Downtown Holiday Jacket and Pant GIVEAWAY!!!! CLOSED.

November 20, 2008

Downtown Holiday Jacket and PantI love the way Lily looked in these little pieces. If enough people feel the same I am thinking of offering them as my next store item.

Seeing as we are now approaching December and the temperature is averaging in the mid-30s with steady winds at 20mph, I considered myself lucky on this relatively mild photo shoot. Winds would have ruined the balloons and Lily has no tolerance for the cold. This might be one of my last outdoor least for a while.

Downtown Holiday Jacket and PantI thought the jacket was so adorable I almost want to include it in the store so I can have one for myself.

It is made of warm red wool with a blue pinstripe lining that can be seen on the inside of the detachable hood which buttons on the back. I made the sleeves 3/4 length and cropped the top as well. The boatneck collar is tall and wide leaving lots of room for a nice warm scarf and the bottom half of the jacket is gathered. But my favorite part is the side button enclosure rather than the tradition front opening.

The pants are made from a dark washed denim. I added white buttons on a slant on either side giving it a 60s 'sailor' feel and cut the pants wider at the bottom adding to the retro look. I added elastic to the back of the waist so it can fit a wider range of ages. The black striped shirt is mine:) I bought it at Forever 21.

downtown holiday jacket and pant

Lily was a perfect model for this photo shoot considering the cooler weather. I think the ten balloons has something to do with it. She loved pulling on the strings and watching the balloons bounce up and down. When we bought them at Party City she begged me to
buy the SpongeBob mylar balloon when all of a sudden the cashier handed us our candy striped helium bouquet, Lily forgot all about her googly eyed, mustard colored my relieved surprise.

In the end I considered trying to get a shot of Lily releasing the balloons. Ultimately, I chickened out. Aside from the ensuing tears and regret I feared a fine. Surely there are laws against wayward balloons in the city. I considered letting Lily take the fall if we got 'made'. It's almost all but certain that a 4-year-old would 'accidentally' let go of a balloon bundle. Right?

If the winning blog also leaves a comment I will include a new pair of the navy gloves that accompany the outfit in the photos.

Keeping in mind that the jacket is purposely cropped, I would say that this jacket and pant would fit a 2T-4T:)

downtown holiday jacket and pant

Last day for posts is Tuesday 12/02/08.
Winner will be announced Thursday morning!

As usual, if you would like a chance to win this jacket and pant just link back to this post. If you have any questions see the "questions and answers" link to the right. If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.

As with my last two giveaways, I've decided to extend this giveaway one more week! From here on out, you can have an extra week to enter!

Create a Link!

downtown holiday jacket and pant
downtown holiday jacket and pant

downtown holiday jacket and pant

downtown holiday jacket and pant

258 {comments}:

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Leslie said... Best Blogger Tips

if you offered these in a size 7, i would be all over it!! so adorable and chic!

Alicia said... Best Blogger Tips

My daughter would seriously be in heaven! And yes, I'll buy it if I don't win!!

S.L.P said... Best Blogger Tips

This outfit is really adorable! I love the big buttons! I can see this selling like hotcakes or hot coffee in your weather.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE this out fit, it's sooooo adorable. If I had my own blog I would so definitely link to this post!

Nevertheless, I would love to second the idea of these items being sold in your shop!

everydaygrace said... Best Blogger Tips

One of my favorite give-aways so far! Just little Emma would be too cute in it!!

heather said... Best Blogger Tips

I so wish I could win this for my daughter! you are so talented. Please make this in my size.

Andrea said... Best Blogger Tips

oh, how chic! ;] I created a link in this post. I hope I win!

Cassie said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous. I'm in love with the candy cane colors!

Kara said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this outfit! If you offered it in your store, I would have to buy one. It is so beautiful!

CtephFrid said... Best Blogger Tips

Another hit!!!! I do hope this will go in your store!!! Soooooo CUUUTTTEEE!!!! This will definately sell out!
I love the photos! So Chic!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

That is insanely adorable! I have a little princess that would look amazing in that. Crossing my fingers! :)

Janelle said... Best Blogger Tips

The jacket is adorable. I'm in love. I have to ask you how you afford to give away all of your creations. And how you can part with all of them? You can email me at
You're amazing and I admire all that you do. An idol in my eyes. Thank you!

