Sunday, November 2nd, 2008

So often I'm taking photos of Lily in some themed scenario that I sometimes forget to take the everyday shots. I took this while zipping up her coat in the park. I thought it was a beautiful photograph of her. Mental note: take more casual shots of family!
Saturday, October 25th, 2008
A Few of my Favorite Things

Every year I become so involved in what I'm going to give my friends and family for Christmas (not to mention how I'm going to afford it) that when asked what 'I' want I can't do anything but draw a blank. NOT this year! Here are a few of my favorite things that I've been drooling over lately....yes that includes a hand vac (with kids under 4 you'd drool over a hand vac too). Hopefully someone in my family will take the hint;) Click on image to be directed to description.
Wednesday, October 6th, 2008
Maize Maze

Last Saturday night we drove down to Amish Country and visited Cherry Crest Adventure Farms. It boasts a 5 acre maize maze. We tried it at night but had to leave early because Molly wasn't enjoying herself very much. Though leaving the maize maze proved harder than we anticipated, you can see Molly's frustration if you click the right photo. Perhaps next weekend, perhaps during the day.
Wednesday, October 6th, 2008
Pumpkin Pickin'
Wednesday, October 6th, 2008

I'm always looking for new music. The songs on the 'regular' radio suck! Really....suck. Brian had purchased XM radio for me last Christmas and it has been a godsend. To me, it's definitely worth the $12 a month. I recently discovered an artist with a great sound. Reminiscent of ELO. You might have heard of him, a couple of his songs were featured on the 'Little Miss Sunshine' album. Sufjan Stevens. Right now, go to iTunes, uTorrent, whatever and download 'For the Windows in Paradise, for the fatherless in Ypsilanti'. Ethereal.
And if you have any good songs that you think I might like PLEASE leave me a comment and let me know. A new great song can sometimes get me through a rough day!
And if you have any good songs that you think I might like PLEASE leave me a comment and let me know. A new great song can sometimes get me through a rough day!
Wednesday, October 1st, 2008
And now I know what 'bullpen' means....

Last Saturday Brian, me, his sister and her boyfriend attended a Phillies game. It was a very 'iffy'' day. First of all it POURED on our drive over. So the weather was a big 'if'. All you baseball fans out there might know a little bit about this but the entire excitement of the Phillies game depended on whether the Mets won or lost that afternoon. Depending on which, the Phillies would either clinch their division by the time we got there (thus making the game irrelevant) or not. I'm still a bit confused, not being a big baseball fan. All I know is fortunately that didn't happen and the Phillies clinched their division with us watching from the stands. That's them in the background celebrating. GREAT! And not a stitch of rain!
Friday, September 26th, 2008
Feeling a little....MOPPY....
I just found this on YouTube. So amazing....you can have videos of you that you didn't know existed. Sort of still wish I didn't know it existed:) I'm the awkward, make-up free mom near the middle. The follow up four-year olds put me to shame.
Sunday, September 21st, 2008
Tuesdays not just about 'House' anymore
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE House too! But if you've read my profile you know that I am a sci-fi nerd. You name it, I've fallen in love with it....Battlestar, Lost, Heros, Reaper, Buffy, X-files....And now FRINGE! This however, does not bode well for fringe. MANYof my former Tivo'd favorites now reside in DVD, plot lines never to be fully told. Carnival, Angel, The Invisible Man, Dark Skies, Now and Again, Dark Angel....the list goes on. But I'm hopeful! I've heard modest things about the recent ratings. But so far, it seems J.J. Abrams can do no wrong. So I'm really hopeful! He's totally sucked me in. Only two episodes in and I can't wait to see how John will come back from the dead, who will play William Bell and what will be Peter's reaction when he finds out about how he was conceived! OOoooo, I can't wait for Tuesdays!
Wednesday, September 10th, 2008
Baby Steps
Saturday, September 13th, 2008
....and the worst part was I didn't get carded
Wednesday, September 10th, 2008
Ka Pow!
Tuesday, September 9th, 2008
End of the World!!!!

