Frock by Friday: October

September 29, 2010

I hope you all are getting your sweaters and long sleeve blouses out of storage because it's getting cooold out there. It's hard to find a good winter frock. Usually, I try to make dresses that can be worn with a button down cardigan and have interesting necklines. Long sleeves and frocks just don't go that well together.

So I picked out two Burdastyle patterns that we could try. Tell me what one you'd prefer to do. The first one featured above could be made so many ways. It is $4. I included a photo of a Modcloth dress next to the Burdastyle dress that I'll try to knockoff with this pattern. I like the grey toned lace and silk look for fall.
The other pattern that I liked was the one shown above. It is $5. The neck was really what caught my eye. It's too big for a 'summer' frock so it seemed fitting to make in 'fall'. This could be done in a sweater or knit material too! That would definitely be appropriate for fall.

Tell me what one you'd rather do.

Photo credits:
Top, burdastyle, modcloth
Bottom, The Penny Farthing, burdastyle

....UPDATE! As of 10:40 AM EST the voting is now closed. For all votes also see this post.

126 {comments}:

flynn said... Best Blogger Tips

i vote dress one! grey lace has a lot of cool weather possibilities.

LakshmiRP said... Best Blogger Tips

i like the second one. neck catches the eye.

Heather J. said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful choices all around. I prefer the first one, particularly with some of the changes made in the ModCloth version--the lace overlay is gorgeous, and I really love the fitted waistband instead of the looser tied version on the Burda. Think you can lead us through a modification for that?

greatjencreations said... Best Blogger Tips

I really, really, really love the second one.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I vote for the top one :)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Great choices. I say the second one. I am already thinking about what sweater material I would use.

Quinn has a Tail said... Best Blogger Tips

I vote the first one!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm completely torn! I love them both! I think the first one would be more wearable for me in real life, but the second one would be killer to have hanging in my closet!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

First one!

Kristina said... Best Blogger Tips

I vote for the first one, but I do prefer the ModCloth version. :)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the second dress. I keep thinking about the Jackie Kennedy Project Runway episode and how well something like this would have worked!

Kristina said... Best Blogger Tips

I vote for the first one, but I do prefer the ModCloth version. :)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow... everyone seems to be split between the two! I love them both, but I think I'd get more use of of the first one.

So Dress One is my vote!

Susan said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh oh oh! The first one! Loooooove it.

Leah Franqui said... Best Blogger Tips

Second one!

Lauren said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the first one!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the 2nd dress I'v been thinking about making this one.....

Alison said... Best Blogger Tips

First one please! I really like both, but the first one looks easier to accomplish! :)

Mary June Miller said... Best Blogger Tips

I will have to say the second one! Maybe the first one another time?? ( : I like them both but really really love the second one - neckline is what got me as well!


Camille said... Best Blogger Tips

I have had my eye on the Madison pattern for some time. I would LOVE the chance to make it with your assistance!

MoveYourAsana said... Best Blogger Tips

love the bottom one, that neck is awesome

Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips

My thought is the first one, with the modifications!

eryn said... Best Blogger Tips

2nd one is my choice.

Britta said... Best Blogger Tips

Dress One!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Dress one please as I think it's more wearable to make everyday a little lovelier.

Ooh and I agree with Heather J

Melinda said... Best Blogger Tips

I vote for the second one, totally fall and way cute!

Forrest said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE the second one! Perfect for work!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

first one! i've had my eye on that pattern for quite some time...

emzdot said... Best Blogger Tips

I vote for #2!! Looking forward to your guidance on getting the waist fitted properly and not having the angle pockets stick out! Although, I seem to remember Carrie's pockets in the movie seemed designed to stick out?

vashkita said... Best Blogger Tips

i vote dress one, with the fitted waistband!

Beth Lemon said... Best Blogger Tips

I want to do them both.

crafterhours said... Best Blogger Tips

The 1st one!! But I think you should just take whichever one doesn't make it for October and save it for November - they're both great! Actually, maybe the 1st one should be saved for November, since it could make a great holiday dress.

Jessica Peck said... Best Blogger Tips

they're both lovely. i'd suggest the second one because the first is a bit fancier than i could wear everyday...maybe more of a "holiday" dress

Darsana said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh you're making it so hard with two such lovely patterns! But, with fall on the way, I think I like the second (more substantial-looking) dress-- particularly 'cause it has pockets.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I really love how blousy teh first one is. That's my vote!

Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips

I vote for the first one by burdastyle! I LOVE it! I may actually participate this month!

Ruhammie said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! Great choices. I'm leaning towards dress one, but you mention that dress two could be done in a knit. Would that make the neck detail flimsy, less stiff and structural? If so, and if you think dress two would look good with a less structural neck, then I'm game for both.

I just taped together my Alexander dress pattern, gonna start that soon too. YAY!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I vote the first one!

The Morreys said... Best Blogger Tips

I love #2!

