Leeya Engel Tea in the Garden Guest Giveaway CLOSED

June 15, 2010

I love jewelry so much. Not the expensive metal kind but the colorful kind. The kind that compliment an outfit in either a delicate or chunky way. Sadly, for me, my daughter Molly gets into my collection and throws my pretty little things on the floor where they get lost and broken.

But when I do indulge myself in a trinket I buy the kind of things Leeya Engel sells. The lovely piece above, Tea in the Garden, is going to one lucky Grosgrain reader.
To learn a little bit more about Leeya visit her at: http://leeyaengel.blogspot.com/ 

Giveaways can be entered in three ways:
1) By linking (to your blog, facebook, myspace, or any other site)
2) By leaving a comment without a link or
3) By linking and leaving a comment (this will be worth 2 entries which will better your chances of winning). Find more info under the FAQ page.
If you are leaving a link just use the 'create a link' at the bottom of this post or simply creating a post on your blog and including this link.If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.

212 {comments}:

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Leah Franqui said... Best Blogger Tips

This is just adorable! I love this kind of jewelry as well, and I just wanted to say that I made the "mama's gonna buy you a mocking bird" dress on Sunday night and it's adorable, thank you so much! I love your sense of style, and you have the best eye!

meeyeehere said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to win this for my mother who is such an awesome person! She loves that look. It would mean a lot to her. I hope I win!

Miss Kelley said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow her work is amazing!!

kendall said... Best Blogger Tips

These are lovely!

Melissa said... Best Blogger Tips

wow, such wonderful pieces. Would love to win.

Amy said... Best Blogger Tips

This is gorgeous jewlery! I love the vintage look of the pieces.

Lyndsey B said... Best Blogger Tips

I loves those pieces!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

How pretty! I LOVE those coral earrings!


My name is Becka said... Best Blogger Tips

What a beautiful ring!
I hope to someday get knowledgeable about how to accessorize.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi, the jewelry looks nice. Enter me please.
~Miss Hannah K.

Jaime said... Best Blogger Tips

These are really pretty...

SLAgirl said... Best Blogger Tips

love it!

Amy M. said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked up and I'm leaving a comment to say that this jewelry is absolutely lovely!

Crafting by Candlelight

Allison Przeslawski said... Best Blogger Tips

I am entering!! ♪

Hope I win!

Allison Elizabeth♥

Ruth said... Best Blogger Tips

the accessories look REALLY pretty!!! :) i will be the happiest girl if i win the giveaway. i've never won anything in my life before :(

Kelli said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, her stuff is SO AMAZING. I found so many must have pieces!

~Kelli @ Smidgens

Kalen said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute! I love that kind of jewelry.

Mindy said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous! I would love to wear that.

Julie said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the lace earrings. They're so cute!

Bird R. said... Best Blogger Tips

such beautiful jewelry

Welcome to Lulu's life. said... Best Blogger Tips

Love this beautiful and colorful jewelery! I also linked!

Elizabeth said... Best Blogger Tips

pretty! i don't have a blog so i'm a linkless commenter, hoping against hope! :)

julieb said... Best Blogger Tips

these are soooo cute!
love the earrings!


Lynda said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow that is beautiful! I love your blog!

lmr3683 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are so feminine, I love it!

adcrow4 said... Best Blogger Tips

That jewelry is beautiful!

The Palmer Family said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh how pretty! Her work is beautiful! I would love to win this giveaway!

JessLynn said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my! This ring is stunning. I am in love. Haha. I would totally love wearing it! How pretty and colorful it is! I love the vintage look of it.

The Palmer Family said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh how pretty! I love jewelry too but never get any for myself! Her work is gorgeous!

Jeanne said... Best Blogger Tips

So pretty!

Sarah O. said... Best Blogger Tips

I love fun, brightly colored jewelry that enhances an outfit. This contest is for me.

jng said... Best Blogger Tips

Her jewelry is beautiful. I especially love the red crochet earrings. While I don't personally sew, sometimes your provide projects I can use fabric glue with and I appreciate that!

