July 21, 2008

I'll be starting a new 'Grosgrain' giveaway this afternoon. But in the meantime I have another awesome giveaway courtesy of ScribbleIt.
Just what *is* Scribble It? It's vinyl lettering and wall art for your home, your business, your vehicle....your life. The winner will receive a $20 gift certificate to use on their online store here: ScribbleIt

And it's going to be a difficult decision for the winner because they have all sorts of adorable art and lettering for your child's room, living room, bedroom.....whatever. I'd recommend that you check out their 'wall art' section. Just adorable and easy to apply....and remove.

To enter the contest just make a comment ON THIS POST by Thursday night 7/24/08. One entry per person please. Winner to be chosen randomly and announced Friday morning! Good Luck!

190 {comments}:

The Hartle's said... Best Blogger Tips

Yay! I love the vinyl stickers... they would be perfect for my new litte one! Pick us!

Artfulife said... Best Blogger Tips

How fun! The owl is just too cute!

Shannon said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh dear! I desperately need something in my bathroom...I wonder how they would handle with steam?

{It's a family affair} said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this for my kiddos playroom.... count me in!

bethany said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these-I know for sure I'd get the "No Soliciting" but there are so many other awesome choices, it would take me awhile to figure out how to spend the rest!! Thanks!

Brooke said... Best Blogger Tips

I love that they make those so easy to put on and take off and there are such awesome designs!! I love it!!

Lisa Johnson said... Best Blogger Tips

Where do so many people come up with such talent when some of us have none? WOW! SO CUTE!!!

TinaJewel said... Best Blogger Tips

That is so neat to have these art sticker things! I love them!

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said... Best Blogger Tips

That is so cute and amazing!! I love that! What a fun way to decorate!

Our Family said... Best Blogger Tips

I love viyle lettering!
I would love to win!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

This would be perfect for my daughters room and apartment in general since painting is NOT an option!

Natasha said... Best Blogger Tips

What fun designs! I would love to get my hands on some of those.

Natalie Jane said... Best Blogger Tips

NO WAY! I have been obsessing over ScribbleIt forever. Please random computer program...choose me!

The Jackson Family said... Best Blogger Tips

I love vinyl art!! It is not only easy but adorable at the same time!! Great giveaway, thanks:)

Holly said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love this for my daughters bedroom! Thanks!!

Carrie said... Best Blogger Tips

Very cute! I know just what I'd do.....

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

seriously love vinyl stickers. my house is almost done and these would be so fabulous for it!!!

Marlene McGarrity said... Best Blogger Tips

I'd love to win and get an owl for my classroom.

Kristen said... Best Blogger Tips

Ooh, I love the wall art stickers! :)

Zoë said... Best Blogger Tips

I am in. Thanks

domi2.5 said... Best Blogger Tips

Ooooo, LOVE those. Pick me, pick me!

Katie said... Best Blogger Tips

Love that owl!

The Halyburtons said... Best Blogger Tips

This is so neat. What a great idea. I have a perfect spot in my living room that needs a bit of a face lift. I hope you pick me!! So do my walls!

Mollye said... Best Blogger Tips

Please?! & Thank you!

Refugee Crafter said... Best Blogger Tips

How adorable! I'm crossing my fingers!

Preppy Mama said... Best Blogger Tips

I have always wanted to try something like this in my bedroom. Enter me please!

The P*dunc's said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these things! What a great way to customize your home!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi hi :o) I wanted to enter the giveaway...woooohooooo :o) I hope you had a lovely weekend, and that your Monday is fun, too.

Angie said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are so awesome! I have been looking for something for my office or little girl's room!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Spunky! Some of those would be way fun :)

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said... Best Blogger Tips

Ok, I love this giveaway, but can I say something?

I MISS YOUR DRESSES :) I just have to say that... in fact, my friends are now teasing me for not winning the Ice Cream social dress (I really really wanted that, so now they make little mean comments like. "Oh... if you went and got me a drink you would have won the dress" /glare. I need new friends :) ) (in Italian) would be the one I would like. As much as my ex frusterates me, I'd love to decorate something with this on it. He's Italian and if I could put our daughters photos on it, he'd be so happy!

