Queen of Hearts and Alice in Wonderland Costume Set GIVEAWAY!!!! CLOSED.

October 20, 2009

When July came around I began debating what I would make for Halloween. Then I came across Tim Burton's 'Alice in Wonderland' stills and I knew I had found my muse. The Queen of Hearts dress is modeled after his version here, and here.

The giveaway includes: The Queen of Hearts Dress, wig and crown and striped tights and red pettiskirt. The Alice in Wonderland Dress. The rabbit mask. TO BE ENTERED PLEASE LINK TO THIS POST. EITHER USE THE LINK AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST OR CREATE YOUR OWN.

For the Queen of Hearts dress, I tried to exact every small detail. (Notice the pintucked upper bodice:) Of course, there were a number of things I could not find. The gold and red paisley overskirt material wasn't available at any store I visited. So I bought the gold striped material instead and bustled it with black and red striped gold buttons. Bustles just look better anyway.

Lily was surprisingly cooperative about all the makeup. I think she has this little girl obsession with it. Plus when I told her that I was going to make a heart shape on her lips she became excited and ran to the mirror before I could even finish.

If you want to know how I made Lily's makeup, here is a REALLY perfect tutorial. Kandee, a makeup artist in LA explains how to make various costume makeup tutorials as well as basic everyday makeup tutorials. Very handy.

The jewelry detailing on the upper bodice was all done by hand. I mean with pliers and metal cutters. I can't tell you how many details went into this dress. There might just be a hundred buttons. And did I mention I didn't use a single pattern.

It literally took weeks to finish. Of course I didn't work on it everyday but from the first day I started to the last day (being today) weeks have passed. Seeing it on the mannequin was so rewarding. And making the patterns was so much easier with it. I didn't have to ask Lily to take her shirt off once.

Molly's little Alice costume was a little easier to make:) But simply ADORABLE none-the-less. I did use a pattern for the upper bodice. But the sleeves, skirt collar and apron sleeves are my own.

I brought a black ribbon to go in her hair but forgot to bring a scissors to cut it. So that was a bust.

We brought so many props that just never got used and it was such a shame. Brian had a black umbrella. Lily had a scepter. I brought a red paint can and painted brush for Molly.

The croquet set I brought down from my mother's attic. That alone should be worth something because it was in the back where the light doesn't shine and nothing has been touched for decades.

Her house is literally crawling with centipedes so I didn't even want to know what was waiting to crawl onto my hands when I put my fingers around the top. Once I got it down the stairs and into the light, things didn't look half bad. We've had it since I was born, probably longer, so it's from the 70s. While I wiped it down my mother told me a sad story about how she always hoped to use it for parties.

I'm glad we took a lot of pictures of Lily and Molly in these dresses because it will break my heart to give them away. I'm hoping the winner will be able to put them to good use.

Molly was so difficult to shoot. We went after I picked Lily up from Kindergarten so by the time I got her makeup on and the car packed the sunlight was quickly fading so I had to set my shutter speed low.

In retrospect I should have used a different lens with a wider aperture or bumped my ISO to 400 but in the heat of the moment everything flies out the window. Photographing children is SOO HARD! Molly does not sit still. Not if you beg, plead or bargain with her. She runs around and screams and looks like a blur on the lens.

The queen's wig was purchased at chasing fireflies and is made for a child's head so it fit Lily to a T! I was lucky to find it, though I wish it had been a little cheaper. It's almost worth entering for that alone:)

What I really like about the queen's dress is that you can wear a long sleeves v-neck shirt underneath and pants. So on cold Trick or Treat nights you don't have to worry about compromising the look of the costume.

In case you missed it, a red pettiskirt is also included. This can be worn underneath the queen of hearts skirt to puff it out but it can ALSO be worn by itself as a pettiskirt. It's the same one featured here.

Lily was excited to submit one of these photos for the Sprouterrific Halloween Costume Contest. I think it was partially responsible for her motivation to do the photos. Not five minutes after I sat down to my computer to upload the photos from the camera did she ask if I sent a photo yet. Here's hoping she wins something:) I forgot to send a homemade card on her birthday so I need to do some make up work.

Oh, I didn't really say too much about Molly's costume. Well, I added little rounded pockets on the apron. The first time we put the finished costume on her was at the shooting location. Our initial reactions were 'awwww'. If I had the extra time I would have made a pettiskirt for underneath her skirt as well. If you win and have an extra one I would recommend using it. I think it would add that extra pinch of cuteness.

Since the Queen of hearts is known for her short temper, I would have also made a card costume for myself so that Lily would have someone to abuse in the photos, if I would have had enough time.

As it turned out Brian had to be that willing participant. But as you can see, it was Lily's favorite part of the shoot.

Both Lily and Molly enjoyed chasing him through the hedge maze and around the amphitheater.

We were really lucky to score a semi decent day this late in October. It was still warm enough to wear short sleeves. The sun came out once or twice and most importantly, IT DID NOT RAIN. It is supposed to rain through the rest of the week so I knew if I was going to post these pics it would have to be soon!

