Ice Cream Social Frock GIVEAWAY!!!! CLOSED.

July 2, 2008

Another giveaway to brighten your day. I've been on a sewing roll. The caplet winner will be announced in just two days!! So be sure to see if you won! I have to say that I am OVERWHELMED by the positive feedback and responses to the raffle. I really did not have any idea that so many people liked my work. I read EVERY single one of your comments and EVERY single one of your posts. I get giddy when I notice that someone else has entered and am constantly showing the comments and posts to Brian who by now has probably grown sick of my excitement. As before, if you want to be included in the giveaway just click
on the "create a link" link at the bottom of the post to make a link on your blog. If you don't use blogger just create a link as you would and I will be able to detect it in Technorati. If you have any questions just leave me a comment and I will answer it or refer to the previous posts for more info.


The dress reminded me of something one might wear to a formal party....a "social" you might say. While the bright colors and bold pattern reminded me of something in an ice cream shoppe. I was sad that this would be the only time Lily would get to wear it. But, you know, as long as I have some sort of documentation of her in the dress I'm fine with giving it away.
I made the skirt by combining three inverted pleats on each side. I then pleated a large green cloth bow and sewed it into the dress. It was made to fit Lily but she is pretty small for a four-year-old. I'd say it could fit girls 2-4.

My favorite part about this dress was the polka dot material that I bought while visiting Brian's sisters in Philadelphia on "fabric row". I bought it in a very tiny overpacked mom'n'pop shop that smelled like old people and fabric. Lily's favorite part about this dress....the icecream.

I know I've said this before but after reading your comments I only wish I had more time to make more than one (even for myself). It makes me sad to disappoint all those girls out there (and I mean you, moms:) I have managed to make three giveaways this week! I'm so proud of myself. Part of the process includes planning and carrying out the photo so it takes about 2-3 days for me. Ugh, not to mention I just came down with bronchitits.....again. I really need to see an ear, nose and throat specialist. It's literally the 5th or 6th time this year.

Create a Link! <Click on this link!

195 {comments}:

Jennifer said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the polka dots!!!What a gorgeous little dress, you've outdone yourself again.

So sorry to hear about the Bronchitis. You may need the nose surgery that my husband had, where they basically roto rooted his septum because of recurring sinus infections / bronchitis.

Anyway, I hope you're feeling better soon, and I hope I win this grgeous dress!!!

Eva said... Best Blogger Tips

Honestly, you have got to stop or I'll have to re-name my blog. Something like "free clothes please" ought to do.
Love the dots, love the green, sorry about the bronchitis.

Barbara said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a great Grammy that just loves what you do. My granddaughter is the one that put me onto your web page. If I would win I would be sure that she would be the recipent. She has 2 precious little girls and the oldest one would fall in love with one of you gorgeous little dresses. If only I could sew!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Aww, I love this dress. I just wish I had a little girl to wear it. Your work is absolutely lovely.

Selina said... Best Blogger Tips

This is so beautiful! I wish I had a little girl!!!

Carrie said... Best Blogger Tips

This is SO adorable! I MUST have it!!

April said... Best Blogger Tips

oh I love this!! It SCREAMS Kate Spade to me! The combo of the polka dots and the green - oh I'm in love

Susan said... Best Blogger Tips

Whoa! Amazing! So very impressed by your talent, creativity, skill, and generosity.

Bernadette said... Best Blogger Tips

This is just devine! Congratulations you are very talented.

Crystal said... Best Blogger Tips

Love, love, love it! Amazing talent!

Kim said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm so excited for you and the overwhelming response to your giveaways! You're creations are so cute, you need to start an Etsy shop and make some money instead of just giving it away! :) Hope you feel better soon!

Kellie H said... Best Blogger Tips

That green bow is to die for!!! Who doesn't love polka dots & ice cream? Did I ever mention that if my Bryce{5} was to be a girl he would have been Lily?
You sure are on a roll...these giveaways are super generous of you. Thanks so much! Feel better soon =)

rachelmp said... Best Blogger Tips

Your dress is just beautiful! I have a 2 year old daughter who shares my love for polka dots, and as the youngest with 3 big brothers I love to dress her in such pretty clothes!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Oooohhh.... my favourite of all your pieces so far (although they're all lovely of course). Wish there was somewhere in Singapore to buy such adorable dresses.