Superdumb Supervillain said... Best Blogger Tips

love the vintage oval frame!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi, I just recently discovered your blog and loooooove it. The dresses are absolutely adorable - you are so incredibly talented, and I'm loving this wall art! I hope I win! But if not, you've got a new fan for sure!

Figgy and The Professor said... Best Blogger Tips

Yay! Are you kidding?!?! I was just talking about this last week because we're redoing the twins' room and I'm loading up on these in a jungle theme. Pick us, pick us!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

The vinyl wall art flowers would be gorgeous in my little girls room!

torinem said... Best Blogger Tips

Their stuff is so amazingly awesome! Love it!

sprinklesbowtique said... Best Blogger Tips

OOOOO LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Can't wait till friday!

lindzandrob said... Best Blogger Tips

These are so cute! I definitely need something like this for my house!

Crystal said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the vinyl art! I really, really would like to win!

Meichelle said... Best Blogger Tips

Love it!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Big money... no whammies! I love your work, by the way. You've inspired me to pick up sewing again.

Mom2my10 @ 11th Heaven said... Best Blogger Tips

I'd love to have the ScribbleIt! Thanks again for this contest. You are so fun!

laura said... Best Blogger Tips

love the vinyl wall art-so fun!

Lauri said... Best Blogger Tips

The vinyl art is beautiful - such a refreshing change from just the lettering.
THanks for offering the giveaway!

Marsel said... Best Blogger Tips

Fun -- I'd love to try it out!

Judy said... Best Blogger Tips

Have you seen the ones made of chalkboard-type material so kids can WRITE on them? How cool are those?

thanks for a great giveaway!

mary plus vince said... Best Blogger Tips

oh, i love i love!!

Lisa said... Best Blogger Tips

I covet these. I go look at them all the time but never splurge. I'd love to win.

Jess said... Best Blogger Tips

I really like their vintage wall art, especially the dress forms. I would love to get those for my studio! Thanks for a great giveaway.

Loraena Tuttle said... Best Blogger Tips

cool giveaway - their stuff is so pretty.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Fun! Pick me!

BTW, I love your blog & designs, you're very creative! =)

Jess said... Best Blogger Tips

Count me in! What a fun giveaway!

Christina said... Best Blogger Tips

How neat!!! And how generous of ScribbleIt! I love their products, fabulous patterns!

Sherry said... Best Blogger Tips

Cool! I would love to add some to my walls along with my "scribbles" from my 2 year old!!

Thanks for doing another great giveaway!

BBC said... Best Blogger Tips

ooo! I so need this! We're renting right now and since we can't paint our walls, they are an incredibly plain and boring white!

Rebecca Ramsey said... Best Blogger Tips

Ooh! I love this!
Please enter me!

AmyDe said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are wonderful. I am decorating "Challenged" (OK I'm a total dork about it and 11 years later in our house i still feels like we haven't really moved in) so those stickers are a perfect solution. Thanks for the opportunity!

Beth H said... Best Blogger Tips

oh, I saw one of these in my midwife's office and fell in love with it. Would love to get a little gift certificate to make one happen in my house!

Girl Land said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm addicted to the vinyl wall art. Loves! Thanks for the opportunity. xo

Tonya Staab said... Best Blogger Tips

OMG I almost bought a gorgeous design for my son's bedroom wall the other day but something made me hold off. Could it be winning this? I hope so.

Lene said... Best Blogger Tips

Too cute.
I just recently found your blog. Your give-aways are amazing!

Aubrey said... Best Blogger Tips

I have a huge wall in my bedroom and nothing to put there. I've looked at vinyl stickers before, but nothing like this! I love the patterns!

Michelle said... Best Blogger Tips

These are so very cool - thank you for sharing the link & this wonderful blog candy.

I love that owl!

Bree said... Best Blogger Tips

What an awesome giveaway, thanks! I love the vinyl lettering and have always wanted to buy something! So many choices!!!

Kristi said... Best Blogger Tips

I am soooo in love with these. I love them! And I LOVE your blog...I just found it and it's my favorite!!!

Kiley said... Best Blogger Tips

soooo cute!!!! count me in please!!!!

Chris said... Best Blogger Tips

I think you should know that I really need that gift certificate. Does that make me win? I'll keep my fingers crossed!