Jenna and Mosin Haider said... Best Blogger Tips

I can't believe all the work you do! You're definitely an inspiration! I have a 4yr old girl and a 2yr old girl, so if we won this set it would DEFINITELY get its fair share of use!! Fingers Crossed!! ;)

Mary said... Best Blogger Tips

My little girl is still too young to wear any of your creations (7 wks old), but if I ever won anything, I'd hold on to it until she could wear it, because everything you make is absolutely gorgeous! Keep up the good work.

Juls said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh man, I am so glad my friend showed me this blog! fabulous and fresh, If my husband saw our daughter dressed like that his military homecomming he'd have an even wider smile than normal lol. they would almost match!

Marleen said... Best Blogger Tips

My little girl would look adorable in this. Count me in.

The Hillbilly Banjo Queen: said... Best Blogger Tips

OK...I love this outfit. I love all of your outfits, but this one is IT! My name will have to be drawn for this one just so I can wear it vicariously through my two girls. In my head, I could totally own this look. That's in my head. So you see, I need this. :) So wonderful, as usual.

Whitney said... Best Blogger Tips

Me me me please!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Could you do a giveaway in adult sizes, please?! I LOVE this outfit. My girls would love it, too. I hope we get it! YAY! Thank you!

Jodi said... Best Blogger Tips

I love it! It's got a bit of a French flair to it! Oh la la!

tichat said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, how do you take time to do so many and such beautiful things?
These Jacket and pants look absolutely divine!! Oh-so-cute! (as ever)
I create a link on my blog to yours!!
Hope I win this time!

Sophie Chalumeau said... Best Blogger Tips

Nice! It reminds me of "le ballon rouge" (by Albert Lamorisse 1965) story. S

Suze said... Best Blogger Tips

Another amazing creation, Your incredibly talented..

Stephanie Breuner said... Best Blogger Tips

this is the cutest outfit. i love the jacket. I also think the photos are wonderful too.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Love it! Definitely store worthy (does that get me extra pints?) Fingers crossed here, count me in contest

T said... Best Blogger Tips

I love it at always!! I absolutley love everything you do!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Ooooo I just came by your blog via I donno where and I'm hoooked! I spent the entire day looking thru all your creations! So beautiful. Pls count me in. Thanks!

Nuts To You! said... Best Blogger Tips

This is so adorable! I think this is my favorite giveaway since I have started checking this site out!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

It's so adorable! Can you make one in my size to match? It would be a great addition to the store...especially with those buttons and the side opening.

Michelle said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, my little fashionista would LOVE this outfit! (She's 5) and I'm sure big sis would love it, too! (8)

Cheilita said... Best Blogger Tips

My stomping ground! I love the outfit. Perfectly stylish and wonderfully designed!

April Rhodes said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this outfit! I love everything about this outfit. The pant are awesome and I can't stand the shape of the jacket and big white buttons, SO cute! I want to wear it myself, but I'll settle for putting it on my girl. She looks so good in red. PlEaSe pick us!!!

Erica said... Best Blogger Tips

Perfectly chic and stylish.....I am in love with the big white buttons!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

so adorable! And the pictures are fabulous too! Enter me please :)

ty and megs said... Best Blogger Tips

WOW! i'm in love. either for my daughter or for me!

Chris said... Best Blogger Tips

You are so talented and so generous to give away your beautiful creations. I will keep my fingers crossed and hopeI can win!! I love this outfit, I love all the outfits you make!!

Sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

I think I am coveting this outfit!!!!

Absolutely adorable.

I created a link.

Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips

This is absolutely adorable!!!

Amber said... Best Blogger Tips

What a perfectly charming little outfit. I'm in love with it. Posted a link on my blog and crossing my fingers I win this one!

jennie said... Best Blogger Tips

OH my Oh my Oh my!

