Family Yearbooks

July 22, 2012

I can't tell you how long I've been dying to do this for our family. I remember looking through old photo albums with my sister and laughing and really ENJOYING it. I'm sad that the only actual photos I have to look through are on the computer screen. This year is going to be the year. I'm doing it. Via Eighteen25. Photobook via Blurb. If I were going to make a Family Yearbook it would be through them. They seem to have the best prices for the most options.

2 {comments}:

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

This is the cutest and greatest idea I've seen yet! I really hope you do it! I would love to see it!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I do this for my photo / blog on blurb and love the results. It is very time consuming...but faster than if I had to scrapbook the thing. Go for it!

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