Dawn Elizableth said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow that stuff is amazing and really big too!

green girl said... Best Blogger Tips

How cool! I just moved into a new place and would love to be able to make it a little more stylish. :)

Michelle said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh how fun is that?!?! Always looking for more ways to decorate!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Amazingly cute designs! I love the flowers on a branch design. doot65 at comcast dot net Elizabeth

Kari said... Best Blogger Tips

The butterfly would go over big with my daughter.

Sara Christine said... Best Blogger Tips

I've been looking for the perfect vinyl decal to decorate my bland white cubicle at work! These are gorgeous! Great giveaway. :)

None said... Best Blogger Tips

LOVE these!!!! Please pick me!!! :)

Stephanie said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! A lot of people really want to win this give away (myself included). :)

Providence Handmade said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, I have their adorable metal name sign hanging on my front door! There are pics on my blog. My mom and MIL both want one - I could spend it very quickly!

Megan said... Best Blogger Tips

Looks like my kind of decorating: easy and changeable! LOL! :)

jOi-C said... Best Blogger Tips

over here over here!!! i love their wall art!

Christina Joy said... Best Blogger Tips

Today is the first time I've visited your lovely page, and I'm digging all the giveaways! A wall applique would look oh-so-cute in our upcoming baby's new bedroom...

Dana said... Best Blogger Tips

wow. What a great idea. Thanks for sharing the link. I have my fingers crossed for the giveaway!

meg said... Best Blogger Tips

put my name in the hat!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

those are absolutely lovely.

Amy Eagleston said... Best Blogger Tips

pick me, pick me

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the lettering. I think these are so nice for a quiet little reading corner.

Thank you for this giveaway. You just have all kinds of surprises!

Maggie said... Best Blogger Tips

This would look great in my new apartment. Best of luck with the giveaway.

Jodi Jean said... Best Blogger Tips

oh my goodness i LOVE their designs. SOOO dang cute!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Those look fantastic! I'm glad to have found your site :).

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Vinyl stick-ons are the best! And my windows could use a little flair :) Thanks for thinking of us!

Selina said... Best Blogger Tips

How funky! Thanks so much!

sewtakeahike said... Best Blogger Tips

Cool stuff! Thank-you for doing this giveaway!
btw, check out my blog, I'm doing a giveaway and maybe you'll win one, you've certainly done your share of giving!

Kellie H said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow more stuff!!! This is a perfect idea!! Can't wait to see more of your creations tho
Thanks for the chance to win =)

Caitlin said... Best Blogger Tips

So pretty and fun!

Sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

Ooooh fun! I would LOVE to win!

heidijogoody said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh I hope I win I never win anything!! But I do love vinyl so I'll give it a try :)

Angela said... Best Blogger Tips

I need something to cover my walls that doesn't leave unsightly nail holes. Yeah!

HilLesha O'Nan said... Best Blogger Tips


Nicole said... Best Blogger Tips

Very cute! I'm in too :)

Jennifer said... Best Blogger Tips

I think this a great, quick & easy decorating idea. I'd love to win! Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I'd love to win!

Things I May Regret Writing said... Best Blogger Tips

Too cute! Tossing my hat in the ring.

Kyla Beth Hornberger said... Best Blogger Tips

The designs are just too cute. Love em'.

Olsen Family said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh yes! I want to win, please!!!
LOVE this stuff! Thanks for the chance to win!

Michelle said... Best Blogger Tips

I love that stuff! Please count me in!

Tracy said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to win this and be able to get another room in my house decorated. Very cute and easy to do.

Art Nest said... Best Blogger Tips

Of course I'm interested in this giveaway! Thanks for adding me as one of your links! Take care!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

We are redoing our office and these would be perfect! What a great invention.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these! How fun for my little girls room!

Tiffany said... Best Blogger Tips

Oooooooo! I would LOVE to win! I hope it's me! hee hee

Herbal Tonya here said... Best Blogger Tips

these look great.....the owl is especially too cute

Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips

How cute are these!!??!!!

Bunny B said... Best Blogger Tips

I wanna win, please! Thank you for the chance :)
bunnybox9 at gmail . com

Jen D. said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these! They are perfect decor for a kids room or any room.

STEPHANIE said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh so cute! pick me! pick me!