Susan Zangara said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful! Love her work and your blog!

The Shumate Family said... Best Blogger Tips

love it! would love to win such beautiful things!

Jill said... Best Blogger Tips

love that ring! thanks for the giveaway.

Aurora said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, this jewelry is beautiful! Can't wait to check out more!!

sommerkind said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the colours! especcially the blue in the second row.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

So pretty!

Lauren said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the color mixed with an antiqued design! So cool!

MJ said... Best Blogger Tips

Found you via Burdastyle, love your blog! Am now following :)

Jennifer S. said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh. My. I have never seen these before - so so SO lovely! I would pierce my ears to wear those earrings. Scratch that, I will pierce my ears to wear those earrings.

Rose said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh wouldn't I love that! (Just found you via BurdaStyle, by the way.)

Emily said... Best Blogger Tips

Ooh, that is stunning!

Quinn's mom said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful craftmanship...would love to have such a lovely piece to wear.

sherri s. said... Best Blogger Tips

Darling! Thanks for the giveaway...I just found your blog via Bernina, and I'm engrossed! You're a way talented seamstress... I bow down!

Emily said... Best Blogger Tips

The yellow flower brightens up my day! sorainima@gmail.com

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous! Def the best kind of jewellery :)

Bets said... Best Blogger Tips

How lovely and creative.

rebecca said... Best Blogger Tips

it is all so beautiful!
rwvanvoorhis at gmail dot com

Elizabeth said... Best Blogger Tips

Such pretty little things!!!!

andreak said... Best Blogger Tips

I love that sweet little ring!

andreak said... Best Blogger Tips

Have a link on my blog!

Forrest said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, these are really beautiful !

April said... Best Blogger Tips

So pretty. So. pretty.

April said... Best Blogger Tips
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nama said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my, her stuff is gorgeous! I love the earrings, too.

Leeya Engel said... Best Blogger Tips

I am so excited to be featured on my favorite blog! Thanks Kathleen! (Please don't enter me in the giveaway ;)

Joanna said... Best Blogger Tips

Love this!!! Such cute things!

Nick Ashley Reagan Coen & Ike said... Best Blogger Tips

Her jewelry is perfect!


Soggy Cereal Mom said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the sunny yellow color. Very cute.

Julia said... Best Blogger Tips

I agree, colourful jewelry is much more fun and personal than traditional precious metals. Lovely pieces!


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Georgeous ring!!

GHouk said... Best Blogger Tips

I like her work. Thanks for sharing it.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

So beautiful!

Elisa B said... Best Blogger Tips

I just discovered your blog via burda style and love it. Your stuff is so inspiring.

Dani said... Best Blogger Tips

cute Jewelry!! Love it!!

Jenny said... Best Blogger Tips

Such pretty dainty jewelry, love it!

Jen Price said... Best Blogger Tips

That Tea in the Garden is so lovely!

Atlanta said... Best Blogger Tips

How cute!

Tracey said... Best Blogger Tips

Those red earrings are just outstanding!

Crafty Q said... Best Blogger Tips

I love her etsy shop! The cocktail rings are to die for!


thanks for the giveaway!

sofabellie said... Best Blogger Tips

Love, Love. So pretty.

Mary June Miller said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous! Love her stuff! Mary June

Cindy said... Best Blogger Tips

She has a beautiful shop! I love the Renaissance Lace Earrings. Thank you for giving us the chance to win such a lovely gift. :)

dmceron said... Best Blogger Tips

Such pretty jewelry! Very unique with a wonderful feel!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Lovely! Thanks for the intro to a great designer.

Eve said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous jewelry! I'd love to win a piece!!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

i also love jewelry like this... :) i have a vintage necklace similar to this ring... would love to win it as it would complement it well...

i always look for pieces like this at garage sales and thrift stores... they're hard to find... clearly treasured by their owners... i love that my 7 yo daughter always asks me if she can borrow my necklace... :)

thanks for hosting such a lovely giveaway!