You shouldn't be surprised by the responses you're getting as your work is outstanding. My little one is standing next to me right now pointing at the ice cream dress going "mine, mine, mine", although of course it could be the ice cream itself that she's after!

Kathleen W. said... Best Blogger Tips

That is the most darling dress! I sooo wish I had a little girl right now instead of a little boy! I would love to win this for my goddaughter, who would look so sweet in it. You have got some great talent! My sewing skills are passable, but I couldn't do this. PS. I love going to fabric row when I'm in Philly (I live about an hour and a half away).

Belinda said... Best Blogger Tips

I cannot resist these little pretties! I really don't understand how you can bear to part with them . . . but, as you can see, there are lots of us willing to take such adorable stuff off your hands! I tried again to do the link thing and I really thought I had it this time, but I failed:( So here is my post with a link back to your site:

Emily Cole said... Best Blogger Tips

I can't believe you're doing 3 giveaways this week!!! I'm not entering this one though... My daughter's 6 and there's no way we could get that dress into the house without her wanting to wear it 24/7! It's beautiful! I hope you're able to feel better by this weekend!

Ella A. said... Best Blogger Tips

I've been reading your blog for a few weeks and it blows me away every time you post a new picture of your latest creation. I love your style, classic yet modern, it inspires me! Thanks for starting the giveaways! I hope I can win one for one of my girls (3 and 4 years old)! Take Care!

Erin said... Best Blogger Tips

i absolutely LOVE this dress!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

ACK -I want this but in a grownup version. I LOVE it. I wish my niece would wear dresses because I'd totally get this for her. I'd live vicariously through her :) Gorgeous.

happyfamily said... Best Blogger Tips

Okay, okay! I love it all so much that I will comment just to get the hairbows if I did win. Sheesh, this is just adorable... like everything you make. Sigh.

Bunny B said... Best Blogger Tips

That's such a gorgeous dress! I wish you made it in adult size!! Or for tweens :P

I've blogged it HERE


bunnybox9 at gmail . com

Jess said... Best Blogger Tips

How beautiful! You are a giveaway goddess! Hopefully the Karma will come around and help you get better. Your work is amazing! Thanks again!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

amazing, beautiful. wish you would do patterns...

Tassi Smith said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this dress. The polka dots and the green sash are so adorable. You inspire me to want to expand my sewing skills.

ty and megs said... Best Blogger Tips

i just added this link to my blog too! i couldn't resist adding a third. :)
so so cute! i'm so in love with your designs.

Stacey said... Best Blogger Tips

That dress is FAB!!! I love it and I can see my little peanut totally sporting it!

You do awesome it!

Brittany said... Best Blogger Tips

Ummm, who are you and can we be friends?! Absolutely breathtaking! Can I feature you on my blog? Do you want to do a giveaway together? Do you have a store? You are my new favorite person.

Charmed, I'm Sure

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous!! I just love this!

onawa said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, you have so inspired me! I have a 15 month old, and I can rarely find time to do mending, more less sewing a whole outfit! I want to get my machine out now! Thanks for helping me get my juices flowing again!

You're so creative and I love your blog! Your daughter is gorgeous!

Hope my and my Eveyanna win this one!! Happy 4th!

Natalie said... Best Blogger Tips

so sad to hear you are sick - ifonly sewing made it all better, right? :D i LOVE LOVE LOVE this dress - the combination of colors is such eye-candy! I hope that my little Chelsea Nicole gets to wear it!

Rachel said... Best Blogger Tips

My daughter's name is Lily too!!! And she would look lovely in this lovely dress.

I just linked to this blog today and am blown away by your talents. I have a friend a lot like you, and I so wish I had the skills to create something out of nothing. Beyond your sewing skills, you're also a great photographer.

Anyway, here's to hoping your Lily's dress becomes my Lily's dress!

Tonya Staab said... Best Blogger Tips

My twins are having an Icecream themed birthday party in September, how fabulous would it be for my little girl to wear an Ice Cream Social Frock. I'm giddy, truly giddy.

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said... Best Blogger Tips

I have six kids, my last two are under the age of two.

They are two irish twin (born a year apart) girls who would look so lovely in this with their dark hair and hazel eyes.

