work!

Two Peas In a Pod said... Best Blogger Tips

OMG, that is so beautiful. My new daughter would look amazing in that in a couple of years...Great work!!! Im keeping my fingers over at
Cheers Kyla

Pumpkin Head Baby Co said... Best Blogger Tips

I made two of these last fall for a dear friend in exchange for a photo session. My daughter fell in love & wanted one so badly! But they were so frustrating & time consuming that I have no desire to make another one. She would absolutely adore this one!

redesigned said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous! Please enter me and I put a link on my blog.

Smiles, Christine

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

So beautiful. I've no idea if this would fit my daughters, but I have to try! I can barely sew 100% cotton with my sewing machine, I'd better not attempt the nylon (or any other kind) of chiffon. Ooooh I hope I win!

Meredith said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my word!!! Seriously!! So cute. Melts my heart. Going to link right now...

Connie said... Best Blogger Tips

I love it, chickee!!! How darling is that! Put my name in the pot even though it's a long shot, just count ME INNNNN!!!!!

Crazymamaof6 said... Best Blogger Tips

OHHH i' ve been dreaming of skirts like these for my girls. but unfortunatly i have 3. it's horrifying.
i'd love to win. and will be doing a link for sure.

so stinking cute!

Shelly Beth said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute! It sounds like you put TONS of work into making the skirts. Good for you and THANKS for the opportunity to win!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow...this skirt is amazing. I wish I had sewing talent to make one. Thanks for the giveaway

jennifersusan said... Best Blogger Tips

I have been admiring these skirts for a while. I don't think I could ever make one very well, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed to win. Excellent giveaway!

Michelle said... Best Blogger Tips

too cute, perfect for my up comming daughter's 3rd B-day!

Kristen said... Best Blogger Tips

I have two little girls with a Tutu birthday party coming up. I would love one of those!

Keyona said... Best Blogger Tips

This would be perfect for my angels spring photo shoot! Gorgeous!

Claudia said... Best Blogger Tips

Man, would I love to have at least one of them. I have two girls, 2 & 6, and loved them as soon as I saw them 1-2 yrs ago. But out of my price range as well. So girly!

Our Family said... Best Blogger Tips

too cute!! i'll try to figure it out myself, but i would love to win one.

Cathy said... Best Blogger Tips


I just adore these frufru skirts. I would love to win one.

Thank you so much for the opportunity.


Kristin said... Best Blogger Tips

All I can say is WAY TO STINKIN' CUTE!!!! Love it!!!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

that's so adorable! My lil girl would LOVE twirling around in that!

Rose Petals & Blooms said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh how dreamy & sweet! I so love your "how to's" for this darling project! I've happily added your link to my post and am pleased as punch to participate in this amazing giveaway~ Thanks oodles!

Natasha Johnson said... Best Blogger Tips

Hey! Love your work. I posted a link on my blog but it doesn't show down there. It is LittleJunebugs, but it is private (does that matter). I want to win so bad!

Sandi said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my gorgeous! One of my granddaughters would love this! Please enter me in the drawing!

Stephanie said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the pictures. They make me want a skirt like that for each of my daughters. Anyways I would love to win this and know that my daughters would get good use out of it! Thanks for the giveaways!

~Jen~ said... Best Blogger Tips

I can't even say how much I want this! I love this!

Pink Slippers said... Best Blogger Tips

Ohh I so linked back!.
My Princess-Mermaid-Dolly-Twinkie-Cupcake daughter would love to twirl her heart out.

Kyle said... Best Blogger Tips

That skirt is adorable!!

The Painted Nest said... Best Blogger Tips

Count me in on your give away, my little granddaughter would love this sweet little petticote skirt!!What a talent you have.Blessings, Deborah

Kikal said... Best Blogger Tips

Your work is so inspiring. Thank you for sharing your talents!

MOMFOREVERANDEVER said... Best Blogger Tips

beautiful- I blogged about you

CaryManda said... Best Blogger Tips

I absolutely love this. My 5 yr old's birthday is in March and this would be a perfect gift for my little princess.

I posted it on my site. Thanks for the chance!!

