Dealing with Allergy Face

July 23, 2013

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Zyrtec for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

All throughout my childhood and teen years I'd hear the word "allergies" and think nothing of it. I was just happy to be able to play outside in the spring, pet cats and roll in dust to my heart's content. Then my early 20s came and things changed.

It all started with a visit to my cousin's apartment in NYC when I was 23. It was a small apartment as most NYC apartments are and there were three small kittens running around. I never once had issues with cats but on this particular occasion I began sneezing and my eyes watered the entire time we were in the there. I had serious Allergy Face. It was from then on out that I've had a strong allergy to cats, sometimes seasonal changes and dust. I don't know what changed in my body chemistry or environment but since then I have had to deal with the consequences of having allergies.

Since my in-laws have cats and we spend a lot of time there I have to always either come prepared with a botte of Zyrtec and of course a few portable makeup staples for touch ups if I feel an attack coming on. Right before we are leaving I take one Zyrtec pill and then I'm Allergy Face free. No runny nose to blow, no watery eyes to wipe, no red face to conceal. If we are staying particularly long sometimes I have to take a Zyrtec-D (a Zyrtec with an added decongestant). And if I need a touch up I bring makeup items that are small so I'm not carting around a giant bag full of stuff (ie a small stick concealer, lipstick and crayon liner). What are some of your tips on how to deal with allergies in public?

If you also suffer from Allergy Face know that you're are certainly not alone. Check out Zyrtec on Facebook and connect with others who are suffering from the same dilemma. Get tips on how to deal with this frustrating issue.

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