I'm trying to think of new set designs for my indoor (makeshift) studio. Not only is it warmer but it's a lot easier to control the babies downstairs.

This will probably be one of my last outdoor photo shoots until April. One of the things I hate about living on the east coast is the weather. Give me a hot and humid over frozen and blustery any day, though neither really appeal to me. Days like today, when the temperatures are in the 60s to 70s are just what I love.

My mother was born and raised in Hawaii then moved to California after she was married. Why they moved to Pennsylvania I'll never know.

I once read a strange statistic about Pacific Islanders that said something like only 1-2% of native born Pacific Islanders move to the East Coast. Really? Maybe I somehow read that wrong?

Another prop I wish I could have found were flamingos. But how many times do you see stuffed flamingos? I used to work at Hersheypark as a teenager. I once worked at this game called 'Rising Waters'. Whenever people played it sang the main reframe of Kenny Loggins' "I'm Alright". After 100 games it was enough to drive you to tears. But the prize for winning? A FLAMINGO! I bet they still have them there now.

I kind of thought Lily's hair looked like it would also work for an 'Annie' costume. Speaking of Annie, Molly at only 2, has a concerning obsession for the movie and requests to watch it everyday.

She is absolutely terrified of the telephone. When Brian calls I ask if she wants to talk and she immediately collapses on the floor in tears. I asked her if she wanted to call daddy, she shook her head no. Grandma? No. Grandpa? No. Lily? Pause, no. Annie? Yes. Annie, are you sure? YES! She's obsessed I tell you!

Wow. This post is taking a long time to write! So many photos! It is like three costumes in one post. It's now 1:40 in the morning and I have the season finale of 'Drop Dead Diva' playing in the background. It's a little scary how much 'Lifetime' I've found myself watching recently. I used to make fun of my mother for watching too much Lifetime. What does that say about me?

A good Jim Gaffigan joke: "My favorite channel is the Lifetime Channel because Lifetime is television for women -- Lifetime: Television for Women. Yet, for some reason, there's always a woman getting beaten on that channel."

The majority of these costumes I made while watching the Project Runway 24 hour marathon (also on Lifetime) which is exactly what one should watch when taking one a big sewing project. It makes you feel all creative and professional.

So there it is, I hope you liked this set. And please, check back soon for more Grosgrain Halloween goodness! There's still more to come!

I plan on entering Shabby Apple's Dare to Design contest and I have my dress all planned out in my head and ready to go. Now, to find the time to make it by November.

I would say that the Queen of Hearts dress would fit a 3T-5T. Maybe 6T? Depending on how big your child is. The Alice in Wonderland costume would fit an 18month-2T.

The rabbit mask would fit an adult. ALTHOUGH, when I bought it online it said it was for a child. So probably both?


If you'd like to win one of this costume set just link to this post either using the 'create a link' at the bottom of this post or simply creating a post on your blog and including this link.

If you have any questions see the "questions and answers" link to the right. If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.

Create a Link

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315 {comments}:

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Melinda said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow - that is your best creation yet. This is truly amazing.

Goosegirl said... Best Blogger Tips

These are just amazing! Both of my girls are crazy in love with Alice in Wonderland and would LOVE these.

Angie - treasuresfortots@gmail.com said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm just BLOWN AWAY! Absolutely beautiful!!! I really, really, really, really, REALLY hope I WIN!!

I linked on my blog:

Melissa said... Best Blogger Tips

Kathleen - You have outdone yourself with this giveaway. I am awestruck. I've already posted my link here: http://melissaburford.typepad.com/burford_designs/2009/10/queen-of-hearts-and-alice-in-wonderland-costume-set-giveaway.html

Crossing all of my fingers and toes for this one!

Dee2 said... Best Blogger Tips

AMAZING! I'm wowed. I'm bowled over. I'm wishing I had your talent. Haha. Or your costume for my little girl. Thanks for sharing this!

Schneeweißchen said... Best Blogger Tips


the dresses are so wonderfull!!!!!

We love it!!


Charissa said... Best Blogger Tips

That is absolutely stunning!!! I'm just floored by the detail. I have totally linked to this!

Brittany said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow. those are simply STUNNING! I Love them!!!

Beth@The Stories of A to Z said... Best Blogger Tips

This is AMAZING! You are one talented lady. Love it.

Karin van Dam said... Best Blogger Tips

Those costumes are great Kathleen! And the little girls look beautiful.

michelle G said... Best Blogger Tips

utterly amazing. Well Done!

Mummy said... Best Blogger Tips

These are AMAZING!! I wish I had kiddos that size. Well, actually, I don't... hehehe

celine said... Best Blogger Tips

It's really wonderfull ! The link is already on my blog !!

HandbagsbyJen said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely Amazing! I cannot believe how much detail is in the queen's costume. My two girls would be adorable in these. I have posted a link on my blog.