You are such a brilliant artist, I am going to peruse more of your site because I am smitten!

Terri said... Best Blogger Tips

OH.MY.GOODNESS!! This dress is WESOME! I love polka dots!

kamewh said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is absolutely gorgegous!!! I love the colors!!

Deanna said... Best Blogger Tips

I want this in my size for real! LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!

Deanna said... Best Blogger Tips

I don't know if that "create a link" works for me or not... I must be technologically challenged but I posted this in my "SHARE" column on my sidebar.

Tina @ Squirrel Acorns said... Best Blogger Tips

I do not have a little girl to wear that beautiful dress, but just wanted to say it's gorgeous. Your daughter is lucky to have such a talented mama!! The rickrack dress from last week was awesome too!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I've seen several of your dresses and links pop up on other blogs and just adore this one! I'd love to see my lil gal dressed up in this! sooo adorable! I'll be sure to visit more often!

Sharlene said... Best Blogger Tips

I am in love with this dress! How incredibly gorgeous, You should sell these dresses. I bet you would have people banging down your door to get a hold of them.

Deanna said... Best Blogger Tips

OMGoodness!! This dress is AMAZING!!!

I love having 3 girls to dress up...soo fun!!

Your work is WONDERFUL!!!

Kristen said... Best Blogger Tips

oh my oh my! Does that come in grown up sizes?!?!?!? I LOVE it!

jill langston kaufusi said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful dress!

Holly said... Best Blogger Tips

This is a beautiful dress! You are so talented and creative! Everything is whimsy and sunshine... What a lucky little girl you have... Her closet must be STUFFED!!!!!

Bottles Barbies And Boys said... Best Blogger Tips

Every little ,diva, ice-cream eating, frocker, should have one of these!

Can you make one in my size?

Okay I get it's only for the little girls, thank goodness I have two of those!

Figgy and The Professor said... Best Blogger Tips

I can't get over how talented you are. I'm just getting into this whole sewing and craft thing and you are truly an inspiration. Thanks!

Tsosie and Peterson Bunch said... Best Blogger Tips

I wish there were matching ones for Moms. The polka dots are GREAT!

emh said... Best Blogger Tips


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

my daughter Gracie's is Tuesday & I know she would LOVE that dress!!! I am so happy that I visited you!!

T said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow!! I love this dress! I wish I could sew! I got the machine, just need the lessons! I have a little one running around that loves dresses and could see her in this one saying like she always does in a dress "I Pretty"!
You are awesome!!

Latida108 said... Best Blogger Tips

You have outdone yourself! Another winner! L-O-V-E it!

Anderson Avenue said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my!! I saw a link on my friends blog to your site and I have to say that you have some of the cutest little girl clothes I have ever seen!! This dress is soooo cute! I would love to win and see my little girl in it!

Heidi Zawisza said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my goodness.....this dress is unbelievable!! Is this comment my entry?? I hope so, because this is AMAZING!!.....Even if I don't win, is this available to purchase?
LOVE it!!

Suburban prep said... Best Blogger Tips

What a stunning dress. !!!
The look is just perfect for any little one.

Artfulife said... Best Blogger Tips

You are amazing! How do you do all of this with two little ones? Hope you feel better soon. It is no fun to be sick, especially when you are a mom. Feel better and look forward to your next creation.

PS. If you still want that fabric,just let me know and I will send it your way.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

This little number is so elegant for a little lady. I'm not a blogger (yet--but I hope to be someday) but an avid blog reader. I'd like to enter the giveaway...

summerplaceestate (at) yahoo (dot) com

Shumaker said... Best Blogger Tips

That is a beautiful dress. I would love to win that for my 3 year old who loves being a girly girl.

Kari said... Best Blogger Tips

Stop! You're killing me! Even cuter than the last.

Leslie said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my goodness I've died and gone to heaven. Perfection in every way. That green sash makes the entire thing

bethany said... Best Blogger Tips

Seriously, this is the cutest dress ever. Don't suppose you ever want to share the pattern for these....

Sherry said... Best Blogger Tips

You are so talented!! I really love your little dresses!! I want more girls!! I have six wonderful boys but they just don't dress up as cute as my two little girls do!

I hope you feel better soon!! Bronchitis isn't fun!

