Entire 13 Disney Headband Collection Giveaway!

September 7, 2012

The Disney inspired ribbon sculpture patterns are over. But I wanted to end off with a bang. 
I'll be giving away the ENTIRE collection to one lucky Grosgrain reader
To be entered just repin this post on Pinterest or Facebook then leave me a comment letting me know what you did. PS As far as I know of there are no other free patterns/tutorials of the ENTIRE Disney princesses collection out there. The patterns (not the headbands) normally sell between $5 (for one) and $16 (for five) on etsy. Get them ONLY here on Grosgrain....for free! How fun!

Click on day pics to be taken to full tutorial.

252 {comments}:

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Erica said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it! My daughter would LOVE these!!

Heidi V said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned it!

Lady Jenn said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned it - because I have friends who have little girls too!

Isabelle's Mom said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it! Hope I win!!!

Truebluemeandyou said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned to my DIY Kids Crafts.

Jen Hayes said... Best Blogger Tips

What a fantastic post! My girls would love these!

I have re-pinned it. You can see it here.

Thank you!!!

Akmom08 said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned and shared.

Celina Anne said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned and facebooked (ok not a word)!! Thanks for the opportunity!!

Micaela said... Best Blogger Tips

pinned! http://pinterest.com/pin/106538347406133996/

bethanyaubin123 said... Best Blogger Tips

I have pinned it and shared it on Facebook!! Thanks so much for the free patterns!!!

Michelle said... Best Blogger Tips

I just pinned it and shared it on facebook. I love these and I know my little princess will love them too.

Lynda said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned it. I have four girls! They would die! :)

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I shared on Pinterest and Facebook :o) Thank you for the giveaway!

Jiannyia said... Best Blogger Tips

Shared on Facebook! Thanks for the giveaway!

Chelsea Yanske said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it and posted to Facebook.

Michelle James said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it....my 2 girls would love to have these ;)

angie said... Best Blogger Tips

i pinned it on interest :) my daughter n 2 nieces would love these!!!! thanks for the opportunity!!! :)

Janie R said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned and Facebooked it. I've been wanting to make these since day one. I never have the right colored ribbon. Note to self...buy tan grosgrain.

Ms Quez said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute and so much work, pinned it!

jeni said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it!! These are amazing!

jessie w said... Best Blogger Tips

I have pinned it. These are too cute. Thank you sooo much for the tutorials!!!

jessiewright1013 at yahoo dot com

jessie w said... Best Blogger Tips

And I've now shared on Facebook too!

jessiewright1013 at yahoo dot com

PP said... Best Blogger Tips

Couldn't Pin it (for some reason) so I shared it on Facebook. These are so cute!!

Tberry mommy said... Best Blogger Tips

I'd already been pinning them, but would be happy to do so again if I could get the set for my twins :-). They don't leave me a lot of time to make them yet :-)

Tberry mommy said... Best Blogger Tips

I'd already been pinning them, but would be happy to do so again if I could get the set for my twins :-). They don't leave me a lot of time to make them yet :-)

Ari said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these! I pinned it!

Leah said... Best Blogger Tips

pinned it. these would be so great to our trip to Disney next month. hope I win.
thanks for all your hard work.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips
This comment has been removed by the author.
Allison said... Best Blogger Tips

pinned it!

Elizabeth Johsnon said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it. Love them.

honeypumpkin said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it a long time ago - I love these so much! Pinned again just to be sure!!

O'Loughlin Family said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned it. My daughters would die over this - and next week is my youngest's birthday! please oh please!

Brandy said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned! This is wonderful!


Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Just pinned it to my pinterest under my board "Bow Tutorials"


Jody said... Best Blogger Tips

I have 4 grand daughters that would look adorable in these. Thanks for the chance to win. I pinned!

Easton wife said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it! This would be awesome having four girls!


Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

In love with the cuteness - check. In awe of your craftiness - check. Totally pinned - check. What a great Christmas gift for my girl with a massive head of Merida style curls! :)

Kim Crowley said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned you! These are adorable! Thanks for sharing!

Lainie1982 said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it! Thank you for the chance to win.

