Charm Design $50 gift card GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!! CLOSED.

November 25, 2009

My old purse is so shabby and not in a chic way. I've been meaning to go out and purchase a new one for some time but for one reason or another I haven't been able to get around to it. If you're like me, stop and take a look at today's guest giveaway, CHARM DESIGN.

The lucky winner of this giveaway will receive a $50 gift certificate to do with what they want in her fabulous store.

Charm design was founded by Ranja Lee who is a stay-at-home mom with two children.

She was born in Japan and started sewing when she was in high school. She studied at the Vantan Design Institute in Tokyo and worked at the Childrens Clothing Company as a clothing designer for several years in Tokyo.

She moved to Los Angeles in 1994, and studied Graphic Design at California State University Fullerton.

Now, aside from taking care of her kids, she loves to design and sew bags and childrens' accessories with her joy and inspiration. She hopes you will enjoy them too!!

Take a look at her zippered pouch bags too!

If you purchase 5 or more pouches, Charm Designs will give you a 10% DISCOUNT!! She will send you a revised invoice before you pay. (Round Pouch ONLY)

Flickr :
Twitter :

If you'd like to win one of these bags just link to this post either using the 'create a link' at the bottom of this post or simply creating a post on your blog and including this link.

If you have any questions see the "questions and answers" link at the top. If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post.

If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.

While creating a link is still the only requirement for entering a giveaway, leaving a comment along with your link makes it much easier to find your entry. This is most
ly due to the fact that blog roll links often show up in my search for entries and can be difficult to sort through.

95 {comments}:

Leah said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked.

Leslie @ This is the Refrain said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh man, I really want to win this one. Thank you for the giveaway!

Gosfam said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked:

Amilee Farr said... Best Blogger Tips

any of these would be the perfect accessory!

Amilee Farr said... Best Blogger Tips

these are just gorgeous!

jbr said... Best Blogger Tips just created a link

Amanda said... Best Blogger Tips

My blog is private, but I posted a link. I would love to win this!

Shannon Marie Haggard said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the purses! She has a great eye for design! :) I tried to link but it is not letting me... I will try again later! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Lindsay Riggs said... Best Blogger Tips

All of those purses are fabulous! I'd love to have one to use as a stylish diaper bag!! I linked. :) Thanks for doing all these fun giveaways!

Cajun Girl Living In The Mountains said... Best Blogger Tips

Very pretty!


and linked

Teddi Taylor said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked to this post on my blog:

crossing my fingers big time!!!

Liquidambar Studio said... Best Blogger Tips

I added a link on

Lynette said... Best Blogger Tips

I have a bag crush :)

pistolpackinmama said... Best Blogger Tips

Linked. could so use a new purse like this. they are great!

Monica said... Best Blogger Tips

I blogged about it:

Monica said... Best Blogger Tips

I tweeted about it:


Monica said... Best Blogger Tips

I absolutely love these purses! The lady did a wonderful job making them! I really would like to win one of these!


Lyd said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked..
A girls can never have to many bags!! can she?? :)

Who am I... said... Best Blogger Tips

Such cute purses!!!!Linked!!

Kristi said... Best Blogger Tips

i'm in your same, looking-for-a-new purse boat and these are beautiful! linked!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

gotta have this. I love purses.
linked :)

Jeanie Chang said... Best Blogger Tips

I've been eying their bags for a while now!

Tlkusik said... Best Blogger Tips

I created a link on my private blog.

Teach.Workout.Love said... Best Blogger Tips

very nice bagss!

Plusi said... Best Blogger Tips

the bags are sooo pretty! <3

zime said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for this opportunity!!


Carrie said... Best Blogger Tips

How so very cute!



Rachelle said... Best Blogger Tips

I so linked. I'm such a bag, bag. I need a Charm Design bag.

Carol said... Best Blogger Tips

I love bags, and these are great! I posted about it on my blog!

Chris said... Best Blogger Tips

These are amazing!!!

linking you up @

Ashlie said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to win this one! Those bags are adorable :)

Ann Diana Dinh, said... Best Blogger Tips

Omg! I totally want this.


Jody said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the bags and want one really bad, but I don't think I have anything to link to?!* Can I still be in the running.

Lindzie said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked!

Mrs S said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely gorgeous bag, would love to win the gift card!

sewing_passion said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow those are some fabulous purses!

Kara said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the fabrics on these bags! I linked at

Elizabeth said... Best Blogger Tips

I posted!