You just keep outdoing yourself! My 3 year old would look amazing.

Thank you for giving us the chance to win!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Freaking adorable!

Julie said... Best Blogger Tips

That is just about the cutest outfit I have ever seen. I have two beauties that would look like a million bucks in it! I created a link on my blog.

Danielle said... Best Blogger Tips

This is so adorable! You have the best style for girls cloths! I linked you at

Laura said... Best Blogger Tips

Ok, I love ALL your clothes and giveaways. I think you are ENORMOUSLY talented and I totally COVET your clothes. With that said, THIS is the one I HAVE to win!!!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

love the retro feel...a definate for your store!

Rebecca Ramsey said... Best Blogger Tips

What gorgeous work!

Macy Perrone said... Best Blogger Tips

these are adorable! if i had a child i would be all about it! so fashion forward--well done!

Liz Wilcken said... Best Blogger Tips

Cute, cute, cute!!! Count me in!

Theresa said... Best Blogger Tips

so precious! I think I would love to give this to a friend! she would love it for her daughter!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said... Best Blogger Tips

How adorable. Hoping to win this for my daughter. Blogged about it.

=D melanie

Ella A. said... Best Blogger Tips

Those pants are killing me!! SO cute. And my little girls would flip over that jacket. They are really into Jackets lately.

sew nancy said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh this is too adorable
I love it!

carrie said... Best Blogger Tips

I don't know how you do it! You come up with the cutest things, your daughter looks adorable in that, my little Lola is 2 and I love her in red, I would love to have one for me, I love, Love, Love it! I wish I had your talent!

Julia from Dozen Flours said... Best Blogger Tips

I wish this came in my size. It's so cute! (please don't count my comment as an official entry, I just happened to find your blog and find your clothes insanely cute!)

Megan said... Best Blogger Tips

So adorable!

Marjorie said... Best Blogger Tips

My daughter would look so cute in this! I want a set in my size too:) Thanks for doing this giveaway!!!!

Kay said... Best Blogger Tips

I created a link because this is too adorable! I hope that you start to include these super cute outfits in your store!!! Really you are so talented! It won't fit my daughter, but I have nieces!!!!!! Thanks for sharing your talent!

Wurtz Gang said... Best Blogger Tips

This outfit is absolutely adorable!!! I not only want one for my daughters but for me! Such creativity!!!

Carrie said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow. I found your blog from small mag and I'm glad I did. These clothes are SO cute and inspiring. Thanks!

LW said... Best Blogger Tips

absolutely wonderful....

the pictures are enchanting..


Ryan & Cynthia Clan said... Best Blogger Tips

Yes Yes Yes - or should I say - Wi Wi Wi! Please offer these in your store! I never win anything :) so it's the only way I'll be able to get my hands on them and I LOVE them!

I'm creating a link right now on my blog!

C said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to get one if I don't win!

Joy said... Best Blogger Tips

Ok I'm in, this is so stinking cute I would love it for my little girl. It is the perfect size!!

Luminous Mom said... Best Blogger Tips

That is so beautiful! While I would LOVE to win, if we dont, I will definately purchase one of these jackets from you if you start offering them in your store!
Your daughter is too precious! She looks like she shares my love for baloons.. lol!

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said... Best Blogger Tips

That is so darling!! And not only is your work amazing but these pictures that you take for your clothing are so creative and adorable! You really are talented!

Ariane Mardis said... Best Blogger Tips

I love all your clothes!! I hope I can dress a little girl in them someday!

Heather said... Best Blogger Tips

PLEASE offer this in your store! I would love to buy it for my daughter (and for myself...) Cute, cute, cute!

Caity said... Best Blogger Tips

So, so, so cute!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

That just might be the cutest outfit ever!

Stephanie said... Best Blogger Tips

I love it!! What more can I say but how flippin cute!

Pamela Posch said... Best Blogger Tips

I am so excited to find your blog! Fantastic give aways! I've added a post on my blog with some of your giveaways!


heres my link

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

ooh! I love this outfit. I think you should put these in the shop, too.

Doreen said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute and chic!!

