Summer of 69 Thrift Store Refashion Frock GIVEAWAY!!!! CLOSED.

March 20, 2009

I was so excited to post another anthropolification piece. I went out and bought material and took notes but when it came down to it I couldn't find exactly what I was looking for. I didn't want to go half way and make something that sort of looked like an Anthropologie piece. So I decided to wait until I found what I was looking for.

But while I was looking, I found something else. And then it dawned on me. It doesn't have to be like Anthropologie to look good, although it can't hurt. This is what I found. See the last picture for the before photo. It's my new series,...Thrift Store Refashion!

I wanted to show readers that, if you learn to sew, you really CAN live frugaly. I can't tell you how many times I've seen something at a thrift store that was either WAY too big or WAY too homely or just plain old WAY too ugly. All it takes is a quick snip, snip and stitch up here and there and VOILA, you have a fantastic new garment for only $1.50!

papercraneThis theory can also be used for department store sale racks too!

I bought this little (I mean BIG) frock for $2.99. When I first saw it I almost put it back. It was just HUGE! I wasn't sure if I could salvage it. But it had a summery retro quality that I just couldn't pass up.

What I did first was take in the sides. Then added a zipper to the right side. This changed the look of the sleeves. Instead of looking like a sleeveless dress, it became more of a capped sleeve which I thought was a good thing. Sometimes, when you're trying to revamp something you end up with happy accidents like these.

Then I made a yellow belt to match the yellow trim on the collar and sleeves. I added a brown square buckle and I looked totally ready for a summer picnic in 1969.

Also, if the winning blogger leaves a comment I will include the yellow hair handkerchief featured in the photos.

If you don't like to shop for used clothing that's fine too. But me, I'm a confessed dumpster diver. Well, okay maybe I wouldn't go that far. (Although I did get my daughter's crib AND my front porch Adirondack chairs on the side of the road, another story) But I LOVE going to thrift stores, especially the salvation army close to my home.

As I've mentioned numerous times, I am a shopaholic AND live on a budget. Sometimes, all I need is that shopping 'fix'. You know? It doesn't have to be anything big, just something to bring home, take out of a bag and put somewhere to admire. Which is why the thrift store is sooooo perfect for me! I've gotten some super cool finds not limited to, but including: a brand new patio table from target, a bubble jet spa, kids clothes GALORE, shoes, an antique birdcage, an Anthropologie-like tray for my jewelry, an armchair that I reupholstered AND a toddler bicycle.

Now, not all thrift stores are created equal. I've found that, around here, the Salvation Army is the best. It's big and has enough clothes to fill a Macys. Although there is a goodwill store in Harrisburg that accepts all the reject furniture from Target. And on the weekends all their inventory is half off! I bought that patio table for only $10. It was brand new, IN THE BOX and still retailing for $200.

And I'd say finding a deal like that is BETTER than buying something new.

And hey, if there's no one out there who wants a new used dress I think I'd be more than happy to keep this little number for myself! If there are some of you on the fence, to ease your mind the dress has been washed and ironed before sewing.

papercraneWhen I see this dress, I think of the song 'Half Acre' by HEM. That might be because it's been playing the entire time I've been writing this post. But I think it's fitting.

I took these photos with my new AMAZING light boxes, 300 watts a piece. The difference between having them on and having them off is night and day. How did I ever live without these?! I haven't quite mastered how to position them but I hope to take a studio lighting class next month. So hopefully I won't be a complete amateur forever.

Oh and the flowers were a happy coincidence. Brian had brought them home after work two days ago. When I went upstairs to take these photos I quickly snatched the vase on the dining room table and used them for the photo. It was all just meant to be.

The size of the dress is small. It has a 26 inch waist line and a 34 inch bust line but the dress was not tight around the waist. So I would say it could fit up to a 27" or 28". If the winner of the giveaway leaves a comment I will also include the striped hair scarf featured in the photos.

papercraneAs usual, if you would like a chance to win this dress just link back to this post. If you have any questions see the "questions and answers" link to the right. If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.

papercraneOkay. Here is the before photo. Yeah, yeah, I know, I really uglied it up. Didn't wear makeup, didn't smile, didn't wear shoes, shot the flash at my face. I thought you might get a kick out of that. I wanted you to see that ANYTHING is salvagable in some way. There are better ones than others but if you're open minded you can always find a bargain.
But really, look at the difference! It's like night and day!

