A New Passion

March 8, 2008

I have found a new passion. Since the onset of my daughter's ballet class I have gone gah-gah for tutus. So I attempted a pattern I came across while looking for Halloween costumes, Butterick pattern 6660 (the little girl on the left):

This is how it came out:

I have to say that I'm pleased by the result but admit that it does have room for improvement. I can't wait to make another one and perfect the design.
On another tutu note, I found a etsy shop after my own heart: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5359559
Here is an example of her work:
I fell in love at first click. It's like cotton candy for the eyes! I spoke with the woman behind these fabulous pieces and much to my delight she liked my work as well! So we have agreed to make a trade. I hope I'm up for the task. I will post my final result.

2 {comments}:

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, the pink petal tutu is lovely!

Fairy Cute said... Best Blogger Tips

I could just DIE from the gorgeousness!! I hope mine turn out halfway as divine as yours!

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