The Sew Convert said... Best Blogger Tips

So pretty!

kristin said... Best Blogger Tips

Darling jewelry. Just what I need to spice up my wardrobe.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Kathryn said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the jewelery, her style is very unique!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful and unique pieces in Leeya's store! Very inspiring! Thankyou for the giveaway!


GuysGirlKnits said... Best Blogger Tips

So pretty! I need to accessorize more!

Blaise said... Best Blogger Tips

Ooohh! Cuteee! <3 Love it!

erin said... Best Blogger Tips

classy stuff! - love it!

Hunter Cox Family said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the jewelry! Love to add it to my collection.

Mandy said... Best Blogger Tips

Love, love, love it! :)

Alison Gibbs said... Best Blogger Tips

Such a pretty piece. Count me in for the giveaway, it is just so, so sweet

Frikadel said... Best Blogger Tips

It's really beautiful and so well done
she's got a real talent

yuni min said... Best Blogger Tips

i love this ring! it is the perfect color and design. yunhuiyi@yahoo.com

Mruna Mistry said... Best Blogger Tips

i love the lace earrings and the paradise comes in small packages earrings!
All the stuff is so colourful!!!
mrunamistry at gmail dot com

mischief managed said... Best Blogger Tips

The giveaway ring is beautiful
I would love to win it
mm_mischiefmanaged at yahoo dot co dot in

Lilly said... Best Blogger Tips

What a lovely giveaway! That ring is so cute!
Thanks for the chance.
eli_green22 at yahoo dot com dot br

mrs.ladness said... Best Blogger Tips

This would be perfect to go with a lemon lime dress i just finished. I have the same problem with my daughter and my jewlery! Thanks

Lina Thomlinson said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful stuff! Hope I win or I may just have to break down and buy something.


Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I love yellow and I love rings! a perfect combo :)

Rebekah said... Best Blogger Tips

I lost the diamond from my engagement ring yesterday. :( Is it crazy that I'm thinking that sweet yellow flower ring might ALMOST ease the pain?

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I don't normally don't enter contests, but I am this time! Just beautiful!

Cat Hunter said... Best Blogger Tips

This is just beautiful. I love statement pieces and that this is a little funky and vintage. I will become one of their biggest fans! I hope to Win! thanks

Wendy said... Best Blogger Tips

that's gorgeous!!!

Camila F. said... Best Blogger Tips

Super lovely ring! I'd love to win.


cheekymonkey said... Best Blogger Tips

Mmm love jewelry just as much, but luckily I don't have a little one to lose/break my jewels for me! I hope I win!

Hanna said... Best Blogger Tips

so pretty!

Misty said... Best Blogger Tips

This would be so fun to win, she does great work!

jamie said... Best Blogger Tips

so pretty!
here's hoping i win...

Jess said... Best Blogger Tips

UGH! That yellow ring is freakin' pretty!

JuneBug said... Best Blogger Tips

I love her stuff! Thanks for introducing us to it - looked around her etsy site and am so impressed with the pieces AND the prices!

JuneBug said... Best Blogger Tips

linked to the post on Facebook!

Karla said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute!

esther said... Best Blogger Tips

the ring is glorious!!! i practically squealed when i saw it!

Gloria said... Best Blogger Tips

it's so cute! I'd love to win

redspool said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! Love it so much!

HollyStorm said... Best Blogger Tips

I have linked to blog. Thanks!

becky said... Best Blogger Tips

this is all just so gorgeous!
boon1211 at gmail dot com

Catlin said... Best Blogger Tips

I really love that yellow ring. This is my favorite style of jewelry! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Tsosie and Peterson Bunch said... Best Blogger Tips

My 15 year old would love ANY of this stuff. Too great.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I have linked and I like this ring so much I thought I'd increase my chances with a comment :)
ghainskom at yahoo dot com

Amy Lynn said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous stuff she has there. I would be tickled pink t win any of it. I love the necklace with the ribbons on it. So cool!