Maggie said... Best Blogger Tips

This is so amazing. One of your best (I was also in love with the Marie Antoinette gown) I am so hoping to win this. I have 2 little girls and one is named Lily! I would be such a hero if this showed up. Thank you for sharing your amazing talent with the world.

jennie said... Best Blogger Tips

I have no clue how you can give these away. Amazing work! My two little girls would do your work proud:)
gotcha linked!

Siew said... Best Blogger Tips

I can't believe the detail in this. Its incredible. I've posted a link and am in complete awe of your creativeness.

Mel said... Best Blogger Tips

I am in awe!! I have two little girls - 19 monts and 4 years who would love these. I don't have a blog but I will start one just so that I can enter this giveaway! thanks!

Monica said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow just simply amazing! Very cute little models. :P

Kim said... Best Blogger Tips

Each and every day I am blown away with people's creative talent... there is nothing in this world I love to do more than to look at people's clever works of art...

I added to my BLOG and on FB!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are amazing costumes and photos. You are very talented. It think the Queen is the best yet.

My daughter would love to win.

Kim said... Best Blogger Tips

Each and every day I am blown away with people's creative talent... there is nothing in this world I love to do more than to look at people's clever works of art... I posted to my blog and added to FB!

Michele said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, these are fabulous!!!! When I was in 5th grade I was in an Alice in Wonderland play. I wanted to play Alice...of course....but the part was split up between my younger sister and my best friend,LOL!!! I played Rose, and I still remember some of my lines, "Flowers, Flowers, hurry to your places. Flowers roll call." LOL!!! I'm turning 40 in December, but for some reason those lines are never going to be forgotten.

Anyway, wish we had you doing the Queen of Hearts and Alice's costumes back then!!! They are awesome!!

I blogged about your giveaway and linked to both your blog and giveaway. Here is the link:


Thanks so much!!
Michele R.(CA)
Luvkittysgiveaways at Gmail dot com
Butterfly Whispers

Amy C said... Best Blogger Tips


I linked!


Kerry said... Best Blogger Tips

I posted a link. What a cool queen of hearts costume! :)

HMaas said... Best Blogger Tips

Those costumes are adorable - I love them both - but the Queen of Hearts is a true masterpiece!!! WOW!!!

Anne said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked this one!!
SO gorgeous!

Angela said... Best Blogger Tips

These are beyond awesome! You are so talented both as a designer and a photographer--wow. Thanks for sharing.

The Hillbilly Banjo Queen: said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my holy moly goodness! You've outdone yourself! I would cry and cry if I had to give this one away. You are completely and wonderfully generous! So amazingly beautiful! I linked back from my blog: Hopscotchlemonade.blogspot.com

amy t. said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely Gorgeous...If I had kids I would definitely enter the giveaway...the dresses are amazing...I guess everyone has Tim Burton Fever right now, for our Law School Halloween Party my friends and I will be characters from the movie/cartoon/books, I am currently working on my Alice costume as we speak!! I am so excited for Halloween...who ever wins your giveaway is very lucky...

p.s. Kandee's makeup tutorials really are great!!

maleahbliss said... Best Blogger Tips

These costumes are incredible. I can't believe you're giving them away!! I wouldn't be able to do it. They're beautiful!

Angie said... Best Blogger Tips

I.Am.Amazed. What a talent! I have a 6 year old and a 3 year old that they would be perfect for!!! I'm crossing all my fingers and hoping to win!

CaseyDeuce said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm in love with this set. Like, literally sitting here drooling over it. My Boug had already planned on being the Queen of Hearts, but this would send her through the roof with excitement... I'm keeping my fingers crossed, toes crossed, legs crossed, eyes crossed and anything else crossable to win this!!

Katie said... Best Blogger Tips

I want the Alice in Wonderland costume SO BAD... me and my husband are being Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum and my little 1 yr old would fit PERFECTLY into that Alice Costume! I totally created a link!

Larissa said... Best Blogger Tips

you are unbelievably talented!

Leah said... Best Blogger Tips

They are so amazing. I only wish that I could sew like that. Instead I will just hope to win those costumes.

monica said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow truely gorgious!

Julie said... Best Blogger Tips

I can't even believe you are giving those away! JUST BEAUTIFUL!! Of course, I HAVE to enter now, since I know the Queen of Hearts would fit my 4 year old, and I think I might be able to squeeze my 2.5 year old into the Alice costume. Now...if I could get my husband to wear the mask...It would be only the second time in my 10 years knowing him that he wore anything resembling a costume. That would be HUGE.

Oh yeah, I need to win it first!!! Fingers double, triple, quadruple crossed on this one!!

Two Peas In a Pod said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are amazing..so beautiful. I could see my girl and her friend dressed up in these costumes! So cute. Love it.
Cheers Kyla

JeolsliesMomma said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow.... I don't even know what to say about how AMAZING those dresses are! I need to channel some of your talent when I make my girls halloween costumes this year, lol.

Kathryn said... Best Blogger Tips

Holy Shmoly! These are not dressing up costumes - these are ART!