There are finds like this everywhere. And best of all, it only took me about an hour to do! If you like the thrift store refashion posts please let me know. I think I like them and hope you do as well!

And if you'd like to see more refashioning NOW, I recommend Wardrobe Refashion's blog! Nikki vows to abstain from the purchase of "new" manufactured items of clothing, for the period of 2 / 4 / 6 months. Instead she refashions, renovates and recycles preloved items for herself with her own hands in fabric, yarn or other medium for the term of her contract.


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153 {comments}:

ACDC2005 said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow I sooooo love this! It has inspired me to do this myself someday. Now I just have to steal someone's sewing machine for the day!

Serena said... Best Blogger Tips

Your shoes are SO cute! You don't look bad in the 'before' picture, but the dress sure does! You've inspired me to go thrifting.

Nina said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi! I posted the link to my multiply site:

Berber said... Best Blogger Tips

I love what you did with the dress and I would love to see more!

Rebecca Ramsey said... Best Blogger Tips

You're a master!
That before pic made me laugh. I love the mug shot face you're sporting!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

you are clever!
i'm an avid thrifter...and i'm always looking at items that are just too big and thinking that someone should do something !
(i plan on learning...and you are once, again, inspiring! )
keep on doing what you do!

Kari said... Best Blogger Tips

Amazing! And I love the way the sleeves transformed. I just have to ask, did you buy the retro chair just for the shot or did you have that on hand too?! Your photo stylin' is the best!

brittany said... Best Blogger Tips

wow! i love this so much! i have been thrift shopping for a few years now and have always thought how much better i could do if i only knew how to refashion clothes to fit me. maybe today i will go to our local thrift shop and see what i can find!

Charissa said... Best Blogger Tips

LOOOOOOOVE IT! I'm now inspired to head on down to the thrift store today myself! I linked to you on my blog.

becknarr said... Best Blogger Tips

I really love the thrift store refashion ideas!! I have my grandmother's old sewing machine, so I should bust that out and try my hand at this as well... :)

Julie Livermore said... Best Blogger Tips

The dress is adorable! Ha ha, laughing at the before photo, you look still look cute, but drowning in that dress. You did a great job making it over:)

S.L.P said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm afraid I would not fit into this, but I wanted to tell you how much I like it. I'll now be scouring the local thrift shop for a smiliar item. I too would have put it back without much thought, but you really did an amazing job!

Devri said... Best Blogger Tips

I wish I could do something like that.. I love to thrift store it up!!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! What an amazing transformation! I don't think I would have even picked that one up, but I love how it turned out. Keep up the thrift store makeovers, I love 'em.

Angela said... Best Blogger Tips

Once again...gorgeous! And I hear you on the thrift store shopping--who wouldn't want to spend less on great stuff?

The Santiago Four said... Best Blogger Tips

LOVE IT! I'm hoping for it! This would make summer so fun, and a great excuse to buy shoes to match.

Mindy said... Best Blogger Tips

The dress is so beautiful! I definitely have to try to win something again. I created a link!

Linds Forrest said... Best Blogger Tips

I am amazed you did all that to that mumu!! SO CUTE!!! I wish I knew how to sew like that.

Karin said... Best Blogger Tips

Yes, I love summer
I blog it here

Big Hugs Karin

Laura said... Best Blogger Tips

SOoo cute!!!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is amazing. so cute. I would love to have this for spring and summer.

Traci said... Best Blogger Tips

This is SO cute! LOVE the colors!

Kyla Armstrong said... Best Blogger Tips

You're amazing! It's so awesome how you saved that dress.

em said... Best Blogger Tips

This is inspiration for any beginning seamstress. Thank you for sharing the simplicity of creativity on dime!