Lynn Cohen said... Best Blogger Tips

You daughter is precious in this outfit, but if she wants to make another four year old little girl thrilled beyond words my grand daughter would love it and look cute as a button in it as well.
She is also four years old!
So if this is a sign up for a giveaway, do put in the hopper please. Thank you!
Lynn at

Lisa said... Best Blogger Tips

so stinking cute!! i wanna win!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

What a wonderful outfit...I'm so glad your daughter is the same age as mine. I can always look foward to look and maybe win one of your wonderful dessings!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

This is absolutely adorable. You are so talents and your daughter is beautiful. My daughter is about the same age and I can just see her in something so chic and fun. I want to learn to sew so I can make adorable items like this for her. Love it!

Mel said... Best Blogger Tips

What a cute set. Lily looks so sweet in the pics. You did a great job with taking the photos.

Gina said... Best Blogger Tips

OMGoodness!!!! YES, there is interest! These are TOO TOO cute, my DD would look AMAZING in this outfit!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

ohhhh gorgeous ..... your photo shot is really inspired. Love the balloons and the model is too cute.... she did so well not to release the balloons. Love the button detail on the pants and the croped jacket.... too much!!

dominique said... Best Blogger Tips

The outfit is amazing, but even better is the photo shoot! Where did you take these images?! I love the parisian feel, and your little girl is stunning in the outfit. If I won it, I would be tempted to create a similar scene!

dominique said... Best Blogger Tips

PS. DEFINITELY offer this in your store- It would be a big hit!

Mila said... Best Blogger Tips

WOW this Outfit ist so cute. Also for little Girls but I think for Mommy too ;-) realy georgous.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely needs to be in the store!! How do you think up such darling things?!

Vone said... Best Blogger Tips

so so so cute. I think it's the colour that helps.

Sharon said... Best Blogger Tips

this outfit is so cute!!! definitly offer it in your store so i can get it for my baby, i LOVE it!!

RobinBirdsNest said... Best Blogger Tips

So very cute!! Just posted a link.

Aubrey said... Best Blogger Tips

I cannot tell you how much I love this jacket! My daughter needs one so badly. I'll have to be crossing my fingers for two whole weeks now.

The Roberts said... Best Blogger Tips
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Roberts said... Best Blogger Tips

These are soo cute!! Thanks so much for all the giveaways!! I posted a link!
Amanda R.

cowboybunny said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, how adorable. She looks absolutely adorable in this outfit!I would love to win this for my daughters!!
I posted a link on

Unfurled said... Best Blogger Tips

You should certainly put this in the shop. Would you ever think of offering your patterns in the shop, for home sewers? I would love it.

Kristi said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my gosh. I'll buy two right now. Pop them in your store and you've got two sold.

Love the whole outfit!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Ohmygoodness - that is the cutest thing I've ever seen. I would love that in grown-up size! Super adorable. My little ladies would be in heaven!

Brittney said... Best Blogger Tips

absolutely amazing!

AngiDe said... Best Blogger Tips

such an adorable outfit! I hope you offer it in your store... better yet, I hope I win!

"Nana's Box"

AngiDe said... Best Blogger Tips

I created a link on my private blog!

"Nana's Box"

Jenn said... Best Blogger Tips

I created the link. This is absolutely adorable! It would make a wonderful addition to your store!

SDewey said... Best Blogger Tips

very cute!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

That's absolutely adorable! What I'd really love is a sewing pattern for the jacket -- those would fly out of your shop :) Have you considered a line of Grosgrain patterns?

Lovely Little Lovelies said... Best Blogger Tips

oh wow, i don't even think words are adequate for this little number. the outfit is absolutely fabulous on so many different levels. reminds me of a tres chic parisian sailor girl.

the side buttons on that jacket? ::swoons!:: be still my heart. lily is just the sweetest thing ever, too.
ps. love the new feature in small. congrats! that is monumental.