Mrs. Miller said... Best Blogger Tips

I vote for the second one!

Emily said... Best Blogger Tips

I am going crazy for the second one. Gorgeous! And MUCH more appropriate for fall! plus, that silk material doesn't flatter many bodies. Can't wait to hear what is chosen!

karen said... Best Blogger Tips

i vote for the first one! that second one will never work under a coat...

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I like the 1st one, but how do you wear a bra with a dress like that?

Jane said... Best Blogger Tips

I have been obsessed with that lace Modcloth dress, AND I've been convincing myself that I'll get in on the next Frock by Friday (probably insane because I work 60 hours a week) so I vote (and by 'vote' I mean 'am willing to beg')for the top one. It's like you read my mind!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I've already printed out the Madison (choice #2) and was trying to decide if it would work as a sweater dress.

I don't know if I could follow along and sew during a whole week, each day, because of my work schedule but I might try! It might take me a month instead of a week though. :)

kms handmade said... Best Blogger Tips

OOOH! I vote for #2. That neckline is SO COOL!

Sugar Bear said... Best Blogger Tips

First one! I haven't participated yet (haven't had the confidence in my sewing ability) but I definitely will if it is the first one.

Betty Crocker wannabe said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the first one!

Mrs. S said... Best Blogger Tips

dress one!!

Danse De La Fleur said... Best Blogger Tips

Both dresses are gorgeous but I vote dress 1 because it seems like it'll be easier to wear under a sweater/jacket for cold weather!

Marie said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm with Heather on making the fitted waistband on the first one would be great. I'd probably just make it as a top though - it'd look great with some dark jeans and maryjanes.

Erika said... Best Blogger Tips

number two!

Bless by Tone said... Best Blogger Tips

Dress one, most definitely

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

first one!!

Courtney @ Sweeter Than Cupcakes said... Best Blogger Tips

My vote would be for the second option.

Erin H said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, I love them both, but my first inclination was the first. However, the second would be great in some kind of knit or sweater material. Hmmmmm, I'd love to do either!

emily.marie said... Best Blogger Tips

dress #1 for sure! I feel like there's just a TON of creative & beautiful possibilities for that one!

Drew said... Best Blogger Tips

I much prefer the second one - much more interesting

jill said... Best Blogger Tips

I really LOVE them both, but from a practical point, I think the 1st one would get more wear, and with a cardi would be so cute(can't visualize a cardi with the 2nd one)

Katherine said... Best Blogger Tips

I, too, am with Heather J.---first one, like Modcloth, fitted waist.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Dress no. TWO please!!!

Tiffany said... Best Blogger Tips

Definitely love the 1st one...soooo much we can do with embellishments-- etc.. :)

Sabr said... Best Blogger Tips

Number two please!

Aurora said... Best Blogger Tips

Both are really great, but I vote #2 because of it's retro #1 makes bra wearing tricky, and some of us can't do strapless bras anymore :)

Either way, I'll be trying to make it! Good picks!

Natalie said... Best Blogger Tips

I vote for the second one! (Madison AF23). So cute and very "Mad Men." :)

Ms Muffin said... Best Blogger Tips

second one PLEASE.
soooooo pretty!

GuysGirlKnits said... Best Blogger Tips

Love them both. The second seems more autumnal (my favorite word!) to me though.

Rose said... Best Blogger Tips

I just discovered your blog and I'm so excited to join in on October's Frock by Friday (congrats on the book deal, BTW).

I vote for the first one!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

WOW! Tough choice! I really like the Modcloth version of number one and that it can be worn with a cardi over it, but the neck on the second one is amazing! I really hope that I can join in on this one! I have had not so much fabric $$ laying around... but perhaps I can splurge this time around.

Would you be showing us how to do the Modcloth version of that first one??? Pretty please??

Monica said... Best Blogger Tips

The first dress looks simpler to make and wear,
but the second one has that lovely couture feeling!

The big collar is PERFECT for fall... and with pockets!

My vote is in for frock #2!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

OMG please choose the Burda Madison! I've made it twice now - including one to wear to a wedding, which is lush - it's such a great pattern to work with!


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

They're both so lovely - I'd probably have to say the first one, just because I'm more likely to wear that one....

zilredloh said... Best Blogger Tips

I like the second one, it's more appropriate for fall/winter.

Rochelle Barlow said... Best Blogger Tips

the second one, the madison! love that collar!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I like the second one - something a little different and very classy.

Tiffany :) said... Best Blogger Tips

I vote the Second one! It is SOOO perfect for the fall! :) I'm already searching for the sweater materials!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

my vote is on the first one!

Marcia W. said... Best Blogger Tips

I vote for the first dress. The neck of the second seems to be too big if you need to wear a sweater.

MIchelle said... Best Blogger Tips

The second one is way cuter!

Melissa said... Best Blogger Tips

hm, both! I have loved both patterns for months and would love it. Maybe the first one? then the second one next month!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

The first one!!! This will be my first frock by Friday and I'm so excited...