Belinda said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these! My fave quote for today from their site is: 'All you need is faith and trust and a little pixie dust':)

Tamara Mitchell said... Best Blogger Tips

How fun! I love this idea. We are in the midst of decorating our new home and this idea is PERFECT for my 11 year old son's room where we are doing a Skater/industrial themed room.

Kayce said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the owl! Count me in!

Heidi Zawisza said... Best Blogger Tips

Yay! Count me in! How cool!

5dollarFanatic said... Best Blogger Tips

I've seen the lettering before, but the pictures are so neat, I love it. What an awesome and easy way to create a great wall!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Im new to your site,these look fab,i need something to cheer up my boring plain walls.
hope i win!!!!

Lorraine uk

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

How awesome, perfect for rental properties, have considered many items for bubs room, but being a renter, vetoed em all.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

COOL!! I want some! Love your blog.

Delighted Hands said... Best Blogger Tips

I have never seen so many eager vinyl enthusiasts! I would use it for my son's new apt.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Sounds like a lot of fun!!!

Rita Andrews said... Best Blogger Tips

too sweet. I love them in my girls room.


BILL said... Best Blogger Tips

We have been looking for something to put on our only undecorated wall in the living room and now we have a great site to browse from. Thanks.

ellie said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow. These are so lovely. Those little blossoms are perfect. This way I could have fun decoration our new house, and not have to worry about the paint.
(PS - we haven't bought our new house yet, but will soon!!).
Thanks for the giveaway.

I love the train-dress from your last post. And the styling is excellent.

Our Crazy Family said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this type of stuff because That is the only way for me to decorate an apartment that you can't paint!

I just wanted to say how darling the train dress you are giving away is.

Sharon said... Best Blogger Tips

wow, these are awesome... such a great idea! i hope i win!! but 127 comments? you have a ton of friends:)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the owl!!!

angie said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh i am in LOVE! I hope i win!

Rebecca said... Best Blogger Tips

that ScribbleIt looks really cute.

Gordostyle said... Best Blogger Tips

OOooohhhh.... I love vinyl wall art! Please count me in! Thanks!


happyfamily said... Best Blogger Tips

This is my type of art! Being an apartment dweller with a husband who is a stickler for painting "rules", I love this alternative.

Beki - TheRustedChain said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh I LOOOOVE these! I want them so bad!

chel wakley said... Best Blogger Tips

I seriously love your blog, I can't wait til I have kids so I can use all the ideas that you have inspired. My husband and I just got our first home and this would be perfect.

Wendy said... Best Blogger Tips

please. please. pretty please.

Blake Bench said... Best Blogger Tips

I so hope you choose me! I had lettering around my baby girl's room and then we had to move right before she was born and our renter's tore it all down! WE haven't been able to duplicate it yet and her room is pretty bare.

Zoe said... Best Blogger Tips

Okay, I have been lurking around your blog for a while . . . drooling over all of your creations! But alas, I don't have a girl (three boys) so I never posted. Even though now, saying that, I probably should have posted just to tell you how much I love your talent! But now, with these cute cute wall decals, I must post!! :) Love your blog. :)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

love this look cant wait to check out the site!

Nicole said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, the floral one above the white couch is gorgeous!

Tracey said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great idea!! It would be awesome to have your family's last name in letters, huh? Great give away! Good luck everyone!

Andrea Hamilton said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to win the flowers for my bedroom...My little one bedroom apartment could use a little spice!

Susan said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, these decals are so lovely! Cross my fingers, hope I win!

Megan @ Megity's Handmade said... Best Blogger Tips

Vinyl is so huge here, but I never see anything cool like these. This would be too much fun to get!

Artsiegirl said... Best Blogger Tips living room is in desperate need of a little sprucing up! I just spotted these earlier today and then saw them as a giveaway on your blog! How cool!

Lyssa Beth said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this stuff! Wall Art is the best! My living room is dying for this right now!

~Kim said... Best Blogger Tips

I love Scribble It! I have ordered a few things from her and love every bit of it!!

Just found your blog...LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!


Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

These would be great in my kids' playroom!

Michele P. said... Best Blogger Tips

how cute! Love the designs they have and love the fact that you can put it up so easy and give your room a whole different look!

natalie said... Best Blogger Tips

I've been eyeing this website for awhile. I love it all.

lorieloo said... Best Blogger Tips

eeek! I've always wanted one of those!=)

Kritta22 said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh I'd totally have to spend an afternoon picking which one we would pick us!! We'd love it

Kathryn said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh how I love those vinyl stickers.
They are so neat!! Would love to have some in my house.
The designs are fantastic!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I have never seen these before. Thanks for the giveaway!