Laura said... Best Blogger Tips

pinned it! I was planning on making some for Christmas!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

You are sooo generous! Sharing your inspiration with us and all... Just wanted to let you know that I appreciate this. Greetings, Yash

Goosegirl said... Best Blogger Tips

I love them and repinned them! Soooooo darling!

Ash said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned this post! :)

-Ash P

Jessie said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned and will make one day. One day :)

Nate and Holly said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it! My little girlies would love these! Thanks!

Nate and Holly said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it! My little girlies would love these! Thanks!

Shelly P. said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned! My little princess wears the ribbon sculpture bows better than regular bows - especially if it is of a princess!!! She would LOVE these

Anne said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it! Thank you so much for these tutes - I cannot wait to make these for my little girl!!

Stephanie Richards said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it! Thanks

Mandy said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it!

Christy said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are so cute! I pinned it!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips


Bash & Soybean's Ma! said... Best Blogger Tips

pinned!! so cute!

Alissa said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned it! These are so cute I was going to make them for my girls for x-mas now I will wait to see if I win!!!

Mia said... Best Blogger Tips

love these! pinned it.

JanaeGalindo said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it! My daughter will Capital "L" Love these!

charisse said... Best Blogger Tips

All pinned!

alissa said... Best Blogger Tips

pinned it! hope I win... Amelia will look SO cute in these when she is just a little bigger!

alissa said... Best Blogger Tips

pinned it! hope I win... Amelia will look SO cute in these when she is just a little bigger!

princessbanana said... Best Blogger Tips

I did it! Here's my link:


Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it and liked it...these are amazing!

Olga said... Best Blogger Tips

LOVE...pinned it. If I am not lucky enough to win, I have a daughter and a few nieces that will NEED these so I will have to get busy!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned it and sent the link on facebook. OMG I cant believe you are giving them away. But I would love to get even one of those... Lifelong Ariel fan, fyi LOL please email me if I win to tatylin_19@ hotmail.com or call 3606722042. It would be like winning a grammy or something!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I was the latest post with tatylin emzil didnt mean to not write my name its Tatiana. Thanks again love your work!

Grandma Karen said... Best Blogger Tips

Shared your giveaway on Facebook. I'd love to get these for my granddaughters.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips


Your daughter would like it too...lol by theway

mekei said... Best Blogger Tips

i pinned it!

Erin said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned it! THese are so great! You're always so generous in your giveaways!

Amanda said... Best Blogger Tips

pinned it! my daughter would love these! everytime i bring up the link she says she wants all of them! <3

elsie said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned it!~ These headbands are adorable. Thank you for always sharing with your readers.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned and shared!! Thanks for sharing it with us!!!

barneyn said... Best Blogger Tips


nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com


Karla @ {The Fast Lane!} said... Best Blogger Tips

These are adorable! I've never tried making them because they look so involved, but with these instructions I'm interested to give it a try! Would love to win the set for my twin girlies! They are 2.5 and starting to fall in love with all the princesses. :)

Karla @ {The Fast Lane!} said... Best Blogger Tips

Forgot to say I pinned it!!

tlnovak said... Best Blogger Tips

I shared this on Facebook. :)

KrissyVigs said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned it! I am a huge fan of all things Disney. Love these headbands!!!

Diane said... Best Blogger Tips

Just pinned it! Amazing tutorials, thank you so much!

Taylormade032 said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned!! Little Kenadie would LOVE these. :)

Taylormade032 said... Best Blogger Tips

Kenadie would LOVE these :) So creative!

PetitePear said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it. I know some little girls who would absolutely love these.

Becky said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned it (http://pinterest.com/pin/152840981074964833/). Actually, I've been pinning the tutorials as you posted them, but it's nice to have them in one spot. Thanks for the chance to win all the headbands! Even if I don't win, I'll be making these for my princesses.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

pinned. such a great set of tutorials and you're so sweet to share.

Teresa Young said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh so cute - my granddaughters would love these headbands.
I pinned:

Katy said... Best Blogger Tips

I posted it on pinterest!! and I love these!!! crossing my fingers!!!

Cheryl Marie said... Best Blogger Tips

I just pinned it. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it! Thanks so much for the tutorials. I've been looking for good ones everywhere!

Lauren said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it!

Laura23disney said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned it, going to Disney in 10 months would to have my daughter wear these.