Lauren said... Best Blogger Tips

Definitely dress one!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

oh, the second one. That neckline is amazing. And screams autumn!

Alexis Olson said... Best Blogger Tips

oohh I really like the second one!

Laura Georgina said... Best Blogger Tips

Dress one for sure!! I've never made anything like that, and it would be really fun to make it along with a group.

Katrina said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm so honored that my dress made it onto your blog! I made that houndstooh Madison (in front of the orange wall) with a little neckline variation and LOVE how it turned out. I definitely think more people should try out that pattern.

That said, the Gail has been on the back of my mind for awhile now. Both good choices!


mama*thayer said... Best Blogger Tips

I love them both, but I feel like the second one would only last a few more weeks- I think it would look lumpy and less chic under a cardigan and with it still being short sleeves...Even in wooly material it might get chilly. So I vote dress 1.

Tara said... Best Blogger Tips

I can't believe I have to pick!! I love them both!!

Mahana said... Best Blogger Tips

Second one please! I love that it's eye-catching, modest and modern!

dogwood said... Best Blogger Tips

#2... sooo lovely for fall

Grosgrain said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm so sorry I forgot to add the credits. They were mostly from Burdastyle and I just overlooked it. Again, I'm sorry, I just added it to the post. Your dress is gorgeous!

ellen said... Best Blogger Tips

I vote #1... adaptable for both hemispheres!

missjulierae said... Best Blogger Tips

I've been reading for awhile - but if you chose #2 - I really want to finally do a Frock by Friday sewalong! (I mean I like #1 too, but my vote is for 1)

Allyson said... Best Blogger Tips

Love, love the first one!!

Sunni said... Best Blogger Tips

I vote for #2! I love the big neckline and this is a pattern I had not noticed before. I would love to participate this time around. Something to get me going again.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I like dress two. The neckline is great.

Cat said... Best Blogger Tips

first one!

rhilborn said... Best Blogger Tips

Dress 1 please!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the second one! :)

Taryn said... Best Blogger Tips

number two! number two!

The Studes said... Best Blogger Tips

i vote the second one! that neck line if FANTASTIC!!

well iguess it doesn't really matter because i will end up making them both =)

Britta said... Best Blogger Tips

Okay, after a quick look at Burda (and other people's creations) I change my vote to no. 2... I think it could be really nice in a knit.

acandiedapple said... Best Blogger Tips

Dress two totally took my breath away. I have to have that dress!

Becky McNeill said... Best Blogger Tips

#1! And I'm in agreement about the modification of the waistline:)

krista said... Best Blogger Tips

the second one!

Debra Hewitt said... Best Blogger Tips

These are both great dresses! I would love to make the second one!

meremade said... Best Blogger Tips

Dress one pretty please!!!

becca said... Best Blogger Tips

I love dress two! I love the collar!

Rachael said... Best Blogger Tips

I absolutely love the second dress choice! :) I would love to make it and wear with a long sleeve shirt underneath. Ah! So excited for whichever you choose to do. :)

Kristin said... Best Blogger Tips

Please the first one!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I vote for the first one! It is stunning. I think I'll probably make it even if you choose to do the other one. I love the beautiful patterns you find!

Madame Awesomepants said... Best Blogger Tips

Dress one! It's one that could look good on me. All the other ones weren't right for my body type and I definitely couldn't do the second one this chest can't handle being any bigger than it already is!

Alex English said... Best Blogger Tips

I love them both - argh! But I would have to say the first one from pure practicality...

Marie said... Best Blogger Tips

Hurray! I have been eying up both of them on Burda (you've read my mind!), but I really really love the second one. The neckline is fabulous and makes the entire dress such a statement piece.

Make Me Over said... Best Blogger Tips

The second one! Something so stylish made from 'sweater' material is a big hit with me!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

love, love, LOVE #2!!

Tina said... Best Blogger Tips

I vote #2--the collar says fall (with an easy transition into winter with opaque tights and knee-high boots) whereas the first one says more end of summer/early fall.

Lizzy B. said... Best Blogger Tips

I've been dying to make a dress with a neck like #2!

Maybe said... Best Blogger Tips

One one one PLEEEAZE!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I like the first one but would love to do both!

Thriftychick said... Best Blogger Tips

I've been eyeing that Modcloth dress for some time now. So number 1 please.

Ashley said... Best Blogger Tips


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Dress #1 please!

Heather said... Best Blogger Tips

I vote the first one. I have such an obsession with lace.

Emily Taylor said... Best Blogger Tips

I bought the pattern for dress #2 2 weeks ago and have been trying to get myself to get started. I would love a little help.

Gillian said... Best Blogger Tips

I vote for the second dress, it would be great for work. I am 5'9" and the waist on dresses are usually too high, I would like to find out how to how to lengthen the top and skirt.

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