Lovely Little Lovelies said... Best Blogger Tips

i hope i did that link thing right. i'm kind of inept when it comes to this stuff.

lacey said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE this. The sailor look has always been a fav of mine. My 4 and 2 year old girlies would be even cuter then usual in this! And, if I don't win ... yes, I would buy this from your store.
Here's my link

Hanna in the Hizzzouse.. said... Best Blogger Tips

Lily is the perfect little model for this outfit. I agree with the side buttons, it makes it so unique. I also agree with the picture of letting the balloons go, it would have been magazine worthy!!! You are FAB!! I hope at some point I will win one of these master pieces!!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the Holiday Red!
My Link:

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Super cute! love the total look.

Sormustin said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, I would LOVE to win this :)

I added a link to my blog, hopefully others from Finland finds this! Love your style & blog!

Blake Bench said... Best Blogger Tips

Seriously So adorable. I still don't see where you find all the time. Cngrats on the online store too! I wish you much success!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I posted all three giveaways to my facebook page. Does that count for entry into the giveaway? Please oh please- I love it!

Wendy said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, I'm not linked in to your blog. If somehow I win that adorable jacket and pant set for my 5 yr. old or my 2yr. old- or the gorgeous painting or the smart camera strap-please contact me at

Wendy said... Best Blogger Tips

sorry for the third comment, now I'm in

Stacey said... Best Blogger Tips

This is absolutely the cutest outfit I've seen in a long time. I think my little girl would totally enjoy it! I created a link to your giveaway, but my blog isn't blogger, so i'll just post another link here to show I've also posted your giveaway on my blog!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

You are so sweet....and I wanted to invite YOU to come participate in a giveaway...I`m having a huge Black Friday Bash on my blog! I`ll be doing free giveaways every hour on the hour!!! The grand prize drawing is at 6pm. Come on over and "grab a ticket" to get signed up and check out the prizes!!! You deserve a win!!

Kandy Kisses Boutique

Linz said... Best Blogger Tips

well you definitely have the creative eye for cute clothes and photography...very chic!

None said... Best Blogger Tips

PLEASE make this your next store item!!!! LOVE the jacket...adorable!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

All linked up adn ready to win. I have the perfect sailor shirt to wear with my little's hopin'

dana said... Best Blogger Tips

This is favorite creation to-date from you! This is something you should definitely sell in your shop. The jacket is adorable (though I wish the sleeves were full-length. 3/4 seems too cold to me :) ) And those pants?? You have the most amazing ideas. I love it, love it, love it!

erin said... Best Blogger Tips

What beautiful pictures. The outfit of course is LOVELY! I"m not sure if my you can see my links, but I hope I am entering in your contests.

Brittany said... Best Blogger Tips

everything you make is adorable! Someday I hope to win!!!

Mandy said... Best Blogger Tips


Jen said... Best Blogger Tips

OMG, that outfit is so adorable!

Krishna said... Best Blogger Tips

Once again, you have created another wonderful outfit. I'd so love to put my little girl in this outfit this winter!

Lisa said... Best Blogger Tips

That is an adorable out fit. My daughter would look sooooo cute it. You do a great job!

amy said... Best Blogger Tips

I found your blog in Small and LOVE your stuff! This outfit would be too cute on my 2 year old dd!

Tammy said... Best Blogger Tips

would be perfectly amazing on my girls!

nanja said... Best Blogger Tips

My you really have a flair for children's fashion Love the outfit

Lorene said... Best Blogger Tips

CUTE ensemble!

Suman Family said... Best Blogger Tips

sign me up! super cute!

Jewels of My Heart said... Best Blogger Tips

Tooooooooooooooooo sweet! I think you should offer them in your store! I am going to create my link now.

Whitney said... Best Blogger Tips

I want this so much! too cute!!! crossing my fingers!!!

Somer said... Best Blogger Tips

I love that outfit! I would definitely buy it. How about a pattern?

Sheila said... Best Blogger Tips

oh my goodness this is too cute! Please enter me...

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips


Karyn said... Best Blogger Tips

Darling! I love it all!

Becky said... Best Blogger Tips

pefect. Love this outfit.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

in LOVE with this outfit. So So darling!!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

is outfit is positively adorable!