Amber said... Best Blogger Tips

I created a link to my blog, but it is private. I hope that still works. We just did a Queen of Hearts dinner, I wish I had these beautiful dresses for that! They are incredible. You are so talented! I can't even imagine how exciting it would be to win! My daughter and my neice would look so cute in these trick-or-treating together! Amazing.



Myshell said... Best Blogger Tips

OMG! You out-did yourself this time!!! Linky Love coming your way!

Just can't get over how fabulous this is -photo shoot and all....

collyn23 said... Best Blogger Tips

gorgeous I love the queen of hearts here is my link posted

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

AH-mazing work. I wish I had 2 little girls so I could enter, but I won't be selfish and do so just because I want to frame them :) Good luck to whoever wins, this is an amazing giveaway!

Kathryn said... Best Blogger Tips

I have done a link, by the way! It's on Lespetitsanglais.blogspot.co.uk

Gosfam said... Best Blogger Tips

These are so beautiful I am hoping for a WIN!! My daughters are the perfect ages for this.

Linked up: http://rantsravesandpetpeeves.blogspot.com

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! These are amazing! I linked to it right away!

Dawn said... Best Blogger Tips

Awesome costume! It's like a work of art! I would love to see my almost 3 yr old wear this for next years theme. That movie coming out with Johnny Depp will be making this costume very popular.
Thanks for the chance.


Olivia Carter said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my goodness- I'm just blown away. This is TRULY lovely. I did a long blog about how great it was & linked back


Arya said... Best Blogger Tips

I am Amazed at this lovely give-a-way. I can just see my daughter and her friends having a ball in these costumes! I do hope I win.

here is the link to my post:


Melissa said... Best Blogger Tips

This costume is AMAZING!!! I love it almost as much as the Marie Therese one.
I posted a link to it on my blog for the contest. Here it is!


Cynthia said... Best Blogger Tips

I am in shock! Seriously you are giving this away! I am amazed by you girl!! I am linked up and crossing my fingers and toes for this one!!! My girls would just love this and they are both the same size as your girls! Wow wow wow!

*Jamie * said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a new visitor to your site, and I love it. These little costumes are so fun for Halloween and to wear as dress up. It would be hard to give them away. But it would be so fun to be the one who wins!!
I hope I did this link right...here is the link to my blog.


Great pictures too!

bethany said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, these are amazing costumes.

Chanda said... Best Blogger Tips

Amazing! Bravo! I didn't think you could ever top your Marie Antionette dress, but these are pretty FAB! I linked here:


Fingers crossed, fingers crossed, fingers crossed...

Stacie said... Best Blogger Tips

Are you crazy?? If I had the talent and ability to create these beautiful costumes I would never, ever GIVE them away!! Oh my goodness. So gorgeous!! My daughter loves Alice. Would love to have those costumes, but I think my daughter would wear it everyday!

Sharlene said... Best Blogger Tips

This your best creation ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am crossing everything from my toes to my eyes in hopes that we win! I could never part with this one.

Meghan, Carson and the Kiddos said... Best Blogger Tips

I can't believe you're giving these away! They are tooo fabuous!!!! I REALLY hope I win!!!!!

janil said... Best Blogger Tips

i have no words... It's really awesome!!!!!!!!!!

Amanda said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! Wow! Wow! I posted about this on my blog. This is so fabulous!


Simply Tiffany said... Best Blogger Tips

OH WOW!!!!!!! This is absolutely amazing!!! I love them both and I've got a link on the blog!!! Beautiful job!!

Ryan & Cynthia Clan said... Best Blogger Tips

OMG - this costume is to DIE for. Funny - we decided about a week ago that B was going to be Alice and that R is going to be the Mad Hatter, I will be the Queen of Hearts and F, if I can convince him, will be the white rabbit. If I were to win this costume it would save me so much time on making costumes. I just love the Queen of Hearts. Amazing!

This is so linked to on my blog.

Shelly said... Best Blogger Tips

these are so beautiful! they would look amazing on my sweet girls! keeping my fingers crossed for a win =)

Meghan said... Best Blogger Tips

I want it! And I have the two girls that would fit it perfectly! I linked it to my blog, but it is private. Hopefully that is still okay. Email: meghanfrost(at)gmail(dot)com

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

There are no words...

Casey said... Best Blogger Tips

You are amazing!

Superdumb Supervillain said... Best Blogger Tips

I left Hawaii when I was 15 and still miss it... but you know, you never would be able to wear that lovely costume there- too many layers! So maybe the east coast is a good idea, after all...

Nichole said... Best Blogger Tips

Whoa. Those are incredible!

Chris said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely gorgeous! I linked to my blog. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Aimee said... Best Blogger Tips

These costumes are works of art. Simply beautiful. Of course I linked this.


Blayne and Aerin Yates said... Best Blogger Tips

I have one girl for sure that it would fit and then have several little neices that I could continue to pass it on to. Too bad my oldest is too big for it. I love it, you did a wonderful job. I quilt but can't sew clothes to save my life. I TRULY ENVY YOU!

dancin' momma said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely gorgeous! I definitely linked my blog!