Try to rest and have a wonderful weekend!


noreen said... Best Blogger Tips

I want to have an icecream party for my daughter turning three just so she could wear this dress for the party and eat ice cream.

Wendy said... Best Blogger Tips

What a beautiful dress! I love the black and white polka dots with the vibrant green sash. Any girl would be lucky to own it:)

Kellie Larsen said... Best Blogger Tips

you are amazing! I love your work, I wish you could find a manufacture or someone to help you fill orders... you dont know hoewmany people here in my town would eat your clothes up!

Jody said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my! Is that not the cutest dress ever.

Kerry said... Best Blogger Tips

This is funky yet classy! I'm a huge fan of polka dots! Love, love, love it! You're so talented!!

Meika said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! That is one Gorgeous dress!

Melissa said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute, I love the black and green

angie said... Best Blogger Tips

sooo cute! I love it!

Always, Amy said... Best Blogger Tips

Wowsa, can you be my mom so you can make me some of these faboulus clothes? You are truly talented, Ralph Lauren should snap you up, you would be an amazing designer for them!!

nyk-lectic said... Best Blogger Tips

You are amazing ... I LOVE this dress. And your photos are always perfect. I am crossing my fingers ... thanks for the fun.

Abby said... Best Blogger Tips

OH. MY. GOSH. I just HAVE to have this dress! My little girl would look almost as cute as yours in it! Wow...if I don't win it, is there somewhere to buy one???

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a grandma with a granddaughter just that size! I don't have a blogger account so I'm not sure how to create the link. Hopefully you can help me or consider this my entry??
Jan S.

TK said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my goodness! That is the most adorable dress I've ever seen. I would love to see that on my daughter. It is beautiful!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

OMG! So my totally gorgeous daughter would look amazing in this totally gorgeous dress! WOW! I am So glad i stumbled upon this page...your work is really soemthing else..way to go! I am getting ready to include oyu on our listing site, so you will you get your link for my entry, but more then that, I am so glad I can share your page with others.


RobinBirdsNest said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely love the dress! I am going to go post the link right now. It is precious!!

Beth said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is fabulous. I wish I could have one for me. My 3-year-old would love to actually get something that is only for her.

You are totally inspiring me to sew more and actually give some stuff away. Your clothes & photos & blog are all amazing. And as long as Brian is still nodding his head when you show him posts from all the random people on the internet then all is good. I would hope my husband would do the same.

Girl Land said... Best Blogger Tips

Ok. I get all giddy when I see your stuff. You are Wonder Woman in the sewing/idea department, Kathleen. Lily is so cute. Is she wearing ballet slippers? I was in Payless the other day, and I almost bought a pair cuz it's so hard to find cute PLAIN shoes.

Anywho, good luck to me. :) Happy 4th and thanks for sharing your wonderful creations. xo

Sonia said... Best Blogger Tips

My friend posted your link on her blog so I followed it. This is the cutest dress I've ever seen! I love it!!!!!! BTW, I've recently had bronchitis too, so my prayers are with you! Hope you feel better soon!!!

Brooke said... Best Blogger Tips

That dress is way cute! I am going to have to check out what else you make. My daughter would look so cute in it, the only problem would be what her twin brother would wear to match. I picture a little bow tie or something although I imagine he would not like that.

Ella Sophie Photography said... Best Blogger Tips

What a GORGEOUS dress. I created a link on my blog. You are very talented.

babyhoot. said... Best Blogger Tips

wow, this is something I would want to wear myself! so pretty; and I'm really really picky about dresses.

I blogged about it too!

hope you feel better soon too. :)

Jennifer said... Best Blogger Tips

That is seriously the cutest dress I have ever seen!! Anyway you can make another one if I happen to not win??

tbonegrl said... Best Blogger Tips

I wish I had a girl when I see things like this!

Rosemary said... Best Blogger Tips

DAHHH! Why are you so cute? This is the sweetest dress EVER! Your baby is too adorable in it too.

Jboo said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous dress!! You are so talented.