"Imagine you have a huge tanker truck parked outside a children's hospital. You don't know what's inside it, but you're fairly confident that it's either a cure for cancer, or 20,000 gallons of explosive nitroglycerin. To find out which, you have to shoot at it with an AK-47."
Read more here.
Sunday, September 7th, 2008
What are friends for?

Friday, September 5th, 2008
Why I Envy My Children

Thursday, September 4th, 2008
We've Finally Boarded the HD Wagon

I went to Best Buy to pick up this tv and had a minor ordeal. Since, of course, I couldn't tell Brian about the surprise, I had to go to the store alone. I pulled the car up to the front where a brawny warehouse employee came out with my tv on a dolley. However, after many attempts we soon discovered that the box was not going to fit in the car. I then had the brilliant idea to remove the tv from the box and slide it in. He then informed me that he could not help me in any way if I was going to take it out of the box. Ugh. So....in front of the store....all 105 lbs of me had to open (without a knife) the box, then lift the 40" flatscreen into my car while all the Best Buy employees stood inside watching the spectacle.
One, Geek Squad guy coming into work insisted on helping me but was quickly thwarted by one of the other employees who promptly ran out and informed him that he could NOT help. I thanked him for being SUCH a gentleman. Overall, I guess I understand why they have that policy but as a customer, is it really worth having people struggle in the front of your store while you all stand inside watching? How must *that* have looked?
Monday, September 1st, 2008
Molly's First Ride

Sunday, August 31st, 2008
The Browns Have It!

I spent all of Sunday sewing a new slipcover for our futon. The old one (see above) was disgusting. I'm ashamed to say that towards the end, this is how it looked right before I'd put it in the wash (this was the worst and the final straw). Bleach could get the stains out temporarily but within a couple days they were back....with their friends. I originally made the white cover a little over a year ago to match my IKEA armchair and ottoman (which have seen better days as well). I figured after a year of washing and bleaching I finally got my money's worth and bought fabric for a new cover, a more....how should I say....chocolate milk colored cover. The top picture is the finished futon. Looks good. Now, only three more pieces of furniture to go....sigh....

Last Saturday my sister and I went to the lake with lily and molly. Lily was whole heartily excited about getting in the water. That is, until she saw the sea weed floating on the surface. She clung to my sister like a rhesus monkey. Molly surprisingly sat in her floaty and had a good time. This picture was taken pre-sea weed swim.
For a long time I thought fresh flowers were a luxury I could not afford. However, after drooling over 'Oh Happy Day's posts about flower arranging and a bit of rationalizing, I decided that (as long as they last a week and I buy the inexpensive varieties), they were something I could splurge on. I'm no florist so to the amateur arranger my bouquet must look like a tangled tot's coif but to me, any fresh flowers in the house brightens my day!
NEW!! I had a couple people ask where I bought the chandelier. However, I had something very specific in mind when I was decorating and could not find anything even close to what I was looking for. So I made it myself. The only advice I can give is how I did it. I took a regular extension cord, cut off the plug, striped the wires and hardwired it into the ceiling. I bought a ceiling plate at Lowes and screwed four eyelet screws into it so that I had something to hang the black chandelier chains from (also bought at Lowes). From the chains, I hung two 3' wreath frames together with floral wire, then finally wrapped brown christmas lights (which were the hardest to find) around the frame and plugged them into the extension cord which I hid inside the chain. Complicated? It sounds a little but to be honest it was easier than I had anticipated.
Saturday, August 30th, 2008
Lily the Lionheart!
Brian, Lily & I on 'The Scrambler' at Hersheypark. Lily was quite the fearless four-year-old, asking when she could be old enough to ride the rollercoasters. Then actually riding one (a small one with no tall hills).......though we led her to believe she was in line for this rollercoaster which she happily accepted.

Friday, August 29th, 2008
Say 'Cheese Curls'!