Blayne and Aerin Yates said... Best Blogger Tips

I forgot to leave you my blog: blayneandaerinyates.blogspot.com or sk8willy1@gmail.com


Cherry Blossoms said... Best Blogger Tips

These are the most beautiful childrens costumes I have ever seen in my life! Whoever wins these will be very VERY Lucky!

I blogged here:

CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail

amelieandatticus said... Best Blogger Tips

WOW....simply WOW...these costumes are amazing...I love that the Queen of Hearts was Modelled on Tim Burton's upcoming film...I cannot wait to see it!!

I have linked and have my fingers crossed but in any case I have been inspired to do some sewing for Halloween!!!

Thanks for the beautiful eye candy!!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Totally and completely awe struck! This is amazing. My daughter loves Alice in Wonderland and would be thrilled to have this if she wins!

Linked: http://themusicalgourmet.blogspot.com/

Chelsey - The Paper Mama said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, you are so creative! These are beautiful!


Kim and Corey Nasfell said... Best Blogger Tips

WOW, you are INCREDIBLE! I just created a link on my blog and have all my fingers and toes crossed that I win! :)


M said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh! They are absolutely wonderfull!
You´re so creative!
I like your blog very much ^^

Hugs :)

Angi said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a new "linker" so I hope it worked, if it didn't it's here:


Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my freakin goodness! That is so cute! I was planning to make a flapper girl dress for my daughter, but that Queen dress would be WAY better. ;) I have a little niece who could wear the Alice dress... Okay, so like the rest of the ladies here, I totally want to win. ;)


Suman Family said... Best Blogger Tips

wow! so amazing. nice work. loooove them.

Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips

I dont have a blog but would love to win this for my little princess. I hope this comment puts me in the running.

Seriously... said... Best Blogger Tips

i have boys...but i still need this. beautiful!

Dave and Natasha said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE this! I totally need to win! I don't know if my kids are going to have costumes this year, so I've got my finger crossed! This would be so perfect for my kids. My oldest is 3 and then I have boy/girl twins that are almost 18 months and they could be the rabbit and Alice. You are just amazing!

forever folding laundry said... Best Blogger Tips

Seriously?!? This is amazing. What gorgeous costumes! You've outdone yourself!!


Michelle said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely gorgeous! Alice in WOnderland is my all time favorite story! Would be thrilled if I could win this for my daughter! I put a link on my blog. :)

Lana Lulu Handmade said... Best Blogger Tips

OH. MY. GOODNESS!! You are AMAZING! Just amazing!!!


Sallie said... Best Blogger Tips

YOu have Totally outdone yourself! Brilliant!

susansmoaks said... Best Blogger Tips

wow, those are beautiful! here's the link to my blog:


Sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

I honestly can't believe you plan to give this away...it is just SO beautiful. I now have the most serious creative/craft/seamstress/photo envy. Incredible!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Truly amazing! I have two nieces that would go crazy for these costumes. ofcourse their father would wear the rabbit mask. :-)
I set a link to your post.

midwestern malady said... Best Blogger Tips

how fantastically creative you are!!! love the attention to detail. you outdid yourself this time:)

Jo Bryan said... Best Blogger Tips

This was my favourite as a little girl, you are amazing to put all that together, such a great read, thanks

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

awesome, inspiring and simply fab-u-lous! Loooooove these :-)

Giorgia Rossini said... Best Blogger Tips

i don't know if you sell to italy... but I try. could I partecipate? i link your post in my blog, I love alice in wonderland (my nick is jo in wonderland). thanks bye

Giorgia Rossini said... Best Blogger Tips

ehm... i told "sell"... I meant "send". sorry for my bad english

rebecca said... Best Blogger Tips

Most amazing girls' costume I've ever seen. Your work is stunning and inspiring!

mireia said... Best Blogger Tips

I can´t believe it!!!!!!!! It´s so wonderful!!!!!!!
I posted you in my giveaways blog.

Jennifer said... Best Blogger Tips

As I sit here in tears trying to sew my own daughters costumes, (I'm not nearly as talented!) I am thinking just how wonderful it would be to win this costume so I could stop crying, I mean sewing. Absolutely amazing!

Mami2jcn said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely gorgeous!

I blogged about this:


Krista said... Best Blogger Tips


BluSkies80 said... Best Blogger Tips

AMAZING! Linked it to my blog...hoping to win=)

Nicolette said... Best Blogger Tips

I did post a link on my blog. I keep private blogs but I know some of the ladies who read it will check this out. They really are amazing.

Lorin and Heather said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE these!!! You are amazing!! I posted a link from my blog, it is private so I hope that is okay.