Sondra said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! Another irresistable dress. Too darn cute!!! I love it and am on my way to post about it now.

robynl said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful doesn't describe it right. Wow!! This brings back memories of my Mom-she was an awesome seamstress who sewed my wedding gown, her own formal dress and a bridesmaid's dress and flower girl's. She used to make patterns on brown paper bags or newspaper.

yourstrulee at sasktel dot net

Genevieve P said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this dress! It looks like it would fit one of my twins perfectly--they're small for their age too. I'm afraid I can't link because my only blog is really a church sisterhood blog that I manage! But please enter me anyway, if the "rules" permit.

Ms. Mac's Antiques said... Best Blogger Tips

I love love love this dress!! Its absolutely beautiful! You are so talented and I love your blog.
I hope you feel better soon.

Tara said... Best Blogger Tips

Fabulous dress! I ansolutely adore the fabric and design!

lpiccoli said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is faulous. Perfect for afternoon tea and crumpets!!!!!!!!!

Awesome job!!!!!


Katie said... Best Blogger Tips

So Cute! I think my little girl would look LOVELY in it!!

Lorie said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my goodness! I need this dress! I love EVERYTHING about it! It is GORGEOUS! I love the design, the colors, the pattern!


Did I mention I NEED this dress!!

PAC said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow!! You are soo talented!! This is absolutely stunning!!

Amy said... Best Blogger Tips

I am in love with this dress (and the farm one, so bummed I missed that give-away). You are amazing. I am so glad I found your blog!
I love to sew and recently had a baby girl. I have been busy making little dresses for her, but nothing like what you are able to do. THanks for sharing!

I left a link on my blog so all my other mommy friends can check you out!

Elisa said... Best Blogger Tips

Holy Cannoli Batman! That dress is adorable!

Oh might Contest Gods-- Pick me please!!

I have no idea how I found you, but I will be checking back often-- you have talent!

Jodi Durow said... Best Blogger Tips

I've totally missed the deadline but I just HAVE to say that I love your work! Such cute, adorable clothes!

Art Nest said... Best Blogger Tips

Um, Little Bella would look so cute in make me want to dump my sewing machine in the a good way!

Jennifer said... Best Blogger Tips

Totally gorgeous! I love the combo of black and white w/ the green accents.

Hope you're feeling better soon!

Robin said... Best Blogger Tips

So fab! I need it for my little Parker! Her 4th birthday is in less than 2 weeks!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

So beautiful... and would look fabulous on my hazel-eyed beauty!

Kritta22 said... Best Blogger Tips

I want one for myself!
Sorry to hear about the Bornchitis..yuck!
Your dresses are wonderful. Stopping by from Barbies, Bottles and Boys

Salsa Mama said... Best Blogger Tips

CUTE!! I love it! You are very talented. Here's hoping I win... :)

Bree said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this! you do incredible work!

Angela said... Best Blogger Tips

LOVE LOVE LOVE This dress!!! TOO Cute!!

lindsey marcella said... Best Blogger Tips

adorable dress! i am a little sad that i could only enter if i have a blogger blog. i created one just to use the link - i'm a typepad blogger myself!

{It's a family affair} said... Best Blogger Tips

what an absolutely fabulous dress! You are too talented!! My little lady "needs" this!! Count me in!!

Meg said... Best Blogger Tips

I just found your blog today. I LOVE it. I think you are amazing! I don't know if it is too late for the contest but I put the thing on my blog anyway. I know a lot of my friends would love to see your blog.
This dress is stunning. I just think it is amazing. Where do you find the time and energy.
I am a stay at home mommy with a Lily of my own. You are truly amazing. Thanks for sharing.

bec said... Best Blogger Tips

wow! how cute is that dress! i am really impressed that you are giving it away. very nice of you ;) my little girl would look stylin' in it

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is just delightfullly fun! I think you are fabulously creative with your use of color, pattern and design!

I would love to win this for my little one. She loves to wear a different frock every day, if not several a day! She is always changing them...

I wish you a quick recovery! How horrible to be so sick.
~Emily in Norway

Sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

I just found you and I love this dress!

Emily Call said... Best Blogger Tips

This is so adorable... I love the polka dots and that color of green is currently my favorite color. I have two little girls that would look so cute in that darling dress. I am adding a link to my blog.

Holly Jones said... Best Blogger Tips

This is by far the cutest dress ever! Where can I buy one for my daughter if I don't win? Soooo Adorable!

brandy said... Best Blogger Tips

i love the dots
i have two beautiful little girls this would be perfect for

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

That is such a beautiful dress! I love the colors and those big beautiful dots.