Diane Mars said... Best Blogger Tips

Ok I have got to win this skirt, I know it will look darling on my grand-baby Amelie, being the French Sweet she is this skirt will just add topping to the cake!
Great Work, Diane

Aly said... Best Blogger Tips

I've seen these around and loved them but it's just not in the budget. I never considered making one. Thanks for the tips!! Of course if I win the giveaway, I'll only have to make one. I have two sweet daughters who would both go crazy for this.

HaskinsHouse said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my Word these are so cute. My daughter would absolutely love this. GReat Job!!! I'm not a sewer do these are impressive.

Posh Girl Couture said... Best Blogger Tips

Ohhh Sweet Thing! Fabulous giveaway!!! I LOVE it! I just wrote a little post on your frou frou & girly Pettiskirt!
I HOPE to win too!
Joelle XOXO

Rachel said... Best Blogger Tips

Too cute for words! I hope I win! My blog is set to private, does it matter?

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Again a beautiful creation. I love the photo of the girls playing in the feathers. The baby's smile is precious.....

Anna said... Best Blogger Tips

Posted on my's to hoping I win for my little one to dance around and play in!

Nat said... Best Blogger Tips

I stumbled onto this giveaway from a friend's blog. That skirt is so gorgeous. I have two girls and love to have it!!! Put me in the drawing!!

Ms Muffin said... Best Blogger Tips


I would really like to tag you if that is alright with you. It is a bag tag and you can read about it here

I really do enjoy your photos! They are so pretty!

Mrs. D said... Best Blogger Tips

my daughter would love this skirt!!!

Melissa said... Best Blogger Tips

Linking this very minute! I've been meaning to make these for my girls since Christmas but haven't got around to it. I really hope I win so I'll only have to make 1 instead of 2! Plus it would inspired me to get on the ball and do it!

sherry said... Best Blogger Tips

They are adorable, and way too complicated to make for myself. I hope I win!

Melissa S. said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, I'll probably be the FIRST to say I hope I win! :) The skirt is adorable and I linked it to my blog too!
WAAAAY cute!

ezeldabeth said... Best Blogger Tips

what a wonderful job you have done! i have been in exactly the same situation as you (admiring, sadly unable to purchase, seeing on martha stewart...) however, i could tell the directions were lacking and could not fill in the there anyway to enter without "linking back"? i dont have a blog ( i have one, but no one reads it anyhow) that i can link from :( but i really really want to have a chance to win... beth(at)odditycomics(dot)com

Elizabeth said... Best Blogger Tips

Love these adorable skirts!
I've got my fingers crossed! ;)

Miss Moo said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, oh me please! This is gorgeous! My daughter would love it.

Ginger said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful job, just darling! I love Kaiya Eve skirts, but could never justify spending that much on my daughter, LOL!

Amanda said... Best Blogger Tips

Great job! Love these. My 2 year old loves tutu skirts. She saw this and said "pretty".

Ginny said... Best Blogger Tips

I've been wanting one of these for my dd for a couple years now, love it! Blogged on my contest blog :)

Letti said... Best Blogger Tips

I have wanted one of these for my girls. I hope I win.

Rachel said... Best Blogger Tips

I've always loved these skirts. And I've got not one, not two, but THREE fancy pants's that would look adorable in one of these. Thanks for the giveaway. Here's to hopin.

Kristine said... Best Blogger Tips

LOVE this is TOO cute!!!

Here's my blogback...

Amanda said... Best Blogger Tips

Okay I SO hope I will win this one. I was in the hospital over my daughters birthday and so we did not get to do anything super special and this would be SO much fun! WOW! So generous of you to give it away as usual!!! I *heart* this site!!! *Pick me*

J-ME said... Best Blogger Tips

I've got to have it for my girls!!! Love it!

Ashlee said... Best Blogger Tips

Please pick me. I've got 3 girls...we are very girly in our house! I'm crossing my fingers...

Kara said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these skirts. I have been looking at buying one for my daughter but they are pretty pricey to buy. I would love to win one!

Ankeney Tribe said... Best Blogger Tips

Are you still sewing for your online store? I've checked it out and wondered if things are still available?

Brooks Nelson said... Best Blogger Tips

I absolutely LOVE this. So far I have one little girl this would be so much fun. She loved the pictures and was telling me which one she wanted. Pick Us!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

ohh...Love it! Pick me!