Kathy said... Best Blogger Tips

pinned it! I can't wait to make these! Hope I win tho!

Kathy said... Best Blogger Tips


Kgerdes said... Best Blogger Tips

Shared it!! These are adorable!!!

Denise M said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned: http://pinterest.com/pin/47428602296924391/

These are beautiful

uclangel422 at yahoo dot com

Nadeen said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned it! this would be cute for our upcoming trip to WDW.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it1

The Hunters said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it! Going to WDW next month, these would be perfect!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

j'ai épingler et facebooked(je suis francaise ^^, )

Wendy said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it! These are amazing!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it!

Lynn Meier( piccingrinnin) said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned you because we are Princess Addicts! Thanks

Kaitlyn said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned it! I have some little girls who would LOVE these so much!

Shayla Sharp said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it! These are so stinkin' adorable, I've got to make some for all the little girls in my life.

Katie said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned it!

The Brook's said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned it on Pinterest. These are soo adorable!

Nancy said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned it!

Karen said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it love a set for my granddaughter.

Karen said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it would love a set for my granddaughter.

Kyle and Jillian said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it. These are so cute! My daughter would love them!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

J'adore !! Je vais tenter pour mes filles, elles vont adorer, c'est certain.
Merci pour le partage.


Rachael said... Best Blogger Tips

Put on Facebook! :-)

samantha said... Best Blogger Tips

Love these!!! Pinned it. Thanks so so much for sharing. www.millerj94@hotmail.com...Samantha

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned it!


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips



Taylor Thompson said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned it! Love, love, love these!

Taylor Thompson said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh - and liked it on Facebook too!

Charissa said... Best Blogger Tips

pinned it. So very cute! Thanks for the free tutorials as well.

Becky Dempsey said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned it :)

Becky Dempsey said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned it :)

erica said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned this awesome giveaway! I have 2 daughters, 3 and 5, and they would freak out if we won these!

pack40blogger said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it! Thank you so much for the patterns! They are adorable.

Kristen said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned these :)

luv_Js said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it!

Twila said... Best Blogger Tips

pinned it! Such amazing designs!

Georgette said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned it for my little girls! :)

Bri Bee said... Best Blogger Tips

Shared it on facebook :)

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

pinned it also

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

pinned and shared

sbush1204 said... Best Blogger Tips

Just pinned it! So cute!

sbush1204 said... Best Blogger Tips

Just pinned it. So cute!

sbush1204 said... Best Blogger Tips

Just pinned it. So cute!

tj79 said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it!

Heidi said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it! <3

Amanda Rader said... Best Blogger Tips

Shared it on Facebook!

Elyse Carleton said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it!! My niece would LOVe these!!

Erin said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned! My nieces love the princesses.

Virginia Mason said... Best Blogger Tips

I have pinned this. These headbands are absolutely gorgeous! What a great idea to make and give for presents.

Jennifer said... Best Blogger Tips

Hello! I repinned this post!!! :) These would make the PERFECT gifts! Or you know, I might just be tempted to keep them all to myself... Haha

JessicaM said... Best Blogger Tips

I posted this on facebook

Colourful Baby World said... Best Blogger Tips

pinned it. Was browsing on creative grosgrain blog and came across this, wow.

kyla said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned because they are too precious!

Angie said... Best Blogger Tips

Pined it! I love these!

Karen said... Best Blogger Tips

Love them! Pinned http://pinterest.com/pin/174584923025978276/

Mypieceofpeace said... Best Blogger Tips

So adorable!!!

Mypieceofpeace said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned to pinterest and shared on facebook!

Kim said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these headbands! I think I will make 2 sets...one for my granddaughter and one for me :) I just had to pin them!!!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it! I love these, I'll have to try making them when my 5 month old gives me time and free hands!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned it! Love them.

aidansmom said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it!!! So cute!!!

Sher said... Best Blogger Tips

These are adorable! My niece would love these. Great job on the designs!

Sher said... Best Blogger Tips

These are adorable! My niece would love these. Great job on the designs!!

Meghan Folcher said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned this! They are so cute, thanks for the tutorial:)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Adorable! I finally joined Pintrist just to pin these headbands. :-)

birchwood29 said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned 'em!!!!

birchwood29 said... Best Blogger Tips

pinned 'em!

