Daily Fav. Comment

February 3, 2008

Blogger Rochelle Barlow of From Shelly's Belly said...

i love the picture where she has wrapped the paper dolls around her dress - it definitely looks like it was made to be there! I love your newest dress (surprise surprise) and would love to win it (duh)! Those hairclips are adorable as well!

2 {comments}:

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Love your dress. I just wanted to leave you a message on Xlear nasal spray. It has helped me sooooo much and hope it can do the same for you with your bronchitits.
It is all natural and DRUG FREE.

I don't work for them but I should I have told so many people about this stuff.

Hope it help you like it has me.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi I'm new to your blog, followed a link off Alsorts where I saw the most beautiful and cutest dress. I hope you don't mind me leaving a comment, I most definatly will be taking a peep with yours. Feel free to peek at mine.

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