The Fear Fam said... Best Blogger Tips

This is stunning. I love it. I have entered into the giveaway and am crossing my fingers! :) Thank you for sharing your talent with all of us.

Oh, and yes... I'm loving the thrift store makeovers!

LittleRed said... Best Blogger Tips

What a totally cool project! I feel like I must go to the thrift store right now.....what fun:) Fabulous job! What a good eye to find a salvageable project from your original purchase!

Sant Family said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my daughter is so in love with this! I am too!

Ashley Thalman said... Best Blogger Tips

oh wow. that is beautiful!

Lexa said... Best Blogger Tips

You and your blog are amazing! Seriously.

joolee said... Best Blogger Tips
This comment has been removed by the author.
joolee said... Best Blogger Tips

Ummm.....AMAZING!!! I love thrifting and that dress is fabulous! I'm linking you up right away...

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Keep the thriftstore refashions coming! I love it!

Mary said... Best Blogger Tips

I am just beyond impressed! the dress is amazing!

Ryan and LeDawn said... Best Blogger Tips

You are AMAZING!!!! So inspiring and just plain amazing!!! You make me want to go home and sew! I LOVED this post and with the economy so crappy I think you could help inspire a lot of people to be thrifty and creative!

Elisabeth (and Tyler) said... Best Blogger Tips

I would like to go to a million picnics wearing this dress this summer.. Please pick me!

Mary Ella said... Best Blogger Tips

This is beautiful! You are very inspiring, I love working with thrift store finds! I hope you do more posts like this one.

Lisette said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to have this. Your creativity inspires me.

Nama said... Best Blogger Tips

I absolutely love your frugality. I think that's something that goes highly under appreciated these days. And, as you have proven, you do not have to sacrifice frugality for fashion.

I would love to see more posts of your refashioned items! And I hope I win this stinking cute dress!

Allie said... Best Blogger Tips

LOVE IT! I want you to teach me to sew!

tami said... Best Blogger Tips

THat is so amazing. Someday maybe I can learn those tricks! What a talent you are blessed with!

A and a said... Best Blogger Tips

wow! it looks so good! u r one of the most talented crafter!!!

shelia said... Best Blogger Tips daughter would love that!!!

Jessica Jane said... Best Blogger Tips

wish I was a smaller person! Nice work! I love it!

Alison said... Best Blogger Tips

What a seriously beautiful dress! You never cease to amaze me. :) Now if only I could get my waist down to 27".....

Myshell said... Best Blogger Tips

I love to, as I call it- "Thrift-Spin" and you did an amazing job here! I am impressed... Summer of 69 is linked up.

Kitten's Lost Her Mittens said... Best Blogger Tips

You are amazingly talented! I just love this dress, and I especially love that it's thrifted and now has a new (and much more glamorous!) life.

I linked to here on my blog, and would love to have the chance to win it! Thank you!

Maddie said... Best Blogger Tips

oh my gosh, it's simply lovely. you have a real talent. i want to learn to sew now! i love your blog :)

Geo said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great advertisement this is for learning to sew! I've been researching books on patternmaking so I cna learn—if you have any suggestions, they'd sure be welcome. I don't have anybody nearby whom I can ask to teach me, so I'm hoping I can pick it up from a book.

I won't enter this drawing because I look terrible in yellow, but I adore what you've done, and the fabric is terrific. I love seeing reconstructions—real clothes, that is. I checked out Clothing Reconstruction for Dummies from my local library and was really disappointed. I'm much more attracted to good-looking stuff with personality than I am with the Tinkerbell look.

(No offense to Tink.)

Nuts To You! said... Best Blogger Tips

Aaah, what are you trying to do to me? I never would have thought to do it like that! It is beautiful. I am loving these things for adults, though the children's giveaways are fun too!

Catherine R. said... Best Blogger Tips


I wish I wasn't a fatty. I would like to wear this.

Ryan & Cynthia Clan said... Best Blogger Tips

Muy Fabulosa! I am SO going to the DI and Thrifttown tomorrow! Oh wait - I have a full closet of clothes that need a makeover ... hmmm (even better right?).