Last Saturday my sister and I went to the lake with lily and molly. Lily was whole heartily excited about getting in the water. That is, until she saw the sea weed floating on the surface. She clung to my sister like a rhesus monkey. Molly surprisingly sat in her floaty and had a good time. This picture was taken pre-sea weed swim.
Thursday, August 28th, 2008
A Tisket a Tasket

NEW!! I had a couple people ask where I bought the chandelier. However, I had something very specific in mind when I was decorating and could not find anything even close to what I was looking for. So I made it myself. The only advice I can give is how I did it. I took a regular extension cord, cut off the plug, striped the wires and hardwired it into the ceiling. I bought a ceiling plate at Lowes and screwed four eyelet screws into it so that I had something to hang the black chandelier chains from (also bought at Lowes). From the chains, I hung two 3' wreath frames together with floral wire, then finally wrapped brown christmas lights (which were the hardest to find) around the frame and plugged them into the extension cord which I hid inside the chain. Complicated? It sounds a little but to be honest it was easier than I had anticipated.
34 {comments}:
I totally know what you mean! I would loooove to have flowers around the house all the time - like in the movies. Unfortunately between my cat having an obsessive compulsion to eat them, and me being allergic to everything, I'm outta luck.
But that won't stop me from singing "you don't bring me flowers anymore" to my husband every now and then. ;)
I love this flower arrangement! I've always envied people who can afford to have fresh flowers in their house. I love your chandelier and the painting on the wall behind it. How wonderful.
Yes, I totally agree Kathleen! Flowers just make everything looks so elegant yet homey at the same time.
In the true spirit of Martha, from one fan to another!
I think you did an excellent job with those. I tired to do a Baroque flower arrangement and it looked like a goodwill train wreck.
awww its heavenly love the photo
Where did you get the chandelier? Very cool!
love that chandelier (and the flower arrangement too!)
You are pacific islander?!! i never would have guessed!
Nooo, the red is lovely!
I know you have to put red in to blonde before you dye it darker so it doesn't go green (learned that one from a baaad experience), but not sure about taking red out.
To me, hair colouring like plastic surgery...you never really know what it's gonna look like till after the fact and there are no guarantees ie, scary!
hmmm you cant alter genetics , just learn to love it Kathleen hahahaa easier said then done huh!
My kids are Aboriginal and my son has the steel wool afro going on when I let it grow long
nothing against afro hair hahahaa but its so hard to manage so we shave it off in summer and let it grow back over winter
hey thats a thought maybe shave it all off and start fresh? no? hahaahaha
your hair is lovely and looks healthy so sorry no idea how to get the ash brown colour you desire :(
I don't know, I really like that red. I have the ash brown hair, and I TRY to get my hair to look like YOURS!
your daughter is a girl after my own heart...I can't stand seaweed...it just makes my skin crawl. I was able to coax my own daughter into the water when I convinced her seaweed was just mermaid hair and nothing to worry about. I, however, still don't get into the water!
YES! I'm already hooked on Fringe too...It's like my television has cast a sci-fi spell on me or something. I knew I was a goner when I started watching Battlestar. That show....Ugh.
My hubby and I LOVE this new show. I am excited to see how the season goes.
Love, love, LOVE this new show! I'm like you, I loved Buffy, Angel....Although Angel went to DVD way too soon, remember that we had it for five seasons. Better than nothing. And other than giving up on Firefly too soon, Fox is usually pretty good about giving their shows a chance. Check out Bones too!
I know what you mean about the red. My hair has red in it already. I went and got it colored for the first time a few years ago and the color was "dark golden brown". It came out FLAME RED! So I would get it professionally done and say NO RED UNDERTONES! They should understand that. Good luck!
oh no! i wonder if i have secret ones somewhere!!!
check out my blog... i am having a giveaway and people had to comment on crafters they love... some have named you (of course, why not?! you're fantastic!). thought you would like to know that you are being loved everywhere!
Do you know this internet site?
In Slovenia we can no longer listen to it (Ooooooh, such a shame), but you can. It's great!
