Refugee Crafter made this as a blessing dress for her sweet baby girl. She described it as the pinnacle of her sewing career. Months in the works. She made her own pattern and tatted the lace trimmings herself!
She said, "It is definitely my most ambitious endeavor. I guess that's what happens when you give me nine months and little sleep due to pregnancy."
I couldn't agree more:)
The pattern for the lace on the sleeves comes from the book A New Twist on Tatting by Catherine Austin. She added the pearl beads to her pattern. The frog closures are her own creation.
The ruffles on the dress inspired by Butterick pattern B4967.
See more pics here.

I also really liked the skirt to the right made by flickr user Mosspink. I've always had a a soft spot for crinoline. Anything holiday related is always good this time of year.
Speaking of holidays, it's now time to put up the Christmas decorations. The tree, the lights, the garland. I'm usually super excited and eager to do this but unfortunately I've been really tired, lethargic and uncomfortable.
And speaking of uncomfortable, we went to see 'A Christmas Carol' last night at IMAX. The theater was sold out and we were at the end of the line. When we finally got inside all the seats were taken except for the ones in the very front and some single ones on the ends. We had to sit in separate seats with Lily sharing my chair for 2 hours.
Being seven and a half months pregnant I was quite uncomfortable. But the movie was pretty good. I'm glad Lily got to see the story for the first time. It was always one of my favorites.
2 {comments}:
Thank you so much for your kind words!
I have a secret...you're the reason I started sewing again. I saw your piƱata pinafore a long time ago, and it just got me so excited about sewing again. I've followed your blog ever since. You never fail to inspire me. So, thank you again.
I love the skirt and made one for my daughter
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