Jess said... Best Blogger Tips

Ok I have a blonde hair blue eyed cutie that would love this!!

joyfulgirl said... Best Blogger Tips

This is my first time on your site and it's incredible! How can you be so talented and generou??? I'd love to be entered in your drawing.

zime said... Best Blogger Tips

OHH so adorable!!! I woudl like to see my daughter wearing these!!!

Anja said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute. I love red and it suits my girl perfetly. Oh, pick me!

Reeds said... Best Blogger Tips

So glad the jacket's red!! By the way, I have loved your photography as well!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh this is just amazing. I hope I win.

erika~ the inspired mama said... Best Blogger Tips

this is absolutely beautiful! you are so talented! we would be thrilled to win!

i linked this up at my blog :)


Mommy to ♥Pickle and SugarPlum♥ said... Best Blogger Tips

Do you make this in Mommy size, to match? It's absolutely adorable! I would love to win it for my daughter, but I am sure no matter who wins, it will be well loved!

Liz said... Best Blogger Tips

OH MY! That is soooo cute! Count me in.


fliss said... Best Blogger Tips

I just found you via Small mag and WOW! is all i can say. The clothes you make are just beautiful and amazing that you pass them on for free. Very inspiring! (These are very sweet photos).

Monique said... Best Blogger Tips

This outfit reminds me of my trip to Paris, it looks parisien to me. I would love to win this for my daughter, she would look stunning in is, and just as cute as Lily!

Felicity said... Best Blogger Tips

Adorable. So celebrity kid!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

this is adorable! I have 3 girls who would love darling in it!

heidijogoody said... Best Blogger Tips

Again another adorable outfit my girls would love. I posted a link on my blog. It is private my email address is

Jeff and Jen said... Best Blogger Tips

This is just too adorable :)

mrs.mommyy said... Best Blogger Tips

this is adorable- am blogging it

Suzanna H. said... Best Blogger Tips

I love it!

anita said... Best Blogger Tips

what a great design! you're so talented! posted your link to my blog again!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

So adorable!!! You are one talented lady!!!

Haylee said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm just begining to sew and don't think that I'll ever be as good as you. I have 4 boys and finally got my little girl. She would look so beautiful in this outfit. I really hope that I win it for her. You're an amazeing person and your daughter is lucky to have you. My friends mom sews and she is always bragging about her. I'm sure that your daughter will do the same. I put a link to your BLOG and hope that my friends check out your store.

The sewing room said... Best Blogger Tips

What a lovely outfit you are very clever and what a beautiful model she did a great job of modeling for you . could you please tell me if you designed this outfit yourself or used a pattern?as i make clothes for my grandchildren ,please visit my blog if you would like to see the coats i have made many thanks pat!!!

Noelle said... Best Blogger Tips

Amazing and cute doesn't even cut it! I'm rubbing our rabbit's foot we get it!

Cammi said... Best Blogger Tips

girl, i wish i could sew like you, but alas, i can't so i turn to you for the mad skillz! i would of course buy this from your shop along with every other adorable outfit you come up with!!

my darling grace would be well, "darling" in this outfit!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

This is an amazing outfit. I agree with everyone who asked for it in Mommy size! Thanks for the giveaway -- gorgeous work!

Jenny said... Best Blogger Tips

It's a wonderful day for a winter walk outside..both of my daughters 5 & 2 would love to stroll the streets with this sassy lil number. You have such a gift to create & share, i love that!

kim said... Best Blogger Tips

WOW- nice job. I showed your holiday jacket to many friends and all of them want one for their little girls! You should definitely add it to the store.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

You have an awesome talent. I love all of your work, especially love this since my Father was in the Navy for 28 years (which started in the sixties). If I don't win, you must offer this in your store! Your daughter is absolutely adorable in all of your creations!!

Idaho Jill said... Best Blogger Tips

This is the perfect outfit-so adorable!

Rubyellen said... Best Blogger Tips

kathleen, gosh darn it! you have done it again!!!

Ali said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely consider it. These items are darling.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to win this it is adorable and I linked the post to my blog.

