Summer Sale

July 24, 2010

Yesterday, Lily, Molly and I took a shopping trip to the mall. Lily had been begging to go to Build-a-Bear. On Sunday she said, "I told daddy that you had been promising to take me to Build-a-Bear but that you never did and I didn't think you ever will." A flimsy ploy to get me to spend a lot of money. Sure. But it worked.

Realizing her birthday was this week I thought it was the perfect opportunity for such an occasion. So we went, spent over $50 on a stuffed bear with accessories and while we were walking back I noticed a new store for kids, Crazy 8. I've never seen this store before. Perhaps all of you are already hip to it. But they had a great selection of cute clothes all REALLY cheap.

I found the totally cute green and white rickrack polka bikini above for lily, only $7.99. Most stuff is now on sale. Looks like Gymboree's stock but not quite as expensive.

17 {comments}:

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

We are getting one of these too! I have only seen the stuff online so far. The store is owned by Gymboree-its like what Old Navy is to the GAP.

A.J. Dub. (Amy) said... Best Blogger Tips

It is part of Gymboree's corporation.
Super cute stuff right?!

vldecker said... Best Blogger Tips

Love Crazy 8. Pretty sure it's owned by the same parent company as Gymboree.

Chris said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh wow! I'd never seen this store before, but I love it! Thanks for the tip!

Georgine said... Best Blogger Tips

Crazy 8 is a Gymboree company. I don't have a store close, but I have seen the stuff online. Cute isn't it? I love little girl bathing suits. They always look so cute in them.

Nicole said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh I love that store! cute picks!

Brinn said... Best Blogger Tips

Man, too bad that's a kid's store cause I would ROCK that watermelon bathing suit.

Meg said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great shop! The prices are so reasonable...I'd say Old Navy level. I have never heard of it before, and there isn't a brick-and-mortar store within 100 miles (seriously), but thank goodness for the internet!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I just went to their website and noticed a copyright at the bottom that said Gym-mart. Like Gymboree Walmart? LOL. I bet it's a subsidiary of Gymbo. Cute stuff!

Kristina Churchill said... Best Blogger Tips

Looks like a store, that Katy would like. I will "Google" it and see if we have one in our area!

Great finds!


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Makes me wish I was in the US. I wonder how you manage to publish posts to your followers only. Such a nice feature!

Tracy said... Best Blogger Tips

I wish there was one in AZ! Yes this store is owned by Gymboree, and prices are about 30% lower there! So cute!

Grosgrain said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks all for the info! I totally did not know that. I can really see the resemblance though now that you say that.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are sooooo cute! I wish we had one in our mall... darn. I'll have to look on line. It sounds like my kind of store. :)

Farah said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh I stumbled upon Crazy 8 last time i was in Atlanta - and bought so much stuff. I loved a little jacket for my girl so much that I bought 2 - one to grow into! Need to take another trip to the States again soon...

They should open one in Canada.

erin said... Best Blogger Tips

wow...thanks alot for that one! i totally want the green bikini for my kid and they have none online!...and no stores in GUAM of course!...

bummer...our only real option here is kmart...awesome, right?...yeah, we do a lot of online clothes shopping! :)

SmithSusan said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the black swimwear the orange and yellow colors, thanks for sharing that.

Hope you benefit from these summer sales

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