Nicol said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! That is great!!! I would love to have this for my dd who turns two next month!!!

ittybittybirdy said... Best Blogger Tips

oh I watched that episode... and I remember thinking oh MAN as expensive as they are it would be far better to buy one! Good for you for learning how to do it yourself and working through the challenges! Well I hope to have one someday! They are beautiful!

Chelsea Ann

Nani said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE this post!
My niece wore a Kaya Eve for our wedding (she was the flower girl) in Aqua!!!

I know this might sound weird, but I have been wanting a black one for me... I know... my husband thinks it is a little too fluffy too LOL!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my goodness!! Positively GORGEOUS. I am in love.

Olivia Carter said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh I just LOVE these skirts! My 3 year old would DIE to dance around in that adorable thing!

here's the link I put on my blog:

And my email address is:

happyfamily said... Best Blogger Tips

My twin 3 year old girls would have a huge fight over this. But it would teach them to share, right?

Vone said... Best Blogger Tips

Love it - might have to try and make 1 or 2.

Erin said... Best Blogger Tips

Those skirts & photos just make me want to have a flock of little girls.

A day at the Cappuccino Café said... Best Blogger Tips

What darling skirts! They are every little girls dream, maybe even a bigger girls dream too ;)

I have linked to your blog & am crossing my fingers!!


Bradford Bunch said... Best Blogger Tips

I hope it is me, I would love this for my girls, and for my stash of photography props. They are beautiful and I doubt I would ever figure out how to make them. Great Job oh and did I say I hope you pick me.

Cheryl said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous! I love it so much. My 3 year old would go crazy over it. I made the link!

Tara said... Best Blogger Tips

So stinkin adorable!!! I would love to put this on my daughter!!! Thanks for the giveaways!!

Tara said... Best Blogger Tips

I want it!!! So adorable!!!

Elana Kahn said... Best Blogger Tips

This skirt is SOOOO cute!!! I would love to dress my daughter in this when she gets big enough. I posted a link to it!

chris+amber said... Best Blogger Tips

you can't get any more girly than that! i love your stuff! you're so generous to do these giveaways. thanks!

amberleigh[dot]hansen[at]gmail[dot]com is my email address!

Alyssa said... Best Blogger Tips

My baby girl would love this. . .as would I. Email:

Sallie said... Best Blogger Tips

I'd love to win, I'm not sure I could make one on my own. You are so fabulous.

Country Mouse, City Mouse said... Best Blogger Tips

This is so beautiful, I have a little princess who would love to twirl around in it!!

Posted about it!

Ella A. said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute, yet again. My girls would love to twirl in this!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

do these come in big girl (big, big girl) sizes? Ha!

Smith Family said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh these are adorable! My little girl would love to get one. Plus her birthday is coming up! oh, it would be perfect!

~CC Catherine said... Best Blogger Tips

I'd like to be included in the Blushing Buttercream pettiskirt Giveaway. My email address is ~CC Catherine from "Catherine de th`e Cups. I also have posted your link. ;)

~CC Catherine said... Best Blogger Tips

PS> LOve this Pettiskirt! ;)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh wow. Just wow. I want one! But I guess I will settle for one for Ellie - if I don't win, maybe I can figure out how to shirr!

patti said... Best Blogger Tips

So precious! Looks like there is a lot of material in these.

Jessie said... Best Blogger Tips

This is one of my favorite little girl items ever! My Elli would gleam from ear to ear and feel amazing in it :)
Great work!

Myshell said... Best Blogger Tips

Fabulous!! I absolutely love em!!!
Thanks for sharing. You are linked up in my GrosGrain Spotlight...

Miles said... Best Blogger Tips

Sweet! My budding karate/princess/ballerina (what she calls herself) would love this. Beautiful work!

Clint, Brielle, Molly and Maggie said... Best Blogger Tips

I totally Love these skirts and like you said way out of the price range. My chubby little girl totally needs one of these!

Lynsey said... Best Blogger Tips

These are darling!!

Trish said... Best Blogger Tips

omg how much fun are these photos! jellyfish would have been good, too, but these came out gorgeously. p.s. thanks for the tips though I am quite certain I will never attempt this on my own.

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said... Best Blogger Tips


Tammy said... Best Blogger Tips

this is so adorable. My daughter loves to dress up 7 dance around the house.