Jared and Jenny said... Best Blogger Tips

Are you kidding me??? When are you going to audition for Project Runway? You would totally WIN! Speaking of winning... if I happen to win this giveaway, it will be Christmas in October for my 2 little girls (and me)! I'm keeping my fingers criss-cross-apple-sauced!

marisa said... Best Blogger Tips

gorgeous! I created a link.

joeandbridge said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to win this costume. It's gorgeous and would look so great on my daughter Gracie. Thanks!
Bridgette Groschen

Tif said... Best Blogger Tips

This is amazing! I love it! I created a link:


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Fantastic!! I've linked to this post on my blog.

the Provident Woman said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are amazing costumes!

sourfleed said... Best Blogger Tips

I am in COMPLETE awe of your talent. What GORGEOUS costumes. Seriously. WOW. I linked - sourfleed.blogspot.com & on my facebook account.

Melissa said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow!! I'm so jealous of your talent. Both dresses look so amazing! and would fit both my girls :D

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

These are SO STUNNING!!!! Linked and fingers crossed! :)

The Dizzy Daizy said... Best Blogger Tips

I am completely speechless!!!

Wendy said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm gobsmacked. What amazing costumes!!!

...linked and fingers crossed...

Kara said... Best Blogger Tips

This may be just about the best thing I have ever seen... I am in love with these costumes. Once again, you have created something that has both left me in awe and inspired me to get out my sewing machine and get going on my own kiddos costumes!

The Dizzy Daizy said... Best Blogger Tips

I posted a link on my blog here:


Our family said... Best Blogger Tips

I have no idea if I did the link-back correctly, but I definitely have the link on my blog!!

Those costumes are spectacular!! Please pick me!

Nicole said... Best Blogger Tips

I love it! I especially love how clean the Alice dress is, if that makes sense. I never win anything so maybe this will be a first. Fingers crossed!

The Eagars said... Best Blogger Tips

This is A-MAZ-ING!!!! Seriously, I wish that I could be that wonderful and talented. Maybe someday.
I linked you at

The Navy Wife said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful!!!!!!! I would be thrilled to win!

Mrs. Donato said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautifully intricate. I've got it linked up too.


Good luck to everyone!

S.L.P said... Best Blogger Tips

AMAZING! I was wondering how you would top last years dress. Last years dress was so gorgeous and this one is incredible for so many reasons! I am making a cartoon version Queen of Hearts for a friends daughter, but now I'm going to have a hard time looking at mine. Wow, can I just come sit in the presence of your great talent? I am linked and hoping to lay my hands on this incredible work of art!

Heather Gray said... Best Blogger Tips

These are amazing. I can't believe you are giving them away. They are so wonderful. I love Tim Burton and your designs, what a great combination. Such Joy!

Katie said... Best Blogger Tips

You are absolutely amazing! That's all there is to it. I've been following your blog for two years now - and I love every post - period. You are always linked to my blog :)

Peak said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the queen of hearts dress! Love the pictures and the story that went with it. Just classic.

Melody @ Party Cupcake Ideas said... Best Blogger Tips

You are so talented!!! Love the dress and it also looks like it was inspired by Snow White's dress as well. Fantastic. So glad I found your site.

Deb K said... Best Blogger Tips

These are beautiful~You very talented and I am honored to put your link on my blog!!


Good Luck To All~This is A Awesome Prize!!

Cheilita said... Best Blogger Tips

OH MY GATSBY!!!!!!!!!!!!! You really aren't human. i know this now. you are a superhuman design CONQUISTADOR! hats off kathleen! you are my favorite designer. officially.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh good heavens, what an absolutely gorgeous work of art.
I've linked to you! Oh my goodness, I know just the little girls...

Beth@The Stories of A to Z said... Best Blogger Tips

Remembered I have two nieces that I can enter for! Blogged about you and your amazing self http://bethcrabtreehunter.blogspot.com/2009/10/featuring-grosgrain-kathleen.html

Let's get together sometime soon,

Jamie Younker said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh. My. Gosh! These are breathtaking costumes! My girls would LOVE them! Wow.... just WOW!

I blogged about this: www.younkersmfeo.blogspot.com

Carson said... Best Blogger Tips

These are awesome!! My girls would love these costumes... and I would probably end up being the rabbit :)

Nicole said... Best Blogger Tips

You are nbelievably talented!

Dana said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely Beautiful...you are very talented! Would love the Queen of Hearts! I cant believe you didnt use a pattern at all! How much fun does your girls get to have!

Amber Bockman said... Best Blogger Tips

This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen in my life! I think it's funny how most people would dress their kids up in hannah montana costumes or dora the explorer and you created amazing Tim Burton inspired, Original costumes, you are my hero! My daughter is only a year old, and she's going to be an Ewok for halloween, So I figure I won't win the giveaway because you have plenty of deserving people, But I would love to know what pattern you used to create the bodice and anything on how you created the queen of hearts dress! I love the Alice in Wonderland dress, and kudos to your husband for being the rabbit, that is my favorite picture! AMAZING! I'm posted a link from my blog and I'm also posting a link on facebook! It makes me want to sew!

Vera said... Best Blogger Tips

I am still new to the blogging world, but i blogged about this amazing giveaway, and then created a seperate "official" link, even though in my blog i also attached a link, but i don't think it attached to your blog, but the second one did...here's wishing good luck for me, I have three girls and two of them would fit these costumes perfectly!!

paulak said... Best Blogger Tips

AMAZING costumes. You are very talented, I love them.