Stephanie said... Best Blogger Tips

Adorable! Love the polkadots!

Andrea said... Best Blogger Tips

AHHHHHH! I heart this dress with all my being! Heck, I want one for myself :)

S. said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh My StinK! This is the most adorable dress! Luv the Dots, Luv the green with it! ooh, I luv it! My little Sophie would look stunning in it! Pick Us!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

The dress is sooo lovely!!! I hope you feel better, bronchitis is miserable I used to get it every winter. I moved about 6 tears ago and haven't had it since. (must be some connection there)

Holly said... Best Blogger Tips

GORGEOUS. I would feel like I'd died and gone to heaven if I won!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

This is my first time on your blog. I can't believe you can PART with the things you make! Won't your little one get upset when this dress is gone? Mine would be torn to pieces! But if your little one must suffer for the pleasure of another, maybe it will be my dd. Gorgeous dress.

Wendy said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh. my. goodness!
That is the most gorgeous dress I've seen in a while! Um... I have a 3-year-old who would adore it... please?!?!

Jami said... Best Blogger Tips

I am not suprised at your great responses on you blog- you are very talented and I LOVE your designs and creations!!! Hopefully I will win won of your giveaways- I have 2 girls age 2 and 4 that would both look ADORABLE in this!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

GORGEOUS!! The work you do is amazing. My only regret is not finding this site sooner! I hope one day soon you decide to sell these beautiful creations. WONDERFUL!

Tracy said... Best Blogger Tips

I absolutely love this dress! You are so creative! I really hope to win this dress for my three year-old's birthday next month. I posted about your giveaway at

The DO said... Best Blogger Tips

Ah, you know I had to blog this sweet dress! Your dresses are to die for, I can't help myself! And the fact that I have a four year old little girl that LOOOOVES dresses? Kismet, I tell ya!

Lisa said... Best Blogger Tips

Hope you're feeling better soon!

I posted about your giveaway here:

Off to explore the rest of your blog now, you have some beautiful stuff!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE polka dots, & this is simply drop dead gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!! It looks like something out of a $$$ catalog!

Its so sophisticated & grown up but still totally prefect for a little girl!!!!!!

You ROCK!!!

Katrina said... Best Blogger Tips

I hope it isn't too late. i love the dress

kraftykym said... Best Blogger Tips

You are awesome! I am a 31 year old mom with a 5 year old little girl (and a 3 year old little boy). I admire your work and photography. I look at your blog several times a week.

I love your passion and eye for good design.

the mama monster said... Best Blogger Tips

lovely, creative, amazing! you are so great!!

Astrid said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is amazing! My 3-year old would be absolutely flying if she wore it! I'll keep my fingers crossed! :)

Hope you feel better!

Gina said... Best Blogger Tips

That is a delicious dress. It seems to me to be the perfect Sunday picnic dress.

I hope that you get well and get the specialist you need.

Brooke said... Best Blogger Tips

It's so girly, I LOVE it!! My baby girl would look beautiful in it!! Your work is awesome!!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

yes - that really is very pretty and reminds me so much of a dress I had when I was little.... what a great way to boost traffic!!

I am sure my Empress would love FABBY in that Dotty #!

Mom to EFP & EBB

nora lee said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh man that is super cute!!! I love it. I never win anything, but I just had to say that it is totally adorable and my little girly-girl would LOVE to wear it.

AZ HS Spotlight said... Best Blogger Tips

What an adorable dress! I love the colors!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

You are such an inspiration! I just happened upon your blog, and as someone who is just starting to sew, you are a great role model! My kiddo is 3, and she would rock in this dress!

Mrs. McDaniel said... Best Blogger Tips

OH MY GOSH!!! You ROCK girl! I've found your blog through another but I'm SEW loving the dress!

My little princess would love it! TFS!!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Okay...first time on your site and I am floored at the beautiful creations you make. I really wish I could sew...

ABout the polka dot dress...I have the cutest girl to model and wear pick us pick us!!!

Leanne said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, wow, wow! I am a new mom and also new to the sewing world. That dress is truly inspiring. I hope that someday I am that good.

green girl said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the "grown-up" girly look it has. It is totally stylish!!! And the black and white with the green accent is awesome.