Love the makeover. I look forward to even more thrift store refashions. Posted just now on my blog.

The Hillbilly Banjo Queen: said... Best Blogger Tips

My goodness! I can't wait to go find a giant dress and cut it down. I also love thrifting, but I never thought of doing that. So sweet! The before and after is exciting and encouraging as well.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

that is so precious i can't take it. you may be the coolest woman ever. would love to see more of these refashions. carry on!

Ana said... Best Blogger Tips

What a beautiful print. I would love to win this dress, but I don't have blog. What a cute dress!!

Ana said... Best Blogger Tips

What a beautiful print. I would love to win this dress, but I don't have a blog. What cute dress!!

Kayla Rochelle said... Best Blogger Tips

I've attempted a few reburbished fashions myself, but they always end up looking worse than they did before I thrifted them. Hopefully I will win this summer dress and be able to wear it with thrifting pride!!

Julie Ann said... Best Blogger Tips

i absolutley love it!

Julie Ann said... Best Blogger Tips

so adorable!

PRICELESS MEMORIES said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh how I hope to be frolicking around in this dress this summer!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I would LOVE to see some details on how you made this refashion work. It looks amazing, something I would definitely be interested in attempting.

shindylahoe said... Best Blogger Tips

I created a link! and boy I hope no one actually looks at it so that I have a chance to win!
shindylahoe at hotmail dot com

nikkishell said... Best Blogger Tips

I adore it! Thanks for linking to my site :)

Sara said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my goodness! I can't even believe how cute this dress is!! I LOVE it!

Kristin said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the style and the colors of this! Just awesome!

Kristin said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the style and the colors of this! Just awesome!

Wendy said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, that's amazing!!! I'd love to see more of those!

Elise Edwards said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful as always! I just bought big shirts and dresses today at our new local thrift shop. Time to get sewing :) Thanks for the inspiration. My link is at

Marcy M Miller said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow- you are amazing- I would look at it and never see potential. It turned out so darling- I need to open my eyes to thrifting! The dress is cute!!!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

The first time I saw it I thought what a happy dress :-)

I really enjoyed your blog very much whether reading your short stories, looking through your pictures, or sometimes joining your giveaways :-) It's fun really.

Oh and my vote is to do more refashion. I love it when you create from scratch but now that you also do this one, I would also love to see other refashions :-) Maybe something of that before dress and then turning it into a dress for the little girls. But that's just me. :-)

Tara said... Best Blogger Tips

WHERE IS YOUR STORE??? I've only discovered you in the past few days, but seriously--with this many giveaways---I want to see what you sell!! And the site is always under construction! I love your stuff, but I would have to give it all away--no issue, except that when I create--except for my soaps--it's always for someone else! I'm a pillowcase and sheet shopper at the thrift stores--but my 2 1/2 year old limits more shopping-- WANT MY MOM TO LIVE CLOSER!!! love your stuff, can't wait to see more!

Kimi said... Best Blogger Tips

I adore this dress, and i adore your website.

Betty Ann said... Best Blogger Tips

this is sweet.
thanks for the details for the redo. very helpful.

Melinda said... Best Blogger Tips

Too cute! You've now made me want to go thrifting...something I haven't done since college : )

Andrea said... Best Blogger Tips

That's quite the transformation. I wish I was cool like you so that I could pull that print off.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! I love what you did with that dress! Fabulous!

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow you really transformed this dress:) It looks great and so retro.

Lisa said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this dress! I'm willing to even lose weight to get into it! :)Lisa

vmsb said... Best Blogger Tips

I wonder if you have time to read all of these comments - I wonder this because mine tend to be long. I can't help but write you these mini-novels because so many times - like this time - I read your blog and think "exactly"!

I do not sew, but aspire to sew. My parents (yes, both my mom and dad) sew (well they can and did); they used to make me all my clothes when I was in grad school (ok, the skirts and dresses that I wore daily - I had the "dressy tshirts" that matched the skirts). Yes, I was 22-28 years old and loved the 6-paneled skirts, A-line skirts, and frocks similar (but shorter) than the one shown here and greatly appreciated that they were made with love by my overworked, but empty-nested parents!

