Not that this alone would impede me from blogging at the pace I usually do. Normally I get sick and tired in the first four months which does slow me down a bit but this time around I had to also quit taking a medication (tramadol) that I was using for IC. The effect of NOT taking the medication was surprisingly horrible and way worse than the discomfort of IC. Before this pregnancy, I never took more than the recommended dosage, normally less. Yet, not taking it was enough to throw me completely off track for most of the summer. It took about three months to get back to feeling like myself again. And I've been starting slowly with semi-homemade maternity dresses.
Semi-homemade dresses are great because they only take about a day to make and usually come out looking fabulous. And best of all, you can still brag about making it yourself without really fibbing;)
This was the second one I made. I'll be showing you the first one later. I used an old Forever 21 top and cut it off at the bust line. I save the trim at the bottom of the top and used it at the waistband of the new dress. It kind of hurt to cut up this old favorite shirt of mine. In fact, I'm a little shocked I did it at all but in the end I think it was worth it. This dress is so super cute for maternity wear. I made the skirt from my own pattern and attached it to the top. It has a gathered front, side piped pockets, 1.5" waistband and wide contrast trim at the hem.
Has anyone else noticed the complete LACK of maternity options out there? Everything is knit and simple and blah. We need a Modcloth for maternity! Using interesting tops and adding your own homemade skirt is a great way to get that look for little money. Honestly, I don't even think you can get this look in maternity no matter how much you paid. Everything out there I've seen is pretty bland. But if any of you have some good sites please let me know.
I hope to be offering the skirt pattern later in the week on Grosgrain in sample size 8 for free then offering it graded later at a small fee. I'll also show you how to attach the skirt pattern to an existing blouse so you can make a semi-homemade frock of your own.

I'm so glad to be feeling much better than I was just a month ago. Though I fear it will be short lived:) These few brief months between 4 and 6 are the least uncomfortable. But this will be our last baby so I'm trying to enjoy as much of these moments as I can. It is a blessing and I'm so happy to meet our newest addition in January.
PS We'll find out the gender of the baby tomorrow which I'd be delighted to share with you then!
69 {comments}:
Great to see you back to sewing and feeling good! Congrats on your pregnancy.
Congrats! :)
beautiful! I hated maternity shopping! Everything felt so ... "soccer mom" ish. I felt so out of fashion the entire time and just blah and looked as gross as I felt. tights were pretty much my go to.
mazel tov! YAYYYYYY for babies!
So cute! I agree on the lack of cute maternity wear as well as the cost- sheeze. I'm due in March and am just getting to the I feel normal without being huge phase, which is wonderful. Congrats and good luck these next few months!
What a nice suprise!! I'm so happy for you and your family! Congratulations!! You look beautiful and I love the dress!
That dress is so pretty. I love the simplicity and overall delicateness behind it.
love, love, LOVE the dress!! So cute.
Congratulations! I can't wait to see the amazing maternity clothes you create!
Congrats! Glad to see that you are feeling better than you were before. Hope the rest of the pregnancy goes smoothly.
Congratulations. I'm sorry that you haven't been feeling well. I'm impressed with how much you have done given your state.
Congratulations! I can related although I don't have IC, but pregnancy-related discomfort did keep me from sewing and blogging. So hang in there!
Fantastic news! Congrats :)
wow congratulations :D
and i love this dress!!
Congratulations, Kathleen! I'm so sorry to hear that you have been unwell though. That's terrible! You look beautiful and we have missed you! Enjoy this time of feeling better!
Congratulations! I'm sorry that you're summer has been rough but as you said, what a blessing to bring another child into the world.
oh i love this dress!
and congratulations!
your semi homemade dress is lovely, and I'm glad that you feel better now!
I was born in January too ;)
Oh how wonderful! Congrats! Looking forward to many more maternity dresses. :)
Congrats! Great news and beautiful dress :)
congratulations! how exciting! i follow you on pinterest and had been getting a little suspicious with your "maternity post" board...gotta admit! :) glad you're feeling better. the dress looks great, too.
congrats, I'm excited for you guys!
Congratulations on the pregnancy! I'm glad you're feeling better. Maybe you need to start the ModCloth of maternity wear?
Congrats on your baby! I love ALL of your creative ideas. There is definitely a lack of cute maternity clothes! Very nice :)
Congrats!! And what a lovely dress!!
Congratulations, so exciting! Can't wait to see more & here if its pink or blue :)
Had you already announced that you're pregnant? I can't believe I missed it, congratulations! Can't wait to hear what you're having.
Okay I reread the post and realized this was the first announcement!
Congratulations! I hope you are feeling well. Can't wait for the Pink/blue announcement!
I so understand you. I'm fighting to cure from a molar pregancy right now, and just begin to have my nomal life back !
Wow - fantastic news re the baby! Now I feel awful about emailing and bugging you re the patterns... hope all your med/health issues get better - all the best Darl x
I am not an herbalist and everything I know I learned from the internet. However, I've been looking at herbal options for bladder problems for my dog who is paralyzed and suffers from chronic issues that cause irritation. I recently started giving him Capsella bursa-pastoris (shepherd's purse). It is used mainly to help with controlling bleeding but also has anti-inflammatory properties.