Carolyn said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it. Love these!

Courtney G said... Best Blogger Tips

I am pinning now!

Sharon Poulsen said... Best Blogger Tips

Love it!!! We are Disney fanatics.

Traci said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned this..they are ADORABLE!

Teresa said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned on Pinterest and Facebooked this...My daughter would LOVE these! If I don't win them, can I buy them somewhere? I saw Etsy you can buy the pattern, but can I buy them already made?

DJ Momma said... Best Blogger Tips


Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it and posted it on fb! My daughter has been in the hospital since she was born so headbands are her thing! I can't wait to give these a try.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it and posted on fb. My daughter has been in the hospital since birth, so hats and headbands have been her thing. It'd be great to have such a variety! I hope to give these a try myself :)

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jennifer said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it. Have loved these for awhile. So awesome to find the tutorials here!

Anneke said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned and Facebooked. So cute!

Shanny said... Best Blogger Tips

Great Tutorials. I pinned them to make for my little girl!

Szappanbubi said... Best Blogger Tips

absolutely pinned!


porcukorborso at gmail dot com

fmcgowin said... Best Blogger Tips

Where did you find the flesh toned 3/8 grosgrain ribbon? Thanks! :o)

principeta said... Best Blogger Tips

This is amazing,so cute,love them all.This is so generous of you,hope to win =o).Put it on face.

Nerida said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned. Just working out which one to make for which daughter and niece.

Grosgrain said... Best Blogger Tips

@fmcgowinI actually had to dry off white ribbon. I used pink RIT dye and dipped it for just a few seconds then dried. Hope that helps!

LisaM said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it! What fun. :-)

Karen said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it!

Lauren O'Rear said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned it! So cute :)

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I posted on Facebook and Pinned it too! Adorable!~

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Repinned!!!! Thanks for posting we live these and Disney!!!!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Repinned!!!! Thanks so much we love these and Disney!!!

Carina Brownlee said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned it. Very cute!

Lena said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it! These are so cute.

Nancy said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it! What a great giveaway!

Holly S. said... Best Blogger Tips

These are amazing!!! I pinned here: http://pinterest.com/pin/275986283386162122/

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it... Very Cute, I have a little princess that would love these

Jennifer Aikens said... Best Blogger Tips

I just pinned this. I LOVE Disney and I just had a baby girl 2 months ago. Whereas she doesn't wear the headbands just yet, she will be eventually! What a creative idea!

Della Jones said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinded them, love them and hope hope I win them! Thank you!

Ashley said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned! Thanks for the amazing tutorial... I can't wait to make every one if I don't win :)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it to Pinterest

Lisa said... Best Blogger Tips

Too cute! Pined it. Facebook liked. Grand daughters would love them.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Hello!!! Thank you so much for these patterns!! I wanted to make them so badly but I didn't know how much ribbon to cut!! Although I did change up the patterns a bit. I didn't repost so don't enter me in the contest but I just wanted to let you know how thankful I am!! And for those of you who don't win but still want them, make them!! I'm 14 years old with scraps of ribbon and hair spray and I'm making them all!!!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Love these! Pinned so I can make for my nieces if I don't win.

Gail said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned. I know a little girl that would just love these! Thanks for the giveaway.

jozel said... Best Blogger Tips

I am in awe and bow down to a master!! Such perfect attention to detail. And I love the "I love mommy" on your worktable!

Amanda said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned it! Thank you for the awesome tutorials.

Gladiz said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it onto my headband tutorials board =). http://pinterest.com/amocacushi/headband-tutorials/

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Pinned it! Thanks :)

Helena said... Best Blogger Tips

Just got my youngest granddaughter, age 3. She loves wearing hair accessories! I just pinned this! Love it!!!

Susan said... Best Blogger Tips

pinned and shared on fb! fingers crossed

rebecca said... Best Blogger Tips

Fun! I pinned this and I will probably try making a few of these for my daughter. http://pinterest.com/pin/165648092515847472/

Eva said... Best Blogger Tips

Just pinned!!

The Olson Family said... Best Blogger Tips

I pinned it! So cute,

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