Kenziepoo said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this outfit!! My niece would look so incredibly cute in this outfit!! I have been looking for a CHRISTMAS PRESENT for her!!! wink, wink...I put a link to my blog!

joolee said... Best Blogger Tips

wow, this outfit is adorable!! please put it in your store!! I have no blog to link to, so I'm sure I'd never win a giveaway. but i'd be all over it in your store!!

julia said... Best Blogger Tips

wow, you are amazing. you should definitly offer this in your store. i love the color combinations and the detail in the jacket.

MommyLester said... Best Blogger Tips

I say do it! Put this adorable outfit in your shop! It is SO precious!

Lisa Summerhays said... Best Blogger Tips

Adorable! You always amaze me. I'm linked! My 2 year old would be a babe in it and yes I'd buy it too!

caligirl said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh I love so much the beautiful clothes you make.What a dream seeing my little girl in one of your outfits. This one in particular is just fabulous!
I posted a link ( I hope I got it right!)

Rebekah said... Best Blogger Tips

I just found your site! Way cute clothes!!! I'm so loving this little outfit!! Thanks for the chance!

Erin and Bethany said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE these pieces and my niece would look absolutely adorable in them. You are so talented!

Melonie said... Best Blogger Tips

My little Lily is four as well and would look so adorable in this outfit! Pick me! :D

jenny said... Best Blogger Tips

it reminds me of that l-fit oliveoil had in the poppeye carttoons realy cute i love to try and win it you realy always do have the prettyest things

Brittney said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm so obsessed with cute outfits you make... i really hope i win one, someday.

Heather said... Best Blogger Tips

I just love it and I know my little girls would too! So incredibly talented you are!

Tsosie and Peterson Bunch said... Best Blogger Tips

I really think I MUST have this outfit for my little girl. We are spending our Christmas holiday with her Grandparents for the first time this year and that would be perfect for one of our Holiday outings. Please Please Please choose me.

Ashley and Mike said... Best Blogger Tips

I am linking and crossing my fingers!

annamae said... Best Blogger Tips

Darling!!! I'm amazed at your talent, it's very inspiring. my little Gwennie would look so cute in that! I hope I win, I've never won anything before but there's a fist for everything right? :)

Staci said... Best Blogger Tips

Just found your site through a friend. What an awesome site and such a cool idea!! I LOVE the outfit and those are such beautiful pictures! I just linked off my blog. :) Thanks so much!

Christy@pipandsqueak said... Best Blogger Tips

My daughter would look adorable in this. I posted about it on my blog

The Fuller Family said... Best Blogger Tips

Too cute! I hope I win!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE this outfit, and I can picture my little 3 year old in it! we would love it if we won!! Very cute!!

Lindsey said... Best Blogger Tips

This outfit is incredible. You really should put this in your store. Wonderful!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Balloons...what is it? I think it's the way they take flight and sway in whichever direction the air breathes. Just like a child taking flight in life with the air we create for there path. She is a darling and the handmade uniquesness of this outfit will carry itself to where they belong.

Sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

hey! that's my downtown too! I love this little set.

Ritzman said... Best Blogger Tips

yes, please put things like this in your store.
Hope I win for my almost 3 yo.!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

this is really a beautiful outfit I really would love one for myself but it would look much better on my daughter

ellie said... Best Blogger Tips

Yes, for sure these are salable. My daughter (21 months old) would love this outfit. And I'm sure the balloons too!
Those pants are super cool. great job.

Sara said... Best Blogger Tips

Lovely combo, count Bella and me in :)

Locketts said... Best Blogger Tips

Ooh-la-la! My precious bébé will look très bon in her Holiday Jacket and Pants. It would be the perfect item for Grosgrain Store!

Samantha said... Best Blogger Tips

Adorable Love It! I posted a link:

Samantha said... Best Blogger Tips

my blog is private with about 100 readers please email me for a

ruru said... Best Blogger Tips

That is a beautiful design!!! I LOVE it

Shannon said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute!

Superdumb Supervillain said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this outfit! I would definitely want it for Roo but also in my own size..

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