Kimberly Fasone said... Best Blogger Tips

entering giveaway! how cute!

kfasone (at) gmail (dot) com

meagan said... Best Blogger Tips

adorable! i wish i was that creative:)

Decor To Adore said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! Her jewelry is just amazing!

~Heather said... Best Blogger Tips

The colors are so playful and fun! ~H

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Forget to mention, I linked to my Blog!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful Work! Thanks for the giveaway!

blythe said... Best Blogger Tips

I love those red lace earings!! :)


Jolene said... Best Blogger Tips

oh my gosh i love love LOVE that ring!

Bramblewood Fashion said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute!

I linked on my blog.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

so much fun - love the ring

minniemoocher@gmail.com said... Best Blogger Tips

beautiful ring!

Giorgia Rossini said... Best Blogger Tips

I love that ring! I linked on my blog
thanks for this great opportunity, ciao dall'Italia

rosemaryschild said... Best Blogger Tips

How beautifully unusual! Thanks for this great giveaway!

Sonja Langford said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful ring! I posted about it on my blog too!


Quilts by Grammy said... Best Blogger Tips

Created a link, plus I love this jewelry!!

debrajwebb said... Best Blogger Tips

beautiful and creative jewelry!

Bloody Ethel Bonnie said... Best Blogger Tips

This is so pretty... and totally the kind of thing I would wear! I really love vintage, and vintage-inspired jewelry and accessories, and this ring totally fits the bill!

JaneT said... Best Blogger Tips

Darling piece of jewelry. I would love to have this. Love your site too.

KanaAzuki said... Best Blogger Tips

That looks so cute! Also pretty and elegant. The yellow is quite a nice shade (not blinding). Hope to win this~

Singtatter said... Best Blogger Tips

Lovely jewellery! L simply adore jewellery, thanks for the chance to win!

G-mom said... Best Blogger Tips

wow I love these!! amazing talented designs!!

Ambrlee said... Best Blogger Tips

I love your blog and all of your creations and i definetly reference this blog to the ones i make at home! This jewlery is adorable and so wonderful!


Rickimoo said... Best Blogger Tips

Your jewelry is adorable! My mother would love this. Her birthday is next month! Love to win it and give it to her. Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks.

Lisa McBrayer said... Best Blogger Tips

Amazing. I would love to win this ring as I would give it to my best friend, Roberta, who has been sticking with me through thick and thin! She loves jewelry but due to a medical condition, is unable to make it herself. She'd look smashing with this ring on her finger!

Ľubaša said... Best Blogger Tips

thanks for a chance to meet a new artist... i love this yellow ring the best!
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

Rob and Corrie said... Best Blogger Tips

Very lovely!

Tif said... Best Blogger Tips

So pretty! Pick me!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I have linked to my blog

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

These are absolutely beautiful... I hope I win!

Hele said... Best Blogger Tips

I love those jewels!

so naif and cute...


Una Mariah said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the ring! It's really cool!

Michele said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! Her work is amazing! I love that ring!!!

Shay said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow her work is amazing! All the detail! Just beautiful!

Jessie said... Best Blogger Tips

CUTE ring!!!

Sandy N said... Best Blogger Tips

Love her things! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Sandy N

Dita Maulani said... Best Blogger Tips

Sweet vintage look jewelry!

burlap+blue said... Best Blogger Tips


burlap+blue said... Best Blogger Tips

so, so pretty...love her work!

charity said... Best Blogger Tips

this is so gorgeous!

Una Mariah said... Best Blogger Tips

I already entered. I want to know when the giveaway will end.

Lori said... Best Blogger Tips

very beautiful and unique! I love wearing things like that.