Not for use when pregnant.
Wow! Congratulations! I love the new dress - very chic maternity wear. Hope you are feeling better soon!
Awwww! Congratulations to you and your family. : ) Can't wait to see what stylish maternity wear you come up with...this dress is sooo pretty.
hi there! big fan of your blog. i used your bridesmaids bouquet satin flower post for a friend's wedding recently, in fact. i find that unsolicited medical advice is pretty creepy in general, but i want to throw this out there anyway. it's great that you want to get off the tramadol. i'd hope for you to consider osteopathic therapy. it is not the same as chiropractic! it can be a great addition to a natural pain management regimen, and can be beneficial to your pregnancy as well. an article for your consideration:
please msg me if you need more info. i hope you have a splendid 3rd pregnancy so that you can keep crafting and posting!! :)
congratulations! what a blessing!!
how about a maternity sew-along?
Congratulations, what a blessing. Great refashion on this dress.
Congratulations!!! I remember all the pretty froths you made last time you were expecting and I can't wait to see what ideas you have this time around.
Congratulations! I love your maternity dress, you're so right, there's so little out there that's pretty!
Congratulations Kathleen! The maternity dress is SO sweet too!
A big congratulations to you!!! :) So exciting!
I agree that maternity wear is so... boring. Your dress is a great, cute alternative though--doesn't look anything like ho-hum maternity wear I've seen. Beautiful job! :)
What a wonderful time. Glad you are feeling better and the dress is devine. Maternity clothes are fairly hideous I find, more like this would be great!
Congratulations on the pregnancy! I'm so sorry to hear about the IC, though. A friend of mine also suffers from that and I see what a struggle it is - I'm glad you're feeling better though, and the dress is so very very cute! I look forward to the pattern/tute for it.
congrats on your pregnancy! you are the cutest most stylish pregnant woman I know!! I love this dress and I am NOT pregnant!
Congrats on your pregnancy! We're having our first early January so I'm so very excited to see that you're going to be doing some maternity wear! I can't seem to find anything I like and am struggling to make my pre-pregnancy clothes work... =( I also have a wedding to go to in November and 2 showers my friends and family are throwing for me! Yay for the excitement but I was so worried I won't find anything to wear...not anymore though =)
Congrats on your coming addition. We are expecting as well, and I'll probably be using a bunch of your embellish knit things to fancy up my maternity wardrobe, since I'll be the most pregnant in the winter.
Congrats! I'm a FTM due in early February and I already hate all maternity clothes I've seen. Can't wait to see what other inspiring outfits you make--please keep 'em coming!
Congrats on the good news! And sorry for your tramadol experperience. My mother had horrible adverse effect. She had been using it for 4 weeks for arthritis in her neck and went off it because it was upsetting her stomach. She shouldn't have. It sent her into full blown withdrawal. It was a nightmare. Doc and pharmacist were surprised, but none the less, it happened. I do hope you are feeling better soon.
My mom has had IC for over 20 years, so although I don't personally know how it feels, I have seen how she feels. My hat's off to you, being pregnant on top of that!
Congratulations! Love the dress! Can't wait to see what other maternity things you create.
congratulations. That's great news and I am also happy to hear about your project...curious too
Congrats! I'm so sorry to hear you've been feeling down this summer, but glad that you'll be back to blogging for a while! Best of luck with everything!
thats so great! I'm due at the same time! Congrats!
Dancer D.O. So glad to hear you were able to reuse my bridesmaid bouquet idea and tutorial. I hope they were a hit. I hope to be opening my new wedding related blog very soon so if you know any other soon to be brides there will be great ideas there.
yay! congrats!! i'm pregnant with my first and all of a sudden, this morning my clothes didn't fit anymore...i just came to find your old tutorials with your last baby that i think i remember reading and yay! more new ones! thanks for all the sharing. i need all the maternity help i can get!
Love the dress, it is adorable! I was guessing you might be so happy for you guys! Congrats on a boy. So different from girls but so fun.
Congrats! Awesome news and I agree about the lack of nice maternity clothes... hoping you can provide some inspiration when you're feeling up to it!
Congratulations Kathleen! That's wonderful news! The dress is beautiful:).
Congrats! I am sure you will have a blast altering and making little baby boy goodies! I had to stop using tramadol with my pregnancies. But, I have Fibromyalgia, not IC. Good luck!
Congrats! I am sure you will have a blast altering and making little baby boy goodies! I had to stop using tramadol with my pregnancies. But, I have Fibromyalgia, not IC. Good luck!
Congrats! I am in the same boat, and have found that ASOS maternity has some good things. It has lots of cute European brands, and the prices are reasonable. Be well!
What happy news--congratulations!
Have you checked out Boden's maternity selection? Perhaps they have some cute separates/dresses that might be a change from the usual so-so maternity selection. Then again, with your skills, you can make lots of stylish things for yourself for a lot less money (as long as you have the energy for sewing!).
Wauw what a great news! Congratulations! And I love the dress!
Congratulations! lovely news x you will love having a boy too :-)
Yay, I'm due end of Jan too, with a girl! Look forward to catching up on my feed reader... see what ideas you have!
simple beauty, i love looking this sytle.
Jasa seo
I love this casual style!
melbourne web developer
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