Samantha said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow. I love that dress... and have already determined that if I do not win it, I will have to make it! :) Beautiful work!!

Jarom and Amy said... Best Blogger Tips

That is soooooo adorable! You have inspired me to learn how to sew!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Nah, it's too sophisticated a look for a child to wear. I don't like it and would not put my dtr in that. Sorry.

Smith Family said... Best Blogger Tips

That is the most adorable dress i have ever seen. Its amazing what you can find in those Mom and Pop stores. You have such a talent, well done.

Superdumb Supervillain said... Best Blogger Tips

Okay, I am hooked. Where can the losers (non-winners?) get some Grosgrain?

Lacey in the Sky said... Best Blogger Tips

WOW - I just stumbled upon your blog and you do such beautiful work! I don't even know you and am proud for you with all of these comments! I'd add you even if there were no possible prize!

Krista said... Best Blogger Tips

so pretty! it would be great for picture taking!

Tanya Leigh said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow. My daughter would be in HEAVEN with this perfectly "spinnable" dress! She's 3, and ALL GIRL! (You are amazing!)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this dress it is just way too cute. I love the way you have photographed it too.

ya ya's mom said... Best Blogger Tips

oh pick me! pick me! pick me! my shorty mcshort would be sooooooo adorable in this beauty you've created!!!

Kyla Beth Hornberger said... Best Blogger Tips

I feel lucky just to have seen a picture of such an adorable dress - you have amazing talent.I just added your blog to my fav list!!!

windycindy said... Best Blogger Tips

Hello, My first experiment with sewing was in High School Home Ec.!
We were sewing a simple skirt with dart. I had sewn one of my darts inside out. I swear I spent a week tearing out that dart. I can't even sew a button on very well. Your
"Social Frock" is too adorable. Please enter my name in your delightful giveaway drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Okay, I know I'd never win this so would you consider doing a pattern? PLEASE!!! Those pleats in the skirt are just perfection. SO FLIPPIN CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!

Marci said... Best Blogger Tips

This is simply beautiful. Thank you for being so generous and offering your talents around the nation!

Caitlin said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my, that dress is SO adorable! So is your little model. I posted about it. :)

Caitlin said... Best Blogger Tips

So ya know, I posted on both my blogs. It's too cute, I had to make sure everybody saw it. So you can count me once or twice or whatev, it's up to you. ;)

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

OH. MY. GOSH! This dress is amazing, I can't believe you are giving it away. You should definitely consider a pattern!

Meichelle said... Best Blogger Tips

I love love love this dress. It is gorgeous. I have an almost 2 year old that would look amazing in it. With 162 comments, i doubt I will win, but I would definetly think about buying one.. You should at least make a pattern!!

Nik said... Best Blogger Tips

I wish I could sew if it would mean I could make adorable outfits like that for my kiddos. I'm new to your blog, and I'm sad I've missed so many giveaways! I'll be back...

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Darling! My niece would look posh in it!

Sylvia C.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Simply AMAZING! Can you make one in mama size too?? Baby Girl would be polka-dotting all around town in this... and when she grew out of it, I'd have a doll made to wear it and decorate to match :) It's just too sweet!
Hope you can capture my blog post:

Thanks for your inspiration,

emh said... Best Blogger Tips

oh, please, please, pleeeeeeeeeezzzzz pick me, pick me pick me! i have two little girls that would just be so absolutely to DIE for in this dress! you really should start your own clothing line--you're amazing!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Is it too late to enter? What a gorgeous dress! Sorry you've been sick.

Melynda@Scratch Made Food! said... Best Blogger Tips

What a cute dress! Our granddaughter would look like the princess she is, in that dress! Your handiwork is wonderful.

Maggie said... Best Blogger Tips

I love love love that dress. I would pay BIG bucks for my little girl to have it!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

How absolutely divine! You are very talented! I realize your contest is over, but I'll be back to look around and just wanted you to know I love it!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, that is gorgeous. I wish I knew how to sew something, anything, but this!

Sydney said... Best Blogger Tips

Makes me want to run a few extra miles so that I could magically shrink to fit into it! Absolutely stunning!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

This is so gorgeous! My goodness; you could be a big name fancy shmancy designer sweetie!
so tres chic!