It all started when my parents and I copied a couple patterns for a few reasons. Like you, one reason was to get a better fit (although for me it was my waste to hip ratio not my bust) another was due to the cost of trendy fashions, and then my third reason was that I loved having matching scrunchies for every outfit (so Midwestern of me, eh?). : ) Anyway I blogged about all this earlier this month when I liked to your Boyer Cardi so I won't go on any longer, about this.

The comment I want to share today is that even if you don't sew (like me) but know how to mend or can use a needle and thread, it can be very easy to make minor modification to hand me downs or thrift store finds. I'm not so into the thrift store thing, but my husband and his family love it. I do however get a lot of great hand-me-downs from close friends that sometimes just don't quite suit my taste, are a little too worn in certain areas or have a stubborn stain. I've removed ribbons and bows or moved them or even added them to suit my taste; I love having a new item from an old friend. (I have an uncanny memory for who gave us each outfit - so much so that Baby asks me "who gave me this" every morning when she gets dressed). I once removed a sailor collar, pulled the trim off the sailor collar and then added the trim (piping?) back on to the dress (because there was matching piping around the arm holes and I felt that without the extra trim it looked a bit bare). It was so fun and I was so pleased with myself ...

So of course I'd love to see more posts like this - as you may know I love all your posts!

Happy sewing/mending/modifying, happy spring, happy, happy everything! Take care!

5dollarFanatic said... Best Blogger Tips

That turned out great..I am always on the look out for good bargains at second hand store and this just makes me wish i had a sewing machine even more. Great job.

knittingmama said... Best Blogger Tips

i saw this link on steel city knitter's blog and that was quite a revamp! I have to say I'm a larger girl and that dress would have looked hideious on a larger girl :) I tend to have the opposite problem from you, I find things I love but that are way too small.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Bless you for being my size. Love it!!

sarah baldwin said... Best Blogger Tips

YOU ARE MY NEW HERO!!!! what i want to know is how you made this amazing refashioned frock. you are the most amazing seamstress... i want to be you when i grow up. especially the size 26" waist!! can you make one with a 32" waist? i'm afraid it won't be as cute... darnit!

Jinii said... Best Blogger Tips

Please pick me!!

Beth said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, I love this! (And we are the same size!!!) I never win ANYTHING so pick me!!!

ACH said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this dress! I linked to it on my blog, and I hope I can be as successful in some of my future thrift-store revamps!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

wow, you officially interested me in refashioning :D thats amazing. I don't know if I have the vision for it, but I'm going to give it a try. thanks

shannon said... Best Blogger Tips

Impressive. I love remakes. I am a fellow thrifter. I would love to wear that fabulous dress.

Linsey said... Best Blogger Tips

This is the first time I've ever tried a blog giveaway contest... but I love this dress - the colors, the cut. My mom always told me how valuable knowing how to sew is but I do not have skills anywhere near this level. Definitely an inspiration!

Kelly Hallahan said... Best Blogger Tips

What an inventive and gorgeous dress! i linked up!

Holley V said... Best Blogger Tips

Wonderful job--it's sooo cute! Thanks for the giveaway! Here's my post:

Lisa Olson said... Best Blogger Tips

Maybe - Someday - I will "find" something from the thrift store that is so inspiring. I am not a lucky gal in the thrifting world. But that dress is amazing! I can't believe you are parting with it.

Jeanette said... Best Blogger Tips

I love it! My fav is a thrift store. You are so creative it kills me, where do you find time? I barely have time to shop let alone sew it, photo it, and blog it. Youre amazing!!

Jaime said... Best Blogger Tips

I too am addicted to thrift store shopping, I have so much stuff that I get just cause I like it and it is cheap. I have a wonderful thrift store within walking distance and it is the perfect thing to get out of the house with my girls and go for a walk without having to spend much. The dress turned out really cute!