Galo Fab 5 said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this jewelry! So beautiful and unique.

kristiyana shinta said... Best Blogger Tips

woohhoo,,, really want it all :)

Handmade in Israel said... Best Blogger Tips

I love Leeya's work! Her jungle berry necklace is gorgeous!

Wife and Husband Walker said... Best Blogger Tips

i WANT it!

Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips

LOVE this ring!

Elly said... Best Blogger Tips

What lovely pieces of jewelry! Thanks for introducing me to her work.

elnajay at gmail dot com
Adventures in Refashioning

Cissy said... Best Blogger Tips

Very pretty.

Katrina said... Best Blogger Tips

I'd love to win it!

delaney said... Best Blogger Tips

oooh, I ADORE this ring! The pop of yellow is gorgeous!!

Carol said... Best Blogger Tips

Ooooooooooooo la la this is so beautiful! me encanta !

Please do enter me :)

Carol said... Best Blogger Tips

Oooooooooooooo i Do love this! its so pretty!!!

Please enter me :)

-Carol :)

Autumn said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous and inspiring!

Captain Obvious said... Best Blogger Tips

I love jewelry with a vintage feel

Amanda said... Best Blogger Tips

Drats! Did I miss out on a chance at winning this piece of lovely? I couldn't find a end date (though it may well be under my nose!) so I had to try anyway! Thanks for the chance!

Cathi said... Best Blogger Tips

Lovely. It reminds me of a piece my grandmother had .

Cheryl said... Best Blogger Tips

Please count me in for a chance to win.
Thank you.

Aly said... Best Blogger Tips

The ring is beautiful. You've just inspired me to wear more rings, or at least one ring, anyway. What a great sense of style. Love the blog!

Mare said... Best Blogger Tips

OHHH, I love these kind of earings, really nice! I could getb used to the ring too!

Sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, fun ring! I just found your blog - fun stuff!

Erving Arashi said... Best Blogger Tips

how pretty! rings are my favorite kind of jewelery.

erin said... Best Blogger Tips

Love these, especially the yellow ring. They feel so perfect for the summer : )

Kellie Staton said... Best Blogger Tips

So darn cute. Every time I bring something like this into the house I have to fight off my teenage daughter. Who can blame her I guess, LOL. I had to go add Leeya to my Etsy faves.

jessarosey said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this! It's beautiful!


Carly said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous! Love the antique look!

Carly said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous! Love the antique style!

SVaRaDa said... Best Blogger Tips

I´d like to win!

delightfullyscrappy said... Best Blogger Tips

What an adorable ring! I love tea, I love gardens, so hey, I love the ring!


Zarah said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh - those are awesome! The yellow makes me happy! I also fell in love with the fantastic hairpins she makes. Those'd be perfect to spruce up my short hair! I think I'm gonna have to nudge DH in the right direction, here...! ;)

Luz said... Best Blogger Tips

cute jewelry!! I love it!

Barbara said... Best Blogger Tips

What a beautiful ring, I would love to win this. I am definately going to go and visit this shop.

vero77 said... Best Blogger Tips

oh, i love it!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow!! This is some cute jewelry!

Vicki said... Best Blogger Tips

So pretty! I love that ring!
Enter me, please!

spring sprang sprung said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow these are truly beautiful rings. I would be honored to win.

Claire said... Best Blogger Tips

Cute! I have a writing blog so it would not be easy to link to a craft blog in a post. Other wise I would link to you. I found you're blog via Sewing.


megan said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful. I would love to give that to my sister.

jessankney said... Best Blogger Tips

Great pic! I love the vintage look. Would love to add this to my collection!

shallowwater said... Best Blogger Tips

I am head over heels in love with that first ring!

Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm IN LOVE with the yellow flower ring!! So cute!!!

Dita Maulani said... Best Blogger Tips

she has lots lots of items i love on Etsy! That ring is one of my faves!

kristiyana shinta said... Best Blogger Tips

whooaa,,, love it love it

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