Monica said... Best Blogger Tips

OMG I just found your Blog and I am in HEAVEN!!!
Your outfits are complelt Amazing! I have 2 girls agaes 4 and 5!
We juyst moved and have been thinking of what to decorate our room in. These vinyl stickers would be awsome for the "VERY WHITE" walls we have now! LoL

Have a Blessed day!

fairychildheirlooms said... Best Blogger Tips

hello fellow "big list of sewing blogs"! your creative talents are truly an insperation! You are a great seamstress and photographer. What kind of camera do you use? Anyway, LOVE the vinyl stickers.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the flower decals!

We blogged about it too!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

How ridiculously cool!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I love vinyl wall art, and Scribble It has some of the cutest I have ever seen. Keep up the good work!

Betsy said... Best Blogger Tips

Just found your site! These are great!

Stephanie said... Best Blogger Tips

I love vinyl stickers and already have a few sayings I would want done. I have them all over my home and love to decorate with them. These make for great easy cute and trendy decorating you have to love them. So easy and affordable! LOVE IT!

zandersquad said... Best Blogger Tips

just saw these in a mommies magazine. So stinkin cute! Great for our play room too. I'll have to look into these!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Who knew vinyl stickers could be so stinkin' cute?! Count me in!

Sondra said... Best Blogger Tips

These are so cool. Love it!!! Definitely a great giveaway!

Kitty said... Best Blogger Tips

Love this.

jan said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi- Just discovered your blog. How fun you are and giveaways too. Their designs are great.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

What a brilliant idea! My walls could use some fun "art". Thanks for the entry!

Heather said... Best Blogger Tips

zzOkay...LOVE!!!! Count me in!

Liz said... Best Blogger Tips

These are awesome!

Michelle said... Best Blogger Tips

So cool! Pick me! I would love to dress up my walls with these stickers!

tsslug said... Best Blogger Tips

Cool stickers. Please include me

Scott and Elly said... Best Blogger Tips

what a fun way to personalize your any room in your home:) love it!

Yogihan said... Best Blogger Tips

I just love the welcome sign, but myabe I prefer the owl? Oh I don't know, I just can't choose. I do know I have plenty of bare walls to fill! x

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I've always loved these vinyl stickers...thanks for the link to Scribble it!

sockiepuppetsmom said... Best Blogger Tips

What a neat store, tfs! I love the safari shorts, I wish my girls were still small enough to wear your clothes! I love the thought of sewing but I'm not very good at it yet. Love your blog inspiring:)

Tasha Early said... Best Blogger Tips

AH! Scribbleit!! I haven't put up the last stuff I ordered from her, but I'd LOVE to win!!

Sharla said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute! I just found your site, you really are quite talented. Winning things makes your site even more enjoyable :)

Heidi said... Best Blogger Tips

These are awesome! Heidi

Always, Amy said... Best Blogger Tips

Ohh, pick me, I am moving into my new house next week and it would be a great addition! Thanks!!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

The vinyl stickers at scribble it are simply adorable!

Barb/Mom/Grandma Barbie said... Best Blogger Tips

How fun! love it, pick me =)

Rochelle Barlow said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this! We were given a plaque with our last name on it and I just love it! I would love to have more things for our walls! I love the wall art and especially love the vintage art! The silverware, dress forms, and owl are my favorite!

Kim said... Best Blogger Tips

pick me, pick me! :)

Ashton and John's mom said... Best Blogger Tips

number 184? Unbelievable!!

Sami Volcansek said... Best Blogger Tips

I was just telling my roommates last night that we needed these! Perfect!

brittany said... Best Blogger Tips

i am a huge fan of vinyl stickers!

The Pin-Head Post said... Best Blogger Tips

Ooooh! Those are super fun! Our apartment could definitely use some excitement of that sort :D

Jodie said... Best Blogger Tips

Fancy! I hope I win!

Jana said... Best Blogger Tips

Really great! A friend has one coming and I am excited to see it and want one now too! :)

Joy said... Best Blogger Tips

I love it, they will look wonderful in our new house!

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