Leanna said... Best Blogger Tips

WOW!! Excellent job turning the 'not-so-pretty' frock into a beautiful dress! You look great!

Iit's times like this that I wish I COULD sew.... I have tried and it just is NOT pretty.LOL

Maybe you could do my alterations on any finds? ;)

RobinBirdsNest said... Best Blogger Tips

Great redo! Can hardly believe the before and after!! Sweet!! Just posted a link!

Bea said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! This is awesome. What a great result!

Kim said... Best Blogger Tips

Go Kathleen-this is great! I am a beginning sewer myself and find that "thrift revivals" (as I call them) are much easier and less expensive than using a pattern and starting from scratch. I've done a few myself...check them out here if you'd like:

green girl said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my goodness I love love love this! I'd really like to wear it this summer. Please can I win?!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow. Such talent. This dress is amazing!

Hannah C said... Best Blogger Tips

wow i love this post about refashioning old clothes. I would love to win this dress.

Monica said... Best Blogger Tips

Such a cute find and a GREAT revival. I hope I win!

Kaley said... Best Blogger Tips

Ahh, I want this dress SO BAD! It would be perfect for one of our (many) summer excursions up to Lake Lure for picnics! And considering my new obssession with the '60s'/'70s, this came about at just the right time. . .

Beth said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, you are amazing! I am so excited that we are the same size! Pick me!

Ginny said... Best Blogger Tips

Look how adorable you made that. Love the colors!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, you did an amazing job. I hope to be able to refashion and recreate half as well as you some day. Fun fabric print for spring! Thanks for the giveaway!

Gwen said... Best Blogger Tips

o.k., wow. I am borrowing my sister-in-law's sewing machinge and learning how to sew thanks to your creative inspiration. Wish me luck!

heather said... Best Blogger Tips

I just love this dress! I would so love to win it.

gatornic said... Best Blogger Tips

I love it! And I just have to ask: did you already have the shoes??? They are perfect! ;) Great job on the refashion. I don't have a blog to link to so I can't win it but I just had to tell you what a great job you did!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Super cute! I'm amazed at what a little sewing can do. I'm now inspired to go check out the second hand stores more often. Maybe I'll find a hideous object ;o) and turn it into a cute one of a kind piece! Keep up these posts! They're a lot of fun!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Super cute! I love what you did with something that looked so horrible. I've gotta try this new idea out! Oh yeah...PICK ME! =D

cassie said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE THAT DRESS!!!! I seriously want to learn how to sew and you have just made that worse!!! That dress is darling, i want to shop at thrift stores and turn ugly in to BEAUTIFUL!

Leah said... Best Blogger Tips

Ohhhh I love this! I would love to win. I really need to learn how to refashion clothes because I'm always at the thrift stores. I linked to you on my blog. :)

Lynne said... Best Blogger Tips

i love this dress

Aleisha said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is adorable! I wish I wasn't working right now. I'm ready to leave and head to the thrift store. This definitely gives me the inspiration to find old clothes and make them "new".

tiffany zajas said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is one of my favorites. It's so adorable and springy! I love it!

I just dedicated an entire post to some of your wonderful finds and creations:

Rayne said... Best Blogger Tips

this is beautiful!

makes me anxious for sunny days and bare legs! can't wait for summer...

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

you are so inspiring. thank you for yet another great idea to get me back in my sewing room.
and your photography is exquisite. keep up the good work.

Vintagesquirrel said... Best Blogger Tips

Well Kathleen,

I think you've really done it now. Seriously, since everyone has access to thrift stores, I believe that these posts may be your most popular yet. You see, many of us are afraid to try to completely construct an outfit from scratch, but taking something old (and cheap) and refashioning it into something that's current doesn't seem like such a stretch.
Keep up the amazing work.


Lisa said... Best Blogger Tips

I Love seeing ugly, unloved clothes repurposed! This transformation is shocking - the finished dress is adorable! Posted a link on my blog to share the cuteness with the world!