Thank you! ;)

RORYJEAN said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked

Hollie said... Best Blogger Tips

LOVE these adorable bags - linked them to my site:

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

up on my blog :9
ghainskom at yahoo dot com

Grace Wong said... Best Blogger Tips


Sara said... Best Blogger Tips

Great giveaway! Here's my link:

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked! I love these!

Rasmussen Family said... Best Blogger Tips

Posted on my personal blog and my design one

Brittany said... Best Blogger Tips

I hope it's not cheating to blog several giveaways in the same post. I've been busy the last few weeks and haven't been online much.

Lauren Wayne said... Best Blogger Tips

I so need a purse, and these are GORGEOUS!

kristen said... Best Blogger Tips

blogged about this one!! (and another) :) super fun! thanks for the opportunity!


Cheri said... Best Blogger Tips

Very cute! I linked at my blog

janil said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute!!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

i linked!


Stefi said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the bags!
I linked

Chacoy said... Best Blogger Tips

These Bags are Fabulous!
Linked here:

Niecey said... Best Blogger Tips

Sherry said... Best Blogger Tips

LOVE these bags!!!! I would love to win one!! Thanks for the chance!


carmel said... Best Blogger Tips

me me me!! i love those bags!
thanks! and i also blogged about your giveaway on my sidebar, as always.
i hope thats ok, if not you are welcome to say so

delaney said... Best Blogger Tips

These bags are adorable! I would love to win one!! I linked :)

Moriah said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE your bag's!! Please pick me. I linked.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips what a great gift it would be to mom for Christmas!!!

Maria said... Best Blogger Tips

What great designs. I LOVE that you are using Amy Butlers new "love prints". I linked (it's on the sidebar)

MisAdventuresofMomof3 said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love love love to win one of these! I created a link!

Sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

i have a link here :

thanks! those purses are really pretty :)
sadiekate2001 at

LizzieK8 said... Best Blogger Tips

I blogged, I tweeted, and I facebooked! Fantastic giveaway!

Kat said... Best Blogger Tips

Posted it!

Jinii said... Best Blogger Tips

Love these bags! I have linked up.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

blogged!! thansk for the giveaway!

Julia said... Best Blogger Tips

Enter me please! I'm about to go do a link! :)

jbr said... Best Blogger Tips

Linked here:

carlotta cisternas said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked - I would love to win!

carlotta cisternas said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, and how does one find out if he/she won??

Kristen said... Best Blogger Tips

I created a link here:

such cute purses!!

Pamela said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked!

Kendra said... Best Blogger Tips

I also created a link!!

very cute!

dizzee said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, such beautiful bags over at Charm Design's all of the pieces! :)

Anyways, linked to my blog...

Really, really hope I can win this. Thanks for having this giveaway! :)

Jasmine said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked

eric.n.nikki said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these bags!! I am a bagaholic and I just admitted it here:

to try and win this giveaway!

Claire said... Best Blogger Tips

i linked

Amanda Haller said... Best Blogger Tips

I've linked to your great giveaway!

Jilliebeanie said... Best Blogger Tips

Awesome! Linked to my blog here:

indywriter said... Best Blogger Tips

linked here:

Hope I'm lucky this time!

Jenny said... Best Blogger Tips

Who doesn't need another great bag, I ask you?
I've created a link on my blog. At the bottom of the blog I have a "Current Grosgrain Giveaway" link that I update regularly!
One of these days I know I'll win one of your fab giveaways. ;-)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

loves these bags and yes i'll put a link on my blog because you have a fun blog and a love of sewing and your fam. my fav too

kanaha said... Best Blogger Tips


mmperdue said... Best Blogger Tips

Blogged!! Check it out: Great giveaway... beautiful purses. Thank you!

Anne said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked,

kelliemorgan said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked! Thanks!

Steph said... Best Blogger Tips

Blogged, with link:

And fingers crossed!

Elissa Pugh said... Best Blogger Tips

So pretty! So hip! How would I ever choose?

Emily said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to win!

{littlefam} said... Best Blogger Tips

i would love to find this under my tree on christmas morning!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Wish I had a blog! I'd love to win this bag!

Hire Php Programmer said... Best Blogger Tips

all are so pretty,amazing collection.
it is a best thing to purchase.
keep it up.

hire php developers said... Best Blogger Tips

i liked this designed purse very much.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

what a nice your are introducing real fashion in industry love it .

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