Have fun.
Hey ! That's a very kewl artist! I cannot listen to regular ole radio either. Much too droll and/or repetitive.
I think I'll download some for Christmas music; thanks!
Do you like Cowboy Junkies?
I love Sufjan Stevens. My husband bought the Christmas Bos Set last year. We listen to it all year. Great Christmas songs. We have several of his cds actually. Some other artists that I like are, Iron and Wine
Arrah and the Ferns
Ray Lamontagne
Damien Rice
Alexi Murdoch
Also, check out this site
This is some wholesome good music to share with little ones.
Thanks for the heads up on Sufjan Stevens. Love it!
I was going to let you know about pandora.com, but I see someone else already has. I love it because you can enter in a song or artist that you love, and then it finds ones that are similar. If you don't like a song it picks you can give it a thumbs down and it won't play it again. Over time you refine your playlist until eventually it plays only the songs you love. Plus, if you love a song but have heard it too often recently you can opt to not play it for a month. Even better, it's free. Gotta love that!
I love this picture she looks so relaxed and wind swept. It's a very "romantic" photograph. Love it! By the way all I want for my birthday is some pictures of the kids. They never cooperate for me and after yesterday it's clear that Gracie will work with you:)
WONDERFUL album! also, try:
Dennison Witmer, esp. "little flowers"
Imogen Heap "hide and seek"
Emmy Rossum "slow me down"
love them!
I love this chandelier! I am wondering what it looks like when the lights are off? Anyway you can post that pic?
I love the red in your hair but if you don't, go to a beauty supply store and ask for "red out" its an additive you add to hair color to (wait for it) take the red out. I haven't bought it in years but it used to be in a tiny little bottle that looked like a miniature vanilla extract. If you buy any brown that is labeled "ash brown" you will probably end up with a green tint under fluorescent lights.
I love the red in your hair but if you don't, go to a beauty supply store and ask for "red out" its an additive you add to hair color to (wait for it) take the red out. I haven't bought it in years but it used to be in a tiny little bottle that looked like a miniature vanilla extract. Also, if you buy any brown hair color that is labeled "ash brown" you will probably end up with a green tint under fluorescent lights.
I hope those are dust particles in the 2nd picture and not orbs?
Ikea sells lighted wreaths like this now.
I use to have the same problem when I would color my hair and I found the solution. If you go to Sally's Beauty Supply they should have a small packet near the hair color called "No Red". It is an additive to your normal color that will block any red tones from coming out and will give you the color you actually want. Hope this helps!
quick lesson in professional hair coloring: regarding your reddish brown hair. your children have their natural cold in place, so it will "shine" an ashen hue. yours, i'm guessing has been colored with hair tint which has ammonia and peroxide in it. these chemicals are used to "empty out" the hair of your natural brown color, there fore leaving a nice amount of "space" to fill the hair strand with chemical tint. the natural "base" of dark brown hair is RED. When your brown is removed the red is left in it's place. so when the color fades even a little bit, viola! red!! I recommend having your hair colored with permanent professional hair tint in a natural to beige range of undertones. and then possibly touched up with a "Demi-permanent" (Redken shades) probably 7NB or 6NB (Natural-beige). Redken shades will make it VERY shiny! you do need to be careful not to choose any "ash" colors, it will look flat, dull & greenish.....which is very unflattering. i happen to love warm bases & tend to mix warn hues for all of my clients. think of matching colors in your skin, i.e.: freckles, pretty warm skin tones, etc. good luck!
I have the same red. i tried blonde and black and brown but the red always came through. So I decided to embrace the red. I dye it a little more red than my natural brown red and I have learned to love it as everyone compliments it everywhere i go.
Did you use 50 count lights or 100? I'm going to give this a try for my dining room... Absolutely love it!!
@Jesika LandI used THREE 100 count lights! Crazy huh?!
Hi there! I just came across your blog because of the chandelier, and wondering how many bulbs the christmas lights have? I really want to try and recreate it! Thanks :-)
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