Brianne and Brandon said... Best Blogger Tips

If I win this darling skirt I would give it to my older sister. She is having the first baby girl in our family of 5 girls. So far the sisters have only had boys and finally we get a niece to dress up in butter cream pink fluff. YIPPIE!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh! I hope it's me!!!!!!!!

birdbabies said... Best Blogger Tips

how are the answer to my long and tedious search of trying to find a pettiskirt that i could afford! my little girl loves dancing and spinning. I have been dying to get her a pettiskirt to twirl in, but like you, have only come across those that are out of my budget:) Thank you for the sewing tips as well. If I'm not the lucky winner than I'll have to try my hand (or beg someone else) at making it.

Jaime said... Best Blogger Tips

Okay, those are the funnest things I've ever seen! Great job! I hope I win!

Julie & Derek said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous! My princess would LOVE this skirt.

Smithsholidayroad said... Best Blogger Tips

Would look beautiful on any princess but especially on my precious daughter Pepper at our wedding in April.

Darlene said... Best Blogger Tips

LOVE , LOVE , LOVE , LOVE THIS SKIRT SO MUCH IT IS SO CUTE !!!! I need one of these for my precious grandbaby , she would love it for when she is dancing!!! { she hears music and she must dance} !

Melissa said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely little princess would love it!! thanks for sharing...

Melissa said... Best Blogger Tips

absolutely gorgeous!! My little princess would love it! Thanks for sharing....

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Love them! I'l have to work up the courage to have a go myself. Too Cute!

Jennifer said... Best Blogger Tips

wow those are beautiful & would be great to photograph

Steffi said... Best Blogger Tips

Wonderful!Great work!

Roxy said... Best Blogger Tips

i want it for myself!

Jamie said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm so loving these. Wonder if you'd give a couple more tips... I checked out Martha's site and video, and the skirt they made seemed pretty small. Would you share the measurements you used for each tier's piece? Also, did you end up shirring the pieces after all? I have elastic thread for that but have never done it, but also have a ruffling foot... Have you ever considered making a tutorial? I bet you'd be fabulous! Thanks for the tips and inspiration. I'm off to find some nylon chiffon!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

You are so talented, and your kids are blessed to have you. Those skirts are amazing!!! I would love to attempt one, but I have minimal sewing talent and even with your tips and tricks, I'm sure I would be had! I just need to win!!

Melissa said... Best Blogger Tips

aww, how beautiful!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! I didn't realize so many people would be trying to win this! LOL 8) Thank you for the directions and the tips as well. I don't know how to sew, but maybe I can find someone to teach me. 8)Please enter my name into your drawing.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Simply adorable!

Mike, Torie and Boys said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh I love it. So cute.
I take pictures and that would be perfect.

Katie said... Best Blogger Tips

You did amazingly! Great models too!

Susan said... Best Blogger Tips

Darling, darling, darling! Your girls looks so cute in these. Would love to win one, but if I don't, I may have to make one. Thanks for all the extra tips!

The Memea family said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are beautiful!

Amy said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my heck...those are darling. I can just see my 2 year old and 1 year old in photos to die for.

Our Bitter Sweet Life with T1D said... Best Blogger Tips

That is so darling, every little girls dream right?

Sister Goldenhair said... Best Blogger Tips

Okay, I posted my link. Now I can only pray to win this gorgeousness!

Waldron Family said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this!!! So cute! Gladly posted your link:


andrea said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my.....I need this. And really, really want it! ;)

I could make one, but who am I kidding? It would just get stuck on the top of my very large to do pile!

My fingers and toes are crossed. Thank you, thank you for this giveaway!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Those pettiskirts are way too cute! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I think I just feel in love all over again! After having two boys before my Princess Ava I to love all things girly. What a great give away I would be so happy to win!

Penny said... Best Blogger Tips

I want this so much!
Please don't force me to have to make one! LOL!
Seriously tho, thanks for posting the links so those of us not lucky enough to win can attempt it, if we are brave....

Kimberley said... Best Blogger Tips

These are darling! My 6 year old would love one to dance around the living room in! I'm too intimadated to try to make one....maybe I'll call my Mom!

bethi said... Best Blogger Tips

I know its a long shot.....but I know my lil princess would LOVE one of these adorable pettiskirts!!!.....and mom would LOVE to photograph her in one!

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