Hi, my name is Judy. said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the thrift store post idea!! I can sew new things, but haven't tried refashioning yet. I am way tooo big to fit into your creations - I'll sign up to win when I lose the weight!! :)

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

That is amazing. Very inspiring

Bek said... Best Blogger Tips

These pictures are beautiful, as well as the dress of course! I would love to see more refashions on your blog! (But then, I like everything you make.

I went to the oppy yesterday, but no luck. Of course, that's the fun of the op shop- you never know what you might find!

Judy said... Best Blogger Tips

Very nice work. I continue to be inspired by my own thrift store forays. I made a great suede tote bag from a size of very large pants for $4.00.

janil said... Best Blogger Tips

So pretty!!!! Your work is absolutely fantastic!

Thanks for the chancE!
cal_rubies at yahoo dot es

Goratrain and Ian-ator said... Best Blogger Tips

You totally have me inspired to run to my nearest thrift store and shop, shop, shop. (Yet somehow, I still save...hmmmm.) Love it!

monica said... Best Blogger Tips

Such a cute refurbished dress. You do such a great job at whatever you do!

CassiB said... Best Blogger Tips

Call me linked. You have amazing talent. LOVE this!

rachel @ idlepines said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is gorgeous! Such a wonderful idea too!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this giveaway. I could see myself wearing this dress to one of the many gatherings my family has during Summer season. So PLEASE pick me!!! She would have a loving home to go to. :D

Tiffani said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love this dress. Yellow is my fave! I would love the scarf and the belt too!

golublog said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this dress so much. Anthropologie would charge a fortuen for something like this.

Rachel said... Best Blogger Tips

Very cute! Love the shoes. Love the dress. Love everything. I don't think my link is showing up here on your site but it is on my blog??

Nikki Cogg said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi! I'm a new follower, and I absolutely LOVE your dress! Haha the "before" picture is hilarious, you really need to know what to look for in those stores, and it looks like you have a great eye!

Inside Out said... Best Blogger Tips

I L-O-V-E the dress. You are very talented.

The Garner Family said... Best Blogger Tips

I wish I had an eye for this stuff like you do! It turned out so cute! I want it! :)

Jess said... Best Blogger Tips

You are BRILLIANT with the stuff you refashion! Thanks for the inspiration!

Katy Hayes said... Best Blogger Tips

I love what you did with this dress :) I HOPE I win!!

David and Shalynna said... Best Blogger Tips

This is my new favorite blog. A lifelong goal of mine would be able to sew, design, and create gorgeous pieces like you do.

I'd love to wear this dress on a summer picnic. I'll cross my fingers and hope to win. :)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

You are amazing!

Ramblings by Brandi said... Best Blogger Tips

Fab dress love your blog such great talent :)

Connie said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is AMAZING! I am so impressed at the transformation!

Mrs. S said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is amazing! It combines my three favorite things...vintage, sewing and thrifting. It inspires me to try some refashioning.

Mrs. S said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this dress. It combines my three favorite things...vintage, sewing and thrifting. It inspires me to try some refashioning.

VSJensen said... Best Blogger Tips

Pick me, pick me!!! I really really need this dress! It's perfect! Thanks for the chance!

em said... Best Blogger Tips

The suspense is killing me! I even posted two links, just to be sure. This dress is fabulous!

Nama said... Best Blogger Tips

I hope this give away isn't over. I just noticed my post isn't listed, but I totally posted a link in my blog! And I definitely don't want to be left out.


Linnea said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow. Wow. I love love love it!

Josiah said... Best Blogger Tips

Whoo Hoo!~~Smashing good job!

Sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE it!

original.stuff said... Best Blogger Tips

thrift store refashion is the BEST way to get a new outfit!! :D (at least for me... and my budget!)

aana said... Best Blogger Tips

love it...the color is so flattering and your them too, may I ask where did you get them from??

HarmlessColor said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, I love this one too...I'm so glad Katy hosted you on no big dill. Your projects are so inspiring!

Sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the dress! Fantastic work, I have always been interested in reusing and refashioning!

Check out my blog on Ethical Fashion at:


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