Rochelle Barlow said... Best Blogger Tips

I can't believe this beautiful dress! At first I thought, wow, I love that polka dot material, but then that bow, and then the matching hair bows! If only I could wear this dress, I know I'd be the happiest person ever! I love the combination of the fabrics and love love love the pleats! Teach me!

The Mitchell's said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, what a fabulous dress, I want it for myself not for my three year old!

The Blaisdell Family said... Best Blogger Tips

HOLY MOLY! This is the cutest dress I have ever seen. I LOVE the big green bow!!

Jenn said... Best Blogger Tips

What an amazing dress. You are so talented. I am glad I just ran across your blog I will be checking back often.

Leisel said... Best Blogger Tips

I just came across your site through TipJunkie and LOVE your work! You are one talented gal. This dress is absolutely adorable. How do you do it??!!!

Kristi said... Best Blogger Tips

wowsa, love it. such a great dress. you have talent!

Karen said... Best Blogger Tips

My little one Piper
She still wears a diaper
but one day she'll wear a dress

And when that day comes
when all's said and done
without your dress she'll be a mess

Mason and Terri's Mom said... Best Blogger Tips

This is my first time to your site and I'm in fabric/fashion LOVE!

Ohhhh my! SO PRECIOUS!!! the lit'l dress under this post...OOOHHH MY!!

I am the co-founder of a review blog and if you ever need a review just let me know!~ It would be my pleasure!

The site is Simple-Reviews[dot]blogspot[dot]com

My email is MooreMommy[at]gmail[dot]com


~Cheryl said... Best Blogger Tips

Omgosh what an ADORABLE dress!!! New to your site and I'm going to check out a bit more!!!

Parry's said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi. I really really really need this dress for my little girl for a paegent she is entering. I want to buy it is that even possible? please let me know.. Thanks Amber or

Melissa said... Best Blogger Tips

This is the cutest dress i've EVER seen. Just adorable.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE LOVE LOVE sewing blogs and I love giveways even more. This dress is simply fabulous!!! Gorgeous! I would love to win this!! Simply beautiful!!

Sam said... Best Blogger Tips

This is BEA-utiful!!! Would be perfect for my little lady to wear on her upcoming birthday!!!

Alecia Watson Bahna said... Best Blogger Tips

PLEASE give me an instructional on how to make your bow/sash look so perfect!

Dotty said... Best Blogger Tips

What a beautiful dress. You have an amazing blog, and your so genrous to give your hand made clothes away.
Truly amazing!!
I' going to be trawling all the way through your older posts, your so inspiring!

Margarita Bloom said... Best Blogger Tips

Good Lord, that is sooooooo cute!!!!! I wish I had one in my size!! :) What a wonderful blog you have here! I just had to add it to my blog list of fabulous places to visit.

Man, I wish I could wear some of the goodies that you give away...they're so adorable and stylish. :) You've got a wonderful talent and it's so amazing that you actually give these away for free...KUDOS!

Christy said... Best Blogger Tips

I agree! I would SO wear a dress like this. It wouldn't look nearly as cute, but I love everything about it.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I don't know if you ever go BACK to look at comments on your posts, but I just found your blog, and HAD to go back to the beginning. First let me tell you how IMPRESSED I am by your complete GENEROUSITY! and CREATIVITY! and . . . I don't know I'm speechless here. Most people in your place would want AT LEAST the postage to be paid. And You're going to send things to people in other countries to boot?!?

Although I've been sewing myself probably longer than you've been ALIVE!!!, I love your fearless attitude. Know that I would love to "win" one of your garments, but I no longer have a child small enough to wear any of them anyways. But I DO have one question since I don't have a blog myself, how does one (or doesn't one?) have a chance if they don't have a blog themselves?
Perhaps that was you intention, but I've got to think there are a lot of young moms out there that don't have blogs.
I initially "found" you blog before church this morning, and I couldn't help thinking of you thru out the service. You are definitely "paying it forward". God Bless you!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

oohh ik like tis dress
do you have a pattern of it ?

Janice said... Best Blogger Tips

i love it!! polka dots are back

engelsigh said... Best Blogger Tips

That is one of the prettiest dresses I have ever seen. It's gorgeous!

I wish I could so that well.

udit said... Best Blogger Tips

cute clothes. I like it.

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