It was to be their 'going home' dress. This time around I think it will be too cold for a dress. So I'm looking for something warmer but still charming.
On top of that, every dress I've bought for my newborn girls have been disappointingly WAYYYY to big. I bought an adorable 0-3M embroidered Gymboree pale yellow frock and hat for Molly's 'Going Home' and she didn't end up wearing it until more like around 6M.
After seeing how tiny she really was my mother went out and bought a last minute Carter's NB dress instead but it just didn't hold a candle to my original:( Fortunately Molly looked really sweet in anything:)
Take this adorable sweater one piece I fell in love with from Baby Gap. The smallest size available is 0-3.
When Molly was born she was only 5lbs 12oz and despite my best efforts I believe this baby will also be a little peanut. Unfortunately, I don't think this Baby Gap outfit will work for my newborn but I still want something as unique and cute. (ie, not just a printed cotton sleeper).
I've been looking on preemie clothing sites but have found myself less than impressed with what I've found. Does any one out there have any good suggestions for me?
29 {comments}:
I always wanted to bring them home in a christening gown :)
Do you know anyone who designs and sews amazing clothes all the time? Oh wait! YOU!!! :)
My little one is due in April. I plan to use this pattern to make her a dress: http://madebyrae.blogspot.com/2008/04/free-itty-bitty-baby-dress-pattern.html
I brought home my last babe in some custom wool longies (very small) and the wool wrap sweater that I brought Violet home in also. I have put each of these items in the girls memory boxes. Piper was a summer babe and I was given my husband's going home outfit and also a close friend's going home outfit so we brought both of those to the hospital b/c we don't find out the sex. The later babes outfits were gender neutral. I can't wait to see what you pick :)
Janie and Jack have such cute, boutique looking baby clothes and they have some preemie clothes that would fit nicely. Here is a link of one that I think is cute:
Goodluck in your search!
Oh, I also forgot to include that they even have a "welcome home suitcase" for baby at Janie and Jack.
I have tiny babies too. After learning from my firstborn that I needed to buy a premie size for the second baby I went on a dress hunt. I ended up buying a simple dress that I liked the style of and then I embellished it to fit my girly needs :) Good luck! You are so talented and I am sure you will come up with something spectacular!
I had the same problem with both of my little girls.
Unfortunately, a lot of the preemie dresses/outfits out there for little girls are unbearable froofy.
I had some luck at Target finding baby dresses/outfits in Preemie sizes.
Also, Polo/Ralph Lauren makes Preemeie sizes clothes. Check their website under LAYETTE. Their newborn sizes run small (my first daughter wore some Ralph Lauren NB sized clothes while in the NICU).
Here's a similar look to the one you posted.
Except it's very $$$!
Make your own, of course! Smocking is my new favorite :)
I think I'd just put something like this:
over a sleeper and call it good.
I would love to know what you find out. I have been thinking the exact same thing...my newborn won't be coming home til April or early May but I remember clothes being huge on them (and mine were nearly 8 lbs)...good luck in your search!
A friend of mine used to make doll clothes for the premies in the hospitals. What about making her a doll dress, they look just like something a real baby would wear and you can make it your own.
I know this sounds crazy.... I got both my kids preemie clothes from walmart (George and garanimals brands) They are soft, comfortable, and simple. I embellished the little onesies and they turned out really cute. Gymboree also carries jammies and a few other things in preemie size.
Ummmm. . .YOU should make something. You make the cutes things I have ever seen. I don't think you could find anything that could compete.
I have had a site bookmarked for so long..it's called Zutano. They have a section called Itzy Bitzy. You pick your size based on weight not 0-3m etc.. Not sure if the style is really what you are looking for but wanted to mention it. :)
Take a preemie little onesie (color or not) and add sweet embellishments to it. For instance, pretty ribbon bows or a pin-tucked chiffon tutu to the waist! Original, sweet, and very comfy.
I haven't actually used it yet, but have you seen this pattern?
Looks like it could be scaled down easily.
You must be getting so excited! : )
Congratulations on another baby!! I had my 4 in the tropics of Northern Australia & brought them all home in simple cotton dresses which were really just beautiful nighties!! Fine for the girls & NOT matching ones for my twin girls. My boy had a body suit, easy. When you put them into a car seat for the first time they are so tiny!! Clothes are often adjustable now, saving grace!! All the best, love Posie
zutano itzy bitzy. they really are small.
also check out tinysprouts.com- such a pretty/simple/soft personalized outfit (and the owner is great to work with. maybe she can do preemie sizes.)
(I love picking out the home from the hospital outfit.. but I have 9lb boy babies.)
ooo, I found the one for you, it's so sweet!
Though I agree with above mentions of you crafting your own outfit, you could even repurpose a soft sweater to create a similar one to that adorable Gap item. Good luck!
Perhaps you could find a sweet sweater that she could wear as a dress with the sleeves rolled up? Then maybe you could find a pair of matching tube socks that you could trim the top of to make little custom leg warmers/tights. I'm thinking cute little ribbon garters at the top...
If you decide to make something, Ottobre have some really cute patterns in smaller sizes (and they're super easy to modify and resize too).
Here are a couple of examples:
My kiddos haven't been quite that small. But, for us premie sizes work best for the first week or so...so maybe a sweatersuit like that gorgeous one you found but in premie...maybe jack and janie or an etsy creation...
My children were also small my little girl was 2 lbs 6 oz and my little boy was 1 lb 9 oz, so I also know how hard it is to find very small clothes, babies r us preemie and carters preemie were some of the smallest ones I have found, besides micro preemie but I dont think you would need those. Good luck on you search.
Try looking at Janie & Jack online, they really have the sweetest clothes, perfect for going home outfits!
I was a super little preemie (a twin) and my mom dressed us in doll clothes, like one of your other commenters suggested, for the first few months. She got a lot of amusement out of it, and they were cute clothes, too! Plus, when we grew up we could dress our dolls in our own clothing, which was fun as a kid.
I don't know if you still have time, but if you know someone who crochets or knits, why not get something knitted/crochetted to size and in a style you like? There are so many pretty and sweet baby things out there ;) Btw, best wishes and congrats in advance!
i had an almost 5 lb. baby boy and also had trouble finding premie clothes. my best find...WAL-MART!! i think it's because wal-mart is such a big sponsor of children's miracle network. so yeah...wal-mart has lots of adorable premie clothes!
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