I posted on my blog here:http://cpkweeks07.blogspot.com/2009/10/csi-corn-maze.html?zx=ead4795850fa4bc5

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow. You are amazing! I just followed over from A 2 Z and will be adding you to my list. again, I say WOW!

Jessie said... Best Blogger Tips

WOW, WOW, WOW! You need to be on project runway :) I love this so much and so would my girls! All linked up, thanks!

Two Little Bugs Handmade said... Best Blogger Tips

WOWWY ZOwwy!! Posted on blog. Amazing.

jane said... Best Blogger Tips

I love it! posted on my blog!


Carla said... Best Blogger Tips

These are Amazing!! I don't see how you can give them away. But I am glad that you are willing. I have 2 little girls these would be perfect for. I linked to you in my blog. the link is http://grosgrainfabulous.blogspot.com/2009/10/queen-of-hearts-and-alice-in-wonderland.html

Jana said... Best Blogger Tips



Tobler Bunch said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are the most absolutely gorgeous dresses I have ever seen. Seriously you are so very talented. I posted your link to my blog and I can't wait to share it with the world. You are amazing! Keep up the good work and creations! GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS Dresses! My little girls would look Divinely, heavenly exstatic in these. Thanks so much for sharing!
Here is the link to your post on my blog:

Tobler Bunch said... Best Blogger Tips

I forgot to mention how awesome those pictures are. You did a great job, I hope you win your costume contest. Please make sure to announce it on your blog if you do win. Thanks again for sharing!

Alisha said... Best Blogger Tips

I am in LOVE! Here's my link: http://twitter.com/alishacmorgan

Chris Nickel said... Best Blogger Tips

Both the costumes and the photography are wonderful!

Meredith said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow those costumes are breathtaking and beautiful pictures. I have you on my Blog: http://lifeloveshopping.blogspot.com/2009/10/amzing-custom-costume-giveaway.html

Wow how ecstatic my girls and I would be to win such an amazing giveaway.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I started following your blog last year around summer and I'll always remember your Halloween creation from last. year. Incredible detail! This one beats it though. I love the creativity. Alice in Wonderland is my favorite!. I linked to my blog: allyblakenco.blogspot.com

Tina Leavy said... Best Blogger Tips

oh my gosh, but these are totally amazing! my little girl would be over the moon to have her mommy win that Queen of Hearts outfit for her..we call her our princess, but she'd certainly not mind being the Queen for a day.awesome photos too.
have posted a link on my blog.

Deece said... Best Blogger Tips

These are beautiful! I know I won't win, but I entered anyway, mainly just to share this post and your blog with my readers (www.deece.net). You are such an awesome seamstress.

JStacie said... Best Blogger Tips

My little girl LOVES to dress up. This would be great, especially the Snow White.

CanCan (Mom Most Traveled) said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow wow wow!
I can't believe you can give this away!


Angela said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, you are an amazing, talented lady! I would love to win this! I'll post a link.

Fantacy so Sweet-n-Stuff... said... Best Blogger Tips

This ranks right up there with your Marie Antoinette one!!! Simply stunning! I could definitely put this to good use ;) It would be used for my 5 yr old dd for halloween, then it would be used in my photography business that I am trying to get started! Thank you so much for the chance to win...I created a link but don't see it on the list...it can be found here...

Chadna said... Best Blogger Tips

If butt-kissing ups my chances, COUNT ME IN!!! I LOVE Alice in Wonderland and I have a beautiful Daughter and some adorable nieces that would "WORK IT" in those costumes!! :) I hope I win. I've never seen a costume like it. I can't wait to see the movie and am SO excited that you used that as your motivation. You're my hero and I'm definitely a fan of this blog... and that's not "butt-kissing" talking. :)

BluBabes said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are gorgeous! What talent. I have four little girls who could easily play either part. And we have the matching child's china set to match that my mother bought when she lived in London. PLEASE!

The Home of the BluBabes!
Charlotte, Anne-Louise, Claire & Adele

crystal said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, Beautiful Dresses,beautiful models and perfect and beautiful photography!!

Little Bubble Thoughts said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh wow! I am amazed by your creations. The queen of hearts gown is so grand. The work you must have put into it.

I think every little girl would love to wear it and complete with make up! :-) Oh and Alice is so adorable :-) I hope all moms out there entering win for their little ones!

Sweet William said... Best Blogger Tips

Only in my dreams do I sew such marvelous creations! Cheers!

amanda said... Best Blogger Tips

I have two little boys that would hate me if I even brought these into my home, however, I have a friend in mind, whose girls are just the right age...

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

your best yet I think! I used the create a link to post to my blog and share share share.

Plume said... Best Blogger Tips

Stunning costumes! What a great work you did!!

tami said... Best Blogger Tips

What awesome costumes! Amazing! My daughter is going to be alice but Oh how i much rather her get to wear either of these. The detail is great!

AER said... Best Blogger Tips

Just beautiful! I posted a link on my blog : ) My girls would LOVE these.

Sister Goldenhair said... Best Blogger Tips

Okay, I posted this to my sad, sad little abused blog. I am hoping and squealing my desires to win out into the universe. These are too fabulous.

Sassyfrazz said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are superb! What quality! Thanks for offering this super prize! I linked to you, and blogged:

Kaylovesvintage said... Best Blogger Tips

this is so pretty , you should send the photos to Tim Burton,well done

Tiffany said... Best Blogger Tips

This is so cute!!!! My daughter loves Alice in Wonderland. You are so stinking amazing!!!

ChristinaJ said... Best Blogger Tips

What a beautiful give away. Thanks for doing this!
I linked to my blog!

ChristinaJ said... Best Blogger Tips

I hope this works! Thanks so much for giving us a chance to win this!
I linked to my blog at www.christinajphotography.blogspot.com

wandering nana said... Best Blogger Tips

This has got to be one of the neatest costume's I have ever seen. Of course I had to share with everyone. Stunning.

Tana said... Best Blogger Tips

I DON'T KNOW HOW YOU DO IT. I am not one who wins things, but if I did, I WOULD JUST DIE!!! They would fit my 3 kidos perfectly!

I wish I could bribe you. You deserve it! BTW I linked it to my blog.

keep calm and carry on said... Best Blogger Tips

you are seriously amazing. where do you find the time? i love to sew too, you are so inspiring.

Lori said... Best Blogger Tips

I wouldn't dare give it away. It is totally fantastic. I added a link to my blog and I hope that is enough to win. AMAZING!

Lisa R said... Best Blogger Tips

Do you sell other costumes in a store? You should be a designer. These are absolutely gorgeous

lace said... Best Blogger Tips

This is amazing. My nieces would adore these costumes.

Wonderful work.

Amy said... Best Blogger Tips

AMAZING! I am crossing my fingers!

I linked on my blog!

mags said... Best Blogger Tips

maybe tim burton will give you a job on the next movie! he should be so wise. i hope i win, this piece is like art!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I love your website. You are truly crazy-talented on what you can do with fabric. I am an avid follower, as many of my friend are too, in fact, a few of my friends have even sent me your site since I am such an Alice fan, they knew I HAD to enter and see you amazingly beautiful creation. I sure hope I win. You have truly outdone yourself.
Oh, and I liked it on my blog.

Amber said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow - absolutely amazing!

And yes, it's very hot here in Hawaii :-)

Artfulife said... Best Blogger Tips

Kathleen you have outdone yourself! These are just beautiful. I do love the fact that I have two little girls the same age as yours. These costumes would fit them to a T. I think the photos are so magical. Every time I come back and take a peek your work has become that much more wonderful! You truly are an artist. Happy Halloween to you and your family :)

Nani Luculescu said... Best Blogger Tips

posted on FB...love the costumes...so amazing!!

Amber said... Best Blogger Tips

These are absolutely beautiful costumes!! I posted on my blog (http://oneshabbychick.typepad.com/one_shabby_chick/2009/10/most-amazing-costume-ever.html)
Thank you so much for the giveaway!!

Marilyn said... Best Blogger Tips

I don't have a blog but ..... your work is
just amazing. My grandaughter would love
that costume.


Jenny said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to win this giveaway...we have a costume party every year!

jackie said... Best Blogger Tips

How could you give those ways...but if are giving way I want to take a chance...
by the how can you give then way????

Michelle @Flying Giggles said... Best Blogger Tips

I absolutely love these costumes! Talk about some serious talent! I blogged about it here:


Thanks! Gigglesandlollipops at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

a lot of love went into those beautiful creations! my mom always made our halloween costumes! you are awesome!

laura said... Best Blogger Tips

beautiful. i can't really think of any other word that would better describe these costumes. i've posted a link on my blog here: http://laurasbirdnest.blogspot.com/2009/10/stumbled-on-wonderful-give-away.html
you have stunning photographs as well!

laura said... Best Blogger Tips

(i don't think my first comment posted so sorry if this is a repeat)
these dresses are beautiful! and stunning photos, too! i've linked you here: http://laurasbirdnest.blogspot.com/2009/10/stumbled-on-wonderful-give-away.html

Sasha222 said... Best Blogger Tips

These costumes are just amazing. I made a blog post about the giveaway.


Laura said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeousness! Very well done. I'm a fairly competent seamstress--which means that given a pattern, I can make pretty much anything and can even alter a pattern.... but I can't design my own. Don't know how, and wouldn't know where to start. Kudos on the beautiful work!

Kara said... Best Blogger Tips



Laura said... Best Blogger Tips

I did put up a link in my LiveJournal to share... Random Insanity. Evie would look adorable in the Alice costume! Well, if we could convince her to leave a headband on... ;)

News Around The Blogs said... Best Blogger Tips

So beautiful!! Thanks so much for this opportunity! I heart Alice in Wonderland!


Heather said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow these are absolutely AMAZING!!! I have 2 girls that would LOVE these!! Good job!

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